4A - Wednesday, April 17, 2013 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 4A -Wedesdy, pril17,201 Th Miciga Daly micigadaiyco t to ian Baily Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 tothedaily@michigandaily.com MELANIE KRUVELIS and ADRIENNE ROBERTS MATT SLOVIN EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR ANDREW WEINER EDITOR IN CHIEF Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views of their authors. Restore democracy Dingell's bill to prohibit corporate campaign financing deserves support n April 3, Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.) spearheaded apanel on campaign finance issues prevalent since the 2010 U.S. Supreme Court decision Citizens United v. Federal Elec- tions Commission. The court's decision allowed for unlimited and sometimes anonymous contributions to political action committees as long as they are unaffiliated with the campaign, thereby overturn- ing a large portion of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002. Dingell has introduced new legislation, known as The Restore Con- fidence in Our Democracy Act, to restore some campaign finance restrictions. Specifically, it will prohibit corporate spending in elec- tions while subjecting political action committees to $5,000 contri- bution limits. Though this legislation won't likely pass the House of Representatives, it's extremely important that a member of Congress is recognizing the immense challenges of campaign finance. The man in the cowboy hat - he saved Jeff's life. There's a video where he goes right to Jeff, picks him right up and puts him on the wheelchair and starts putting the tourniquet on him and pushing him out. I got to talk to this guy!" - Jeff Bauman said after he discovered a video of a man rushing his son to medical attention after the tragic bombings in Boston on Monday, as reported in The New York Times. Strength in adversity Bills like Dingell's warrant more support. In the 2012 election cycle, the country saw an unprecedented $6 billion spent on elections, with each presidential candidate pulling in nearly $1 billion. Probably the most infamous individual donor was casino tycoon Sheldon Adelson, who pledged nearly $100 million of his own money to various Republicans, includ- ing Mitt Romney. This kind of disenfranchise- ment of the individual voter can't be tolerated. Even more frightening is the fact that some $400 million in "dark money"- money con- tributed anonymously - was spent through- out the campaign cycle. This comes out to be 37 percent of all independent expenditures. Major federal election reform is needed to stop this type of influence in politics, especial- ly influence that's seemingly untraceable. The Citizens United decision allowed non-profit corporations to keep vast amounts of money completely unreported, and the current trend is more and more money appearing as anony- mous. Dingell's legislation would force dis- closure and transparency in elections while limiting the total money one person or orga- nization could donate, bringing back at least some dignity to our election process. When questioned about the possibility of a constitutional amendment to overturn the entirety of the Citizens United decision, Ding- ell explained that this was the best Congress could hope for at this time, saying "the perfect cannot be the enemy of the good." Though a constitutional change is unlikely, the conver- sation can't stop. In order to end the influence of money in politics, the United States must amend the Constitution and end corporate personhood. The rights of "corporations as people" has legally allowed for big businesses and extremely wealthy individuals to expand their reach far into government. This legal entitlement must be taken away, as it's tanta- mount to the power over decision making that corporations hold. If we want to truly restore confidence in our democracy, we must fully work to undue the effect of Citizen's United through mean- ingful legislation. Tragedy struck Boston and the entire nation Monday when two bombs were detonated at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, kill- ing three and injuringmore than 140 indi- viduals. Little information has been released TIMOTHY by authorities BURROUGHS about pos- sible suspects as investigators continue to examine the crime scene. Fox News reported that a senior official from the White House referred to the attack as "an act of terrorism," though President Barack Obama avoided the phrase in his statement at 6 p.m Monday. Due to the seeming coordination of the two bombs and a third in the JFK Library, experts are speculat- ing that they're connected. Another later explosion at a local library may or may not be linked. The sights and sounds appear- ing on social media sites following the blasts seem more fitting in a warzone than the end of a historic marathon. Videos of the explosion show blood-covered sidewalks, as well as people holding their injuries and fleeing the scene. The medical tent for runners near the finish line transformed from an aid station for marathon runners to an impromptu field hospital. I stumbled across the news story on Twitter during my afternoon classes as the first reports were coming out of Boston. Like many others, I was horrified and stunned, unable to comprehend how this ruthless act could happen at an event that, for many runners, marks a lifelong achievement. Further- more, this attack targeted families and civilians who were exercising their right to celebrate the achieve- ments of others. I was devastated watching hundreds of people cry- ing and searching for loved ones as emergency personnel rushed the wounded to nearby hospitals. How- ever, after a few hours of watching videos and reading reports from local journalists, I was hit with a very different emotion: pride. Immediately following the explo- sions, first responders, many wear- ing neon yellow jackets, could be seen running directly to the scene to assist the injured. Their courage and quick action saved lives as more than 140 people were rushed to local hospitals for treatment. They were seen carrying wounded civilians to a nearby medical tent seconds after the blast occurred. Police, fire and rescue workers immediately evacu- ated runners and spectators from the finish line area and established a perimeter to preserve the crime scene. Authorities used television, radio and Internet to warnthe public of other possible bombs. They urged locals to return to their homes and visitors to stay in their hotel rooms. The bravery and quick responses of these individuals saved lives and avoided a city-wide panic. Addition- ally, it was reported that doctors who had just completed the mara- thon jumped into action to treat the wounded near the finish line. We can never sufficiently praise the work and courage of our first responders. These acts of heroism by everyday citizens show the strength and courage of the American people. Many rushed to donate blood to vic- tims of the attack. Organizations and individuals have already pub- lically pledged support and aid to families and the Boston community. The War on Terror is far from over and our opponents are cowards. Though it's still unclear who is responsible for Monday's attacks, the Boston Marathon bombings have confirmed two things: The war on terror is far from over and our opponents are not freedom fighters, but cowards. They are cowards who attack civilians with hidden bombs on public sidewalks to try to prove America isn't invin- cible. They employ fear to disrupt our daily lives and shake us from our morals and beliefs, but America will overcome this. Though we may never be com- pletely safe when attending a game at the Big House or using pub- lic transportation, the American people won't falter in the face of these senseless killings. We won't let these acts of terror disrupt our lives and let these individuals win. Instead, we will unite and support the Boston community and re- dedicate ourselves to fighting this evil in' our world. The worst and the best of humanity was on display Monday, and I have no doubt that the will of the American people will be victorious. - Timothy Burroughs can be reached at timburr@umich.edu. 4 4 EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS Kaan Avdan, Sharik Bashir, Barry Belmont, Eli Cahan, Eric Ferguson, Jesse Klein, Melanie Kruvelis, Maura Levine, Patrick Maillet, Sam Mancina, Aarica Marsh, Megan McDonald, Jasmine McNenny, Harsha Nahata, Adrienne Roberts, Paul Sherman, Sarah Skaluba, Michael Spaeth, Daniel Wang, Luchen Wang, Derek Wolfe NATE SMITH | The exceptions prove the rule 4 As I write this, I'm still transfixed by cov- erage of the horrific bombing in my home- town of Boston. The only word I can think of to describe it is heartbreaking. High profile, yes - the Boston Marathon is one of the most well known of its kind, attracting runners from some 96 different countries this year. lut much more importantly, the Boston Mar- athon is inclusive. It's as much about the spectators as it is about the runners: Families and friends from all over the city, state, country and world arrive with homemade signs, cheering on their runners, then sticking around to cheer on all the other runners. They hand out water, Gatorade, Mylar blankets and anything else they think will help. Everyone smiles at everyone else on Marathon Monday, because we all know this is why we're here: to have fun with strangers. Withering Boston sarcasm - a local delicacy - is sup- planted by an almost surreal level of goodwill toward visitors and natives alike. Our yearly athletic bacchanalia, a veritable celebration of visitors in a city not always known for its approachable strangers - this is the rule. The exception is what happened on Monday, April 15. It's important to remem- ber just how exceptional it was, too. As the oldest yearly marathon in the world, the Bos- ton Marathon dates back to 1897 and has been a remarkably peaceful celebration since. The exception is a cowardly act: taking lives away from the innocent and legs away from those who valued them most. The rule is brave, inspiring individuals who run whole marathons not because they're natural ath- letes, but because they're raising money for charity in memory of a loved one. The exception is little kids scared because their parents are scared, the uncertainty in those terrifying first few minutes almost - but not quite - inducing panic on Boylston Street. The rule is hundreds of heroic first responders, trained and otherwise, who ran toward the scene of the bombing instead of away, making tourniquets out of lanyards and saving countless lives. The exception is streets choked with ambulances and emergency room doctors pulling ball bearings out of ruined limbs. The rule is streets full of local Bostonians, offer- ing cell phones, water, jackets, rooms for the night, Internet access or just hugs. The rule is doubling down on the spirit of the Boston Marathon, to make sure locals and out-of- towners are taken care of. The exception, lest anyone forget, is anger, hatred, accusation and speculation about who might have done such a thing. The excep- tion is lashing out without knowledge, out of anger and fear. The rule is justice: Patience as law enforcement is allowed to methodically investigate, and compassion as citizens and visitors comfort one another. Some will say that the Boston Marathon has lost its innocence, that the heightened security will undermine the spirit of com- munity that has become the hallmark of Marathon Monday. But this was never about innocence - let's face it, innocence has never been a good look for Boston. It's abort a small community that decided 117 years ago to pick one of the first warm days of the year to open its arms to visitors from around the globe. Extra security won't change that, just like a cowardly attack won't change it - these things are the exceptions, and sometimes the exceptions prove the rule. Nate Smith is a Public Policy graduate student. the The Justice League: The University of Michigan prides itself on being one of the most diverse schools in the pod j** nation. But is that really true? To read more from Yash, od ugo to michigandaily.com/blog/podium. MAURA LEVINE Engaging education Last Friday, the University hosted the K-Grams Kids Fair at the Cliff Keen Arena and Intramural Sports Building. Hundreds of elementary school kids crowded the buildings to meet their University-student pen pals and share educational activi- ties. When I entered to find Robert, the Ypsilanti fourth grader I have been writingto all year, I was imme- diately swarmed by a group of his classmates, asking me if I knew Jill or Gina or Emily and if they were coming today. The kids were over- joyed to meet their pen pals and excited to be in a new space, asking questions and spewing information to me about the activities they had participated in earlier. After talking to Robert for half an hour, I found out that this was the only field trip he and his class were taking all year - less than 15 minutes away from his school. I asked him why they didn't take more trips. He said, "Do you know how expensive it is to take field trips? It's $600!" I felt a sudden shock of reality. Why did a fourth grader know how expensive it was to take a field trip? And why is learning outside of the classroom such a privilege? At the developmental stage of an elemen- tary school child, it's important to be motivated throughout the learn- ing process, and field trips are a great outlet. K-Grams is an amaz- ing opportunity and one of the most meaningful things that will happen to these kids all year. But it shouldn't be that way. It's important for kids to have frequent exposure to learning outside the classroom in order to develop healthy life skills. Money shouldn't be hampering educational field trips. According to an article by U.S. Newswire, "To meet the higher academic stan- dards set for them, children must have access to avarietyof enriching activities so that learning extends beyond the classroom walls and the traditional school day." The article goes on to say, "Governors, states and communities must work together to weave a seamless web of learning opportunities for children. Doing so will ensure that children can grow into adults who have a better chance to succeed." On Monday, April 15 Michi- gan Gov. Rick Snyder announced the opposite. He said as a result of federal budget cuts there will be losses in allowances for low-income children as well as a $54-million cut in the funding of after-school programs, special education, and career and technical education programs..This is a great example of what we shouldn't be doing in Michigan public schools. Instead of cutting funding that can help our public schools foster learning out- side of the classroom and getting kids interested in future careers, we should be putting money into education that helps youths feel connected and interested. When kids drop out of high school several years down the road because they feel disconnected and unimport- ant, it only perpetuates the current trends of crime, poverty and lack of productivity. Privileged families can afford to send their kids to private schools, many of which focus on learning outside of the classroom and devel- oping the whole person, while fam- ilies who are barely making ends meet- are at the mercy of Snyder when he decides to cut after school programs. It's important to get our kids engaged in learning outside of the classroom at a young age. Developmentally speaking, it can only help them in the future. Using money as an excuse to not allow our public school children to explore the outside world is ridicu- lous. We should be allocating our federal money differently. Early edu- cation is the key to a lot of our soci- etal problems. We should be doing more than mitigating these social problems, such as crime and poverty. We have the power to take a proac- tive stance to stopping these societal issues through getting kids involved in learning at an early age. Maura Levine is an LSA sophomore. 4 4 0 FOLLOW DAILY OPINION ON TWITTER Keep up with columnists, read Daily editorials, view cartoons and join in the debate. Check out @michdailyoped to get updates on Daily opinion content throughout the day. 0