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April 05, 2013 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-04-05

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pull-up or floater. With ball in high post,
Brandon Triche (20)
* Rakeem Christmas (25) helps off and collaps-
steps up to guard Burke es on McGary (4), he
(3), who dumps off to passes to open Burke
Mitch McGary (4) in the (3) on perimiter, who
low post. then passes to Staus-
kas (11) in corner as
, C.J. Fair (5) helps off defense is rotating.
Nik Stauskas (11) to help Fair (5) could be late
guard Burke (3). Burke for help because of
passes to Stauskas for Robinson III (1).


v With ball in high
post, Christmas (25)
steps up to guard
McGary (4). In high-
low offense, McGary
makes a drop-off pass
to Glenn Robinson III
O Christmas (25) stays
back in zone. McGary
(4) shoots mid-range

From Page 3B
Michigan's guards are also
used to playing extended min-
utes, but the Wolverines have a
deep bench in case of foul trouble
or exhaustion. Freshman guard
Spike Albrecht has surprised
many with his solid play as Burke's
backup and has even been used in
a two-point-guard set against cer-
tain defenses. Michigan also uses
freshman guard Caris LeVert to
rotate with Hardaway or Stauskas.
Two - or three, if needed -
Michigan forwards can come in to
4B Final Four, April 5, 2013

give McGary a breather. Morgan
was the starter for most of the sea-
son and is one of Michigan's best
defenders, and redshirt sopho-
more Jon Horford's long frame is
good for a zone defense. Redshirt
freshman Max Bielfeldt is the
third option.
Edge: Michigan
John Beilein is 0-9 all-time
against Jim Boeheim, but Beilein
never had the talented roster he
does how.
At West Virginia, Beilein mold-
ed his players to fit his system, and

though he saw some tournament
success, Beilein never reached a
Final Four.
Now, Beilein's roster is filled
with potential NBA talent in
Burke, Hardaway Jr. and fresh-
man forward Glenn Robinson III,
and he's made his deepest tourna-
ment run by allowing his players
to create for themselves, instead of
molding them to his system.
But where Beilein has the ability
to coach the talent, Boeheim has
years of tournament experience.
Though Boeheim hasn't brought
Syracuse to a Final Four in 10
years, the Orange won the Nation-
al Championship in that trip in

2003. Boeheim has takenhis teams
to 30 tournament appearances and
is 46-23 during March Madness.
Edge: Syracuse
Michigan is riding a wave of
momentum from its overtime
thriller against Kansas and the
20-point drubbing of Florida.
The tournament run marks a
resurgence for Michigan basket-
ball. It's the first Final Four for the
program since the Fab Five made
it in 1993, and there's a lot of buzz
surrounding the team.
The Wolverines' roster is filled

with young players, with five
freshmen regularly see playing
time, and they're all soaking in the
experience of makinga Final Four.
But youth has also been an issue
for Michigan, especially in the Big
Ten, and the Wolverines are the
youngest team left in the tourna-
Syracuse is also a young team.
Its system isn't made for large
momentum swings, as the Orange
had to grind out low-scoring wins
over Indiana and Marquette.
Edge: Michigan
FINAL SCORE:: Michigan 68,
Syracuse 56

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