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March 26, 2013 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-03-26

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2 - Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

2 - Tuesday, March 26, 2013 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom

ForDth0l3'eSf Ann SCHREIER
For the love of Ann Arbor


420 Maynard St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327
Editor in Chief Business Manager
734-418-4110 ext. 1252 734-418-4115 ext. 1241
anweiner@michigandaiy.com rmgrein@michigandailycom

"I did my bachelor's, my mas-
ter's and my PhD work here,
and then I did my post-doctoral
work here. I love it here. I love
it here."
"I also had a small private
practice that I worked with and
then was raising my children ...
then came back to the teaching
which I've just, it's something I
really love to do. I taught a sem-
inar on divorce and remarriage,
then I taught socialization of
the child, then development
... intro psych, then rotating
through them ... then I was for-
tunate enough to develop a sort
of special topics seminar that I
teach periodically on psychol-
ogy of children's books. "
"I love children's books. And
there is quite a bit known about
how children's literature can
Sleepyhead In
WHERE: Electrical ur
Engineering Building U
WHEN: Yesterday at about WF
3:20 a.m. Res
WHAT: Buildingstaff WI
found a student sleeping ina 3:4(
classroom, University Police WF
reported. The student left fou
after he was informed that wa'
he can not sleep overnight wee
in academic buildings. cur

serve as a source of cognitive, students (to) take classes that
social and emotional promoting you're interested in, but also take
development ... both as a form a broad range of classes because
of bibliotherapy but also a way you might not even know what
to help children come to under- you're interested in. So, one tier
stand themselves in the broader is to really take advantage of the
social world." amazing classes and the faculty
-- that are here ... the second thing
"Ann Arbor, I came and never is the research opportunities."
left. And I still had some Univer- --
sity-affiliation with some things "I think one of the things I try
as I was doing that because the to bring to the teaching environ-
post-doctoral work, I did that ment is the hope that what I do
here and then always stayed con- is inspire students to find the
nected. Loved football Saturdays material as relevant to their lives
... I bleed maize and blue, I abso- and what they're doing as I do.
lutely, I love this place." One of the best things I think a
-- teacher can do is not just teach
"That's one of the things that's so students the material, but hope-
incredible about this University fully get the, to the point where
is that you really get to form rela- what they want to do is ask the
tionships, and there's a multitude next question."
of opportunities that students
can take advantage of. So when I Interview with Shelly Schreier
do advising, I always encourage conducted by Alicia Adamczyk

734-410-4115 opt.3
Arts Section
Sports Section
Display Sales
Online Sales

News Tips
Letters to the Editor
Editorial Page
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Classified Sales

LSA junior Chane Forsyth reads a book outside in a
tree near the Diag on Monday.

ifrastructure Note workshop Beating

HERE: South Quad
idence Hall
HEN: Sunday at about
0 p.m.
HAT: Univeristy Police
nd a seventh-floor hall-
y wall damaged over the
ekend. There are
rently no suspects.

WHAT: Academic coaches
advise students how to
maximize listening and
note-takingskills. The
seminar provides strategies
to improve comprehension.
WHO: Services for Students
with Disabilities
WHEN: Today at 12 p.m.
WHERE: Palmer Com-
mons, Great Lakes North

the blues
WHAT: This CAPS session
informs students on what
it's like to fight depression
and shares strategies to feel
more energized.
WHO: Counseling and
Psychological Services
WHEN: Today at 4:15 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan Union,
Room 3905

Computer researcher at
the University of Cam-
bridge developed the
Android Remote Sensing
App, Daily News & Analy-
sis reported. This app helps
pinpoint daily stress by acti-
vating sensors built into the
mobile device.
The Strokes return
with an all-new album
full of '80s-inspired
sounds. OneRepublic also
returns after a long hiatus
with new, dependably pop
Current Game of
Thrones actor Clive
Mantle was attacked at
the Foster Street Hotel, BBC
News reported. The 32-year-
old attacker allegedly bit off
part of Mantle's ear and has
been charged with wounding
with intent.

Matthew Slovin ManagingEditor mjslovin@michigandaily.com
Adam Rubenfire ManagingNews Editor orube@michigandaily.com
SENIOR NEWS EDITORS: Alicia Adamczyk, Katie Burke, Austen Hufford, Peter Shahin,
K.C.Wassman, Taylor Wizner
ASSISTANT NEWS EDITORS: Molly Block, Jennifer Calfas, Aaron Guggenheim, Sam
Gringlas,DanielleStoppelmann, SteveZoski
Melanie Kruvelis and opinioneditors@michigandaily.com
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SENIOR EDTORIAL PAGEEDIORSesseKein,SarahSkaluba, Derek Wolfe
Everett Cook and
Zach Helfand ManagingSports Editors sportseditors@michigandaily.com
SENIOR SPORTS EDITORS: Steven Braid, Michael LauriIa, Stephen Nesbitt, Colleen
Thomas, Liz Vukelich, Daniel Wasserman
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Jeremy Summi,Aljado ZSfiga
Kayla Upadhyaya ManagingArtsEditor kaylau@michigandaily.com
ASSISTANT ARTS EDITORS: Sean Czarnecki, CarlinaDuan, Gibson Johns, Max Radin,
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Terra Molengraff Managing Photo Editors photo@michigandaily.com
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Ashley Karadsheh Associate Business Manager
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Meryl Hulteng National Account Manager
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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and
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The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press.


Entry denied Pharmacy in

WHERE: West Hall
WHEN: Sunday at
about 3:05 p.m.
WHAT: The building's
electronic card reader was
displaced from the post in
the archway, University
Police reported. This event
is believed to have occurred
between March 23 and
March 24. There are
currently no suspects.

a purse
WHERE: University
Hospital Emergency Room
WHEN: Sunday at about
2:00 p.m.
WHAT: A visitor reported
that prescription pills and
cash were stolen from her
purse while it was sitting in
a patient's room, University
Police reported.

Game tourney .i

WHAT: The Computer &
Video Game Archive hosts
a video game tournament
highlighting motion-related
consoles. Games include
Fruit Ninja Kinct, Dance
Dance Revolution X and
Eyetoy Excite Bots.
WHO: Computer & Video
Game Archive
WHEN: Today from 10 a.m
to 9 p.m.
WHERE: Duderstadt

WHAT: Students led by
Professor Donald Sinta
perform in their biannual
studio recital. The program
includes Lennon, Dubussy,
Muczynski and Giuffre
WHO: School of Music,
Theatre & Dance
WHEN: Tonight at 7:30
WHERE: Moore Building,
Britton Recital Hall

Be part of it.

CSG looks at
plurality vote

LSA-SG to hold
elections Wed.

candidates reduce
chance of majority
Daily StaffReporter

O' N-U!SWith Central Student Gov-
ernment executive elections
this week, the big question
Ltb I bMNI Ut I bul'A Ut b 1UAN I-Ml frUtb I LARLUMU( on campus is: Who will win?
However, the more appropri-
BEST RE? ate question may be: How will
BES h UB? ey t be elected?
Because there's generally a
LET oBAR good chance of more than two
- candidates running in a given
3EST ORE. year, CSG executive elections
3EST ) 'BES1 require the winning candidate
to obtain only a plurality of the
[lZZA BEST total vote, which means they
AST/receive the most votes of any
R AlR AST? candidate, but not necessarily
F F the majority of votes.
This may not seem sig-
nificant, but if last year's
elections are any indica-
tor - current CSG President
Manish Parikh received just
over 30 percent of the total
vote - this year's presidential
election - with five presiden-
tial candidates may result in
7 1 1the winner receiving nothing
close to a majority of the votes
8 5 1 7 cast.
This plurality vote is in con-
trast to conventional demo-
8 5 2 cratic elections, in which the
winning candidate almost
3 1 6 5 2 8 always receives a majority of
the popular vote.
8 5 7 CSG Program Director
Anika Awai-Williams said
this difference in voting pro-
7 8 5 3 cedure seems strange because
the legislative, judiciary and
1 7 executive systems of CSG
were changed in 2010 to pur-
3 '5 1 posely mirror the federal gov-

In addition to the pattern
of plurality in CSG elections,
overall student turnout for
CSG elections at the Universi-
ty has traditionally been under
20 percent. This means that in
last year's elections, less than
7 percent of the entire student
population voted for Parikh, a
Ross senior.
Parikh said the lack of stu-
dent support in CSG elections
is not as bad as it seems, con-
sidering most university elec-
tions around the country only
have an 8-to-10-percent stu-
dent turnout. He's especially
optimistic about this year's
CSG elections - because of
promotion of the assembly
voter turnout will be between
25 and 30 percent.
He added that if participa-
tion continues to increase, in
seven or eight years the Uni-
versity could have an election
turnout similar to U.S. presi-
dential elections.
In the event that student
participation does not con-
tinue to rise, both Parikh
and Awai-Williams said they
would be open to the idea of
a new election system that
would include primary elec-
tions. This would ensure the
elected CSG president receives
a majority of votes.
"I think that would be a
great discussion to have in the
assembly in regards to possi-
bly updating the constitution
to reflect that type of system,"
Awai-Williams said.
Though Parikh does have
his doubts about how feasible
such a system would be for
CSG executive elections, he
agrees with Awai-Williams.
"It's definitely an interest-
ing idea, and I think that it
can be tested for the future,"
Parikh said.

Lathia and Johnson connect LSA-SG with the student
body better and help students
will be running better understand the value of a
holistic liberal arts education.
unopposed Only three of 15 candidates
participated in the debate. LSA
ByAMRUTHA SIVAKUMAR sophomore Amirul Amirudin,
Daily StaffReporter LSA freshman Kelsey Pridemore
and LSA freshman Matan Skolnik
As the Central Student Govern- had similar platforms to Lathia
ment candidates gear up for their and Johnson. Skolnik added that
final push during election week, their similar visions for LSA-SG
the candidates for LSA Student were a testament to the fact that
Government are hard at work their common goals are really
prepping for their own contest important.
in which students of the Univer- .Pohl said diversity and out-
sity's longest college will have the reach were addressed by many of
chance to elect the leaders of their the candidates in their platform
own studentgovernment. statements. While candidates in
Business and LSA junior Sagar previous years had similar aims,
Lathia and LSA sophomore Ken- Pohl said he was optimistic this
dall Johnson are running unop- year there would be more "spe-
posed for the position of president cific, tangible goals" from the
and vice president, respectively. candidates.
LSA senior Kevin Pohl, LSA-SG's One of LSA-SG's largest under-
external relations officer, said takings in the last year has been
multiple parties approached him accumulating an archive of past
earlier this year with the inten- syllabi where students can view
tion of running candidates. How- course details before registering.
ever, Lathia and Johnson were the While several syllabi are already
only ones who submitted election available on Wolverine Access,
materials on time. Pohl said it would be up to the
Though Lathia said running new administration to ensure that
unopposed eased the election this project is completed.
process, he thinks competition Johnson added that continuing
would be beneficial to LSA-SG. the pre-existing work of LSA-SG
"I think it is corrosive to the would be a top priority for their
election process," he said. "Hope- administration in order to ensure
fully, in the next year we can an easy transition between their
change the culture of LSA-SG so own ideas and those of the cur-
that multiple groups of candidates rent student government.
want to run." "We are going to continue our
He added that additional can- connections with administration
didates would add authenticity to and students," Johnson affirmed.
the contest. In addition to the the candidate
The competition has expand- selection form, the LSA-SG ballot
ed in the LSA-SG representative contains a referendum on IT sys-
elections, as 15 candidates will vie tems at the University. After vot-
for the nine available seats. ing for representatives, students
On March 18, LSA-SG hosted may vote on desired updates to
its annual candidates' debate CTools and the online LSA Audit
where hopeful representatives System through the Newnan
and executives were given the Advising Center website.
opportunity to reflect upon and Ballots for all elections will
answer questions pertaining to open Wednesday and will remain
their individual platform. open for 48 hours. All LSA stu-
During the debates, Lathia and dents will be able to vote for their
Johnson said their administration representatives through the uni-
would work to increase the trans- fied voting website, www.vote.
parency of student government, umich.edu.


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