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April 04, 2013 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-04-04

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Thursday, April 4, 2013


TEDxUofM returns for fourth year

'Untapped-' event
to feature 21
Daily Staff Reporter
TEDxUofM will once again
allow students, faculty and staff
to share knowledge at its fourth
annual conference Friday.
The day-long lineup of 21
University-affiliated speakers at
the Power Center is based on the
theme Untapped-.

"Untapped- basically means
to look around and look inside
yourself and see what stories
need to be told," Engineering
junior Maria Young said. "It
means to find your passion and
your fire and then give it to as
many people as possible."
TEDxUofM is an indepen-
dently organized spin-off of
the popular series by non-prof-
it Technology, Entertainment
and Design, where scientists,
designers, engineers and other
scholars give 18-minute pre-
sentations on innovative ideas
they have.
Though the event is already
at its cap of 1,200 attendees, a

live stream will be available at
Hatcher Graduate Library, the
Duderstadt Center and Hillel, as
well as on the TEDxUofM web-
Young, a co-director of the
event, said planning for the
event started soon after the
completion of the 2012 events,
adding that the dynamic of the
day itself has alot to do with the
team putting it together.
"TED U of M is interesting
becau se people on the team
take on as much responsibility
as they'd like, so it becomes alot
more meaningful experience for
everyone because they all want
to do the work that they do,"

Young said.
Young said the speakers
will incorporate the theme in
their lectures and it's meant to
"extend the spirit and the ener-
gy past one day."
LSA senior Surya Nagara-
ja, also a co-director, said he
believes TEDxUofM is popular
with students because it fuels
their desire for sharing stories
and new ideas and is more inter-
active than learning from text-
books and exams.
"Michigan is such a progres-
sive place and people want to
experience things they never
have before," he said. "TED
Talks are a great way to get

outside your box and do that
because the speakers are all so
dynamic; you can't helpbut have
your mind blown."
Nagaraja said. TEDxUofM
differs from the original TED
Talks because it's University-
"If you go to the talks and
there's a professor that just
really speaks to you, you can go
meet them because they work
here, and she walked the same
halls as you; there's no reason
you couldn't do what she does,"
Nagaraja said.
Business senior Jeremy Kla-
ben, ateam leader for the confer-
ence, said the University event is

unique because it's a "collabora-
tion of the Leaders and Best from
across the University," highlight-
ing their passions.
"Basically we provide a stage
and the speakers take it from
there," Klaben said.
Klaben said TEDxUofM,
which is in its fourth year at the
University, lends itself to the
campus because of its interdis-
ciplinary nature.
"It's so different than any-
thing that anyone will experi-
ence because as you listen, you
reflect on things you haven't
thought of before, and you leave
feeling really inspired and ready
to do things."'

Judge throws
out appeal in
RTW suit



the leg
to dis
sage o
end of

Schuette denied Open Meetings Act.
"We're disappointed that the
ppeal in Open case was not dismissed outright
because we believe it doesn't
,etings Act case have any merit, but we're pre-
pared to move forward, and we
By BEN ATLAS have a very strong case and we
Daily StaffReporter expect the right-to-work law to
be upheld because there were
er taking effect March 28, not violations of state law," said
gality of Michigan's right- Joy Yearout, communications
rk legislation is already director for state Attorney Gen-
g into question. eral Bill Schuette, whose office
Ingham County judge filed the request for dismissal.
esday rejected the request Judge William Collette said
miss a lawsuit by labor the plaintiffs, a group that
s claiming that the pas- includes the American Civil
f right-to-work laws at the Liberties Union of Michigan
f 2012 violated Michigan's See APPEAL, Page 5A

Engineering senior Alex Western and her classmates set off bottle rockets as part of their mechanical engineering course Wednesday.

Students to participate
in Clinton conference

Milhaud's opera 'Trilogy' to
be brought to life by 'U'

Leaders of campus
non-profit to trade
* ideas with other
student leaders
Daily News Editor
While many students are trav-
eling to Atlanta this weekend to
cheer on the men's basketball
team in their first Final Four
appearance in 20 years, two Wol-
verines will head farther west
to represent the University in a
slightly different setting.
LSA senior Meaghan
O'Connor and LSA junior Eliza-
beth Rich will leave for Wash-
ington University in St. Louis,
Mo. Friday to attend the Clinton
Global Initiative University, a
weekend-long conference hosted

by former President Bill Clinton
and his daughter Chelsea Clin-
ton which brings hundreds of
college students and world lead-
ers together to try to solve global
The pair will attend CGIU
as members of She's the First, a
national non-profit organization
that raises money to send under-
privileged girls to school around
the world. O'Connor founded the
University's chapter of the club
in the fall after working for the
organization last summer in New
At the conference, O'Connor
and Rich - along with two other
woman involved in She's the
First in different states - will
meet with other college students
who have made a "Commitment
to Action" including climate
change, public health and edu-
cation, which is O'Connor's and
Rich's focus.

"What you get out of the local
stuff is really cool, and what we
do here is really cool," O'Connor
said. "(But) that national per -
spective is so different than what
we do here."
"A big part of the summit this
weekend is talking and connect
ing to people who have a common
interest," Rich added.
Last semester, the Univer-
sity's club raised enough money
to send two girls in Guatemala to
high school. As evidenced by tl
club's name, the girls will be the
first in their families to attend.
The hope is that by attaining a
higher level of education a cycle
of poverty can be interrupted.
Though one aspect of the orga-
nization is to send girls to school,
another is to empower students
on campuses across the nation.
While students may not neces-
sarily have money to donate, she
See CLINTON, Page 5A


of cc
the i

The University Thursday evening.
The orchestra has already
lusical Society won four Grammys, in 2006
for William Bolcom's "Songs of
celebrates 100 Innocence and Experience" -
.r w l Including the Grammy for Best
ears with Hill Classical Album.
"Itsent a shockwave through
By LENA FINKEL the recording industry," said
DailyArts Writer Kenneth Kiesler, the conduc-
tor of the University Symphony
ow to celebrate 100 years Orchestra.
ollaboration between Hill While the orchestra
torium and the Univer- searched for distributors
Musical Society? Murder for its last 10 albums, it was
revenge, of course! For one approached by Naxos, the
t only, three choirs, one largest distributor of classical
estra and over 400 musi music.
s come together to attempt Though the piece may
mpossible and bring Dar- already have a producer, pre-
Milhaud's opera trilogy, paring for the performance has
steia of Aeschylus," to life. not been easy.
he University Symphony "There were many problems,
iestra will be the first to like the music is filled with
orm the three-hour mas- hundreds of misprints and mis-
ece in the United States, takes, and we had to fix those,"
h will be recorded live Kiesler said. "Also, the stu-

dents are not used to singing in
French, and the music is very
It has been
a challenge Darius
for everyone Milhaud's
"A lot of Oresteian
the orches- Tril
tral parts
don't match Thursday at
up. It's been a 7:30 p.m.
great deal of Hill Auditorium
time trying to
make it match From $10
and a huge
said George Case, assistant
conductor of the UMS Choral
With these complications in
mind, Kiesler said, "It took me
years to decide it would be a
good thing to do."
Four years after receiving
the music, Kiesler finally came

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