4A - Thursday, April 18, 2013 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 4A - Thursday, April 18, 2013 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom J it gIanat a4 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 tothedaily@michigandaily.com MELANIE KRUVELIS and ADRIENNE ROBERTS MATT SLOVIN EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR ANDREW WEINER EDITOR IN CHIEF Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views of their authors. D\ bT Time to build a better Michigan Regents should support recreational facilities renovation At the May 16 meeting of the University's Board of Regents, the Building a Better Michigan campaign will push the University to embark upon a multi-year renovation of University unions and recreational facilities. Though the project's expected cost isn't cheap - an estimated $135 million on improvements - it's a necessary undertaking. Recent reports from the architecture firm Integrated Design Solutions confirm the poor conditions of the unions and gyms and the inadequate resources they offer the student body. From crum- bling tiles in the showers of the Central Campus Recreation Building to the insufficient meeting spaces in the Michigan Union, the BBM has a proposal to address serious flaws of common facilities on campus. The regents should support the proposal and student facilities upgrades, reaffirming the board's commitment to quality buildings supporting a quality campus. ERIC FERGUSON| Spa "Got any spare change today?" This is a familiar question to stu- dents who live in houses or apart- ments in greater Ann Arbor, away from the cozy confines of the Uni- versity's campus. It tends to come from the lips of older men or women wearing shabby-looking clothes, often sounding like an admission of defeat or a pushy sales pitch instead of a question. Its responses are many, including the snap-decision yes, the harried no, and silence, as the questioned person walks past the questioner looking anywhere but into their eyes. Though it might as well mean no, what silence means in this context isn't entirely clear. Does it signal that a passerby considers himself to be above speaking to someone so obviously at the bot- tom of the socioeconomic heap or that the passerby fears speaking to such a person? That the passerby doesn't have any change, or at least any that she's willing to give to a homeless person? Or does it sim- ply indicate a lack of words - the passerby's uncertainty about how to answer the question given all that it implies? For better or worse, each person who stays silent prob- ably has at least one of these things in mind. Regardless, no is the right answer to this question. All charity isn't automatically re no change good or even effective. Look at it this way: Giving a dollar to some- one who is panhandling is kind of like voting for a candidate dur- ing an election. It makes the giver feel good about him or herself and indicates his or her sympathy for that person or candidate, but the chances of that contribution being the difference between life and death - in a political or actual sense - is infinitesimally small. In Ann Arbor, this wellspring of flam- ing liberalism, a student could also be excused for thinking that some- one else will make a contribution, making any change given person- ally seem futile. There's an important difference between a vote and a dollar bill given out on the street - account- ability. A vote for a political candi- date creates an obligation for him or her to pay attention to your desires as a constituent or risk defeat in the next election. No such mechanism exists for ensuring that a person spends donated money in a respon- sible manner. Intuitively, or perhaps stereotyp- ically, there's a more-than-decent chance that giving a dollar to a pan- handler isn't going toward acquir- ing a place of residence, paying for cancer treatments for his or her sick child or putting a down pay- ment on a car. This intuition plays out depressingly well in practice: According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, 60 percent of homeless people have problems with drugs or alcohol. To me, that's more than enough reason not to give money to anyone on the street who asks for it. Now before you label me a heart- less bastard for assuming that every panhandler and homeless person is a druggie or an alcoholic, I encourage you to reread that sta- tistic and consider its implications. I'm entirely in favor of extending a helping hand to the extremely poor and homeless people, regardless of why they're in such a situation. However, it's apparent that hand- outs of change on the street are more likely to harm than help. Between that and having no way to see how spare change is spent, giving money to panhandlers isn't something to be recommended. There are better ways to help out and make an impact, includingpeti- tioning government officials to pri- oritize programs designed to help extremely poor people get back on their feet, volunteering at a com- munity kitchen or giving money to a charitable organization. Any of these things can create real change - spare change cannot. Eric Ferguson is an LSA sophomore. According to BBM's report, the campus's recreational sports facilities and unions are some of the most heavily trafficked buildings at the University. A survey of 10,000 students estimated 96 percent of students use the unions on campus, while 76 percent use recreational facilities like the CCRB. With high use comes high wear and tear, and BBM looks to improve the existing damage and poor designs. The plan calls for major renovations to the CCRB, including a 26,000 square-foot addition, increased workout equipment and air condi- tioning for the summer months. Under the proposal, student organization spaces would expand, with more common space added near the Union's designated area for student group offices. As organizations across campus con- tinue to increase collaborative efforts, the improvements to the Union's meeting spaces would allow for more frequent interaction. Furthermore, the renovations to recreational facilities can attract prospective students to campus while enhancing the experience of current students. No one likes a crowded gym. The proposal seeks funding through a combination of student fees and University support. In BBM's plan, a fee of $65 per term would be added to tuition for the next 30 years. Compared to other Big 10 schools, this fee is relatively low: Fees for union and recreation center improvements at Ohio State University and the University of Minnesota were more than twice that. Given the frequent use of the buildings, along with their deficient states - the IDS reported that all three unions were in "poor conditions" in 2008 - the comparatively moderate tuition increase is worth the price. However, there are several concerns about the project that must be addressed. If the Uni- versity decides to spend millions of dollars on the renovations, then long-term durability should be a top priority for all facilities. Addi- tionally, many ofthe buildings being renovated - notablythe Union and the Intramural Sports Building - are historical landmarks. Those buildings' architecture must be preserved to the greatest extent possible during the reno- vation. Moreover, the project comes at a time when it seems construction is occurring on nearly every block at the University. In order to ensure that all buildings are usable in the fall and winter terms, the project must stick to its commitment to having construction occur only during summer months. If the regents approve the project, BBM must also keep the University community up to date on its progress. Given the importance of the University unions and recreational sports facilities to students, faculty and the greater Ann Arbor community, this renovation would be a worthy investment in the future of the University and student experience. EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS Kaan Avdan, Sharik Bashir, Barry Belmont, Eli Cahan, Eric Ferguson, Jesse Klein, Melanie Kruvelis, Maura Levine, Patrick Maillet, Sam Mancina, Aarica Marsh, Megan McDonald, Jasmine McNenny, Harsha Nahata, Adrienne Roberts, Paul Sherman, Sarah Skaluba, Michael Spaeth, Daniel Wang, Luchen Wang, Derek Wolfe JOSHUA SCHOSTAK I Win or lose, always a Wolverine MAX HELLER | Reconciling Turkey and Israel Twenty-one years ago, as a Uni- versity alum, my dad was in Min- neapolis, Minn. at the NCAA Final Four. Twenty-one years later, both my dad and I were in Atlanta, Ga., watching our Wolverines in the Final Four. I grew up in Huntington Woods, Mich. and was raised by my Wol- verine father and Spartan mother, so you could say my loyalties should have been divided; however, they weren't. I'm a third-genera- tion Wolverine - my grandfather attended the University as well. I grew up on Michigan football. I bled, and still bleed, maize and blue. Yet, the absence of a domi- nant Michigan basketball program reared its headlights right in my face. But I had faith. Former head football coach Lloyd Carr was my leader. I idolized Heis- man trophy winner Charles Wood- son. I watched former wide receiver Steve Breaston flash down the field for touchdowns and former running back Mike Hart relentlessly run over little brother's football team. I attended Rose Bowls but never saw a victory. Only when I was five-years old Brian Griese led Wolverines won the national championship in 1997. All this time, Michigan basketball was in the rear-view mirror - a place it'll never be again. When you're a Wolverine, nothing is worse than hearing those Spartans from that school in East Lansing gloat about their successful basket- ball program and coach Tom Izzo. While I went to the Crisler Center over the years, my childhood was the Big House. I always dreamed of attending the University to spend the best four years of my life as a stu- dent. In 2010, that dream came true and with it came somethingI hadn't witnessed during mytwenty-one years of life: a Michigan basketball title run. I saw the Daniel Hortons, Bernard Robinson Jrs., Brent Petways and Tommy Amakers of the past, but as I stepped foot on this campus, it was the Zach Novaks and Stu Douglasses that started what Team 96 finished for me in Atlanta. Choosing not to study abroad, one thing driving me this semester was the potential of this young, explosive, exciting and talented Michigan basketball team. I attended more than 10 games at Crisler Center this year, watched the team in one of the coolest college basketball atmospheres - Assembly Hall in Bloomington, Ind. - trav- eled to the Palace of Auburn Hills to watch the beat down on South Dako- ta State University and the take- down of the Shaka Smart-coached Virginia Commonwealth University Rams. So it was only perfect that I stood front row in the student sec- tion at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta. While my Spartan mother took care of me at home in 1992, the Fab Five was in its Final Four. Twenty-one years later, I stood in the Georgia Dome, just a wave of a hand away from my dad, who sat with my younger brother. We were on a business trip to accomplish something Michigan couldn't before. Regardless of the outcome, I was truly livingthe dream - a student witnessing the resurrection of maize and blue basketball. While we didn't win the cham- pionship, I kept thinking to myself how surreal it was to watch this spe- cial season first-hand. My dad texted me after beating Syracuse University and said, "Cannot tell you how proud I am of you and that you're there and living the U of M college dream." While our business trip to Atlanta was somewhat unsuccessful, the dream is alive and thriving. As I stood in the Georgia Dome as the clock hit zero, I was upset and nearly in tears. I chose to walk back to my hotel alone and refleet. I began to think about what Team 96, head coach John Beilein and his coaching staff have done for this University. I thought about Senior guard Matt Vogrich nailing a pull-up three in the garbage min- utes against the University of Flor- ida, laughed about the hilarious open dunks Mitch McGary missed throughout the season, and then thought about seeing him grow and help this team get to Atlanta. Those are just of the few that made me smile and made me proud to call myself a Michigan Wolverine. Every quiet moment I think about now-former point guard Trey Burke'sblock on Peyton Siva and how it could have changed the game. But then I think about the journey that got us there and what's tocome for this program. Michigan basketball is back, and I guarantee you it's not going anywhere. This past fall semester in English 225, I saw Burke walk into the class. While he might not remember, I looked at him and told him, "I'm happy you stayed because we're about to ball out this season." That's exactly what we did. Twenty-one years ago we were there, but we left. Twenty-one years later, we were there, but this time we're here to stay. Joshua Schostak is an LSA junior. Israel and Turkey have made significant strides in pursuing reconciliation over the past month. Last week, the two countries finally agreed to pursue a normalization of their diplomatic relations, ending a three- year freeze that had been in place since the Gaza flotilla raid in 2010. The normalization comes after the first meeting between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. During the meeting, Netanyahu expressed regret and apologized for operational mistakes during the flotilla raid that resulted in nine deaths, including eight Turkish nationals and one American. Netanyahu's humble words gave Erdogan reason to communicate with him further and opened the door for last week's normalization announcement. Erdogan demanded Netanyahu's apology as a precon- dition to any further diplomatic negotiations between the two nations, and Netanyahu agreed to meet him in the middle for what was a seemingly reasonable demand, though he previously asserted he wouldn't apologize. Netanyahu's about-face in this instance was extremely beneficial. Previously, Erdogan had announced that Israel's apology for the flotilla raid was enough on its own to normalize diplomatic rela- tions. However, he has since added additional demands as preconditions to further normal- ization. One issue is restitution payments to the families of the flotilla incident's victims. Israel has offered to compensate each family with payments of $100,000 each - $30,000 more than Turkey pays its military families who lose loved ones. Turkey, however, is demanding $1 million per family in restitution payments. The countries must now negotiate to reach a resolution on this issue, and it'd be ben- eficial for Turkey to reevaluate their initial demand. In the spirit of cooperation and rec- onciliation that Netanyahu displayed with his apology, Erdogan should willingly negotiate a fair amount for the restitution payments, rather than demanding $1 million per family U / ' as a deal-breaker for further normalization. Also at issue is Israel's legal naval block- ade of Gaza. Israel's navy currently block- ades Gaza's main port as a security measure. The Israeli navy inspects incoming ships to ensure that no weapons or missiles are brought into Gaza. Hamas often attempts to smuggle rocket-building materials into Gaza, and the blockade serves to stifle that effort. They allow ships bringing food and other supplies to continue en route to Gaza. Erdo- gan has announced that he expects Israel to lift this naval blockade before further nor- malization between Israel and Turkey. But not only is the naval blockade com- pletely unrelated to Turkish sovereignty, it's a matter of Israeli national security and exists only to limit violence stemming from Hamas in Gaza. No country should ever have to com- promise on a matter of internal national secu- rity in order to engage in diplomatic relations with another nation. It's akin to demanding that one's neighbors remove their picket fence before agreeing to be friendly with them. Erdogan should be focused on issues that involve Israel and Turkey, rather than using the pursuit of normalization as a bargaining chip for unrelated issues. Such deviations from regular negotiations make it difficult for Israel and Turkey to work together. Normalization between Israel and Turkey can have numerous benefits. Together, they can help resolve Syria's civil war and end the bloodshed there. Additionally, Turkey is a natural recipient of Israel's natural gas exports, given its geographic proximity. Tur- key needs the energy such imports provide, and Israel is in need of a trading partner for its gas. These benefits will stand out among others should Israel and Turkey find a way to repair their relationship. The logical next step in the process is for Turkey to follow the example Israel has already set during this reconciliation process by making concessions and negotiating in good faith. Max Heller is a Business senior. 4 SEND LETTERS TO: TOTHEDAILY@MICHIGANDAILY.COM Regents'report on tuition equality should be made public TO THE DAILY: In April 2012, University Pro- vost Phil Hanlon commissioned a task force of students and senior administrators to examine the issue of tuition equality for undoc- umented students. This measure, of course, was a reaction to the overwhelming mobilization of students, faculty and community members - both documented and undocumented - against the uni- versity's discriminatory tuition policies. The task force kicked off what amounted to an official review of the University's treat- ment of undocumented Michigan students with the intent of exam- ining different policy options and issuing a recommendation to the University's Board of Regents. In March, after almost a year of research and preparation, the Task Force on Undocumented Stu- dents finally published its find- ings. However, that report wasn't made public. Rather, the provost's office sent the report to the execu- tive officers - including Univer- sity President Mary Sue Coleman - who will make the final recom- mendations to the regents without student input. Regardless of one's views on tuition equality, the administra- tive process undertaken by the executive officers is alarming. Coleman has precluded students' voices from determining the rec- ommended course of action under a disturbing lack of transpar- ency. It's perhaps reasonable to assume this is the University's way of shirking its responsibility to Michigan students; as the Daily has reported, Coleman prefers not to address directly immigration- related issues at the University Meanwhile, the state's estimat- ed 29,000 undocumented students bear the costs of bureaucratic cow- ardice. Like past actions organized by the Coalition for Tuition Equal- ity, the demonstration on April 18 at the regents' meeting serves to remind University leaders of the groundswell of support for immi- grants' rights in Ann Arbor and across the state and nation. As elected officials learned after the 2012 elections, the time for tuition equality is now. Jacob Huston, Sanjay Jolly and Micah Nelson LSA senior, School of Public Policy alum and LSA freshman I A