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April 12, 2013 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-04-12

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Friday, April 12, 2013


at event
Speaker from Arizona
discusses life as
an undocumented
Daily Staff Reporter
On a January morning, Erika
Andiola looked out the window to
find police officers outside of her
house. After entering the house, they
arrested her brother and mother and
deported them to their home country
of Mexico.
After a brief moment of shock,
I Andiola chose to take action.
"I never felt so angry and so sad at
the same time," Andiola said.
Andiola - an activist for undocu-
mented immigrants in Arizona -
spoke to about 40 students Thursday
detailing her personal story of fight-
ing for immigration rights in an event
hosted by the Coalition for Tuition
Equality, a group of 31 organizations
on campus fighting to attain in-state
tuition for undocumented Michigan
As a student at Arizona State Uni-
versity, Andiola paid out-of-state
tuition and received no loans or finan-
cial aid as an undocumented student.
However, after being selected as a
Dream Scholar - a $4,000 scholar-
ship - and receiving private funding
for her education, Andiola connected
with other undocumented students
on ASU's campus and joined the fight
for immigration reform.
Since then, Andiola has advocated
for the DREAM Act - a law enacted
in 12 states that allows public institu-
tions to grant aid to undocumented
students - and has lobbied for immi-
gration reform in Washington D.C.
Because of Andiola's work in
reform, her family and other undocu-
mented immigrants returned to the
See ACTIVIST, Page 3

Ben Folds performs at Hill Auditorium Monday night at the MUSIC Matters benefit concert. The organization is raising money to endow a scholar-
ship for students in need of financial aid.
Ben Folds rocks the Hill

plays to raise funds for
student scholarship
Daily News Editor
After his sell-out show at Hill Audi-
torium on Thursday night, recording
artist Ben Folds performed in a much
more intimate setting at the University
of Michigan Hillel.
Folds' concert performance was the
final product of SpringFest, a series of
events put on by MUSIC Matters, a stu-
dentorganizationthatholds ayearlycon-
cert to raise money for charity. This year,
the money will go toward a scholarship
for low-income students.
A year in the making, the second
annual event likely raised more than the
$100,000 collected at last year's J. Cole
concert, through sponsorships, letter
campaigns and ticket sales.
The group also hosted a Battle of the
Bands contest last week at Scorekeep-
ers bar and grill. The winner of the tal-
ent competition, Motel Model, was the
opening act of Folds' show, performing
before California-based band Radical
LSA senior Megan Pfeiffer, vice

president of MUSIC Matters, said the
club decided to feature Folds to bring
a different flavor from the last year's
Though she believes the event raised
more moneythanlastyear's, Pfeiffersaid
the exact figure isn't known yet, and the
organization will release the figure in a
few weeks. Regardless, MUSIC Matters
is one of the first student organizations
to endow an incoming University student
with a scholarship based on need.
Pfeiffer said MUSIC Matters collabo-
rated with Hillel, CSG and several other
organizations to make the night's events
a reality. The group is also working with
the Graham Institute and the Student
Sustainability Initiative to ensure the
long-term sustainability of this scholar-
"We're doing a lot of collaboration,"
Pfeiffer said. "We all get things out of it,
we all have the same goals."
During a brief speech to members of
Hillel and MUSIC Matters at the after-
concert talk, Folds discussed why he
believes music is an important part of
education. He said it was amazing that
college students took the initiative to
raise scholarship funds for a fellow stu-
"When I was your age, it was like
a dog-eat-dog world," Folds said. "I
commend you for whatever's happen-

ing in the world that people are getting
involved in such a good way."
Folds also took time to discuss music
therapies and the importance of musi-
cians and artists today. Following the
speech, he took about 40 minutes to
answer questions and give advice to bud-
ding musicians and inspired fans.
"I'm more and more into (charity)
because it feels and good and my intu-
ition is that's what music is worth," he
said. "I just wantto be useful."
Topics in the question-and-answer
session ranged from his infamous Chat
Roulette concert improvisations to the
meaning behind certain songs and lyrics.
LSA junior Gianna Marx, MUSIC
Matter's vice president for publicity and
advertising, said her favorite part of the
planning process was working collabora-
tively with her team. Pfeiffer seconded
Marx's notion.
"We all came together to accomplish
one goal," Marx said. "It resulted in an
awesome experience for everyone."
LSA freshman Sahar Atassi, a member
of MUSIC Matters, said her favorite part
of the evening was the talk after the con-
cert because of the personal anecdotes
Folds shared.
"It's interesting to hear his view-
points," Atassi said. "He's an inspiring
artist so it's interesting to pick his brain
a little bit."

UMAY questionnaire
looks into students'
Daily Staff Reporter
Every semester, scores of online
research surveys flood inboxes,
prodding students to consider top-
ics ranging from CTools to casual
sexual encounters.
But since 2009, the University
has distributed an undergraduate
survey of a different kind - one
hoping to provide administrators,
colleges and departments with a
wider window into the student
experience. The appeal stated on
the "University of Michigan Asks
You" or UMAY survey's website is
simple. "Tell Michigan what you're
The survey, which went live late
last month, asks students to respond
to questions gauging their Univer-
sity experiences in areas such as
diversity, academics, campus life
and affordability.
Now in its fourth round after
being offered in 2009, 2010, and
2011, the University joins many
other public research universities,
in addition to the nine campuses
of the University of California
system, in conducting this type of
The cost to the University of par-
ticipating in the survey is $20,000
per year, in addition to the costs
associated with data collection and
other administrative aspects. The
survey is sponsored by the Office of
Provost and administered by Will
Greenland and Karen Zaruba, who
work in the Office of Budget and
After its start at University of Cal-
ifornia, Berkeley, the University was
one of the first schools approached
to join a consortium of universities
administering the survey. Though
the survey is nearly identical at all
campuses, it includes a fourth mod-
ule that can be customized by each
Each year, member universities
convene to discuss potential ques-
tions and adjust previous survey
forms. Zaruba said that in 2010, the
universities decided to add a mod-
ule concerning financial topics to
address the recent economic down-
Greenland said the University
often uses the data gained from the
survey to spur conversations among
multiple University departments,
offices and colleges.
"One of the best uses of the
data is you can look at two differ-

ent populations on campus and
see how their population is differ-
ent," Greenland said. "One number
doesn't tell you a lot. If you look at
two populations and they have a
different number, that can tell you
Engineering Prof. James Hol-
loway, associate Engineering dean
for undergraduate education, said
he and Engineering Dean Dave
Munson often face stacks of hun-
dreds of pages of data on their
desks when the survey data is
Holloway said the survey data is
important for sparking conversa-
tions within academic units. For
example, after comparing sur-
vey results on academic advising
throughout departments, engineer-
See SURVEY, Page 3

Friday trips bring
students to Detroit


Maya Dusenbery, editor of Feministing, spoke at the Ford School about media coverage of rape survivors in an event
sponsored by the University's Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center on Thursday.
Writer ta rape culture

Blogger criticizes
media coverage of
sexual assault
49Daily Staff Reporter
Maya Dusenbery, editor
of the blog Feministing, says
that in order to solve the issue
of sexual assault we need to
change "rape culture" through

open conversations. She tried
to open students up to talking
about sexual assault at an event
Thursday at the Ford School.
Dusenbery spoke to about50
people in an event sponsored
by the Sexual Assault Preven-
tion andAwareness Center. She
focused on sexual assault and
the media coverage it receives,
centering the discussion on the
Steubenville, Ohio rape case,
in which several high-school
football players took advan-

tage of a teenage girl after she
was passed out drunk. 'The
case garnered the attention of
global media after photos of
the perpetrators were posted
on social media.
Dusenbery said she was
frustrated that the news cov-
erage addressed the failings
of the accused rather than the
damage to the survivor.
"The coverage basically
expressed sort-of empathy,"

an a
its fi
D ev
the e

"tudent group then they bolt," Klein said.
"We said, 'let's get a bus of
aims to show people, all together, down.
Let's get them to experience
ity's potential the nightlife - show them that
there's stuff to do in Detroit.
By CHANNING Also, let's show them net-
ROBINSON workingopportunities."'
Daily StaffReporter Participating students will
be given a bus tour by the
stead of barhopping, Detroit Bus Company through
vd 313 is giving students historic parts of Detroit as well
alternative Friday night as up-and-coming areas such
ity. as Midtown. After the tour,
'owd 313, a University participants will be visiting
nization aimed at con- Brooklyn Street Local and the
ng students with the Red Bull House of Art Gallery
loping culture and oppor- Opening where representa-
y in the Detroit, is hosting tives from start-up businesses
rst Friday Nights in the located in the M@dison Build-
ent Friday evening. The ing willbe available to talk.
out pilot event will serve Art &sDesign sophomore
preview of the monthly Matt Rosner, one of the event
t series starting in the fall. planners, said he hoped the
iday Nights in the D event would draw students
s students a chance to to Detroit after they graduate
'ork with successful fromthe University.
-up businesses, become "We want to give students
liar with Detroit and the feel that people live in
rience the nightlife the Detroit ... with great-paying
as to offer, said LSA jobs and exciting lifestyles in
omore Brandon Klein, a city where they can make an
vent coordinator. impact," Rosner said.
Ve noticed that people Klein added that Detroit
go down to Detroit for offers many opportunities for
is games, concerts, and See DETROIT, Page 3


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The Viewfinder: Block voMit

INDEX NEWS ............................2 SPORTS.. . ......... 7
Vol. CXXIII, Not103 OPINION......................4 SUDOKU........................2
203 TheMchiganlDaily ARTS ........S.... ..... 5 CLASSIFIEDS.6...........6

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