V V V V w V V v v v i W W w w Wensdy Speme 1,213/Th taeen Bl Home by Tanaz Ahmed online comments issue 911/13 Personal Statement: LDAC in 1000 words I am so proud of you and honored your our son! also you for- got to say you did get that E (ok guilty of being that proud par- ent). I love you so Go Army Go Matthew!!!!! - USER: Terri S Blanchard the fashion voyeur: military time byadrienneroberts Fashion has never had what you would call a "tight-knit rela- tionship" with feminism. The associations are seemingly irrec- oncilable. Feminists traditionally don't stand for materialism; the fashion industry doesn't stand for frumpiness. Yet it's hard to arguethat fashion isn't a very real form of self-expression. What we purchase, and how we put those pieces together, is a very tangible statement about who we are and how we want others to see us. Fashion is a way to communicate your identity, whether you're a feminist or not. What we're seeing on the run- way, as well as on the streets of Ann Arbor, are women dressed in military inspired clothing, from lace-up boots to brass-buttoned jackets. On the runway for the Fall 2013 season, Michael Kors showed women dressed in cam- ouflage mink coats and goggles. Charlotte Ronson, Rachel Roy and Rebecca Minkoff all were inspired by military style. Pra- bal Gurung perhaps took the trend most literally, limiting his entire collection to army green as the primary color. Accord- ing to Fashionista.com, Gurung drew his inspiration from the measures the U.S. military has taken to adapt their uniforms to the growing number of female troops. Other articles, however, say that Gurung was inspired by an all-female conclave in the Carpathian Mountains where "womenaresupposedly trained in the martial arts to build self- confidence and are generally empowered to combat a culture of gender inequality and sexual trafficking." While the article notes that this conclave's exis- tence is questionable, it's cer- tainly a statement regardless. Male and female designers both . ,:: When I first came to New Jer- sey from Bangladesh, I stayed in a two-bedroom apartment that was about 1,070 square feet altogether. I would spend the next 12 years of my life there. The apartment complex was called Quail Ridge and located in the suburban town of Plainsboro. These are the only state- ments I can make about the place where I grew up that aren't muddled by conflicting emotions. The front door was both a cheerful cherry red as well as a mocking vermillion. The cube-shaped bedrooms were both comforting and suffocating. The living room was a soothing creme on lazy Sunday afternoons but an apathetic beige on angry Friday nights. I rarely called the place home. It was either my apartment or simply Quail Ridge when I described it. As a 6-year-old, the words Quail Ridge evoked images of sharp-eyed quails roosting far above on the roofs of the build- ings. I imagined that they spent their time watching and observ- ing those below them mercilessly. It was difficult to tell to what kind of conclusions they came to from their observations. These quails had indiscernible expressions much like my new classmates in Mrs. Hansen's second-grade class. My apartment became the physical manifestation of all that was foreign to me in America - the blue-eyed children, the funny language and odd food. My house in Dhaka was a rectangular, pale pink build- ing sandwiched snugly between a weathered, mustard-yellow house and an unfinished seven-story apartment. The apartments in Plainsboro were surreal in comparison. Quail Ridge was rows of buildings with red- shingled roofs and woodenbalconies. I would wander with my mom through the neighbor- hood and stare in bewilderment at the uni- formity of it all. My first month in Plainsboro, I had trouble remembering which one of the buildings I was supposed to go to. We had little furniture and had more take-out than I ever thought my mom would allow. All of this led me to the conclusion that this was all a long vacation. For an extended holiday, I con- cluded that the apartment was an acceptable hotel. Home was the house where I woke up to the noise of construction every morning. The idea of a holiday was squashed when I was enrolled into school. I counted down the days until I could return for the sum- mer to Bangladesh in June and cried every August when I was forced to leave. I told everyone that I went to study in America and thus could only come home once every nine months. This pattern continued on for a while even when I began to notice that I seemed to have less and less in common with my friends in Bangladesh each year I visited. We were living different lifestyles. I was learning about the American Revolution and they were learning about the Bangladesh Liberation War. I used a washing machine and they had maids. Because of my half-com- only meant to be placeholders for something nicer at the "new house." Days congealed into months and months into years and we were still living in Quail Ridge. Yet, in those 12 years, we did not change our attitudes towards the apartment. Explanations, ratio- nales and excuses were given for why we had outstayed all of our neighbors and even the complex's managment companies. The apartment was small and crowded for a fam- ily of five. Things like money and jobs always seemed to get in the way of obtaining another long existence at Quail Ridge was scattered everywhere. The wall next to the TV was marked with a small line of wobbly pencil marks indicating my long held aspirations of one day becomingasix-feet tall. The taupe car- pet in front of my parent's bedroom door was stained by greenish blue splatters, evidence of a nine-year-old's attempt to be Van Gogh. Although the number of bedrooms and bathrooms in Quail Ridge are the only things I can describe that aren't entangled with a slew of emotions, it's all I know about the new place my parents are mov- ing to. I don't know how the color of the front door or the shape of the room will make me feel. The- introduction of a foreign loca- tion makes me want to romanti- cize what that small apartment in the quiet town of Plainsboro meant to me. But as much I want to pretend as though I always loved Quail Ridge, I know this is far from the truth. Home is a far more malleable concept than I ever let myself think it could be. Home has a variety of traditional definitions. It can be the location a person originates from or the place where someone resides. Home can also be a feeling of being in harmony with one's sur- roundings. Quail Ridge isn't the place where I amfromnoris itthe place where I am currently living. My living environment there was usually inharmonious. When I was younger, calling Quail Ridge home meant that I was rejecting my past and Bangladeshi roots. As I grew older, I didn't want to embrace the place because my feel- ings were at odds with the rest of my family. My parents didn't consider Quail Ridge home and neither did my brothers. For my par- ents, it was a daily reminder of everything they hadn't accomplished. To my brothers, it only brought back memories of too many toothbrushes in the bathroom and endless shouting in the living room. Would calling Quail Ridge home mean that I wasn't being supportive of my parent's hopes or that I was pretending it didn't hold ugly memories? I realize now that accepting Quail Ridge aswv home means I am finally comfortable being a Bangladeshi American. It means accepting that home for me is where I have experienced both painful events but also wonderful ones, like learning how to read an entire book on my own or discovering my love for painting. Tanaz is an LSA sophomore. ALLISON FARRAND/Daly Isa senior joanna rew pairs a military green jacket with leather shoulder pads with black skinny jeans. created clothing for the powerful women they were inspired by. But this trend is hardly new. In World War I, British soldiers needed coats to keep them warm in the trenches, and Thomas Burberry is credited for design- ing the first ever trench coat. By the 1940s, the trench coat was deemed a stylish piece. Since then, military-inspired styles have been seen on the runway, from U.S. army jackets in the 1970s to combat boots in the 1990s. Military style today has been stripped of any meaning in sup- port of the military (if anything, it's most likely ironic); instead, military-inspired clothing makes a very specific feminist statement when it comes to fash- m , n z D .5 i a i n x pleted education in Bangladesh and my lack of practice, I slowly forgot how to read and write Bengali. Quail Ridge became a place where I didn't have to be ashamed because I couldn't read the street signs and where my friends didn't giggle at the notion of living in apartments that looked like everyone else's. After a few years in America, my parents sold our house in Bangladesh to distant rela- tives. Soon my relatives referred to it as their home. If the house in Dhaka was no longer my home, then why didn't that make Quail Ridge my home by default? Quail Ridge was supposed to be a transitional place for us, or at least that is how my parents had planned it. We never bothered painting the rooms because it was accepted that we would be moving out soon. My mom never bothered to fully decorate the apartment. "I'll get this when we get our new house," was the line every time we went to Home Depot or Lowe's. The sofas, the curtains and even the dishes we bought for the apartment were all apartment. The countless disappointments became the main source of contention for my family. They became bitter and exhausted. The apartment mocked my parent's aspira- tions of having lifestyle as comfortable and accommodating in America as they had in Bangladesh. While my parents spent their days dream- ing of a pale pink home in America, my brothers quickly abandoned Quail Ridge. They were both in college by the time I was ten. After graduation, they wasted no time finding places of their own. Quail Ridge was regarded as a location where they briefly stayed and a place where they didn't want to particularly return to. After I finished high school, my parents finally found a new place. As I packed for college and put away the rest of my things in assorted cardboard boxes, I was surprised by the sheer number of dusty, dog-eared chapter books and crumpled science projects appear- ing from the depths of my closet. Proof of my