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March 18, 2013 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-03-18

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Monday, March 18,2013


the 'U'
Office of Development
grows network in
U.S. and worldwide
Daily StaffReporter
On a cloudy day in February, Uni-
versity President Mary Sue Coleman
arrived in Lansing to applaud a small
increase in state higher education
Preceded by a decade of state fund-
ing cuts - the most drastic under Gov.
Rick Snyder - for higher education,
2013 marked the second consecutive
state budget containing a two-percent
increase for institutions of higher
learning. While the increase marks an
encouraging trend, Coleman said in an
interview with The Michigan Daily last
month that the upswing is not enough
even after years of careful cost cutting.
As state legislators struggle to restore
the $1 billion lost in funding over the
past ten years that hurled the state of
Michigan from ranking among the top
10 best-funded institutions to the bot-
tom, the University continues to count
on private fundraising to help make up
the difference, according to Coleman.
"I can't imagine that philanthropy
won't continue to be really important
in the future," Coleman said. "The rea-
son is I cannot see a scenario where any
state can meet all of the funding needs
for the University and keep it accessible
and affordable."
Philanthropy's impact and scope
have increased over recent decades. In
the 1990s, the University was the first
public university to complete a billion-
dollar fundraising campaign. In 2008,
the University concluded its last cam-
paign, The Michigan Difference, which
raised $3.2 billion for the University,
compared to $72 million during the first
campaign that ran from 1961 to 1967
Though the next campaign isn't set
to launch until November, University
development officers are on a constant
mission to engage alumni and poten-
tial donors, an effort that increasingly
spans across the nation and the globe.
Jerry May, the University's vice pres-
ident of development, presides over a
630-person staff to fulfill these goals.
May said developing quality relation-
ships is crucial to good fundraising;
taking the time to discover a donor's
interests and passions that can be best
connected with aneed ofthe University.
For example, a former Business
School dean and Program in the Envi-
ronment dean wanted to create a
program together that would allow
students to understand the complexity
of businesses wrestling with sustain-
ability issues. As the deans developed
the program, gift officers connected
the project to a donor with a particular
interest in sustainability.
"When it comes to fundraising for a
great non-profit organization, we are so
fortunate that the University of Michi-

gan provides the kind of education that
so many people that live here can turn
around later and say, 'I'm going to give
to Michigan because of how Michigan
treated me,' "Mays said. "We never can
take that for granted."

Twitter CEO Dick Costolo, the University's 2013 spring commencement speaker, spoke at Rackham Auditorium in November.
#CEO. to give addlress

to vote
on new
offer -
University extends
proposal after union
left bargaining table
Daily Staff Reporter
After walking away from the bar-
gaining table Thursday night, the Uni-
versity's bargaining team contacted the
Graduate Employee's Organization with
a revised . four-year contract that has
caused the union to reconsider an agree-
With legislation that limits unions'
ability to organize within workplaces
taking effect in Michigan on March 28,
GEO had been meeting with the Univer-
sity every day last week until Thursday,
when it decided not enough movement
was being made by the University on
central issues. The union, which repre-
sents graduate student instructors and
graduate student staff assistants, decid-
ed to take its chances negotiating with
the University when its contract expires
in 2014, said GEO spokeswoman Emily
Howard, a Rackham student.
See GEO, PageSA

Twitter exec Dick
Costolo will speak
at commencement
Daily News Editor
Let's just say it probably won't be
done in 140 characters or fewer.
On May 4, those attending the
university-wide commencement cer-
emony will hear from 1985 alum Dick
Costolo, the current chief executive
officer of Twitter. Costolo will also
receive an honorary Doctor of Laws
degree in recognition of his achieve-
ments pending approval bythe Univer-
sity's Board of Regents.
University President- Mary Sue
Coleman told The Michigan Daily that

Costello's role in transforming Twit-
ter into a powerful and ubiquitous part
of everyday communication had pro-
foundly impacted the way that people
interact with one another.
"(His) entrepreneurial drive, being
at the leading edge of a revolution
in communication, and the impact
of Twitter on the world ... he deeply
understands the ways that this affects
people's interactions with each other,"
Coleman said. "It's that broad view
that caught my attention."
In an interview Sunday with the Daily,
Costolo said he was deeply honored -
and surprised - by Coleman's invitation
for him to address his alma mater.
"I asked them if they had the wrong
number," Costolo said jokingly.
During his time at the University of
Michigan, Costolo was a member of Phi
Gamma Delta fraternity - commonly

called FIJI - and practiced amateur
improvisational comedy. In an unusual
move for a graduate with a bachelor's
degree in computer science, he then
spent time in Chicago trying his luck as
a standup comedian before beginning to
work on web-based projects in 1996. Cos-
tolo founded three companies, the lastof
which, Feedburner, was sold in 2007 for
$100 million to Google, where he worked
in various capacities until 2009.
The same year, Twitter hired Costo-
io as its chief operating officer. A year
later, he became its chief executive
officer, replacing Evan Williams.
In November, Costolo addressed a
full house at Rackham. Auditorium,
where he shared his experiences in the
technology sector and some anecdotes
about his personal life. Coleman said
during that visit, he talked with her

University partners
with Israeli school


$1M partnership with
university in southern
Israel to focus on
alternative fuels
For the Daily
The University recently announced
it will partner with the Ben-Gurion
University of the Negev in Beersheba,
Israel to research renewable energy
technologies. Faculty from both uni-
versities will be accepting and work-
ing on proposals for research projects
in renewable energy..
The two universities will contrib-
ute a combined total of $1 million to
the intoxicated collaboration. Univer-
sity Vice President for Research Ste-
phen Forrest said the relationship is
intriguing for both institutions.
"This is a really exciting opportu-
nity," Forrest said, "It's opening a lot
of doors."
Ben-Gurion has already had suc-
cess in renewable energy technolo-
gies, Forrest noted.
"The one energy source that they
have unquestionably in abundance is
solar," Forrest said. "They have a very
practical attitude toward developing
alternative energy sources."

In addition to solar energy, algae-
generated energy and thermoelectric-
ity are major focuses of Ben-Gurion's
prior research, Forrest said.
"We're pretty open-ended at this
point," Forrest said. "We pay our fac-
ulty part, they pay their faculty part,
but they have to be joint projects.
We're inviting them to come forward
with their ideas and then we will eval-
uate the best ideas and come (up with)
the best proposals."
Chemical Engineering Prof. Mark
Barteau, the director of the Universi-
ty of Michigan Energy Institute, said
the initial focus of the joint research
projects will be on energy areas such
as solar energy, transportation fuels
and thermoelectric materials.
"The idea is that each project will
involve a faculty collaborator from
each institution," Barteau said. "It's
a way for us to broaden our network
and look for opportunities to both
apply and expand the kind of energy
research that's going on atthe Univer-
sity of Michigan."
Both Barteau and Forrest said the
partnership should provide opportu-
nities for student exchanges between
the universities. The hope is that stu-
dents will gain new perspectives from
working with researchers from other
parts of the world and see how people
living in different climates approach

The dance group Ta'amullat performs folklore dances at Eshghe Bahar, the Persian Students
Association's 15th annual culture show at the Power Center on Saturday.
DIA brings art toAi Arbor..

Following rejection of
public art program, works
to be displayed mA2
For the Daily
Residents may soon notice some unex-
pected additions to the city landscape as
the Detroit Institute of Arts brings seven

high-quality reproductions of artwork
from its own collection to Ann Arbor to
be displayed outdoors.
These temporary installations, which
include works by John Singer Sargent
and Henri Matisse, are part of the DIA's
"InsidelOut" program, which is now in
its fourth year. Paintings will be placed
mostly in the Kerrytown and Main
Street areas.
Aaron Seagraves, the city's public art
See DIA, Page SA

.~ {i.*
Playoff in the Palace baCK
Michigan ean "afu seed J ake' s latest NA oraet
N C AA Tornamnt.ent.

TOMORROW LO: 21 Call 734-418-4115or e-mail Fraternity brothers raise money for orphanage
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INDEX NEWS ...................2.....2A SUDOKU.....................3A
Vol.CXXIIll,No.84 OPINION.....................4A CLASSIFIEDS...............6A
©201 TheMichiganDaily ARTS................. ......6A SPORTSMONDAY..........1B

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