4A - Wednesday, September 18, 2013 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 4A - Wednesday, September18, 2013 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom c 1 4e fitichinan t wily From singleness to selectivity Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 tothedaily@michigandaily.com MELANIE KRUVELIS and ADRIENNE ROBERTS MATT SLOVIN EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR ANDREW WEINER EDITOR IN CHIEF Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views of their authors. FROM T E DA LY Success with social bonds? Michigan should be cautious with this program his month, Michigan became the eighth state chosen to receive aid from the Social Impact Bond Technical Assistance Lab at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government. The crux of this social impact bond model is that private investors team up with state governments to create and finance social-service programs. The bonds, also known as pay-for-success contracts, allow governments to explore solutions to persistent social problems while saving taxpayer dollars. In light of recent budget cuts made by the states GOP leadership and legislature, the advent of this program comes with good timing. How- ever, because of the lack of sufficient empirical evidence on the success of the program, the state must proceed with caution. Hello. My name is Emily. And I'm a serial dater. "Serial dater?" you may be asking your- self. "What in the what is a serial dater?" Well, a serial dater is essen- tially a person who is addicted to relation- EMILY ships. All of theE crap that comes PITTINOS with dating someone - the initial chemistry, the morningsex, the fights for blankets, the buying of Christmas presents, the driving to the airport, the meetingof the parents, the lusting after others, the fightingover commitment issues, the breaking up, the making up, the breaking up again - all of it gives us purpose in our lives. We can't stop caring for people, no matter how lost they are, because we're awe- some at it and it makes us feel high. We're the kind of people who look at a 20-something alcoholic with an I-will-destroy-you glint in his eye and say, "I could work with that - he seems like a great guy." It's dangerous, stifling, invigorat- ing, messy, gooey, garish, hideous, lovely. St's a trip. It's a sickness. So far, I've got my eight-month chip for singleness - which I define as staying out of monogamous relationships. Many of you may be thinking, "Big whoop, lady, that's nothing." However, it's not nothing to me. Since I started dating at age 14, I was never out of a relationship for longer than three weeks, until now. And beingsingle for the first time since I hit puberty was both fascinating and as difficult as trying to recite the alphabet backwards... CONOR ANDERSON in Sanskrit ... with marbles in my years, and I caught myself relapsing mouth. into my old ways a couple times. I'd Of course, the biggest adjustment sleep with someone and imagine was loneliness. I didn't like the idea "being" with them, no matter how of coming home to myself. After little we had in common or how a day that made me feel small, I broken they were. But, unlike before couldn't sit in my bed with my head this whole single experiment, now I in someone's lap. I learned to cook hear myself whispering, "And how for one like the divorcees in roman- long have you felt depressed?" to a tic dramas do, using only handfuls near stranger on the pillownext to of pasta and half an onion. I missed me. An "Eject Immediately" siren intimacy - sexual and otherwise. now sounds in my brain. But I got myself excited about dip- Any good quiz in Cosmo will ping into the world of more casual tell you that singleness forces contact, propelled by the revolving personal growth, and the cliche doors of flirtation. is as true for me as anyone else. I Singleness realized that I makes everyone will always get a suspect for invested in the future coitus. Buses had never lives of people At parties, I was felt so sex and I sleep with, eager to mingle so after seeing with the rolling neither had I what the world bodies, giggling has to offer, I've and grazing become more forearms. On selective with the bus ride to my romantic North Campus, attractive strang- entanglements. ers would make eye contact with It turns out that the problem me as I gauged their interest and with serial dating isn't the dat- imagined them with their clothes ing itself, but rather the absence off. Buses had never felt so sexy, of choice that comes with a con- and neither had I. stant stream of lovers. If you open Over the next couple of months, yourself up to anyone who comes I fell in and out of beds. Every along, all kinds of losers are bound weekend the possibilities seemed to come in with the tide. This will infinite and I'd even tidy up my probably sound like old news to room before going out in case I most of you, but some of us have to brought someone home. I hooked learn to be picky. Instead of jump- up with a range of people, from a ing into bed or a relationship with 26-year-old gardener to a young any warm body that comes along, poet from Marquette. I doubled the I've started to think more critically number of people I've slept with about what I want in a partner. All and had some pretty bad sex. people need love in their lives, but In the beginning it was exhilarat- that doesn't mean I have to be the ing, but after a while all that fornica- one to give it to them. tion felt stagnant and empty. I never stopped craving the closeness I'd - Emily Pittinos can be reached become accustomed to all of those at pittinos@umich.edu. E-MAIL CONOR AT CTCA@UMICH.EDU 6 6 6 I SIB Lab's venture into social-impact bonds is the largest in the United States to date. The bonds provide states with money for programs that were previously underfunded to tackle pressing issues such as recidivism, lack of early- childhood education, homelessness and more. If the programs succeed, taxpayers pay the investors back with a profit. Bonuses are also awarded if programs exceed target levels. If the programs do not succeed, however, taxpayers incur no cost, and investors receive no returns. What makes the bonds worthwhile is that through pay-for-success contracts, states are able to reap the benefits of these programs with little risk up front. The contracts encourage private investment and also allow state gov- ernments to reallocate existing funds to other underfunded matters. Additionally, fellows from the SIB Lab monitor the programs, elimi- nating the possibility of investor corruption and an expensive bill for the government and taxpayers, as was the case when school admin- istrators fabricated test scores to receive money from the No Child Left Behind program. The chief complaint against social-impact bonds is that they lack performance data. Although considerable success has been seen in Britain and Australia, it's difficult to tell if the program will thrive in the United States. New York and several other states have only just begun the program. That being said, it's imperative that the state of Michigan takes all risks into consideration and is as transpar- ent as possible throughout the process. More- over, the state should play a significant role in the search for investors in order to provide greater oversight. The recent balancing of the state's budget has severely curtailed funds for critical social programs, such as the Michigan Prisoner Reentry Initiative. Social-impact bonds have the potential to ease these blows and increase the amount of money flowing into our econ- omy without crippling our tax base. Snyder describes Michigan as "the nation's Come- back State," but if the state wants to make a significant economic recovery, it should not do it by taking this program at face value and gambling on people's livelihoods. The state legislature certainly welcomes this program as it applied to be a part of it, but it should embrace it carefully. ABBv EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS Kaan Avdan, Sharik Bashir, Barry Belmont, Eli Cahan, Eric Ferguson, Jesse Klein, Melanie Kruvelis, Maura Levine, Patrick Maillet, Aarica Marsh, Megan McDonald, Harsha Nahata, Adrienne Roberts, Paul Sherman, Sarah Skaluba, Daniel Wang, Derek Wolfe DAN WANG1 |VI Miss-represention "How the fuck does a foreigner win Miss America?" they said. "Miss New York is an Indian ... With all do respect, this is America." In the shadow of Nina Davuluri's historic win at the Miss America pageant, her fellow Americans flocked to Twitter to voice their patriotism. "So Miss America is a terrorist," they cried. Davuluri's crowning on Sunday marks the first time an Indian-American has won the prestigious scholarship pageant - a day to be celebrated as America trends toward a collec- tive tolerance, and yet the moment is marred by prejudice and ignorance. Born in Syracuse, N.Y., Davuluri legally deserves the second half of her descriptor - Indian-American. She attended the University of Michigan, earning a degree in brain behavior and cognitive science, and plans to pay back her debt to U.S. society by applying to medical school. For some Ameri- cans, however, this isn't enough. "WHEN WILL A WHITE WOMAN WIN #MISSAMERICA? Ever??!!" they protest. While the racist remarks directed towards Davuluri are certainly not a sentiment shared by the majority, I know it's a dialogue that all minorities in America have heard before. I, like our new Miss America, don't look like the prototypical American - but you already knew that. Wang might be equivalent to Smith in China, but here it's a dead giveaway. Despite being born in Michigan, I look like I was born in Hong Kong. And because of these differenc- es, I am occasionally invited by other Ameri- cans to go back to my own country. Usually, they address me as a "chink" - rude. But, it's not just me. Minorities all across the country have experienced something similar to varying degrees. I want to be American, yet sometimes I can't help but feel that America doesn't want minorities like me. Davuluri was born in New York, but she looks like she was born in Mum- bai, leadingsome to say, "If you're #MissAmeri- ca you should have to be American." I know that most Americans are not so big- oted, and that the general consensus is that diversity is something to be celebrated. I know the United States is one of the only nations on earth that has to balance so many different people. And I know that, for the most part, we are doing a good job of coexisting together. But it's insulting to suggest that we are a post-racial America. And it is insulting to hear other Amer- icans bemoan the efforts of expanding diversity and compassion as excessive and unnecessary. When the first American of Indian descent is crowned Miss America and a group of Ameri- cans respond with, "Asian or indian are you kid- din this is america omg," I know we've still got work to do. Dan Wang is an LSA senior. MUNMUN KHAN| 'You're not American enough' I don't like beauty pageants. I as inherently evil. times the experiences of Asian- don't like the parading on a runway, Somehow, it's anti-American to be American women are also ignored. the gawking at women or the body Muslim. When Huma Abedin, a top The "Model Minority" myth gives image issues it perpetuates. But I aide to Hillary Clinton, was accused privileges to Asian-Americans by hate racism and bigotry even more. of having ties to the Muslim Brother- claiming they can "pass as white" Sunday night, Nina Davuluri hood by House Republicans, Repub- and by their portrayal as more was crowned Miss America 2014. lican Senator John McCain came to competent, but ignores the het- According to the University Alumni her defense: "Put simply, Huma rep- erogeneous identities and cultural Association, Nina "was on the dean's resents what is best about America: norms of the people. Asian doesn't list and earned the Michigan Merit the daughter of immigrants, who has mean just Chinese, and Indian Award and National Honor Society risen to the highest levels of our gov- doesn't mean non-Asian. nods while studying atthe Universi- ernment on the basis of her substan- Nina does have a lot of privi- ty of Michigan, where she graduated tial personal merit and her abiding leged identities - her University with a degree in brain behavior and commitment to the American ideals education, her physician father, her cognitive science. She'll also serve as that she embodies so fully," McCain likely comfortable economic status, a spokesperson for STEM working said. "I am proud to know Huma and and now the power of a social net- with the Department of Education." to call her my friend." work and fame. Not only was she the first Indian Doesn't Nina also represent But as seen through the backlash Miss New York, but she's now also "what is best of America?" Her online, despite these privileged the first Indian Miss America - a parents immigrated to the United identities and being from Syracuse, cause for celebration. States 30 years ago. Her dad is a N.Y., it's not "American enough." But before Davuluri even had physician, she graduated from a top This, my friends, is the issue that the opportunity to feel the weight university and is headed to medical pervades many recent immigrant of all those crystals on her head, school. In her time at the Univer- children, "third-culture kids" and Twitter was ablaze with ignorant sity, she not only balanced books, anyone with a tint of complexion remarks - calling her a terrorist, but also was heavily involved in the that isn't European. We are told, saying she's connected to al-Qaeda campus community. "You're not American enough." and arguing that the pageant needs If any of these ranters did their The storm created after Nina's background checks. homework, they'd know that Nina crown is ultimately a good thing. I really want to scream, "You actually observes Hinduism. But Seeing a University alum who might are ignorant!" to every foul mouth then again, how much homework also be struggling like me to find that has tweeted these bigoted do you do before you hate? that "right" foundation and watch- statements, sort of in the "you There's also an issue of cultural ing her respond with articulate and get a car" voice of Oprah. How- appropriation. Nina was told her charismatic statements to bigotry ever, let me digress and let's talk Bollywood dance was a "risk" on a national platform means we are about Islamophobia. because it would be "too foreign" doing something right. We've come to a point in modern for the Miss America competi- Seeing my friends' anger after history in which there are times tion. But it would've been totally reading bigoted tweets means we known as pre-9/11 and post-9/11. cool to do Irish performance or are headed in the right direction, Pre-9/11 is when I was a fifth grader, something "American." but we need to continue to chal- and the world was all rainbows in The narrative that "American" lenge these notions of what "us" my eyes. Post-9/11has been filled - which often excludes South and "them" mean. with attacks on Sikh and Muslim and Central America - somehow Being Indian-American does Americans. The lack of knowledge has to be a total absence of any- mean that this pluralism exists, of Islam and the stereotyping of thing not continentally connected or that honoring heritage doesn't turbans meant that innocent Sikh to the United States is narrow. negate U.S. citizenship. community members were attacked, Representation of heritage isn't Ihave high hopes of Nina in her Muslim women's hijabs were torn un-American. Somehow when an new stage. The talk of diversity isn't off, and even 10 years later, we still Indian woman claims her cultural sterling, but maybe somethingster- have these attacks on anyone who identity, it's disgusting and un- ling can come out of usingthe Miss just "looks Muslim." This constant American. Sorry, but I don't walk America title to challenge racism in image of what a Muslim looks like into Urban Outfitters for the tribal this country. means that every time there's a "look." My look is mine. My look My brown skin is just as Ameri- national tragedy, Muslim Ameri- is my blood, my history and my can, my heritage isjust as strong, cans are holding their breath, afraid family. It's mine. and I am just as proud. "N OT A BLE Q U OT ABLE I was an adult when I was supposed to be a kid. So now I'm an adult, and I'm acting like a kid." - Miley Cyrus on her celebrity status in an interview with Har )er's Bazaar. of the backlash that comes when national channels pinpoint Muslims It's bad enough that oppressions of women of color exist, but often- Munmun Khan is an LSA senior. 5 I