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March 26, 2013 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-03-26

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6 - Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

6 - Tuesday, March 26, 2013 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom


Lii Wayne worsens
Lewd lyrics plague
'IAm Not a
Human Being II'
DailyArts Writer

Debating the sides of
the six strikes system

Since releasing his 2008 mas-
terpiece Tha CarterlI, Lil Wayne
fostered the careers of Drake and
Nicki Minaj,
went to jail C
and started
skateboard- Lii Wayne
ing. Noticeably
absent over this
five-year span, Human Being II
though, is qual- Cash Money
ity music. I Am
Not a Human
Being and Tha Carter IV were
underwhelming releases from
the self-proclaimed "Best Rap-
per Alive," and Wayne's position
as unrivaled rap god faded to the
point of ridicule. On I Am Not a
Human Being II, Wayne tries to
reestablish himself in the public
eye as a rapper again.
Unfortunately, I Am Not a
Human BeingIImakes it clear the
magic of Wayne's art dissipated.
The whimsical and psychotic
lines of his past - once his biggest
strengths - are now his flaws,
having turned into cheesy and
desperate attempts to capture ear-
lier greatness. This void of artistic
direction leaves behind a messy
mixture of sex, drugs, violence
and incoherent rambling. Sure,
there are flashes of old brilliance
here, but Wayne's lyrics on the
project make no sense when put
together; it's as if he wrote hun-
dreds of half-assed one-liners and
smashed them together to create
an album.
Take the opening track,
"IANAHB," a piano-flooded ram-
ble that is supposed to come off as
serious, but instead is riddled with
sexual fantasies about Trans-
formers and lines like, "I'm in the
ocean getting shark pussy." Sex
is Wayne's go-to subject matter
these days, and each track on the
album contains enough vulgarity
and stupidity to make even the
most die-hard Wayne fan blush.
Most vulgar of all is the Soulja
Boy-produced, Trina-featuring
"Wowzers." Soulja's beat sounds
more or less equivalent to an ine-

"The best part of waking up . is breakfast after a nut!"

briated sloth pressing the same
two piano keys, and, over the cho-
rus, Wayne compares his tongue
to an Uzi and his dick to an AK. He
also manages to slip in the word
"Peniscolada," while Trina's verse
contains too much unprintable
trash to even be referenced.
Still, Wayne's ear for produc-
tion can nonetheless pick outa few
great beats, including a handful of
solid tracks from Juicy J, Cool &
Dre and Detail, the latter of which
produces and features on the
bombastic lead single, "No Wor-
ries." FrequentDrake collaborator
T-Minus laces "Rich as Fuck," one
of the better songs, with a head-
bobbing, funk-grooving beat, and
Wayne manages to let some of his
vintage charisma shine. 2 Chainz
steals the show on the chorus, but
his appearance is much too short,
probably because Wayne knew 2
Chainz would outshine him as he
did on the third track, "Days and
Besides the two 2 Chainz
appearances, IANAHBII benefits
from two other extremely well-
placed features: Gunplay on "Beat
the Shit" and the trio of Drake/
Future/Mike WiLL Made It on
"Bitches Love Me."
Gunplay, Rick Ross's clinically
insane hype-man who has been
rising steadily over the past year,
absolutely demolishes "Beat the
Shit." "I'm a knuckle-throwin'
knucklehead / What that mother-
fucker said?" he roars at the start
of the song, completely destroy-
ing his verse with threats to "beat
a n*gga down 'til he left without

vital sign." Wayne does his part
too, cooing ironically in auto-tune
over the chorus to "beat the shit"
out of somebody on top of a beat
that will certainly incite a riot at
some point.
On "Bitches Love Me," the most
successful single from the album,
Mike WiLL Made It lays down
a hypnotic, codeine-laced that
Drake and Future sing a perfect
chorus over. The song was des-
tined to be a hit - a pairing of the
hottest producer in the game and
the two best chorus-men around
- and Wayne's elementary and
cheesy rhymes serve simply as
placeholders until the chorus.
"God Bless Amerika" seems to
be Wayne's only attempt to create
something meaningful on the LP.
Cool & Dre provide an expansive
and demented beat, and Wayne's
rhymes actually sound some-
what legitimate. The song doesn't
pack the power of Tha Carter III
standout "Dontgetit," but it is the
lone example of introspective
examination on the album.
"Everybody wanna tell me
what I need / You can play a role
in my life but not the lead / I saw
a butterfly in hell today / Will I
die or go to jail today?" Wayne
wonders in the outro, and for
a moment his inner-conflict is
almost tangible. Then "Wowz-
ers" comes on and ruins what
could've been the perfect ending
to the album. Dwayne Carter the
human being might've survived
the seizures he suffered last
week, but Lil Wayne the rapper is
anything but alive.

Daily Arts Writer
The most recent effort to com-
bat the illegal downloading of
music, movies and TV launched
Feb. 25 under the name of the
Copyright Alert System. More
commonly known as the six
strikes system (as a result of its
methodology), it was implement-
ed by the Center for Copyright
Information amidst harsh criti-
cism, little support and daunting
challenges. If you're responsible
for one of the 146-million visits to
an online piracy site a day, the six
strikes system is looking at you -
though they claim their efforts
are to educate, rather than pun-
ish you.
The new system is the prod-
uct of a joint coalition of indus-
try organizations such as the
Motion Picture Association of
America, internet service provid-
ers like Comcast and an advisory
council of consumer technology
advocates and experts. Together,
the affectionately named "copy-
right cartel" hopes to encourage
account holders to take respon-
sibility for the illegal activ-
ity occurring on their Internet or
Wi-Fi network.
Under the program, regula-
tory organizations such as the
MPAA will monitor how its copy-
right material is both used and
distributed. If they confirm their
movies or TV programs are being
shared illegally, they can notify
the ISP of the suspected inter-
net protocol address that each
Internet-connected device has.
Basically, this unique association
of numbers to individual comput-
ers allows the ISP to distribute
the necessary alerts or warnings.
In other words, copyright
holders that see your IP address
sharing illegally will tattle on you
to the bigbad ISPs.
A maximum of six alerts will
be ordered, with the varying
degree of seriousness left to the
discretion of the Internet provid-
er. The alerts follow the general
evolution from two educational
alerts to two required acknowl-
edgment alerts and finally two
mitigation alerts. Verizon, for

The ac
of payi
case re
of whe
the rig
six str
far be
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the las
to avoi
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of circ
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are esi
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le, proposes that the sixth "Lost," the software communi-
could render violators' cates with its central server, a
et connection reduced to tracker, to locate other software
c dial-up speeds for days. users with either that same com-
cused will have the option plete file, called seed computers,
ng 35 dollars to have their or those with a portion of it. The
viewed by an independent simultaneous extraction enhanc-
tor. Termination of con- es the quickness of the process.
n will never be an option. But you can't just sneak into
isory council member Gigi Diagon Alley and expect no one
eas quoted as calling the six to notice you trolling about. For
system a "significant test that, you need to hide from the
ther a voluntary copyright CCI with a VPN like ProXPN or
ement system can work, TorGuard. These services only
at the same time protecting tell your ISP when you used the
hts of Internet users." This VPN, but encrypts and secures
i goal has elicited extreme the details of the data you send
tion, and opponents to the and receive, especially from a
ikes system are not few or government-sponsored entity.
tween. Tim Berners-Lee Lifehacker recommends consid-
d the World Wide Web in ering a VPN provider's server
ut these days is calling six exit locations when shopping for
a watchdog system and a your pirating invisibility cloak.
i threat to democracy. In Theoretically, exit locations out-
t week of February alone, side the United States means you
es for BitTorrent and ways are even further protected from
d detection like virtual pri- the CCI jurisdiction.
etworks spiked, coinciding Of course, the University
he launch of the program. explicitly bars users from illegal
file sharing on its networks or
computers, and unsurprisingly
r ne warns that "members of the Uni-
..fun~ IIW versity of Michigan community
ystem no have been prosecuted success-
fully for violations of copyright
e is safe from law." They advise students to
download legally from websites
pyright laws. like MSN Music, Rhapsody and
Ruckus. But for the off-campus
pirates out there, just make sure
you use a VPN that doesn't store 4
ng a torrent site and VPN logs of your activity, or stores
er is relatively easy way them outside of the country.
umventing the eyes of the So far, the test of the Copy-
Think of a torrent as your right Alert System faces some
der's map to whatever serious statistics. The preva-
oads you desire, and the lence of illegal downloading is
s the invisibility cloak to consistently increasing. More
the process. A Comcast than 75 percent of comput-
person even admitted that ers harbor at-least one illegally
'right infraction could go downloaded application, and
ced under this type of pro- similar figures of Internet users
n. find nothing wrong with online
example, you want to piracy. Maybe you side with the
oad the No. 1 pirated tele- majority, maybe you feel guilty
show, "Lost." Torrents about the estimated 750,000 US
pecially great to download jobs that are lost due to illegal
popular files as the soft- downloading, or maybe you just
speedily pieces together don't want to pay to watch "The
'ailable components from Hobbit." When in doubt, per-
le sources. When you click haps it's wise to err on the safe
oad on the first season of side ... whatever that is.

Call: #734-418-4115
Email: dailydisplay@gmail.com


RELEASE DATE- Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
ACROSS 4 Battleship 34 Gets within a 54 Lead orzinc
1 PC screens barrage stone's throw of 55 Militarychow hall
largelyreplaced 5 Curly-tailed 35 Check for size 56"You're looking at
by LCDs pooch 37 Type of baggy the one and only'
5 Exchange 6"So that's what '40s suit 57 Strange: Pref.
goodbyes that meansr 41 One and only 58Therefore
9 Breed, as salmon 7 Caribbean liquors 44Colored, hippie- 59 Scrapbook
14 Ghostly glow 8 It might be broken style adhesive
15 "Nothin' doin'l" at a party 45 Snooty sort 61 Alaskan seaport
16 "Dallas" matriarch 9 Prepare some 47'60schic 62 Osaka wrestler
17 Sleight-of-hand letterpress 48 "The Godfather" 63 Henry VI's school
scam printing hoodlum Luca 66 Spigoted server
19 Cold 10Appeal 50 Discontinued 67 Came down with
temperatures 11 Author Haley
20 Fountn of Rome 12 Bstrobeverage ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE:
21 Levies on smokes 13 Stack's role in B°R A FB _ T I P
and booze "TheS
23 Prefixwith Untouchables" R E D B E E T T E A R O S E
present 18 "How low can you A T E I N T 0 R A T E D P G
26 Playfully shy go?" competition M I L K C H 0 C 0 L A T E
27 Houston of Texas 22 Grounding rule, E E E E U P S C A M
30 Agendaitem perhaps D I G S L L A M A
36 World's largest 24 Convent resident D I C E M A P L E S U G A R
rainforest 25 "On second
38 PearlJam singer thought, that's not
Eddie true" S U G A R M A P LE EE N N E
39 Early whirlybird, 27Long stories C R A T E E L M 0
for short 28 Pennsylvania O E R I V E N O T A
40lWinding curve Mennonites C H O C O L A T E M I L K
42 Body wash brand 29 Call before'"Polo!" C H A O T I C B E S I E G E
43 Dressy ties 31 Dogie catcher R 0 S E T E A B E E T R E D
46 Mariachi's 32 Reminderto take
headwear outthetrash? OWE O R B A N C S R S
49 Filmed like most 33 Fritters away time xwordeditor@aol.com 03/26t13
of today'sfilms 1 2 3 4 5a s 8 9 10 11 12 13
51 Hyphenated ID
52 Fair-hiring abbr. 14 1s
53 Wax-wrapped
cheese 17 18 19
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to speak
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DOWN 64 65 66 s7
1 Plasterbandage s m no7
2 Essen's region
3 "Magic_ 71 72 73
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