(jE £idTigan EA0FT I
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Friday, March 29, 2013
loom for
CS panel
on election
Rising CSG president Chris Osborn and vice president Hayley Sakwa react after hearing of forUM's election victory early Friday morning at a watch party.
Osborn takes presidency
pending UEC hearings
CSG popular vote
victory is forUM's
first win
Daily StaffReporter
Only a few hours after the
ballots had closed, the Uni-
versity Election Commission
released the results for Central
Student Government executive
positions. LSA juniors Chris
Osborn and Hayley Sakwa, the
first candidates of forUM, will
become CSG president and vice
president conditional on the
outcome of pending UEC hear-
While forUM topped the bal-
lots with 3,413 votes, fallingshort
by less than 500 came veteran
youMICH with a total of 2,928
tallies. Business junior Scott
Christopher and LSA freshman
Ethan Michaeli, the sole inde-
pendent candidates, secured
2,538 votes; momentUM's candi-
dates LSA freshman Nick Swider
and running mate LSA junior
Jill Clancy secured 702 votes;
and Ashley Garrick and Chane
Karagaofthe Defend Affirmative
Action Party gained 250..
"I'm incredibly appreciative
that the students have put their
trust in me and to serve for them
for the coming year," Osborn
In an election that drew
10,044 votes - 24 percent of the
student body - forUM secured
33.98percentofvotes. This year's
elections showed an increase in
voter turnout, surpassing the
19.96 percent of highly conten-
tious 2012 elections.
In 2012 election cycle, cur-
rent President Manish Parikh
and Vice President Omar Hash-
wi beat youMICH candidates
by approximately 150 votes in
the race to the executive seats.
Despite the month of hearings
that followed, Parikh and Haswi
were allowed to keep their seats
at the helm.
Beyond the executive 6ffice,
parties were also running can-
didates for assembly representa-
See OSBORN, Page 3
Commission will
examine code
late Friday
Daily StaffReporters
While the unofficial results of
the Central Student Government
elections were released shortly
after the polls closed early Friday
morning, the election is far from
ratification as hearings loom
overhead. The election's presi-
dential winners, LSA juniors
Chris Osborn and Hayley Sakwa
of forUM, are at the center of the
According to documents
obtained by The Michigan Daily,
four complaints have already
been filed against forUM - with
three specifically against Osborn
and one against Sakwa. The four
complaints, which are accompa-
nied by pictures and audio, allege
that Osborn and Sakwa coerced
students to vote for forUM.
Three complaints were filed
by members of youMICH solely
and a fourth was filed jointly
by members of youMICH and
Originally, the University
Election Commission was set to
meet at 10:30 p.m. on Thursday
to hear three complaints, but all
three were dropped prior. Four
more complaints have been filed
since then, and LSA senior Lukas
Garske, the CSG student general
counsel, said he wouldn't be sur-
prised if more are filed within
the 18-hour statute of limitations
that began when the unofficial
results were released at about
1:30 a.m. on Friday.
"My gut is we'll probably get
a lot more complaints between
now and then, anyway," Garske
He added that the UEC will
likely convene Friday at about
10:00 p.m. to hear cases, noting
that the time was chosen with
the Michigan men's basketball
game in mind.
According to the CSG com-
piled code, influencing a student
while he or she votes is a "major
See LAWSUITS, Page 3
Anniversary of
campus crime
prompts lecture
Howard professor
talks domestic
violence and race
Daily Staff Reporter
In a full auditorium made up
of a crowd of predominantly
female students,
Tricia Bent-Goodley pre-
sented the 9th annual Tamara
Williams Memorial Lecture last
night, "Understanding Intimate
Partner Violence and Why Race
Goodley, a professor at How-
ard University and author of"The
Ultimate Betrayal: A Renewed
Look at Intimate Partner Vio-
lence," spoke about the need
for effective communication
between different groups so that
the groups could work together
to end domestic violence.
This event was sponsored by
the Center for the Education of
Women, the UMHS Social Work
Department, the Sexual Assault
Prevention and Awareness Cen-
ter, University Housing, the
School of Social Work, and Abuse
Hurts and University Human
Tamara Williams, the talk's
namesake, was a student and
single mother studying at the
University School ofSocial Work.
In 1997 Williams was stabbed to
death by her boyfriend in the
Northwood apartments. Wil-
liams was an African-American
victim of domestic violence.
The memorial began with a
slideshow commemorating Wil-
liams. The slideshow included
quotes from William's family
and friends expressing their sor-
row and how they coped with the
tragedy, in addition to a montage
of photos of the funeral and of
Williams throughout her life.
Peter Logan, the communi-
cations director of University
Housing, said that this event is
dedicated to preserving Wil-
liam's memory and helping to
raise awareness of domestic vio-
lence in order to prevent future
domestic abuse cases.
"We are here tonight to
remember Tamara. Tamara was
a student, amother, a daughter, a
co-worker, a friend, and a neigh-
bor," Logan said. "She was partof
our University community when
her life was tragically, brutally
"That violence that took her
life was felt very profoundly by
this campus community," Logan
said. "To honor her memory this
program was created several
years ago to raise awareness of
domestic and dating violence.
Thereby this increased public
knowledge and involvement of
the prevention of domestic vio-
Goodley said domestic vio-
lence was cited as the number
one public health issue for Afri-
can-American women by the
Black Women's Health Impera-
tive. Goodley added that African
Americans experience victimiza-
tion at a rate 35-percent higher
than white women and 22-per-
cent higher than other women of
See LECTURE, Page 3
A North Quad Residence Hall corridor is evacuated and drained aftera broken pipe led to significant flooding.
eiouQuad displaces students
service shows
message wall
Harper attends
unveiling at
Michigan Union
Daily NewsEditor
The outer wall of the Counseling
be transformed into a destination for
hope inCAPS'songoingefforttopro-
mote studentmental heath.
The first of its kind in the nation,
the goal of the "Messages of Hope"
project is to help prevent suicide,
the second-leading cause of death
among college students nationwide.
Students are encouraged to write
messages onto wooden tiles which
will then be hung on the wall out-
side of the CAPS office in the Michi-
gan Union. Anyone can submit a tile,
and students are free to come and
remove a tile they find inspiring for
their personal use.
Some tiles featured lighthearted
messages such as "You are loved,"
or "Download 'Puppies' for iPhone,"
while others were filled with per-
sonal messages and stories of sur-
vival. Christine Asidao, the assistant
director of outreach and education
for CAPS, said the wall is the cul-
mination of a yearlong collaboration
between CAPS and its student advi-
sory board.
Asiado said the goal of the wall
is to serve as a personal medium of
support for people struggling with
suicidal thoughts. Instead of focus-
ingon raisingawareness ofthe bleak
statistics of suicide, CAPS wanted to
approach the issue differently.
Pipe break turns
stairwells into
Daily StaffReporter
andDaily News Editor
Around 10:30 a.m. Thurs-
day morning, a pipe broke at
the North Quad Residential
and Academic Complex and
began flooding student liv-
ing spaces, classrooms and
common areas, resulting in
the cancellation of classes
and partial evacuation of the
building. As of 12:24 p.m.,
there was no allowed access to
the residence hall.
Peter Logan, spokesperson
for University Housing, said
the fourth floor and below had
been closed and about 100 stu-
dents will be displaced at least
for the near future. Students
and officials do not yet have
access to the rooms and per-
sonal belongings because of
standing water in the hallways
and concerns about electrical
Above the fifth floor has
been given the "all clear" by
officials and the elevator has
also been deemed safe for use.
It is unclear when these stu-
dents will have access to their
According to an e-mail sent
to students in the School of
Information from their dean,
Jeff MacKie-Mason, all class-
es in the building have been
canceled for Thursday.
Moisture was seeping
through the ceiling and other
fixtures in the building as
instructors and faculty tried
to determine the best course
of action. In pictures sent to
The Michigan Daily, water is
seen flowing into a classroom
and hallway.
According to Ken Campbell,
North Quad's maintenance
mechanic, a broken joint pipe
on the building's fire suppres-
sion system was responsible
for the flooding. The break
occurred in the East Stair-
well on the fourth floor of the
building, he said. When the
pipe lost pressure, the sys-
tem automatically turned the
water pump on to add pres-
sure, exacerbating the flow
from the three-inch pipe.
Campbell estimated that
"thousands and thousands" of
gallons poured from the pipe
before it was turned off 20
minutes later.
The University is currently
working on placing students
in empty residence hall spots
and possibly hotels around
Ann Arbor. Logan added that
it's probable that fewer than
the approximately 100 stu-
See FLOODING, Page 3
Call 734-418-4115 or e-mail
news@michigandaily.com and let us know.
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