V V 9 w w 0 a 0 ..s a U 0 46 Wednesday, January 16 , 2013 // The Statement 5B own college experience could be widely dis- similar, their stories both share a theme: Paige and Jake are both in recovery from alcoholism and addiction. And they're not alone in their addiction, but are more of an anomaly for seeking recovery. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 19 per- cent of college students are either abusive or dependent on alcohol. And of that 19 percent, only 5 percent seek treatment. ' "When you're in college, the penalties for heavy use are not great because if you wake up and you're too hung over to attend class, you can get away with it or if you screw up on an exam you can get away with it," Psy- chology Prof. Robert Zucker, director of the University's Addiction Research Center, said. "But if you show up at work and you're acting this way, you immediately have a problem. Those are the kinds of external factors which lead one to decrease use." Zucker - who oversees the center's both social and scientific research regarding addiction - said research is still being con- ducted to determine whether or not effects from addiction are permanent. "We know the brain is undergoing major developmental changes between the ages of about 12 and 25," Zucker said. "So if one is drinking very heavily or has other drug involvement, if that leaves some kind of permanent residualdamages that does not repair itself afterwards, we don't have the answer to that yet. It's a very important question" For students, it will be a very important answer. I turned to Paige and Jake to puta voice to the data that taunts us in the news: "drinking amongst students increases," "binge drink- ing reaches new high," "university presidents call for lower drinking age." I knew that Paige and Jake struggled with addiction when I met them, but the specifics I couldn't have imagined. So I asked them for their stories. "Can we start at the beginning?" I asked Paige as she sat down. Both Paige and Jake started their stories by going back to high school. In late March, Paige missed our first interview due to her "nine-month sobriety anniversary." But there was no celebration because, as Paige noted, that would be simi- lar to a graduation, and there's no graduation from their program. "We can't even have one drink and never again will be able to have a drink," Paige said. "As alcoholics, we don't know modera- tion and never will. Iwill never want just one drink,-and I keep having to remind myself that." The pace and character of Paige's story- telling was a story in itself: She would slow down and look at her hands as she spoke about times when the drinking caused harm, or in moments where there is black and she doesn't remember. At other times - times where she was proud of what she has over- come or accepting of the events - she spoke to me as though she was a teacher of sur- vival. Paige is an alcoholic in recovery. However, her drinking tendencies didn't fit the ste- reotypical definition of an "alcoholic" - she never drank alone, she didn't start drinking when she woke up and her schoolwork didn't plummet. But, she did drink to a blackout state almost every night. She came to college not having experi- enced alcohol - told to stay away from it in high school as both an athlete and someone with a family history of addictive tendencies. And she did. When Paige started at the University, she was told by her mom to rush a sorority as a means of making friends. During her time in the sorority, she frequently encountered alcohol and decided to start drinking. "I'm slightly awkward and quiet," Paige said. "So then I discovered alcohol and that was the "magic elixir" we call it, as some- thing that made me someone different, which I didn't realize then." Unlike Paige, Jake's addiction started earlier in his life. When he started at the University in winter 2012 he was already in recovery. Jake first had issues with drugs and alcohol when he was in high school. "I started having issues with drugs around 16 years old," Jake said. "That escalated pret- ty fast through my sophomore, junior (and) senior years of high school, and I'd say after my junior year things were pretty hectic. Things with my parents were very rocky, and I couldn't stop using." But why Paige and Jake? Why were they susceptible to becoming addicted to drugs. and alcohol early in life? Paige figured genet- ics had to do with it, Jake said circumstance. I sought to learn the science behind addic- tion from Psychology Prof. Terry Robinson, wh teachesa course on the subject and con- ducts research that explores addiction and the effects drugs have on the brain. According to Robinson, addiction is rooted in a primitive brain system humans have developed for survival called the dopamine- reward system. It's responsible for impulses like human attraction to items like bananas and other food to help them survive. Robinson said some of the leading research on the causes of addiction involves an over-activation, or hypersensitivity, of the dopamine-reward system in the brain that is due to repeated drug use. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, which is a small molecule released from nerve cells in the brain into spaces between nerve cell endings called synapses, carrying signals to other nerve cells. "What we think is going on in addiction is because these drugs produce a surge in dopamine, and they produce an unusually large surge compared to natural rewards,... they render all of the stimuli associated with drugs with pathological motivational value so that then they become excessively want- ed," Robinson said. "... They have this prop- erty to tap into this dopamine system that's there just to mediate natural rewards." In other words, when someone uses a drug, its properties cause the brain to release more dopamine than it normally does and the user feels compelled to use them again - they end up wanting drugs more than they want the things that help them survive. However, there is a popular misconception about dopamine - that it encourages "lik- ing." Robinson says this idea is false. "The role of dopamine in reward is to mediate the wanting, the desire for it. And in the brain the wanting and liking are separa- ble," Robinson said. "And, in fact, people will report the drugs aren't so great anymore in terms of the pleasure they get, but they still want it more and more and more." With repeated drug use, the brain changes in ways that are proposed to be similar to learning. As the brain changes and the dopamine system becomes "sensitized," the effects of the drugs increase. "You can sort of think of (sensitization) as the inverse of tolerance," Robinson said. "Usually when you think about being repeat- edly exposed to drugs you get less and less ' drug effect, that's tolerance. And that's true, tolerance develops to some drug effects, but other drug effects show sensitization - that is they get bigger and bigger, suggesting that the neural systems that mediate these drug SEE ADDICTION PAGE 6