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March 28, 2013 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-03-28

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2A - Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

2A -ThurdayMarc 28 201 ThaMichgan ail - mchigndayc_

A2 alum serves the city


420 Maynard Sc.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327
Editor in Chief Easiness Manager
734-418-4115 ext. 1252 734-41a-4115 ext. 1241
anweiner@michigandaily.com rmgrein@michigandailycom

Ann Arbor City
Councilmember Sabra Briere
(D-Ward 1), who gradaated
from LSA in 1986, has served
on the council since 2007. An
advocate for recycling and
solving other city issues, she
is running for re-election
this year.
Are there any experiences
you had during your time
as a student thnt you use
in your career today?
I studied history and took
political science for fun, but
the real benefit I got from
the University was actually
learning how to research,
how to look at documents,

evaluate them and write up
a report.
As a city council member,
what University issues do
you help solve?
The biggest issues that
the council deals with are
places where town and Uni-
versity don't mix well. One
of those is the University's
expansion into the city,
acquisition of buildings and
not having to follow city
ordinances. Another place
where I run into a problem
is inevitably student behav-
ior. I'm not talking about
students who over-indulge
in alcohol on football Sat-

urdays or have loud par-
ties. I'm talking about the
fact that people who are
newly leaving home haven't
yet begun to recognize that
what they do in public is
What is the most gratify-
ing aspect of your career?
The mostcgratifying aspect
of sitting on city council is
helping to solve problems.
My goal is to make the city
to work better for the people
who live here, whether they
live here for decades like I
have or they foolishly decide
to leave.

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Art and Design freshman Natalie Schwartz uses paper mache to
create a giant head in the School of Art and Design Wednesday.

Water you
WHERE: South Quad
Residence Hall
WHEN: Tuesday at about
10:0S p.m.
WHAT: A resident acciden-
tally activated the sprinkler
head in his room when he
broke it, University Police
reported. Thirteen rooms on
two floors were affectedhby
the water.
WHERE: Maven Mall
WHEN: Tuesday at 12:00
WHAT: A plaque was
reportedlyctaken from the
lobby, University Police
reported. There are
no suspects.


Locker larceny Domestic
WHERE: Central Campus violence talk
Recreation Building
WHEN: Tuesday at about WHAT: Tricia Bent-Good-
7:10 p.m. ley, author of "The Ultimate
WHAT: A wallet and laptop Betrayal: A Renewed Look at
were reportedly stolen from Intimate Partner Violence,"
the men's locker room, Uni- will speak about her book
versity Police reported. The and her research. There will
objects were left unattended be a reception and
from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. community conversation
There are no suspects. aftercthe program.
WHO: University Mousing
Pass the WHEN: Today at 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: Natural Science
Buck(s) Auditorium
WHERE: Mosher-Jordan Stories of Race
Residence Mall
WHEN: Tuesday at about WHAT: This theme semes-
12:40 p.m. ter event includes a drama-
WHAT: A student reported tization of race statistics and
an unauthorized charge stories. It will feature acting
with his Blue Bucks, Uni- by Carol Gray, a graduate
versicy Police reported. The student incthe School of
charge was made March 23. Public Mealth.
There are no suspects. WHO: School of
Public Health
NotesWHEN: Today at S:4S p.m.
fn/blgs/Th WireWHERE: Michigan Leagu

Film screening
WHAT: UM AfricAid
is screening the film
"Girl Rising," which
demonstrates the power
of education.
WHO: Center for the
Education of Women
WHEN: Today at 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: North Quad,
room 2435
WHAT: In the sixth annual
Faeth Memorial Lecture,
Alan Epstein will give a
lecture called "Aeropro-
pulsion for Commercial
Aviation in the 21st Century
and Research Directions
WHO: Aerospace
WHEN: Today at 4:00 p.m.
WHERE: Prancois-Xavier
Bagnoud Building, Boeing
Lecture Mall

1The Solar Impulse, the
world's first solar-pow-
ered plane, will make
its first trip across the U.S.,
from California to New York,
reported NPR. The plane is
able to fly nonstop duringcthe
day and night and weighs less
than the average car.
2 An inside look at
NOiRE's upcoming
fashion show and the
world of fashion photogra-
phy ... it's all in the Pashion
3 Asaliva test to indicate
risk of breast or prostate
cancer could be avail-
able within five years,
the Telegraph reported. A
major research survey found
80 genes that contribute to
cancer and could be screened
for in patient genomes.

Matthew Slovin ManagingtEditor mjatovn@mhchigandadly.om
Adantblhe anagsing es Editor arube@michigndaitycm
SENItR0NESmEDITnOSs: Alica Aaacznkn,aeBuke,oAstHfor,Per,Shi,s
K.C. man,aylor Wizner
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Gringls, aniee Saopeinns, Steve oski
Melanie Kueis and opinioneditors@michigandaily.com
Adrienne Rnberts tditoritltPtgetEditors
SENIOR EDITORIALPAE EITORS:osseli, Sara Skluao, Drk Wolf
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Eoerett Cnok and
Zach Helfand Managing SportsEditors aportaeditos@michigandaity.com
SENIOR SPOonS EOS:Stseven Bra, Miha arlanoStephae nsbittColen
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Kayla Upadhyaya ManagingArs Editoe kaytau@mhchigandadly.com
SENIORSonsDTnORS: lt lser,ann oshson,JhnLynh Annea aovkaa
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SEOROPY EDTORoS: Jencnieoman eMLauina
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Sophie Greenbaum ProductionsMnager
Meryl Hulteng NttinaAcsount, Manage
ConnorlByrd FinaneManager
nhe aicigan taily (ItSNa0n4t-96n) it published Monday through Fridyduring the fall aed
winter t ebstudent at the UnivaerstfMichigan.On~e copyit avilaleahaestoharge
tll rades. Additionalopis ayeypickdup at th ailys officefort$.Suscriptions fr
The Michigan taily its a merThe Assoni, tated PreadThet Asocated Collegiate Pess.




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