The Michigan Daily -
Wednesday, January 16, 2013 - 3A
From Page 1A
sent to the school's community.
He wrote that Jackson's passing
was an incredible loss to the Uni-
versity community.
"Shaun has been a dedicated
and beloved member of our com-
munity, mentoring generations
of designers and sharing his
optimism and love of life with us
all," Nadarajan wrote. "He was
the model of an interdisciplinary
design educator."
One of Jackson's former stu-
dents, Art and Design junior Tay-
lor Ross, fondly remembers the
professor for his numerous and
long-winded anecdotes about
his experiences in the industrial
world. She said his real-world
experience and gift as an educa-
tor made him an extraordinary
"I learned more in his class
than I have in any of my other
classes,"Ross said. "Ijust learned
a lot of valuable lessons from him
.. he teaches students the value
of working really hard.",
Ross added that Jackson's
drive to design products that
were perfect and professional
was highly influential on his stu-
"He always strived for excel-
lence in all aspects of his life and
it definitely rubbed off on his stu-
dents," she said.
Jackson even offered a indus-
trial design drawing class on Sat-
urday mornings after realizing
there weren't enough courses on
the subject offered at the Univer-
sity. Art and Design sophomore
Terence Harp spoke about his
experience in Jackson's weekend
"It was the best class I took,
and it wasn't even for credit,"
Harp said.
Harp said Jackson brought
high-level designers as guest
speakers and worked hard to
make sure students would have
the requisite design drawing
skills for when they graduated
and began to work in the indus-
"Among the students, we all
had been touched by him," Harp
said. "He helped make a lot of
this stuff happen in (the design
Professor Andersen said
Jackson's work should live on in
his contribution to the Art and
Design program at the Univer-
"It is my hope that his legacy
in bridge building between busi-
ness and engineering and art
and architecture be continued,"
Andersen said. "That'd be the
best legacy."
Nadarajan wrote that the
school would notify students
once plans were finalized for
memorial services.
From Page 1A
staying at the forefront of higher
Regent Denise Ilitch (D-Bing-
ham Farms) wrote in an e-mail
interview that the regents plan
to discuss issues such as afford-
ability and access, the changing
nature of how students learn,
changes in health care at campus
medical centers and the increas-
ing competition for research dol-
"I look forward to more meet-
ings that allow us to learn,
exchange ideas and promote the
virtues of the University of Mich-
igan," Ilitch wrote. "It is vitally
important to be an 'ambassador'
of our great institution."
University representatives
also hope to glean insight into
how UC administrators have
coped with the economic catas-
trophe that has crippled the sys-
tem over the past decade.
According to UC-Berkeley
spokeswoman Dianne Klein,
the state of California contrib-
uted only 37 percent of the cost
required to educate a student for
the current school year.
Nathan Brostrom, executive
vice president of business opera-
tions for the UC system, told the
development officer. California
has the second largest number of
University alumni, second only
to Michigan. It ranks second in
terms of out-of-state financial
contributions to the University.
"California is just a very big
area for U of M," May said. There
are an unbelievable number of
financially successful Michigan
May, as well as the two Uni-
versity development officers cur-
rently stationed in California,
will not attend any of the actual
meetings or seminars with the
regents. Instead they will host
two events to draw donors from
across the state. The regents are
scheduled to attend those events.
"This presents an opportunity
to reach out to people who care
about the University and want
this institution to thrive well
into our third century," Fitzger-
ald said.
The trip, financed by non-
general fund dollars from Uni-
versity donors, will cost between
$30,000 and $50,000, according
to Fitzgerald.
"This is a very small invest-
ment for a very high return,"
May said.
TODAY at 7:30 p.m.
Sun., Jan. 20 at 7:30 p.m.
Thurs., Jan. 24 at 7:30 p.m.
From Page 1A
any innovative product faes
when first entering a new mar-
ket, Ghosn said. Innovators must
instill a sense of familiarity into
society with the introduction of a
new invention before consumers
can'trust and utilize the product.
Ghosn added that Renault-
Nissan must provide the addi-
tional resources - such as easily
accessible charging stations -
necessary for consuming the
electric cars before the product
can become widely popularized.
"This is kind of a de-bugging
period," Ghosn said. "Where the
de-bugging is not only linked to
the product but to the environ-
ment of the product."
Ghosn told the audience that
the world is prepared to accept
the reality that electric cars
will be more integrated into
the global society. However, he
added that governments must
support the concept of electric
cars as well. He pointed to the
Chinese government's removal
on Sunday of all official cars
from the streets of Beijing amid
alarming pollution levels as a
sign that 'zero emission cars are
a must.'"
Ghosn added that as the car-
to-inhabitant ratio increases
to close to 300 to 400 cars per
1000 inhabitants, electric cars
are becoming more imperative
to improve pollution levels.
"There is no way you are
going to avoid this kind of tech-
nology," Ghosn said.
In 10 years, electric cars
should represent 10 percent of
the market, Ghosn said, fol-
lowed by a progressive decrease
in pollution levels.
Ghosn said, in 2013, "without
any doubt, there is going to be
significant growth within the
From Page 1A
growing commitment to racial
diversity, to creating spaces for
the University and surrounding
community to engage in topics
relatingto diversity," Ward said.
Audience members watched a
video featuring University alum
Larry Brilliant, former execu-
tive director of, the
philanthropic arm of the search
r giant. The video described
King's visit to the University in
1962 and the impact the visit had
on Brilliant, who is an advocate
of the civil rights movement. As
a part of a medical committee
for human rights, Brilliant trav-
eled with King to march against
the Vietnam War.
Two audio clips were played
of King speaking at the Great
March in Detroit in 1963 and
at the March on Washington
same vision that electric cars
should represent an important
technology of the car industry
and certainly something, which
is significant portion of the cars
offered on the market."
The future of the electric
car industry includes a fusion
between zero emissions and vir-
tual technology, Ghosn said. In
an age when information-based
technologies, such as music
players and tablets, are an inte-
gral part of people's daily lives,
people become increasingly
interested when those features
can be added to more aspects of
their routines.
Ghosn also said new technol-
ogy similar to that used in tab-
lets and music players will make
electric cars more interactive
and appeal to the growing inter-
est in information-based tech-
"There can be , a non-direct
interaction between you and the
car just by giving the car a lot of
your basic information," Ghosn
said. "It's going to make your car
your companion."
At the end of the lecture,
Jack Hu, associate engineering
dean for academic affairs, said
he and Ghosn discussed creat-
ing opportunities for students
to intern for Renault-Nissan
in multiple countries, such as
Japan or Brazil.
"He embraced that idea, and
we will be talking about these
opportunities," Hu, who intro-
duced Ghosn, said.
Jeanne Murabito, execu-
tive director for student affairs
for the College of Engineering,
said she is excited to provide
students with opportunities to
experience international and
real-world applications of what
they learn at the University.
"To work in, probably France
and Japan, and to have those
opportunities and to really
be immersed in those compa-
nies would be phenomenal,"
Murabito said. "We are expand-
ing those opportunities to our
students but at this point we
haven't really developed any-
thing with Renault and Nissan,
so I'm thrilled about it."
Engineering Prof. Elliot Solo-
way raised concern to Ghosn
that the education students
are receiving is not sufficient
enough to prepare them for the
visions Renault-Nissan and the
electric car industry are sug-
gesting for the future.
Ghosn said it is important
to learn the fundamental con-
cepts that apply to an industry,
but "learning how to learn" to
adjust to changing markets and
realities is crucial to succeeding
beyond completion of formal
"Learning certainly does not
stop at the university," Ghosn
said. "Most of it will start when
you are joining a company and
when you are starting a career
... What we need are people who
know that it's going to be a life
long learning and who have the
basics, the will and the personal
Rackham student Yiyi Zhao
said Ghosn's points assured her
that she is ready to pursue a
career in autos.
"The classes here - Michigan
especially - are very helpful to
help us prepare for the future
industry," Zhao said.
Engineering sophomore
Sierra George said the gender
imbalance was noticeable at the
lecture as well as in the male-
dominated industry.
"It's intimidating in the sense
thatIdon'tknow how it's goingto
affect me," George said. "I don't
know if it's going to be an advan-
tage or disadvantage. I feel like I
am going to have to prove myself
more and stand out alot more."
New York Times inJ
though the system is o
most prestigioushigher
systems in the nation,
puses are facing one of
financial crises sincet
While the conditi
been especially difficul
fornia, public universit
the nation, including th
sity, have faced formid.
challenges. More than
decreased their higherE
budgets this past year,
one-fifth less per stud
pared to a decade ago.
To buffer agains
declines in funding
state of Michigan, a prix
of the board's trip is t
potential donors.
"Our University has
ingly become depende
generosity and support
to maintain our excelle
will be cultivating the
important relationship
wrote. "We will be sh
strengths of our Unive
why it is important an
while to invest in the U
of Michigan."
California is fertile g
reaching out to donors,
University alumni resi
state, said May, the Un
June that The regents will also have the
'ne of the opportunity to learn more about
education massive open online courses,
its cam- better known as MOOCs. The
the worst University's MOOCs, currently
the Great available for free on the popular
Coursera platform, provide the
opportunity for anyone around
S TO the world with an Internet con-
ORS nection to take a class taught by
University professors.
ons have Russell, the Google research-
It in Cali- er, is a leader in Google's MOOC
ies across programs who will meet with
e Univer- the regents later this week.
able fiscal He said MOOCs are still very
40 states much in a start-up phase, which
education is currently characterized by
spending extensive experimentation with
lent com- different methods and revenue
I future "I'm going to recommend
from the places like Michigan do an
mary goal investment in (MOOCs) and sort
to engage of see where it takes them - kind
of like an internal start-up - as a
increas- way of exploring what's possible
nt on the and then being able to move rap-
of donors idly when they decide that they
nce so we do or do not want to go farther
se vitally with it," Russell said.
s," Ilitch At previous board meetings,
aring the some of the members have ques-
'rsity and tioned whether or not MOOCs
ad worth- can yield financial benefit for
Jniversity the University. In September,
Martha Pollack, vice provost for
'round for academic and budgetary affairs,
as 40,000 gave a presentation to the regents
de in the about the University's role in
niversity's Coursera and eventual avenues
for monetization by charging for
continuing education and pro-
fessional courses.
"Historically, once upon a
time, universities were threat-
ened by the introduction of low-
cost printed books," Russell said.
"They survived that. That seems
inconceivable now. When we
look back at this time 20 years
from now, universities, I predict,
will still be around and we'll
have the same sort of'you're kid-
ding' response. 'How could they
think this could destroy the uni-
Russell added that MOOCs
have the potential to create a
competitive market for teach-
ing in which each institution
can market its most prominent
programs. The result, he said,
would be a general rise in teach-
ing standards.
"The question is, 'How much
brand loyalty do you have to an
institution that is doing a poor
job?"' he said. "I think quality
will be the great leveling effect.
We will see the rise of people
who are currently unknown but
are excellent and inevitably will
have a rising of the standard of
teaching everywhere."
The future of MOOCs is uncer-
tain, and Russell acknowledged
that he expects rapid change and
advancement in the next decade
as the field of MOOC providers
and approaches is narrowed.
In the near term, Russell
expects MOOCs to advance in
both their ability to provide
"community aspects of learn-
ing" and interactive models. He
added that social media will play
a vital role in determining the
success or failure of MOOCs.
"You get this kind of com-
munity effect among people
who have never met and never
will meet," Russell said. "In our
MOOCs, that's surprising more
than anything else. You get stu-
dents from Pakistan helping out
students in South Africa, stu-
dents in South Africa helpingout
students in Brazil, and students
in Brazil helping out students in
Ann Arbor. It goes in this virtu-
ous circle."
"The social media stuff is
really important," Russell added.
"Without them, I think it will be
a quiet, lonely place in this class-
room. With them, it's very inter-
esting, very different."
Amidst meetings with edu-
cation leaders and donors,
Fitzgerald said the regents will
maintain a full schedule, despite
the absence of an official Janu-
ary meeting.
"I don't think that there's
really time to take a trip to Dis-
The next regular meeting of
the Board of Regents is sched-
uled for Feb. 21.
From Page 1A
assembly to hold only seven or
eight more meetings before this
year's elections in March.
Proppe said he's been pleased
with the productivity of the
assembly, explaining it left less
than $1,000 in last semester's leg-
islative discretionary fund after
starting with about $11,000.
Some of the projects that the
assembly funded - at least in part
- included organizing a "Beat
MSU" pep rally, forming a chap-
ter of the Food Recovery Network
and founding Optimize, social
entrepreneurship group.
Proppe said he doesn't expect
the remaining meetings to turn
into lame-duck sessions, adding
that he's aware of multiple rep-
resentatives who are working on
projects presently.
He added that attendees to
upcoming meetings can expect to
see very little, if any, "housekeep-
ing" legislation, such as changes
or additions to the compiled elec-
tion code or operating procedures
of meetings - all of which took
place last semester. Nonetheless,
he did say the election code could
be looked at again before the
March election.
The new year will also see the
introduction of stricter policies
for representative attendance.
From now on, representatives
will have to attend at least one
commission or committee meet-
ing per week outside of the
assembly meetings.
Not attending a commission
or committee meeting can result
in an unexcused absence. Repre-
sentatives are allowed six unex-
cused absences per semester or
they will be dismissed from their
position. Roll is called at the
start and end of each assembly
"So, if someone were to be
inactive for two weeks, they
could be recalled," Proppe said.
Still, recording the attendance
at commission or committee
meetings will rely on an honor
system where representatives
will mark their attendance on a
Google Doc.
"I think that's a really impor-
tant part of being a CSG rep ...
being active outside of these
meetings," Proppe said.
CSG president Manish Parikh,
a business senior, said he has
been pleased with the atten-
dance of the assembly so far, but
noted-one instance when sparse
attendance nearly ended a meet-
ing before it started.
The assembly moved a meet-
ing thatwas originally scheduled
for the day of the presidential
election to the previous night.
Initial attendance at the meeting
was far below quorum, Parikh
said, but after assembly members
were frantically called to come to
the meeting, quorum was made
seconds before the cut-off time
so the meeting could be held.
CSG vice president Omar
Hashwi, an LSA junior, said he
remembered the night as well.
"This assembly is one that's
very dedicated to their busi-
ness because everybody had
something that they're doing at
the time that we called them,"
Hashwi said. "Some people just
ran from North Campus down to
Central just for this meeting."
Proppe said meeting efficien-
cy has been a goal.
"I think probably my legacy
as speaker will be going really
quickly through meetings," he
said. While Proppe said he aims
to keep meetings lasting two
hours, there is no official time
limit to meetings. He noted that
meetings last semester lasted
more than three-and-a-half
two months later where he gave
his famous "I Have a Dream"
speech. Ward noted that Detroi-
ters were proud that King iden-
tified his speech in Detroit as
a major part of the civil rights
Elizabeth James, a program
associate of Afroamerican and
African studies, said the audio
recordings were an essential
part of the event.
"We wanted to do something
where we let Dr. King speak,"
James said. "We wanted to hear
his voice."
Lumas Helaire, assistant
director of the Office of Aca-
demic Multicultural Initiatives,
said he enjoyed listening to the
slow style of speaking King used
in his speeches.
"He is saying stuff that, espe-
cially during that time, a lot of
people didn't say," Helaire said.
"It worked to his advantage that
he spoke so slowly because you
get caught up in waiting for the
next word."
"Your brain gets a chance to
process what he's saying, and he
brings you with him," he added.
Audience members were later
led around a room lined wall-to-
wall with blown up black and
white photos depicting Martin
Luther King's legacy and the
other events of the civil rights
movement. One wall was made
up of photos taken while King
was visiting the University in
Engineering freshman Dylan
Kane said the photos gave him
new insight into the events that
occurred during the civil rights
"It was interesting to see
some new perspectives I've
never seen before," Kane said.
"The professor was able to
provide some close insight on
exactly what was going on in
those pictures."