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April 05, 2013 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-04-05

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Friday, April 5, 2013


DMUM prepares
for charity event


Students march for Take Back the Night, a movement combatting sexual assault, Thursday night.
Su rv s of sexual
assault -march in A 2

Take Back the
Night rally brings
together survivors
Daily Staff Reporter
More than 150 University
students and Ann Arbor resi-
t dents assembled at the Michi-
gan Union Thursday night for
"Take Back the Night," a rally
aimed to raise awareness about
sexual assault in the Ann Arbor
area. Held annually in April
- which is designated as Sex-

ual Assault Awareness Month
- Thursday's event marked the
35th local Take Back the Night.
Take Back the Night is a
national organization that's
goal is to empower and comfort
survivors of sexual assault. Part
of the event's goal was to create
a safe space in which survivors
can share their stories and get
mutual support, said Pam Swid-
er, a leader of the Ann Arbor
The event featured a number
of speakers arid performers who
encouraged sexual assault sur-
vivors to focus on moving for-
ward with their lives despite the

horrific events they had faced.
The indoor event was followed
by a march through the streets
of Ann Arbor during which par-
ticipants chanted. ("out of the
buildings and into the streets!
Take back the night!") Partici-
pants linked arms and sang dur-
ing a candlight vigil after the
The evening's key speaker
was Gregg Milligan, author
of "God Must Be Sleeping," a
memoir detailing his child-
hood experience of abuse at the
hands of his mother, his subse-
quent recovery and the after-

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w additions aim event begins before the danc-
ers have even had time to rest
help dancers their feet. In addition to logis-
tical decisions, the 100-dancer
rough 30-hour planning committee reaches
out to performance groups and
ince marathon athletes to make the marathon
more representative of the
By STEPHANIE many individuals and groups
SHENOUDA on campus.
Daily StaffReporter "Anyone who's ever done
Dance Marathon will tell you
e Indoor Track Building it's definitely grueling," Cot-
take a temporary break trell said. "But we do things
sports starting Saturday, along the way to make it fun,
re than 1,000 participants like massages, appearances
n their dancing shoes for from different sports teams and
annual Dance Marathon time to recharge and reconnect
to raise funds and aware- as a group."
for C.S Mott Children's One of Cottrell's favorite
ital and Beaumont Hospi- Dance Marathon traditions
Royal Oak, Mich. is called "runabout" which
& event requires everyone entails a quick run around the
dancing, moving or stand- building, followed by a five sec-
r the full 30 hours - start- ond break, mediated by differ-
'ith a line dance that will ent athletic teams. The group
rformed at Dance Mara- also provides a stretching
events across the country. machine and other resources
ough there isn't a spe- to ensure participants stay on
fundraising goal in mind, their feet for the entirety of the
year's marathon raised marathon.
000. Organizers hope to Cottrell added that the event
d that this weekend. is solely about philanthropy,
A junior Hannah Cottrell, with the money raised con-
tnce Marathon spokes- tributing to funding pediatric
n, said the program is a therapy - specifically alterna-
-round activity," because tive options that are not likely
ing for the next year's covered by insurance.

Parties prepare
for showdown
at CSJ hearing

"It'stherapythat will helpkids
with disabilities ride in airplanes
or play soccer or climb trees -
things that all kids want to do,"
Cottrell said.
This year, dancers can expect
things to run a little differently
with "pod culture" helping to
foster a tighter-knit sense of
community within eight teams,
each with about 150 people.
"Pod culture gives us the
opportunity for a lot more
involvement and activities," Cot-
trell said. "It also gives the mara-
thon a smaller feel because it can
be kind of overwhelming having
over 1,000 people dancing at one
Each pod has been has been
participating in their own fund-
raising and team-building activi-
ties throughout the year.
Cottrell said the response
to the new approach has been
favorable, and she expects it to
help people reconnect and stay
animated throughout the event.
"We have study stations and
video game stations throughout
the space so people can continue
to move but stay energized the
whole time."
to bring
jest to'U
Seventh annual
puppets parade
For the last seven years,
once a year at the beginning of
April, papier-mch creatures
and monsters congregate and
parade downtown. Their color-
ful papered faces and designs,
propped by poles, swing madly in
the early spring air. FestiFools is
back, and this weekend promises
to bring jest and fun to the still-
wintry streets of Ann Arbor.
Mark Tucker, University pro-
fessor and creative director of
WonderFool Productions, said
the idea for an April Fools' Day-
themed festival came about
through his work with the Lloyd
Halls Scholars Program. He'd
been working with students in
art for non-majors, and his class
took on a community theater
"One thing led to another,
and I had this history of build-
ing large papier-mch floats in
Italy, and so it was already in my
blood," Tucker said. "I decided
to see what would happen if I
created a course around it. The
first year we did it, the semester
ended about the second week
of April, and we decided April
Fools' was really close to that

Students launch
petitions to overturn
0 UEC ruling - and
endorse cake
Daily StaffReporter
The Central Student Judiciary
will hear appeals filed by parties
youMICH and forUM against
the University Elections Com-
mission this weekend in what
could be the penultimate step
before ratifying an election that
was supposed to end more than a
week ago.
The initial results of the elec-
tion were overturned when the
University Election Commission
found that forUM's presiden-
tial candidate, LSA junior Chris
Osborn, was guilty of influencing
students while voting and dis-
qualified him and his vice-presi-
dential running mate, LSA junior
Hayley Sakwa.
Osborn and Sakwa had nearly
500 more votes than youMICH's
candidates. Business junior
Mike Proppe and LSA sopho-
more Bobby Dishell, youMICH's
candidates are in line to take
the executive office if CSJ rules
against forUM's appeal. The pair
took second place in the election,

behind Osborn and Sakwa by
nearly 500 votes.
youMICH will also be appeal-
ing the UEC's decision to dis-
miss its complaint that forUM
misused an e-mail listserv. If
forUM - which was awarded
eight demerits for violations of
financial contribution limits by
an individual - receives two or
more demerits, the party and all
its candidates will be disqualified
from the election.
Supporters from forUM have
already responded to the dis-
qualification of their presidential
ticket. Earlier this week a Rack-
ham student Wonwoo Lee, a
current assembly representative,
started a UPetition through the
CSG website that denounces the
UEC's decision.
The UPetition service requires
users to use their uniqname to
sign the petition and requires no
response from CSG regardless of
the amount of signatures.
The petition, which had
more than 600 signatures as of
Thursday night, called Osborn
and Sakwa's disqualification
"unprecedented and egregious"
and alleges that the photographs
of Osborn influencing students
while voting were taken by mem-
bers of "opposing parties" who
were "stalking" Osborn during
the election.

Golden Apple Award winner Shelly Schreier, an LSA lecturer, gives her "last lecture," the talk she would give if she
only had one left, Thursday in Rackham Auditorium.
Golden Apple recipient
Shreier gives 'last lecture'

Psych. professor
focuses talk
on 'good choices'
Daily StaffReporter
As the applause died down,
several students' voices emot-
ed from the front rows of the
Rackham Auditorium: "We
love you, Shelly!" The largest
crowd in the 23-year history of
the Golden Apple Award greet-
ed Psychology lecturer Shelly
Schreier as she delivered her
"last lecture" in front of her
family, faculty and students on

The Golden Apple Award
- sponsored by the Univer-
sity of Michigan Hillel - was
inspired by the teachings of a
third-century Jewish scholar
named Rabbi Eliezer ben Hur-
kanos, who believed everyone
should live each day as their
last. The Golden Apple is meant
to honor professors who teach
as if every one of their lectures
is their last, and strive not only
to impart their knowledge, but
inspire students as they go. It
is presented annually by stu-
dents to one such outstanding
faculty member nominated by
Schreier, a third-genera-
tion University graduate, has
strong ties to the campus and

has been leading lectures full
time since 1999.
"It is the students affirming
that I have made a difference in
their lives," Schreier said dur-
ing her lecture.
Schreier's "last lecture," a
term used to mean the address
she would give as if it were
her last, was titled "Make
Good Choices." Named after
the advice she instilled in
her daughters, she shared 12
recommendations on how to
make the best decisions pos-
sible, including do more than
the minimum expected, use all
of your senses to explore the
world and make someone's day.
"I hope I'minspiring my stu-
See SHREIER, Page 3A

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