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April 15, 2013 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-04-15

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Monday, April 15, 2013

give back
to students

Sophomore point guard Trey Burke announces his decision to forgoe his final two years at Michigan to participate in the NBA draft at Crisler Arena Sunday
B ur ke leaves Michian for NBA

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binson, Jones and of than 70 LSAscholarshiprecip-
ients - fundraises for the LSA
toward speak at Emergency Scholarship Fund,
which assists students with sud-
LSA benefit den, unexpected financial crises
at home, such as a parent's sud-
By STEVE ZOSKI den illness or loss of employ-
Daily Staff Reporter ment.
LSA sophomore Preeta Gupta,
e Heisman Pose, the untied A+R's vice president of communi-
aces and the bowtie - these ty service, said the scholarship is
he respective trademarks for anyone in danger of dropping
chigan football icons Des- out. She said, as of 12:03 a.m., an
Howard, Denard Robinson estimated $13,000 was raised,
Dhani Jones. Friday night, almost tripling last year's total of
sree men were gathered $5,000.
seame roomtoshow sup- In a question-and-answer
for a cause they said was as session that lasted over an hour,
ring as anything they have English Prof. Anne Curzan asked
done on the football field: Howard, Robinson and Jones
ng it possible for more stu- about their days as Michigan
to come to the University. football players, their inspira-
the third annual Appreci- tions and the importance of the
Reciprocate Benefit Din- emergency fund.
upporting the LSA Student Howard started off the eve-
gency Aid Fund, guests ning on a light note that he
led and dined as they bid is addicted to Krispy Kreme
sction items that included doughnuts.
ned Michigan football, a "I would drive past twelve
made Michigan quilt and Dunkin' Donuts to get to one
bag, a bowtie from Jones' KrispyKreme doughnuts," How-
ie line and tennis practice ard said.
ns with the Michigan ten- Robinson - who surprised
ach. guests by attending the event
preciate + Reciprocate - a after it was reported he would
nt organization comprised See LEGENDS, Page 5A

Sophomore point
guard expected to be
first-round pick
It's been anticipated all sea-
son that the sophomore point
guard would leave early for the
NBA at year's end, but on Sun-
day, Burke officially announced

that he was foregoing his last
two years of eligibility in Ann
Arbor and entering the NBA
Burke, who won all four
major player of the year awards,
had one of the best seasons
of any Wolverine in the last
decade, averaging close to 19
points and seven assists a game.
He was a big reason for
Michigan's return to national
prominence. Without him,
Michigan doesn't even come

close to advancing to the
national title game for the first
time since 1993.
It was a remarkable rise for
the Columbus, Ohio native -
out of high school, no major
scouting service had Burke
higher than the 15th best point
guard in the class of 2011. He
will leave Michigan with the
single season record for assists
and the Big Ten Player of the
Year award in tow.
Burke almost left early for

the NBA after his freshman sea-
son - one where he led the Wol-
verines to a Big Ten title - but
decided to come back to Michi-
gan to try and win a national
championship. The Wolverines
were just six points away from
that goal in their 82-76 loss to
"There wasn't one time that I
felt he was playing for the NBA
and not for Michigan," said
Michigan coach John Beilein.
See BURKE. Page 5A

Spring football
game draws in
fans and funds

Scrimmage raises
over $60K for Mott
Children's Hospital
Daily News Editor
There may be over four
months until the first official
football game for the 2013 sea-
son, but that didn't stop thou-
sands of fans clad in maize and
blue from braving the cold and,
at some points, snow to watch
the Michigan football team
scrimmage at the Mott Spring
The event - which kicked
off just after noon on Saturday
- raised over $60,000 for C.S.
Mott Children's Hospital. The
exact figure will be released in
the coming weeks.
Though the game was free
and open to everyone, dona-
tions were accepted at the door
as well as online. Since 2010, the
scrimmage has raised close to
$1 million for Mott. Drawstring
backpacks, game-day approved
stadium bench seat cushion and

passes to a preseason football
practice greeted those who were
generous enough to donate to the
The "Battle at the Big House"
men's lacrosse game against
Ohio State was also played Sat-
urday to raise money for Mott.
Hannah Ashmore, a develop-
ment officer for the University
of Michigan Health System, said
besides the dreary weather, the
fundraiser ran smoothly.
"It's definitely a successful
partnership," Ashmore said of
the various events planned col-
laborativelybetween UMHS and
the Athletics Department.
PNC Bank was the present-
ing sponsor for this year's event.
PNC President Rick DeVore, an
University alum, said the bank
became a sponsor of the event
four years ago because of PNC's
charity work with children. This
year, PNC donated $26,000, a
$1,000 increase from last year.
"We encourage our clients
and our prospects to donate to
Mott," DeVore said. "It's a great
win-win when you think about
it ... It's great to give back to the

hosts fair
to unite
pen pals
Group encourages
elementary students
to think about college
For the Daily
1,000 elementary-school
students clad in tie-dye outfits
packed the Intramural Sports
Building and Cliff Keen Arena
Friday for the 15th annual
K-grams Kids Fair at the Uni-
Kids Fair is the culmination
of the K-grams' year-long pen
pal program, which pairs Uni-
versity students with elementa-
ry school students. The purpose
of the event is for all pen pals to
meet in person. Business senior
Kristin Kowalchyk, director of
public relations for K-grams,
said 1,000 pen pals participated
in the program.
The fair is a day-long event
where elementary school stu-
dents participate in "edu-active"
See K-GRAMS, Page SA

TOP: Mott patients Jett Quigg, 8, and Nicholas Fulton, 7, watch players warm up at the Spring Game on Saturday.
BOTTOM LEFT: A young Michigan football fan watches the game.
BOTTOM RIGHT: Redshirt senior Fitzgerald Toussaint prepares for the Spring Game.


W EAT HE R H I: 59

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Vol. CXXIII, No.104
t2013 The Michigan Daily

NEWS........... 2A SUDOKU.................... 2A
OPINION .....................4A CLASSIFIEDS...............6A
ARTS ......................6A SPORTSMONDAY..........1B

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