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March 21, 2013 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-03-21

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Ann Arbor, MiChigan

Thursday, March 21, 2013


'U' didn't
report sex
assault to

At the 'Student Day of Thanks' on the Diag, students write messages to alumni who have donated $50 or less to the Unloersity Wednesday
Eletin en tBCrep reneursh i~

Lack of initial report
may have hindered
connection of three
incidents in Zaragon
Daily News Editor
A 31-year-old male graduate
atudent la being investigated for
sexually assaulting three females
in three separate incidents, two
of which occurred in September
2012 and the third this February.
The cases - which caused
unease in the University commu-
nity because of repeated assaults
at Zaragon Place - raises con-
cerns about the ability of police
agencies to investigate sexual
assault amid the confidentiality
of internal University investiga-
tions. At the same time, Universi-
ty investigators are charged with
the difficult responsibility of
maintaining a balance between
survivor rights and community
The second reported incident,

which occurred in September
20i2, was discovered during an
internal University investigation
into another sexual assault alle-
gation. University Police were
informed of the first incident but
were not made of aware of the
second until February - there-
fore, they were unable to consider
the second allegation as evidence
for apotential pattern ofincidents
in September.
The University community
was not notified of the allega-
tions until after a third student
was allegedly sexually assaulted
in the same location in February
and University Police determined
there was apossible threatto stu-
dent safety.
Acrime alert detailingallthree
incidents was sent out the night
of Feb. 27 once University Police
established a pattern from the
information they received.
'As soon as we had the infer-
mation that led usto believe it was
a pattern of behavior that posed a
public safety threat and we could
identify where these incidents
allegedly occurred, we issued a
See ASSAULT, Page 3A

initiatives a focus
of CSG platforms
Daily StaffReporter
Last year, only one Central
Student Government presi-
dential candidate made entre-
preneurship a major platform
point. Manish Parikh, current-

ly a business senior, became
the first independent candidate
to win the CSG presidency in
years. In this year's election,
candidates are taking notice
and building on the current
administration's entrepreneur-
ial efforts. -
Parikh said the perception
of CSG in 20i1 was that of a
"bureaucratic, slow-moving
machine with a lot of cogs in
the system," so his message of
reform appealed to voters.

"I think entrepreneurship,
and more so the entrepreneur-
ial mindset, was extremely cru-
cial for us in the last election,"
Parikh said.
This year has been marked
with several entrepreneurial
programs and events, includ-
ing the Entrepreneurship Com-
mission, the MHacks student
hackathon and the Month of
"I think (entrepreneurship)
got students on campus really

fired up, that (we) had fresh
thoughts, fresh ideas and that
(we) were willing to flip CSG
around - make it more innova-
tive and focua on (new) projects,"
Parikh said.
Tom Erdmann, an organizer
of MHacks, which took the title
of the nation's largest college
hackathon, said entrepreneur-
ship has been growing on cam-
pus "in part because of Central
Student Government and par-

Halfway over,
.BE-month still
Month of the ECommission are leaders of
student organizations that focus
Entrepreneurship on innovation. coriae
promotes innovation the hvarious event strhatj v
taken place this month, but
By AMRUT HA SIVAKUMAR individual, entrepreneurially
Daily StuffReporter minded student groups were
responsible for organizing their
The University's designation own programs.
of March as the Month of Entre- Engineering Prof. Thomas
preneurship marks the first time Zurbuchen, the ECommission's
a U.S. university has dedicated faculty advisor and associate
an entire month to the topic. Engineering dean for entre-
In February, Entrepreneur- preneurial programs, said the
ship Commission Chair Scott month serves to "support student
Christopher hoped that the organizations and governments
Month of Entrepreneurship with their idea to highlight
would serve to "remove the stig- entrepreneurship."
ma that entrepreneurship is only Parikh said although the
for business and engineering stu- events are being publicized as
dents." a calendar month, it will likely
The Entrepreneurship Coin- continue into April as a result of
misoio of the Central Student student interest.
Government was created last Although events on the web-
semester to foster an entrepre- site include those that took place
neurial spirit among the student before the official release of the
body. Formed as a result of CSG Month of Entrepreneurship plat-
President Manish Parikh's cam- form, Parikh said there would be
paign promise, the members of See E-MONTH, Page 3A

to explore
Students for Choice
to bring emotional,
production to 'U'
ManagingArts Editor
LSA freshman Madeline Par-
kinson had never seen her vagina
before. She was a senior in high
school when she first saw "The
Vagina Monologues" at an East-
ern Michigan University pro-
duction of the
episodic playby
Eve Ensler. The Vagina
"Ittcomplete- Monologues
ly changed my
life," Parkinson Thursday
said. at 8p.m.
Parkinson Rckm
described the Rchm
scene that had
the moat profound impact on her:
A woman discovers her body's
beauty when using a mirror to
see her vagina for the first time
See VAGINA, Page 2A

Helene Gayle, President and CEO of CAtRE USA, discusses glohal health initiatives as a part of the Citigroup Lecture
Series at the Ford School of Puhlic Policy Wednesday.
HumanitrianR non-pr'ofit

CEO discusses Public Policy Wednesday about
the challenges non-profit orga-
the challenges, nizations face today.
Gayle spoke as part of the
microloans Public Policy School's Citi-
group Foundation Lecture
By RACHEL PREMACK Series, enacted in 2000 to
Duily StoffReporter engage students and faculty in
dialogue with leading policy-
Helene Gayle, president and makers. She fielded questions
CEO of humanitarian organi- from Public Policy Lecturer
zation CARE USA, spoke to an Sharon Mactint and Public Pol-
audience in the Ford School of icy Prof. Marina Whitman and,

in the last half of the talk, the
audience submitted questions.
Gayle said CARE is connect-
ing cereal giant General Mills
and other corporations with
workers in impoverished areas
to improve those area's eco-
nomic capabilities.
"We're working with (Gen-
eral Mills) in Madagascar -
which supplies 80 percent of
the world's vanilla bean - to

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IN DE X N E WS.................. 2A S U D OKU.............. 2A
Vol. CXXIII, No.087 O PINION ............. 4A C LA SS IFlE DS........6 A
©2t3Th~ih~enlaly SPORTS.. .........SA 8-SIDt E......... .......... 1B

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