The Michigan Daily - NEWS BRIEFS LYNDON TOWNSHIP, Mich. Enbridge agrees to pay $1.3 million for road repairs Authorities have reached a $1.3 million agreement with Enbridge Inc. to cover the cost of damage that the company's pipe- line construction work will do on roads in the Ann Arbor area. The Washtenaw County Road Commission recently negoti- ated the deal after Enbridge's construction schedule for its new crude oil pipeline ran into seasonal weight restrictions. Enbridge is based in Calgary, Alberta. says the deal exempts Enbridge from adher- ing to seasonal weight restric- tions while paying for repair and reconstruction of the roads it's using. Most are in Lyndon Town- ship in the northeast corner of Washtenaw County. SOUTH BEND, Indiana Private jet crashes, kills two 0 A private jet apparently expe- riencing mechanical trouble crashed Sunday in a northern Indiana neighborhood, hitting three homes and killing two peo- ple aboard the plane, authorities said. The Beechcraft Premier I twin- jet had left Tulsa, Okla.'s Riverside Airport and crashed late Sun- day afternoon near South Bend Regional Airport, Federal Avia- tion Administration spokesman Roland Herwig in Oklahoma City said. Two of four people aboard the plane were killed, Herwig said. It was not clear if anyone on the ground was killed, and Herwig did not have any additional infor- mation. SACRAMENTO, Calif. Bills created to end'farm animal abuse videos An undercover video that showed California cows strug- gling to stand as they were prod- ded to slaughter by forklifts led to the largest meat recall in U.S. history. In Vermont, a video of veal calves skinned alive and tossed like sacks of potatoes ended with the plant's closure and criminal convictions. Now in a pushback led by the meat and poultry industries, state legislators across the coun- try are introducing laws mak- ing it harder for animal welfare advocates to investigate cruelty and food safety cases. Some bills make it illegal to take photographs at a farm- ing operation. Others make it a crime for someone such as an animal welfare advocate to lie on an application to get a job at a plant. TRIPOLI, Libya Deaths and injury * rise due to alcohol poisoning Libya's health minister says the death toll from drinking homemade alcohol that con- tained poisonous methanol has risen to 87. Minister Nouri Doghman says 1,044 people have been harmed. He said Sunday that 15 people were blinded, and others went into comas or suffered kidney failure. He said some people admitted themselves to the hos- pital too late, contributing to them increasing toll. The deaths were first reported a week ago. The dead range in age from 19 to 50 years old. The sale and consumption of alcohol is banned in the conser- vative North African country. Like illegal drugs elsewhere, some Libyans turn to black mar- ket dealers to buy alcohol, which is often cooked in homes or deserted farms. He was recaptured both times. -Compiled from Daily wire reports. Monday, March 18, 2013 - 3A Two high school football players convicted of rape Francis waved to the crowd in the street outside St. Anna's Gate and before entering the church, which serves Vatican City State's hundreds of residents, he shook hands of the parishioners and kissed babies. Popema kes first speech, interacts with crowd Pope Francis greets bystanders with handshakes VATICAN CITY (AP) - Walking up to crowds, shaking hands with surprised bystand- ers in the street, mixing his for- mal speeches with off-the-cuff remarks, Pope Francis stamped his own style on the papacy Sunday. His humor and down-to- earth manner captivated those filling St. Peter's Square in Rome to overflowing, and he ,worked the crowd in a way that hadtogive his securitystaffpal- pitations. Rome Mayor Gianni Alemanno, in the square him- self, estimated the crowd's size at 300,000. "Brothers and sisters, 'Buon giorno,"' Francis said in Italian in his first welcome from the window of the papal residence, setting an informal tone that has become the definig spirit of his young papacy. -. Earier Sunday, he made an impromptu appearance before the public from a side gate of the Vatican that startled passers- by and prompted cheers as he shook hands and kissed babies. Francis had just finished cel- ebrating Mass and delivering a six-minute homily - brief by church standards - in the Vatican's tiny parish church, St. Anna, when he walked outside to greet parishioners one by one, just as an ordinary pastor does after weekly services. Francis started speaking at the window even before the stroke of noon -- the appoint- ed time for the weekly papal address. The windows of the papal study in the Apostolic Palace were opened for the first time since Francis' predeces- sor, Benedict XVI, gave his last SundayblessingonFeb. 24. Four days later, Benedict went into retirement, the first pontiff to do so in nearly 600 years. Francis, the first pope from Latin America, was elected Wednesday and has been stay- ing in a hotel on the Vatican's premises until the papal apart- ment is ready. "The pope is down-to-earth. He is a people person and it is amazing," said Emanuel Anat- sui from Britain. "He is going to do wonderfully for the church." After Mass, Francis again put his security detail to the test as he waded into an inter- section just outside St. Anna's Gate. Francis stepped up to the crowd, grasping outstretched hands. The atmosphere was so casual that several people even gripped Francis on the shoulder. "Francesco! Francesco!" children shouted his name in Italian. As he patted one little boy on the head, he asked "Are you a good boy?" and the child nodded. "Are you sure?" the pope quipped. At one point he glanced at his watch and turned to an aide - as if to ask "How much time do I have?" The pope then ducked back inside the Vatican's boundaries to dash upstairs for the address to St. Peter's Square. Often abandoning the pre- pared text in his hand, Francis told the crowd thathe wanted to talk about mercy, saying he was inspired by a book about forgive- ness that he was reading. Citing the author, an elderly German cardinal, and praising him as a "top-notch" theologian, Francis quipped: "Don't think I'm mak- ing publicity for my cardinals'. books!" drawing a roar of laugh- ter from the crowd. Francis said mercy can "change the world" and make it "less cold and more just." He spoke only in Italian - ending with "Buon pranzo" (Have a good lunch) - a wish that triggered nods of approv- al from the crowd in Rome, where a leisurely Sunday fam- ily lunch is a cherished tradi- tion. But Francis did tweet in English and other languages, saying: "Dear friends, I thank you from my heart and I ask you to continue to pray for me." Past pontiffs have used the Sunday window greetings to offer brief reflections and wishes in several languages. Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi said Fran- cis would likely stick with Italian, a language he's com- fortable with for spontaneous remarks. Lombardi left open the possibility the 76-year-old pope would use other languag- es in future public appear- ances. During his window speech, Francis also talked about of his family's roots in Italy's north- western Piedmont region. He told the crowd that by naming himself as pope after St. Fran- cis of Assisi, an Italian patron saint, he was "strengthening my spiritual tie with this land, where, as you know, my family has its origins." Attorney general to continue investigating community STEUBENVILLE, Ohio (AP) - Two members of Steubenville's celebrated high school football team were found guilty Sunday of raping a drunken 16-year-old girl, and Ohio's attorney general warned the case isn't over, say- ing he is investigating whether coaches, parents and other stu- dents broke the law, too. Trent Mays, 17, and Ma'Lik Richmond, 16, were sentenced to at least a year in juvenile prison in a case that has rocked this Rust Belt city of 18;000 and led to allegations of a cover-up to pro- tect the Steubenville High team, which has won nine state cham- pionships. Mays was ordered to serve an additional year for photographing the underage girl naked. They can be held until they turn 21. The two broke down in tears after a Juvenile Court judge delivered his verdict. They later apologized to the victim and the community, Richmond- strug- gling to speak through his sobs. "My life is over," he said as he collapsed in the arms of his law- yer. The crime, which took place after a party last summer, shocked many in Steubenville because of the seeming callous- ness with which other students took out their cellphones to record the attack and gossiped about it online. In fact, the case came to light via a barrage of morning-after text messages, social media posts and online photos and video. "Many of the things we learned during this trial that our children were saying and doing were profane, were ugly," Judge Thomas Lipps said: Immediately after the verdict, Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine said he will convene a grand jury next month to investi- gate whether anyone else should be charged. Noting that 16 people refused to talk, many of them underage, DeWine said pos- sible offenses to be investigated include failure to report a crime. "This community desperately needs to have this behind them, but this community also desper- ately needs to know justice was done and that no stone was left unturned," he said. Among those who have been interviewed are the owners of one of the houses where parties were held that night, the high school principal, and the football team's 27 coaches, many of them volunteers. Text messages introduced at the trial suggested the head coach was aware of the rape allegation early on. DeWine said coaches are among officials required by state law to report child abuse. The coach and the school district have repeatedly declined to comment. Mays and Richmond were charged with penetrating the West Virginia girl with their fingers, first in the back seat of a moving car after a mostly under- age drinking party on Aug. 11, and then in the basement of a house. "They treated her like a toy," prosecutor Marianne Hemmeter said. Prosecutors argued that the victim was so intoxicated she couldn't consent to sex that night, while the defense contended the girl realized what she was doing and was known to lie. The girl testified she could not recall what happened but woke up naked in a strange house after drinking at a party. "It was really scary," she said. "I honestly did not know what to think because I could not remem- ber anything." She said she believed she was assaulted when she later read text messages among friends and saw a photo of herself naked, along with a video that made fun of her and the alleged attack. Three other boys, two of them on the football team, saw some- thing happening that night and didn't try to stop it but instead recorded it with their cellphones. Granted immunity to testify, they confirmed the girl was assaulted and said she was so drunk she didn't seem to know what was happening. Evidence at the trial also included sexually explicit text messages sent by numerous stu- dents after the party. Lawyers noted how texts have seemed to replace talking on the phone for young people. A computer foren- sic expert documented hundreds of thousands of texts found on 17 phones seized during the investi- gation. In sentencing the boys, Lipps urged parents and others "to have discussions about how you talk to your friends, how you record things on the social media so prevalent today and how you conduct yourself when drinking is put upon you by your friends." Palestinians skeptical of Obama visit, peace agenda See president as unlikly to put pressure on Israel RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) - President Barack Obama will find a disillusioned Palestinian public, skeptical about his commitment to pro- moting Mideast peace, when he visits the region. Obama's trip, beginning Wednesday, appears aimed pri- marily at resetting the some- times troubled relationship with Israel. 'But winning the trust of the Palestinians, who accuse him of unfairly favoring Israel, could be a far more dif- ficult task. After suffering disappoint- ments during the first Obama administration, Palestinians see little reason for optimism in his new term. The White House announcement that Obama will not present any new peace ini- tiatives strengthened their con- viction that the U.S. leader isn't prepared to put the pressure on Israel that they think is neces- sary to end four years of dead- rock in negotiations. "Obama is coming for Isra- el, not for us," said Moham- med Albouz, a 55-year-old Palestinian farmer. "Obama will come and go as his pre- decessors did, without doing anything." While Israel is preparing to give Obama the red-carpet treatment, there are few signs of excitement in the West Bank. Large posters of Obama hung in Ramallah last week were quickly defaced, and a small group of activists called "The Campaign for Dignity" plans on releasing black balloons into the air in a sign of mourning when Obama arrives. Obama himself played a role in reaching the current deadlock, which stems in large part from disagreements over Israeli settlement construc- tion in the West Bank and east Jerusalem. The Palestinians claim both areas, captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war, as parts of a future state, a posi- tion that is widely backed inter- nationally. When Obama first took office, he strongly and publicly criticized the Israeli settle- ments, saying the construction undermines hopes for peace. "It is time for these settle- ments to stop," Obama said in a high-profile address to the Muslim world delivered in Cairo just months after taking office. When Benjamin Netanyahu was elected Israeli prime min- ister in early 2009, the Pales- tinians said they would not negotiate unless settlement construction was frozen. They were further emboldened by Obama's tough stance. Obama persuaded Netanya- hu to impose a 10-month slow- down, but Palestinians did not agree to restart talks until the period was nearly over. When the Israeli moratorium expired several weeks later, Netanyahu rejected American appeals to extend the slowdown, and the negotiations collapsed. Obama stopped pushing the matter, and talks have never resumed, and the Palestinians, viewing Obama as afraid to take on Israel's allies in Wash- ington, have few expectations now. "What we are going to tell him behind closed doors is what we are saying in public. There is no secret that a suc- cessful peace process needs a complete settlement freeze," said Nabil Shaath, a top adviser to President Mahmoud Abbas. "The Israelis are building on our land and claiming they want to negotiate with us about this land." The PinCeton Review MCAT - LSAT - GMAT - GRE -Small Classes -Expert Instructors -Free Extra Help -Online Student Center -Satisfaction Guaranteed" 800-2Review 800-273-8439 fl-si