- Tuesday, April 16, 2013
This Week in History " In Other Ivory Tower
Engineering with a heart
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
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Ann Jeffers is an assistant pro-
fessor of Civil and Environmental
Engineering in the College ofEngi-
neering. Jeffers joined the Univer-
sity faculty in 2009 after receivng
her Ph.D. from Virginia Polytech-
nic Institute and State University.
Why did you decide to get into
civil engineering?
I got into engineering in gener-
al because I was good at math and
science in high school, and the
job prospects were good for engi-
neers. I decided to major in civil
engineering because civil engi-
neering has a clear link to society.
So everything that civil engineers
do is helping people, and that was
something that really inte
me. I found that, beinga str
al engineer, I have an oppor
to do research that leads to
ing that might be safer fo
ards and so forth. So, I thin
that's the main driving thin
that I wanted to do someth
which I'd be helping people
How did you end up at
I found that the Univer
Michigan has exceptiona
grams in just about every
pline, including civil engine
They're leaders in researc
education. The communit'
rested is a very vibrant community. The
uctur- students here are very passionate
tunity about the University. The fac-
build- ulty in my department are just
r haz- really great people to work with.
ik that They're experts and leaders in
ig - is their field.
ing in
in the What do you do
in your free time?
the I like to do some outdoorsy
things. I like to go hiking, biking
and camping, although I don't
sity of have a whole lot of opportunity
1 pro- to do that because I'm a little bit
disci- busy with work these days. I also
ering. like to draw and play guitar.
Environmental Ford st
town hall WHAT: Pres
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Homrich demolition company destroys a house to
make room for a parking structure on Oakland Ave.
Drunk on life Lead foot
WHERE: Alice Lloyd Resi-
dence Hall
WHEN: Monday at about
2:05 a.m.
WHAT: Residence Hall
staff dealt with an alleged
alcohol violation in which
a minor was in possession,
University Police reported.
Foul play
WHERE: IM Building
WHEN: Sunday at about
4:35 p.m.
WHAT: An individual
reported that their wallet
was stolen from their jacket
in the basketball gym,
University Police reported.
The jacket was unattended.
This incident is thought to
be connected to a previous
related larency report.
WHERE: 600 Washington
WHEN: Sunday at about
11:20 p.m.
WHAT: A traffic accident
on the roadway between
two vehicles resulted in no
injuries, University Police
reported. One driver was
written up for a failure to
ident Gerald
WHAT: This town hall
styled panel discusses teh
future of deep hydraulic
fracturing in Michigan.
There will be a livestream
on the online webcast.
WHO: The University
WHEN: Today at 7 p.m.
WHERE: Blau Auditorium
R. Ford's 100th birthday
is being celebrated by the
unveiling and dedication
of a scale model the statue
of Ford at the U.S. Capitol
WHO: Gerald R. Ford
School of Public Policy
WHEN: Today from 4:30
WHERE: Weill Hall, Great
Serial iTheft y
Vocal recital From trees
WHERE: IM Building
WH EN: Sunday at about W HAT: World Voice to ethanol
Google has created a
Boston Marathon explo-
sion people tracker to
search for loved ones who are
missing from the two bombs
Monday afternoon, CBS
reported. The service has
currently tracked approxi-
mately 3300 records.
LSA senior Jennifer
Xu mourns the end
of Google Reader and
discusses the use of other
endangered internet technol-
ogies with no viable equiva-
Fortune 500 compa-
nies such as Walmart,
Starbucks and Jiff
Lube have started to offer
their own classes for college
credit, CNN reported. These
classes aim to produce the
skilled workers they need
from universities.
MatthewSlovin ManagingEditor mjslovin@michigandaily.com
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3:25 p.m.
WHAT: Two different
victims reported their wal-
let and cell phone stolen
from the basketball court,
University Police reported.
The suspect is described as
a 5'11" black male, 19 to 20
years old with camouflage
pants and a gold earring.
Day is celebrated with a
free concert showcasing
students and graduates
of the School of Music,
Theatre & Dance.
In addition, cancer
survivors will talk about
their experiences.
WHO: U-M Department
of Otolaryngology-Head
and Neck Surgery
WHEN: Today at 7 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan
League, Hussey Room
WHAT: Pat Egan, retired
journalist, describes the
wood-to-ethanol plant proj-
ect being build in the Upper
Peninsula and implications
for the future if it proves to
be successful.
WHO: Matthaei Botanical
Gardens & Nichols
WHEN: Today at 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: Matthaei
Botanical Gardens
Ashley Karadsheh Associate Business Manager
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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and
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Council debates plans for
high-rise, TDX construction
Due to long talk on
DDA funding, issues
still not debated as of
2 a.m. Tuesday
Daily StaffReporter
A vote on the hotly debated 413
E. Huron St. plan was still being
decided as of 2:20 a.m. Tuesday at
Monday night's Ann Arbor City
Council meeting.
The plan would allow for the
construction of a 14-story high-
rise apartment building with an
underground parking structure
in the Dl zone. The building
would provide housing mainly for
University students.
Law Prof. Don Duquette told
councilmembers the high rise
would further the concept of Ann
Arbor as a "student ghetto" and
would damage the city's aesthetic
"Your grandchildren
dren will say, 'Why d
this large, out-of-chara
ster building loft in our
Ann Arbor,' " Duquette
Shouts of betrayal
demnation of the plan
zens filled the air of tI
chambers duringthe pt
ing. Ann Arbor resides
Pollack voiced conc
many other citizens ec
ing the public hearingc
E. Huron St. plan.
"For the record, i
in-town development
don't support this pro
lack said. "We shouldn
tonight. The city, long a
have taken appropriat
support community val
Ann Arbor resident J
ett told council mem
worried about the re
historic trees at the 413
St. site. He specificall)
developers want to tak
and chil-
id you let
cter, mon-
r beautiful
and con-
large, historic walnut tree and
replace it with two three-inch
S U ,-
from citi- Monday night's city council
he council meeting also included a vote on
ublic hear- the University's chapter of Theta
nt Eleanor Delta Chi fraternity's plans to add
erns that an addition to its existing house.
hoed dur- Council had not debated the issue
on the 413 as of 2:20 a.m.
The approval sanctions the
I support fraternity to erect a roughly
, I just 2,400-square-foot addition on a
ject," Pol- 0.4-acre site adjacent to the cur-
't be here rent house that would provide
go, should more common space and expand-
e steps to ed restroom and shower areas. It
ues." also includes new bike storage,
eff Crock- a dumpster area and an outdoor
bers he's patio. However, the current occu-
moval of pancy of 33 people will not be
E. Huron increased.
y said the The plan was revised from an
ke down a earlier draft in which the site's
driveway interfered with parking
meters on Monroe Street. How-
ever, Theta Delta Chi worked out
a compromise with the Down-
town Development Authority on
the placement of the driveway.
Ramon Espinosa/AP
A demonstrator sits in front of riot police as opposition supporters and students block a highway in the Altamira
neighborhood in Caracas, Venezuela on Monday.
Maduro certified as election.
winner amid massive protests
margin causes
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) -
Venezuela's government-friend-
ly electoral council quickly
certified the razor-thin presi-
dential victory of Hugo Chavez'
hand-picked successor Monday,
apparently ignoring opposition
demands for a recount as anti-
government protests broke out
in the bitterly polarized nation.
People stood on their balconies
in Caracas apartment buildings
banging pots and pans in protest
as the electoral council's presi-
dent proclaimed Nicolas Maduro
president for the next sixyears.
Across town, thousands of
students clashed with National
Guard troops in riot gear who
fired tear gas and plastic bul-
lets to turn the protesters back
from marching on the cIty cen-
ter. Students threw stones and
pieces of concrete.
The city was otherwise
peaceful, although protests
were reported in provincial cit-
ies. There were no immediate
reports of injuries.
Maduro was elected Sunday
by a margin of 50.8 percent
to .49 percent over challenger
Henrique Capriles - a differ-
ence of just 262,000 votes out
of 14.9 million cast, according
to an updated official count
released Monday.
Sworn in as acting president
after Chavez's March 5 death
from cancer, Maduro squan-
dered a double-digit advantage
in opinion polls in two weeks
as Capriles highlighted what
he called the ruling Chavistas'
abysmal management of the
oil-rich country's economy and
infrastructure, citing myriad
woes including food and medi-
cine shortages, worsening power
outages and rampant crime.
By' contrast, Chavez had
defeated Capriles by a nearly
11-point margin in October.
Until every vote is counted,
Venezuela has an "illegitimate
president and we denounce that
to the world," Capriles tweeted
One of the five members of
the National Electoral Council,
independent Vicente Diaz, also
backed a full recount, as did the
United States and the Organi-
zation of American States.
But the' electoral council
president, Tibisay Lucena, said
in announcingthe outcome Sun-
day that it was "irreversible."
At the proclamation ceremony
Monday, she called Venezuela
"a champion of democracy" and
defended its electronic vote sys-
tem as bullet-proof.
Capriles, a 40-year-old state
governor, had demanded the
proclamation be suspended.
He convoked the pot-banging
protest and asked supporters
to gather outside the electoral
council Tuesday.
Capriles claimed that mem-
bers of the military, "an impor-
tant group in various cities,"
had been detained for trying to
guarantee a free and fair elec-
tion. He said they had been
ordered to ignore abuses they
witnessed. Capriles did not
offer further details, such as
how many were involved.
He said a vote count by his
campaign produced "a differ- 0
ent result" and it received more
than 3,200 complaints of irregu-
larities - all by pro-government
forces. He demanded every sin-
gle ballot be recounted.