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April 18, 2013 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-04-18

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2A - Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

2A - Thursday, April 18, 2013 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom

This Week in History Professor Profiles In Other Ivory Towers Alumni Profiles Photos of the Week
Wordy Wolverine travels the U.S.
Jessica Kleiman received a across as too boastful, but it's Back when I attended U-M,
bachelor's degree from the Uni- vitalthese days to find ways to be the communications concentra-
versity in 1995 and is now rhe memorable and show your value tion offered classes that focused
executive vice president of corn- and uniqueness in a crowded more on practical application
munications of SANDOW, a landscape - especially when than theory, so while there were
multi-brand media corporation. you're trying to land that first no PR courses, I did take classes
She is co-author of the book, "Be job. "Be Your Own Best Publi- like Writing for the Arts, Maga-
Your Own Best Publicist: How cist" has resonated very well zine Writing, Film Analysis and
to Use PR Techniques to Get with college students and recent Advertising, all of which honed
Noticed, Hired and Rewarded graduates - my co-author and the communication and writing
at Work," and has spoken about I have spoken on many college abilities that I use every day in
publicity and personal branding campuses across the country, my job. I also did musical theatre
all over the country. including Michigan, to help stu- here, and being on stage in front
dents learn how to leverage PR of a big audience helped me with
How does your book apply to techniques to create a personal my public speaking skills. Hope-
graduates of any field? brand. fully, that will come in handy
when I address 900 people at the
In general, people are reluc- Are there any experiences Communications Studies gradu- ALLISON FARRANO/DaIuy
tant to promote themselves and you had during your time at ation on May 2. The Turkish American Society of Michigan presented
their talents because they're the University that you use in the Colors of Turkish Music concert at the Michigan
concerned that it will come your career today? - KAITLINZURDOSKY League Wednesday.

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Dude, where's A sick trick

Performance Ottoman

my computer?
WHERE: Duderstadt
WHEN: Tuesday at
about 1:25 a.m.
WHAT: A laptop was
reported stolen from the
third floor between 1:15 a.m.
and 1:25 a.m., University
Police reported.

WHERE: University
WHEN: Tuesday at
about 6:20 p.m.
WHAT: A patient reported
that she was assaulted by
a nurse at about 3 p.m.,
University Police reported.
Interviews held after the
incident determined no
assault occurred.

WHAT: Bobby McFerrin,
ten-time Grammy Award
winner and legendary
singer, will perform his new
project, "Spirit You All,"
which involves traditional
Negro Spirituals.
WHO: University Musical
WHEN: Today at 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: Hill Auditorium

Cursed by the Should I stay or Democratic
purse should I go? theory and
WHERE: University WHERE: Pierpoint scholarship
Hospital Commons
WHEN: Tuesday at about WHEN: Tuesday at about WHAT: Christopherp
10 a.m. 4:45 p.m. Roger Williams Straus
WHAT: An unknown male WHAT: A subject refused fessor of Social Scienc
attempted to steal a purse to leave one of the retail Princeton University,'
from a sixth-floor lab, then stores, University Police give the Miller Conver
fled, University Police reported. The issue was Lecture on democrati
reported. He was soon resolved after a con- tics and the social scie
late ar~ +-Ai v--an ih te c -hinr+ WHO: UniversitvLb

WHAT: The fourth annual
international graduate
student workshop will
explore modern views of the
geography, civilization and
history of the Ottoman East.
WHO: Armenian Studies
WHEN: Today at 9:30 a.m.
WHERE: School of Social
Bosnian movie
film screening
WHAT: The serbian film
"Life is a Miracle," directed
by Emir Kusturica, will
be screened. The film is a
romantic comedy set in the
backdrop of the Bosnian
War of the 1990s.
WHO: Center for European
WHEN: Today at 7 p.m..
WHERE: Museum of Art,
Helmut Stern Auditorium

Lionfish native to coral
reefs along the Atlantic
Ocean are decimating
native fish populations, NPR
reported. The predatorious
maroon-striped fish repro-
duce every couple of days,
posing a large threat to coral
reef ecosystems.
Both the baseball and
lacrosse games were
cancelled yesterday
due to weather. Baseball,
playing Eastern Michigan,
will make up the game Tues-
day, while lacrosse, playing
Detroit, hasn't scheduled a
make-up date yet.
Apple company shares
have hit their lowest
rates in the past year
and a half, the Telegraph
reported. As a result, Apple
has lost its stance as the
world's most sought-after
publicly traded company.

s Pro-
es at
is poli-

Matthew Slovin Managing Editor mjslovin@michigandaily.com
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Thomas, Liz Vukelich, Daniel Wasserman
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Jeremy Summit,,uAejadro ulig
Kayla Upadhyaya ManagingArtsEditor kaylau@michigandaily.com
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The Michigan Daily ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday duringthelfall and
winter terms by students at the University of Michigan. One copy is available free of charge
to all readers. Additional copies may be picked up at the Daily's office for $2. Subscriptions for
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The Michigan Da ly is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press.

r~ii V11YG.)Ly I'uay
WHEN: Today at 4:15 p.m.
WHERE: Hatcher Graduate

Phi Beta Kappa is the oldest and most widely recognized scholarly honorary society in America. Founded in 1776 at the College of William and
Mary, it celebrates excellence in the liberal arts and sciences. The UM chapter, Alpha of Michigan, was founded in 1907 and inducted its hundred and
fifth class into membership on April 14, 2013. An invitation to join Phi Beta Kappa requires a history of impeccable academic performance that
reflects not only grades but breadth and depth of intellectual engagement. Membership as a junior requires an almost perfect record. The Executive
Committee of the Alpha of Michigan Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa recognizes and congratulates the new members of this venerable society.



Sepideh Ashrafzadeh
Connor James Baharozian
Jenn Chen
Allison Jennifer Epstein
Brianna Lynn Felten
Alisa Nicole Foti
Jonathan Alexander Achard
Tessa Adzemovic
Lauren Leree Ahlers
Hannah Marie Almeter
Sarah Alsaden
Martha Luppold Alves
Christopher Paul Anderson
Elizabeth Ann Andraska
Rebecca Katherine Angoff
Andrew R. Baker
Rebekah Sarah Bartlett
Ahmad Akram Bazzi
Sydney Elizabeth Behrmann
Jamie Faryl Bennett
Lauren F. Beriont
Sadie Joy Besl
Sarah Jo Bichsel
Samuel Hersch Birnbaum
Lacey Renee Bobier
Blake Louis Bogart
Kelsey Jane Bolin
Phillip John Bonofiglo
Jay Manoj Brahmbhatt
Michael Brandon
Ariel Marie Bronson
Kent Stephan Brummel
Seth Scott Brunner
Vivian Elizabeth Burgett
Thomas James Butler III
Emily Marie Buttigieg
Joseph Robert Cadagin
Caroline Ruth Canning
Christopher Ryan Cannon
Daniel Louis Chardell
Kari Chen
Emily Chiu
Erika Munglai Chow
Scott Chung
Sean Matthew Churchill
Jillian McCauley Clark
Rachel Maria Cohen
Joshua Michael Corriveau
David Coulton Cron
Damia Atkins December

Jessica Meghan Goodman
Jennifer Ruth Herstein
Lydia Marie Koehn
Joshua Bruce Kurtz
Melissa Halperin Manley

Tanika Raychaudhuri
William Benjamin Rogers
Christina Elizabeth Rowan
Kailene Lorin Schabes
Clare Marilyn Toeniskoetter

Alixandra Lee Vanbelkum
Ian Vonwald
Sarah Anne Wales
Elliot Aaron Wells
Kassia Marie Zalewski

Kaitlyn Elizabeth Delbene
Shannon Marie Demers
Kyle Kelley Deming
Aimee Leigh Deutsch
Laura Margaret Lehman Distel
Julie Beth Dressler
Lauren Elizabeth Dubosh
Lisa Nicole Dubow
Kendall Anne Effinger
John Anthony Ellenikiotis
Benjamin Philip Estes
Kay Sueru Feker
Julia Valli Stark Feldman
Peter George Felsman
Daniel Joseph Fenton
Julia Marie Field
Sydney S. Fine
Elana Lauren Firsht
Maya Catherine Friedman
Jordan Lee Gavin
Evan John Gendell
Joseph Roberts Gilbert
Sara Palazzo Ginzberg
Anna Caitlin Gitter
Julia Ann Goddeeris
Holly Michele Godden
Hayley J. Goldenthal
Melissa Stacy Goodhart
Nicole Jaclyn Green
Rachel Michelle Gubow
Rebecca Marcon Guerriero
Katrina Megan Gumbinner
Samantha Nizam Habhab
Saul Edgar Hankin
Mary Elizabeth Hannahan
Jessica Anne Harper
Abigail Rae Hawley
Kevin John Hawryluk
Evan H. Haywood
Ilana Chrystal Herzberg
Elizabeth Mary Hickey
Steven C Hoelscher
Jennifer Lynn Hogg
Katelyn Rose Hoisington

Sarah Rachel Horn
Samantha Marie Horsell
Sean Charles Houchins
Leah Rebecca House
Ellen Elizabeth Huntley
Gen Ito
Tyler Leland Jones
Sandhya Kajeepeta
Andrew John Kalenkiewicz
William James Kane
Christopher Jinghan Kao
Resilda Karafili
Emily Anne Kastl
Jessica Lynn Keeshin
Mia Kelly
Amy Elizabeth Ketner
Piper Caroline Keyes
Veronica Elizabeth Kincaid
Katherine Klaric
Gregory Bernhard John Kohler
Aaron Tyler Krupkin
Elizabeth Rose Kuiper
Patrick Michael Kurecka
Sharon Layani
Adam Ross Leavitt
Dale Austin Lee
Austin Thomas Leske
Benjamin Joseph Levin
Emily Rose Lichko
Mark Minshee Liu
Molly Jo Lockwood
Katie Hannah Long
Laura Emi Longman
Connor Sigmund Luczak
Kayla Anne MacLennan
Sylvia Siobhan Mahaffey
Syed Hamzah Mahmood
Sahana Malik
Kathryn Ann Marchetti
Katherine Christie Marion
Daniel Raymond McGraw
Abigail Clare Meert
Evan Grant Millman
Michelle Lee Morgan

Frances Jane Morton
William Eugene Murdock In
Anthony Basil Natoci
Amy Maryam Navvab
Bach Minh Nguyen
Lindsay Jane Olsen
Jasmin Rajesh Patel
Eric Alexander Peist
Jessica Elizabeth Pelaschier
Marisa Judith Perera
Matthew George Pinos
Kristina Elizabeth Priessnitz
Mano Rehman
Andrew Clark Richner Jr
Emily Joanne Rion
Scott Douglas Robbins
Emma Beth Rosen
Rachel Sara Ruderman
Nicholas Robert Rydzewski
Kelsey Johanna Sala-Hamrick
Katelyn Marie Salowitz
Rayyan Tariq Sami
Megan Marie Savel
Matthew David Schneider
Cydney Kate Seigerman
Laura Marie Sherbrook
Elizabeth Ann Showalter
Christopher Joseph Shu
Nathaniel Alexander Simon
Emily Rebekah Simons
Emily Marie Slade
Sarah Rebekah Smith
Tracy Katherine Smith
Robert Benjamin Solomon
Dominic Michael Spadacene
Michael Jason Stern
Charles Henry Stibitz
Aliza Shayna Storchan
Eliza Meredith Stout
Eric Lee Stulberg
Brian Michael Swiger
Lexi Hart Targan
Charity Tarn
Alexander Vladimirovich

Sarah Thompson
Rebecca Lynn Toback
Emma Woloshin Tolman
Laura Elizabeth Torp
Alison Nicole Tseng
Bridget Ann Vance
Dayani A. Waas
Marley Ellen Waldman
Mary Elizabeth Walle
Carly Elizabeth Warden
Jack William Weick
Julia Kening Withee
Michaela Elizabeth Wood
Huisu Xu
Jennifer Xu
Ariella Jae Yedwab
Sarah Allison Youngblood
Rui Zhang
Zeyin Zhang
Jeffrey Drew Zuschlag






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