4 - Tuesday, September 17, 2013 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 0 ,4e Michigan 3attv An unexpected silver lining Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 tothedaily@michigandaily.com MELANIE KRUVELIS and ADRIENNE ROBERTS MATT SLOVIN EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR ANDREW WEINER EDITOR IN CHIEF Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views of their authors. F ROM T HE DA ILY Are all donati ons eq ual? Donors' wishes should align with student preferences lans to develop a new graduate student residence hall were met with potential resistance from some graduate students at a town hall meeting on Sept. 11. University officials spoke with graduate students at a forum Wednesday dedicated to discussing what will likely be called the Munger Residence Hall, a new dormitory fund- ed by a $110-million donation from University alum Charles Munger, who also bankrolled a similar residence hall at Stanford University. Despite enthusiasm from the administration, the building's seven-res- ident unit layout and potential prices disenchanted graduate students in attendance. However, when these criticisms were voiced, E. Royster Harper, vice president of student affairs, emphasized Munger's own intention with the dormitory, and the administration's need to respect those wishes. Moving forward, the University needs to do a better job balancing the wishes of donors with student needs. As much as it pains me to admit it, a guilty pleasure of mine the last three years has been the website Total Frat Move. Yes, it's juvenile, ter- rible humor that promotes every- thing bad about' college - but, hey, that doesn't JAMES mean it isn't BRENNAN still funny. Last Thursday night, as I was partak- ing in this particular indulgence, I stumbled upon a somewhat more serious - though still humorously written - article about sorority rush at the University of Alabama. According to this story,which links to a report published in The Crimson white, Alabama's stu- dent newspaper, two black women failed to receive a bid at any soror- ity this fall, reportedly because of their race. Upon seeing the title to this par- ticular story, I quickly concluded exactly what I was about to read. Because of some sort of de facto racism, all of the sororities at Ala- bama refused to bid any black girls and the conservative-leaning TFM writer was going to conjure some typical response dismissing all claims of racism more complex than a Klan member burning a cross. Instead, I was very pleasantly surprised. What actually happened was many of the top sororities at Ala- bama saw these two girls as highly qualified candidates for membership - noting their high levels of involve- ment, great performance in school and prestigious families. As they began the bid process though, their alumnae advisors informed them that if they were to extend a bid to a black woman, funding and support would be removed OK, so maybe prised" was a poo - clearly, this is s occurrence of mo But there's a silo story that can't be As it turns out of members in m actively fought alumnae, assertinj were ideal candi wrong to drop the race, spending ho: ter house crying o alumnae strong-a taking. Most im though, mul- tiple girls from multiple houses have sought out reporters to reveal these injustices, fully knowing the personal risks they took in doing so. Despite beingpr of society - due t and their social st fought against th behaved in a way t preconceived noti girls in the south. the country that c deal of prejudice, pride in my genera to discriminate bas I'm not going 1 ture too simply, as more going on h being coerced int recruits. Theseg protested more, there were some entire houses - this discriminati over, there are con fraternities threat ate with integrate - raising further from the chapter. "pleasantly sur- r choice of words till a horrendous dern-day racism. er lining to this ignored. a large number ultiple sororities their influential g that the women dates and it was m based on their urs in their chap- ver the path their irmed them into portantly of all discrimination in the University of Alabama Greek system. Regardless, the women who voiced their dissent and reported the discrimination still deserve our applause. To all of you women who stood up during your recruitment process and blew the whistle on the whole situ- ation, I want to express my admira- tion and pride in what you've done. You may face serious criticism from your alumnae, your peers and even some of your sisters, but just remem- ber that the boos are coming from the cheap seats. And even as you face this adversity, don't leave your chap- ters - they need you now more than ever. As Jimmy Hood, the first The cha' black student in e change you re Alabama history, 4 starting will be once said, "One person can make worth it. a difference if that one person is committed to making a differ- ence." ivileged members The last few years of your time o both their race in college may be difficult, but atus - these girls the change you're starting will be e status quo and worth it. hat broke my own Finally, to the alumnae who ons about sorority bullied these girls into dropping Even in a part of two well-qualified young ladies an retain a great based on race, I have this to say: I can still take 2013 marks the 50th anniversary ation choosing not of desegregation at the University sed on race. of Alabama, when Jimmy Hood to paint this pic- and Vivian Malone were famously clearly there was stopped in person by Alabama Gov. ere than women George Wallace. I don't need to tell o dropping black you who the heroes and villains girls could have in this story are. Think very care- and I'm certain fully about your next moves. If you girls - or even choose to take the same path as who didn't fight Wallace, then I'm certain he'll be on at all. More- holding a spot for you on the ash nflicting claims of heap of history. ening to disaffili- d houses as well - James Brennan can be r questions about reached at jmbthree@umich.edu. When the University broke the news of Munger's donation in April - the largest gift to the University prior to Stephen Ross's early September donation - administrators outlined a vision for a complex that would bringtogether students from different academic backgrounds in an attempt to "make graduate study less iso- lated," as University President Mary Sue Cole- man put it. Munger's well-intentioned mission, however, has begun to outwweigh the interests of students themselves. OneofthewaystheMungerplannedoncre- ating this interdisciplinary community was by building seven-resident apartments with shared living space. At the town-hall session, however, graduate students - the targeted tenants of the complex - reacted negatively to the "experimental" concept, arguing that this attempt at creating community-style liv- ing isn't the right fit for upper-level students. Graduate studies often require intense focus, and students in graduate programs are closer to starting families than their undergraduate counterparts. Despite the attempt at build- ing community, seven-person housing units might not be the most productive way to fos- ter the dialogue that Munger wants to build. The price oflivinginthe residencehallis also concerning - especially considering students would be sharing space with so many people. Current price approximations for the resi- dence hall are about $1,000 per month. While this price might keep the University competi- tive with the recent rise of luxury apartments in Ann Arbor, it's far from an affordable option for graduate students, especially those already managingstudent-loan debt. "When you're still working from, in a lot of cases, a research stipend or something like that, you have to be pretty frugal with what you're spending on housing," Rackham stu- dent Michael Hand, Rackham Student Gov- ernment representative, said at the meeting. In light of rising housing prices in the city, the University's role in housing should be provid- ing an affordable option. The vision of the donor shouldn't impede the ability to finance students' education. The University has received many signifi- cant donations in the past year, from Ross's recentedonationto gifts fromthe Zell family. Of course, the University community is grateful for the continued support from alumni; how- ever, these donations are offered and planned long before they're announced to the entire University. Instead of focusing on unveiling these donations with pomp and circumstance, the University should be working toward bridging the gap between donors and students long before building plans are released. EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS Kaan Avdan, Sharik Bashir, Barry Belmont, Eli Cahan, Eric Ferguson, Jesse Klein, Melanie Kruvelis, Maura Levine, Patrick Maillet, Aarica Marsh, Megan McDonald, Harsha Nahata, Adrienne Roberts, Paul Sherman, Sarah Skaluba, Daniel Wang, Derek Wolfe JESSE KLEIN I 'Zero -tolerance' generation a LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Readers are encouraged to submit letters to the editor. Letters should be fewer than 300 words and must include the writer's full name and University affiliation. Send letters to tothedaily@michigandaily.com. Hungry for more- A s I walked down South University Avenue yesterday, I counted one liquor store, two pizza parlors, four bars and countless restaurants. State Street didn't look much different either. Despite what seems like an abundance of food options, stories of hunger are an all-too-real, but rarely discussed, realityx on campus. Student Food ZOE Co., a pop-up produce stand seeking to provide STAHL fresh, affordable fruits and vegetables to the student body, conducted a survey in 2012 of grocery shopping and eating habits among students. According to their research, 15,000 Michigan students are considered "food insecure," meaning students were "unable to acquire adequate food ... because they had insufficient money and other resources for food." Whether that's because the gro- cery stores within walking distance are too expensive or the more affordable supermar- kets are difficult to Stories of reach without a car remains unclear. are an all-i Either way, asa result nearly 12.6 percent of reality ont those considered food insecure frequently experience hunger and many others rely on empty-calorie meals like ramen and Easy Mac. The University isn't alone, though: Food insecurity plagues other campuses across the country. Michigan State University, San Diego City College, University of Central Florida and a host of others have all identified hunger as an issue. However, unlike the University, these schools, along with University of California, Los Angeles, Grand Rapids Community Col- lege and University of Michigan, Dearborn, have been proactive, starting either food banks or free bag-lunch programs in response to high hunger rates among their students. Given the University's concern for students' health and well-being, we should do the same. The University has already committed to providing healthier food options by start- ing the Marmers' Market in the Michigan Union and sourcing more nutritional options in University-run stores, like U-go's and Pier- pont Commons. Unfortunately, these options are not always at student-friendly prices. Considering the magnitude of the problem, the University should embark on a study to identify the reasons for the University's high food-insecurity rates. Figuring out the barri- ers to food access is a first step. In an e-mail interview, Margot Finn, a lecturer of food studies at the University, asks critical ques- tions: "Is it too hard to get on the city bus routes that go to grocery stores? Are bikes and zip cars too expensive? ... (Are) stores like (Revive) and the People's Food Co-op either too expensive or also too inconvenient? ... Is it because real estate near campus is too expen- sive, so they'd have to charge Babo prices? Is there simply not enough student demand - between dorm cafeterias and the ubiquity of relatively hunger cheap prepared food?" Once the University has too-real defined the scope of the problem, it will be better campus. equipped to assess options and possible solutions, such as a food bank, a free bag lunch program or ride- shares to the grocery store. I trust that such a research-oriented and innovative university will come up with a creative and multi-facet- ed solution. I do realize the problem is systemic of something larger - rising income inequality and tuition rates that leave students strapped for cash and forced to push basic needs to the back burner. Let's hope the University can start to make a difference. - Zoe Stahl can be reached at zoestahl@umich.edu. We are the sons and daughters of the children of the 1960s. Our parents led the world in protests and social activism along with drugs and free love. Their time was characterized by protests on the steps of the University of Califor- nia, Berkeley, citywide marches against the Vietnam War and more political and social rebellion than any generation since the civil war. According to our parents' gen- eration, we've become complacent. We no longer stage huge protests on our college campuses, highly educated women with Ph.D.s are more likely to opt out of a high- paying job in order to spend more time with their families and we have alarmingly low voter turn- out. The high point of our political involvement was the 2008 presi- dential election, only to swing the complete opposite direction in 2012: utter apathy. This isn't to say social activism has completely disappeared in college students. The recent pas- sage of tuition equality for undoc- umented Michigan residents and veterans demonstrates the stu- dent body's ability to endure and affect change. But the pressure to be involved with local issues feels like a step- ping stone to bigger - possibly paying - things. A resume booster, where affecting real change is sim- ply a bonus. Prof. Scott Campbell and Asso- ciate Prof. Stephen Ward recently commented on the professionalism that activism has taken on at the University in an interview with The Michigan Daily. The wild, out- of-control protests of the 60s were sacrificed, but not necessarily the social justice. However, it's possible that the lack of disorder and disruption of these protests has lengthened the time it takes for governments to take notice and finally change poli- cy. Simply put, it's easy to ignore an online petition or Facebook group, even if it's signed by 20,000 people. A march or sit-in of that magni- tude, however, would require gov- ernment or police action and make national front pages. Many theories have circulated about the Millennial generation's lack of motivation to take part in national issues. Is it the hours we spent with the television and Internet? Is it our supposedly nar- cissistic obsession with Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram? No. I would argue something else entirely. Our generation grew up in the era of 'zero tolerance.' Every school guidebook, classroom syllabus and summer camp information e-mail used some form of the phrase. There was zero tolerance for bul- lying, swearing, drugs and alcohol, cheating, name calling, separating from the group or pretty much any rebellious behavior. Zero tolerance is a vague statement. It allows an individual to imagine the worst possible outcome from violating the rules. But it's understood that zero tolerance doesn't meana chat with the school principal and a call to your parents. It means losing everything. This culture of zero tolerance created a space that was unforgiv- ing. One mistake and you were screwed for life. Today's youth are afraid to make mistakes and to be rebellious because of this culture. We just aren't willing to risk every- thing we've worked for to attend a political protest that'll most likely end up with someone in jail and make little progress anyway. If we're going to break the rules, it's going to be a fun way to blow off some steam. We were taught one strike and you're out, and that's how we're living ourlives. Another factor is the economic downturn. Blemishes on a record can only hurt you in the uphill battle of getting a job during a time of depressingly low job opportu- nities. Accordingto an article in The Wall Street Journal the rate of unemployment for adults under 25 was 15.6 percent in August - two and half times more than the unemployment rate for 25 and older. According to a CNBC article, 2012 and 2013 college graduates will earn less over the next decade than before the recession hit. Even bleaker is the rate of underemployed college graduates. According to the Economic Policy Institute, 19.1 percent of college graduates were underemployed in 2012. We've been conditioned to think that any demerit on our record will haunt us for the rest of our lives. There's no patience for mistakes of youth and there are too many well-educated people for too few jobs. With so many other quali- fied, if not perfect, candidates, why would any business risk taking the applicant with a record or who had a meeting with the dean? While the parental genera- tion may want youth population to stand up, many are more con- cerned with their individual child's well-being and success than global well-being. Few parents would condone their child's choice to drop out of school to join Occupy Wall Street, but many praised the youth for finally standing up for something. It's a catch-22 that we, as Millennials, are unable to avoid - disappointing our parents and throwing away our future or be labeled dispirited and unpatriotic. Jesse Klein is an LSA junior. t c INTERESTED IN CAMPUS ISSUES? POLITICS? SEX, DRUGS AND ROCK'N'ROLL? Check out The Michigan Daily's editorial board meetings. Every Monday and Wednesday at 6pm, the Daily's opinion staff meets to discuss both University and national affairs and write editorials. E-mail opinioneditors@michigandaily.com to join in the debate. 4 t