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April 12, 2013 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-04-12

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Friday, April 12, 2013 - 3

The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Friday, April 12, 2013 - 3

Bing seeking steep
cuts from City
Council budget
Mayor Dave Bing is proposing
to cut the Detroit City Council's
budget by $4 million and reduce
the board's staff, allowing only
one personal aide per member.
The recommendations are part
of the city's 2013-14 budget that
Bing will present Friday morning
to the nine-member Council.
The Council currently has an
$11 million budget. A city consul-
tant's report has suggested that
the council be made part-time and
that its staff be cut by 78 positions.
Automakers hit
with air bag recall
Six automakers, including
Toyota, Honda and Nissan, are
recalling nearly 3.4 million older-
of defective air bags that can send
shrapnel flying into the passenger
The recall mainly affects cars
sold by Japanese automakers
in North America, Europe and
Japan. A small number of cars
made by Germany's BMW AG
and General Motors Co. and also
The front passenger air bags all
were made by the same parts sup-
plier, Japan's Takata Corp. They
have faulty inflator mechanisms
that don't route gas into the air
bags. Instead, the high-pressure
gas can launch plastic and metal
parts from the air bags into the
cars' passenger areas. Takata says
no one has been hurt, but there
have been six incidents of the air
bags deploying improperly on
Judges deny Calif.
bid to end prison
A federal judicial panel on
Thursday denied Gov. Jerry
Brown's request to lift a court-
ordered prison population cap and
threatened him and other state
officials with contempt of court if
they fail to comply.
In its ruling, the three-judge
panel singled out the Democratic
governor for ignoring its earlier
orders to reduce the state's inmate
population to the level ordered by
the federal courts.
In January, the governor sought
to end the long-running court
tem and promised to take his fight
again to the U.S. Supreme Court if
necessary. At the time, he decried
the billions of dollars California is
spending to improve inmate medi-
cal and mental health care, saying
the court had ordered the state to
create "gold plate" prisons that
were siphoning money from public
schools, colleges, social services

and other programs.
Egypt's legislature
approves revised
election law
Egypt's Islamist-dominated
legislature approved a revised
version of the law organizing the
country's parliamentary elections
on Thursday, after a court ruled
an earlier version was invalid and
delayed the vote.
The parliamentary elections
had been scheduled to start this
month, but the ruling said the law
must be reviewed by the Supreme
Constitutional Court before elec-
tions can be called. That body had
asked for amendments to the ear-
lier draft.
Thursday's approval was made
by Egypt's Shura Council, the
upper house of parliament now
fully entrusted with legislation
until new elections are held. It also
referred the text to the Supreme
Constitutional Court for review,
Egypt's state news agency report-
-Compiled from
Daily wire reports

From Page 1
United States.
Andiola added that it's
important for University stu-
dents to fight for the cause and
do whatever they can to compel
the University to pursue in-
state tuition equality for undoc-
umented students.
Before Andiola spoke, LSA
senior Resilda Karafili shared
her experience as an undocu-
mented student at the Uni-
versity. Having lived in the
United States since she was
young, Karafili considers it
her home and remains scared
that she will be deported one
"There are millions like me;
this is my country," Karafili said.
"Despite all of the contributions
I've made to this country, I don't
have a green card or passport to
prove it."
Public Policy senior Kevin
Mersol-Barg, founder of CTE
and a former Daily columnist,
said the event served to inspire
students to fight for the cause
since the University's Board of
Regents received CTE's report
From Page 1
Dusenbery said in an interview
after the lecture. "The way
that they were doing it was in
this way that was completely
ignoring the fact that the rea-
son they were convicted was
because they committed this
Dusenbery also expressed
her specific concerns about
the case, noting her surprise
about the accused's clear mis-
understanding of consent.
She said the current concep-
tion of rape conveys a "no-
means-no" culture, allowing
the accused to claim lack of
a denial as valid sexual con-
sent. She said that this needs
to be changed.
"When we're talking about
rape culture, we're talking
about the culture that we live
in every day," Dusenbery said.
"To completely reach the goal
would be to completely trans-
form the culture."
Holly Rider-Milkovich,
director of SAPAC, said she has
been a long-time fan of Femi-
nisting and that both SAPAC
and Feministing share similar
strategies and goals in dealing
with sexual assault. She added
that SAPAC uses posts from
Feministing to help achieve
their mutual goals.
"Definitely, I want to
broaden the audience," Rider-
Milkovich said. "On issues of

weighing the pros and cons of
tuition equality last month.
CTE will make an appear-
ance at the University's Board of
Regents meeting next week with
hopes of hearing the regents'
thoughts on the report.
LSA junior John D'Adamo, a
spokesman for CTE, said in an
interview after the event that
Andiola and Karafili's speeches
inspired students to get involved
in the issue.
"It's really a movement
that's going all throughout the
country and that really trans-
lates to the University's Coali-
tion for Tuition Equality,"
D'Adamo said. "We are really
excited for next week to show
the administration that we're
here, have been moved by these
stories and we'll be doing our
best to create tuition equality
throughout the campus."
D'Adamo said CTE hopes the
regents will discuss the report at
the meeting due to Regent Mark
Bernstein's (D-Ann Arbor) com-
ment last month that said the
regents should treat the issue
with "urgency."
"We're really encouraged to
hopefully see some action hap-
sexual violence prevention,
issues of power and control,
and also to be talking in real
roles with each other about
these issues."
Rider-Milkovich said that
Dusenbery echoed many of
SAPAC's hopes to deal with
the issue of social power as it
relates to sexual assault and
its role within different social
"When we make it not OK
to commit violence against
anyone, then that social power
becomes vacated. It doesn't
have the same resonance,"
Rider-Milkovich said "So one
of the things that we can do to
identify and erode the power
and control that happens
when one commits violence
against another is to not give
people props, not reward them
by talking about the behav-
LSA freshman Celina Roma-
no, who attended the event, said
she was happy to hear an open
discussion about rape in soci-
ety and how it's handled. Still,
Romano said that as a woman
and a freshman at a large uni-
versity, she needs to be cau-
"While I think that the Uni-
versity does a lot to try and keep
women safe, there are a lot of
things that, obviously, things
happen, and they aren't brought
to light," Romano said, "And
there are plenty of situations on
this campus that create unsafe
environments for women."

From Page 1
ing advisers started to consid-
er ways to improve their own
advising program.
"We really do look at this
data and try to make changes
and create conversations,"
Holloway said. "We really
appreciate students taking the
time to fill it out."
Additionally, the consor-
tium of other schools admin-
istering the survey allows
the University to compare
its results to the collective
responses at the other univer-
Zaruba said the nationwide
comparison factor is also cru-
cial in effectively using the
data, allowing the University
to indicate whether problems
or successes are specifically
relevant at the University or
"It is a little bit like going
out and talking to a lot of stu-
dents," Greenland said. "You
start to get a feel what issues
are on people's minds or this is
an issue students face in their
daily lives."
From Page 1
young people.
"In Detroit, you're a big fish in
a big pond ... it's a huge city, but
no matter what, you're making an
impact by just being there," Klein
Klein said he estimated that 40

...it's warm inside the daily.

to 45 students willbe participating
in the inaugural night and hopes
the event would grow with time.
"I expect this to just be the
start of something bigger," Klein
said. "I expect this to raise some
curiosity, to openup their minds."
Friday Nights in the D is one of
three initiatives taken by Crowd
313 to change students' perception
of Detroit. Other projects include

a website detailing internship
opportunities in Detroit called
DetroitWolverine.com, and a fall
festival onthe Diag.
"Our goal is to just get students
down to Detroit to de-stigmatize
the unsafe and un-happening
idea of Detroit, and it's to kind of
to encourage an entrepreneur-
ship culture from the students in
Ann Arbor," Rosner said.

A North Korean soldier, center, looks at South Korean soldiers at the border village of Panmunjom. The prospect of a
North Korean missile launch is "considerably high," South Korea's foreign minister said.
North Korea hints It Will
soo lanc a misil

Gun control bill
clears first hurdle

Sandy Hook victims'
families watched
from gallery above
the senate floor
gress' most serious gun-control
effort in years cleared its first
hurdle Thursday as the Sen-
ate pushed past conservatives'
attempted blockade under the
teary gaze of families of victims
of December's Connecticut
school shootings.
The bipartisan 68-31 vote
rebuffed an effort to keep
debate from even starting, giv-
ing an early victory - and per-
haps political momentum - to
President Barack Obama and
his gun control allies. Four
months after 20 first-graders
and six staffers at Sandy Hook
Elementary School in Newtown
were killed, relatives watching
the vote from a gallery over-
looking the Senate floor dabbed
at tears and clasped hands,
some seeming to pray.
Even so, few supporters of
the legislation are confident of
victory. Several weeks of emo-
tional, unpredictable Senate
debate lie ahead, and a mix of
gun-rights amendments, oppo-
sition from the National Rifle
Association and skepticism
from House Republican lead-
ers leave big questions about
what will emerge from Con-

gress. Foes of the proposed
new restrictions say they would
penalize law-abiding citizens
and do nothing to curb gun vio-
"The hard work starts now,"
said Senate Majority Lead-
er Harry Reid, D-Nev., who
brought the legislation to the
floor for debate.
Still, in a Congress marked
by a notable lack of coopera-
tion between Democrats and
Republicans, Thursday's vote
was one of several displays of
unusual rapport across party
lines. In other examples not
connected to the issue of guns:
Negotiators for the two par-
ties said they had reached
agreement on the major ele-
ments of a Senate immigration
bill they're expected to unveil
next week.
The top Republican in gov-
ernment, House Speaker John
Boehner of Ohio, publicly dis-
agreed with his party cam-
paign chairman's criticism of
Obama's budget proposal to
trim future Social Security and
Medicare benefits. Wednes-
day night, GOP senators left a
White House dinner praising
Obama for reaching out to them
on his budget.
Senators of both parties had
a rare joint luncheon to honor
Arizona Sen. John McCain, the
GOP's 2008 presidential nomi-
nee, on the 40th anniversary of
his release from a North Viet-
namese prison.

N. Korea may have
ballistic missile with
nuclear warhead,
though unreliable
PYONGYANG, North Korea
(AP) - Hinting at a missile
launch, North Korea delivered
a fresh round of war rhetoric
Thursday with claims it has
"powerful striking means" on
standby. Seoul and Washington
speculated that it is preparing
to test-fire a missile designed to
be capable of reaching the U.S.
territory of Guam in the Pacific
The latest rhetoric came
as new U.S. intelligence was
revealed showing North Korea
is now probably capable of arm-
ing a ballistic missile with a
nuclear warhead.
On the streets of Pyongyang,
North Koreans shifted into
party mode as they celebrated
the anniversary of leader Kim
Jong Un's appointment to the
country's top party post - one
in a slew of titles collected a
year ago in the months after his
father Kim Jong Il's death.
But while there was calm in
Pyongyang, there was condem-
nation in London, where for-
eign ministers from the Group
of Eight nations slammed North
Korea for "aggressive rhetoric"
that they warned would only
further isolate the impover-
ished, tightly controlled nation.
North Korea's provocations,
including a long-range rocket
launch in December and an
underground nuclear test in
February, "seriously undermine

regional stability, jeopardize
the prospects for lasting peace
on the Korean Peninsula and
threaten international peace
and security," the ministers said
in a statement.
In the capital of neighbor-
ing South Korea, the country's
point person on relations with
the North, Unification Minister
Ryoo Kihl-jae, urged Pyong-
yang to engage in dialogue and'
reverse its decision to pull work-
ers from a joint industrial park
just north of their shared bor-
der, a move that has brought fac-
tories there to a standstill.
"We strongly urge North
Korea not to exacerbate the cri-
sis on the Korean Peninsula,"
Ryoo said.
North Korea probably has
advanced its nuclear know-
how to the point where it could
arm a ballistic missile with a
nuclear warhead, but the weap-
on wouldn't be very reliable,
the U.S. Defense Intelligence
Agency has concluded. The DIA
assessment was revealed Thurs-
day at a public hearing in Wash-
President Barack Obama
warned the unpredictable
communist regime that his
administration would "take
all necessary steps" to protect
American citizens.
In his first public comments
since North Korea escalated
its rhetoric, Obama urged the
north to end its nuclear threats,
saying it was time for the isolat-
ed nation "to end the belligerent
approach they have taken and to
try to lower temperatures."
"Nobody wants to see a con-
flict on the Korean Peninsula,"
Obama added, speaking from

the oval Office alongside United
Nations Secretary General Ban
U.S. Secretary of State John
Kerry was headed to Seoul on
Friday for talks with South
Korean officials before heading
on to China.
"If anyone has real leverage
over the North Koreans, it is
China," U.S. Director of Nation-
al Intelligence James Clapper
told Congress on Thursday.
"And the indications that we
have are that China is itself rath-
er frustrated with the behavior
and the belligerent rhetoric of...
Kim Jong Un."
In the latest threat from
Pyongyang, the Committee for
the Peaceful Reunification of
the Fatherland, a nonmilitary
agency that deals with relations
with South Korea, said "strik-
ing means" have been "put on
standby for a launch and the
coordinates of targets put into
the warheads." It didn't clarify,
but the language suggested a
The statement was the latest
in a torrent of warlike threats
seen outside Pyongyang as an
effort to raise fears and- pres-
sure Seoul and Washington into
changing their North Korea
policies, and to show the North
Korean people that their young
leader is strong enough to stand
up to powerful foes.
Referring to Kim Jong Un,
Clapper told Congress that
"I don't think ... he has much
of an endgame other than
to somehow elicit recogni-
tion," and to turn the nuclear
threat into "negotiation and to
accommodation and presum-
ably for aid."

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