2A - Thursday, April 11, 2013
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.cam d
2A - Thursday, April 11, 2013 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom *
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From medicine to politics
Rob Steele received bachelor's unusual was that she was the first go participate because they're the
and medical degrees from the Uni- woman to have an alumni group ones living under the rules and
versity. After a career as a cardiol- named after her, she was chair having daily activities that are
ogist, he was the Republican Board of the continuing education pro- real.
of Regents nominee in 2010. Steele gram for women in the 1950s and
recently announced his campaign she was co-chair for the very first How has your education at
for the Senate in the 2014 election. endowment campaign. the University impacted your
standpoint on issues in the
Why are you passionate Why did you decide to get community?
about the University? involved in politics?
One of the great things about
There are over a dozen Univer- The fact of the matter is, you the University of Michigan is that
sity of Michigan degrees in my just have to go out and do it, and wherever you go, you run into
family. That includes medicine, my grandmother set that great people who went to Michigan.
dentistry, library science, engi- example, and so I thought that Frequently, it's about who you
neering, master's degrees, bach- same thing. That's why when it know and having a common bond
elor's degrees, doctorate degrees has come to politics, even though and association and what you
and socialwork. While my grand- Ihad no experience and had never might learn in the classroom that
mother attended the University, been involved, it didn't bother me makes a difference in your long-
women in college in 1924 wasn't in the least. The (political) system term career.
terribly common. Even more is designed to have normal people - KAITLIN ZURDOSKY
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University alum Rob Steele speaks on the Diagdur-
ing his campaign for U.S. Representative in 2010,
Laptop woes A foul play
WHERE: Shapiro Library WHERE: Crisler Center
WHEN: Tuesday at about WHEN: Tuesday at 1:45
9:25 a.m. p.m.
WHAT: A laptop was sto- WHAT: An iPhone was
len from the fourth floor reported to be stolen on
between 9:05 a.m. and 9:10 Monday night while the
a.m., University Police owner was watching the
reported. The suspect is championship basketball
said to be a 5'9" Hispanic game, University Police
male wearing a long sleeve reported. There are no sus-
white shirt and blue jeans. pects as of yet.
Mongo music
WHAT: Peter Marsh, a pro-
fessor in the music depart-
ment of California State
University's East Bay cam-
pus, will talk about the role
and influence of traditional
music in post-socialist Mon-
WHO: Confucius Institute
WHEN: Today at 4:30 p.m.
WHERE: School of Music,
Theater & Dance
Human values
WHAT: Dr. Craig Calhoun,
sociologist and director
of the London School of
Economics, will deliver a
lecture on human values
involved in publicity.
WHO: Department of Phi-
WHEN: Today at 4 p.m.
WHERE: Rackham Gradu-
ate School
We didn't start Yikes, my bike! Japanese University
the fire WHERE: Institute of Social c r.h
Research calligraph research talk
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Organic apples and pears
are not completely free
of antibiotics, reported
NPR. Two antibiotics, strep-
tomycin and oxytetracycline,
are administered to plants
in order to help fight off
rampant bacterial infection
called "fire blight."
Daily arts takes an
exclusive look inside
the exploding world of
online gaming and eSports.
We'll also look into local gam-
ing centers and video game
The oldest dinosaur
embryos known to man
were discovered in
the Lufeng region of China,
reported the Telegraph. The
dinosaur species was over
190 million years old, had a
long neck, and could grow up
to 26 feet long.
MatthewSlovin ManagingEditor mjslovin@michigandaily.com
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Terra Molengraff ManagingPhototEditors photo@michigandaily.com
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The Michigan Daily (IssN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and
winterteerms by students at the University of MichiganOne copy is available free of charge
to all readers.Additionalcopiesmay be picked up at the Daily's office for $2.subscriptions for
fall term, starting in September, via U.S.mail are $110. Winter term sanuary through April) is
$115, yearlong (September through Aprl)sis $195.University affliates are subject to a reduced
subscription rate.On-ampusSubscriptions for falltermare $3.subscriptionsmust beprepaid.
The Michigan Daily is a member of TheAssociated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press.
WHERE: West Quad Resi-
dence Hall
WHEN: Wednesday at
about 2:20 a.m.
WHAT: A fire extinguisher
was taken from the fourth
floor, University Police
reported. The extinguisher
has been replaced. There
are no suspects as of vet.
WHEN: Tuesday at about
5:20 p.m.
WHAT: A bicycle seat
was reported stolen from
a locked bicycle sometime
between 2 p.m. last Fri-
dayand 5 p.m on Tuesday,
University Police reported.
There are no suspects as
of vet.
WHAT: Sadako Ohki, an
accomplished Japanese
calligrapher who has
held exhibits at the Yale
University Art Gallery,
will lecture about her
recent pieces involving
a Japanese courtier.
WHO: Center for Japanese
WHEN: Today at 12 p.m.
WHERE: School of Social
Work Building
WHAT: Stephen For-
rest, the vice president of
the University's Sigma Xi
research society, will give a
presentation on the status of
the research environment at
the University and its impli-
cations to future research.
WHO: Campus Information
WHEN: Today at 4 p.m.
WHERE: Palmer Com-
mons, 4th Forum Hall
Gunman killed after holding four
firefighters hostage in Ga. home
Senate plans to strengthen border
security with stricter surveillance
Demanded his
cable, power be
turned back on
gunman who was having finan-
cial problems held four fire-
fighters for hours in a suburban
Atlanta home, demanding his
cable and power be turned back
on, before being shot dead when
SWAT members stormed the
house, authorities said Wednes-
day. The hostages had cuts and
bruises from explosions officers
set off to distract the gunman
before moving in, but they will
be fine, a fire official said.
Minutes before the police
announcement on the resolu-
tion, a huge blast could be heard
a quarter-mile away from the
home, shuddering through the
Suwanee neighborhood, setting
off car alarms.
Earlier Wednesday, five fire-
fighters responded to what
seemed like a routine medical
call and were eventually taken
hostage by an unidentified sus-
pect inside the house, police
said. The gunman released one
of the firefighters to move a fire
truck but held the other four.
New electronic
verification of legal
status to be in put
in place
Bipartisan immigration legisla-
tion being written in the Senate
would require surveillance of
100 percent of the U.S. border
with Mexico and apprehension*
of 90 percent of people trying
to cross the border. in certain
high-risk areas, a person famil-
iar with the proposals said
People living here illegally
could begin to get green cards
in 10 years, but only if a new
southern border security plan
is in place, employers have
adopted mandatory electronic
verification of their workers'
legal status and a new elec-
tronic exit system is operating
at airports and seaports.
The person provided the-
information on condition of
anonymity because the delib-
erations were private.
The contours of the tough
new border security plans
emerged as senators moved
closer to unveiling sweeping
legislation within days that
would put some 11 million
immigrants living here ille-
gally on a path to citizenship
and allow tens of thousands of
high- and low-skilled workers
into the country on new visa
programs, in addition to secur-
ing the border.
Lawmakers and aides said
all the major elements were
complete, or close to. A final
deal was near on a new visa
for agriculture workers. There
were small details to be dealt
with on visas for high-tech
workers, but Sen. Dick Durbin,
D-Ill., said it wasn't enough to
hold up the bill.
"We are closer now than
we have been in 25 years for
serious immigration reform,"
Durbin told reporters Wednes-
day after he and other Demo-
crats in the Senate negotiating
group briefed members of the
Congressional Hispanic Cau-
cus. "This president is behind
it, and there is a strong, grow-
ing bipartisan effort in the Sen-
ate to support it. We hope that
the House will do the same."
Meanwhile tens of thou-
sands of pro-immigration
activists massed outside the
Capitol and in cities around
the country to push Congress
to act. They waved American
flags and carried signs read-
ing, "Reform immigration for
America now!"
The border security piece
of the legislation is critical to
getting support from Republi-
cans, but some Democrats have
opposed making a path to citi-
zenship contingent on border
security. Sen. Chuck Schum-
er, D-N.Y., said that the new
requirements wouldn't impede
"A lot of people here would
not want to put dollars into the
border, but as a price to get citi-
zenship, as long as it's not an
impediment to citizenship but
rather works alongside citizen-
ship, it's something we can all
live with," Schumer said, after
talking to the Hispanic House
members. "What we've said
all along is triggers have to be
objective and attainable in a
way it doesn't interfere or delay
with people becoming citizens,
and that's in the bill."
According to the person
familiar with the proposals, the
new border security require-
ments call for 100 percent
surveillance and a 90 percent
apprehension rate of border
crossers or would-be crossers
in sectors where the majority
of unauthorized entries take
The goals would be achieved
by giving the Department of
Homeland Security six months
from the bill's enactment to
create the new border security
plan deploying the personnel,
infrastructure and technology
needed to achieve the 90 per-
cent effectiveness rate. Also
within six months, the depart-
ment would have to create a
plan to identify where new
fencing is needed on the bor-
der. Once those plans are certi-
fied, people living here illegally
could begin to apply for a pro-
visional status allowing them
to work here legally.
If the 90 percent rate of
apprehensions isn't achieved in
high-risk border sectors within
five years, a commission made
of border state officials would
make recommendations on
how to achieve it.
After 10 years, people granted
"registered provisional immi-
grant status" could apply for
green cards granting them per-
manentresidency - and the abil-
ity to seek citizenship - if the
new security and fencing plans
have been completed, the man-
datory employment verification
system is in place and used by
all employers, and the new elec-
tronic exit system is operating at
airports and seaports, collecting
machine-readable visa or pass-
port information from airplanes
and ships.
The electronic exit system
is meant to keep better track
of people in the country on
temporary visas. Some 40 per-
cent of people in the country
illegally arrived with visas but
stayed after they expired. The
employment verification piece
would be an expansion of an
existing system called E-Verify
that's currently voluntary for
most employers, though it's
mandatory in some states.
The bill would allocate $5.5
billion for the various propos-
als, including $1.5 billion for
fencing, $2 billion for other
border measures and $2 billion
to help the commission of bor-
der state officials do its work,
should that become necessary,
the person said, stressing more
or less money could be allocat-
ed if needed.
The border security details
were first reported Wednesday
by the Wall Street Journal.
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