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March 15, 2013 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-03-15

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Friday, March 15, 2013 - 3

The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Friday, March 15, 2013 - 3

From Page 1
Kearfott, professor of nuclear
engineering and radiological sci-
"We're female faculty who have
a long history in the University in
the sciences and engineering, so
I think they wanted to maintain
that perspective on SACUA and
that's why I was asked to run."
Demond said she wants to
expedite SACUA's process of han-
dling University affairs.
"I tend to be action-oriented,"
she said. "Sometimes I might be
dismayed at the pace at which
things moved. So, if anything, I'd
probably be the person who'd be
trying to push."
Goncalo Abecasis, the School
of Public Health's Felix E. Moore
Collegiate Professor of Biostatis-
tics, serves on many University
committees. Some of his positions
include Secretary of the Univer-
sity Advisory Committee and a
member of the Provost's Global
Challenges for a Third Century
Abecasis said he cares deeply
about freedom of expression
among faculty and students and
wants to encourage interdisci-
plinary collaboration and innova-
"Sometimes I worry that peo-
ple are under a lot of pressure to
conform and to do what's stan-
dard in a particular field," he
said. "And my experience is when
you connect things across fields
and across disciplines, or bring
in approaches that are different
than standard, that's where you
see the big developments."
He would like to see a greater
representation of younger faculty
Laura Olsen, the Arthur F.
Thurnau Professor of Molecular,
Cellular and Developmental Biol-
ogy; professor of ecology and evo-
lutionary biology; and the director
of the Undergraduate Program in
Biology, holds positions in many
University committees such as
the University Tenure Committee
and the Advisory Board on Inter-
collegiate Athletics.
Olsen said she wants to empha-
size tuition affordability and cost
as pertinent issues.
"Iwantto makesurethings like
affordability cotinue to be prom-
inent issues;" Olsen said. "I want
to make sure that benefits for all,
for undergraduates through staff
and faculty, continue to be impor-
tant issues for everyone."
Olsen also said the current
SACUA is successful in their
efforts to increase faculty aware-
ness and relations with the
"I think that they've worked
really hard to try to improve the
representation of the faculty,"
Olsen said. "I think that they've
tried hard to make sure that the
administration is working fairly
with the faculty. So I don't have
any current grievances or issues
that I would want to go in and fix."
Bob Ziff, a professor of chemi-
cal engineering, served as a mem-
ber of SACUA in 2012 and is the
Chairman of the College of Engi-
neering Library Committee.
Ziff said he would like to see an
increased role of faculty in Uni-
versity policy like tuition afford-
ability, student diversity and
freedom of academic expression.

"Affordability and diversity in
student body are very important
issues," Ziff said. "And another
important issue is maintaining
the quality and academic freedom
of the faculty."
Anne Mondro, an associate
professor in the School of Art &
Design, serves on the Committee
on University Values of the Senate
Assembly and the University Cre-
ative Arts and Dementia Commit-
tee, among others.
Mondro said her background in
the arts will bring a unique view-
point to SACUA.
"If elected, I intend to acknowl-
edge and support creative courses
and research," Mondro said.
Mondro also said diversity and
certain academic issues should be
"Tackling diversity issues and
improving the academic climate
is vital," she said. "Protecting aca-
demic freedom, time for faculty
research, transparency for faculty
on university processes and sup-
porting various modes of inquiry
are also key topics.
Greek and Latin Prof. Sara
Ahbel-Rappe and John Mans-
field, an associate director of the
North Campus Electron Micro-
beam Analysis Laboratory, are
also running for the open SACUA

From Page 1
Jones Day in order to avoid any
suspicion of impropriety since
the firm performs services for
the city. In a meeting with the
emergency loan board, Orr said
he will move to Detroit and start
his job on March 25.
As his first order of busi-
ness, Orr plans to look at the
city's financial data with Detroit
Mayor Dave Bing, who also spoke
with Snyder and Orr at the press
conference. He said this initial
discussion will drive his deci-
sion-making process. Orr added
that he expects the daunting job
will be completed in 18 months.
In the position he will be able to
override some elected officials.
Snyder declared Detroit to
be in a state of financial emer-
gency on March 1 after accept-
ing a report produced by a team
of six members including state
treasurer Andy Dillon that
revealed that Detroit has $14 bil-
lion in long-term liabilities and a
$327-million yearly deficit.
As protesters surrounded
Cadillac Place during the press
conference, Snyder said the
emergency manager position
provides an opportunity for
Detroit to get back on its feet.
"I don't view this as an act
of isolation," Snyder said. "This
is not about asking one individ-
ual to come in and turn around
the city of Detroit ... This is
an opportunity for us to work
together and to bring people
together as Detroit, Michigan."
Orr said this moment repre-
sents "the Olympics of recon-
struction," and added that he
feels compelled to do this job to
help restore the city to which
he has such strong personal
ties. Orr specializes in corpo-
rate restructuring, bankruptcy,
litigation, appeals, and legal
recruiting and diversity at his
From Page 1
approximately 60 signatures.
The national branch of the orga-
nization has a fundraising goal of
$270,000 through the approxi-
mately 50 to 100 chapters at uni-
versities across the nation.
"I think most people just don't
know, and I can't guarantee that if
people know, they'll care, because
every day there are a million dif-
ferent things that people will tell
me I should care about," Hoey
said. "But the point is that maybe a
few people will, and those people
will become really strong advo-
cates and change a lot of lives.
That's really all we can ask for.
LSA senior Julia Santalucia
said she did a lot of planning
for the event after joining IJM
through friends at New Life
Church and developing an inter-
est in social justice. She added
that she didn't know that slav-
ery still existed until she joined

law firm. He previously helped
guide Chrysler through its 2009
bankruptcy proceedings.
Bing said he believes he and
Orr will work well together and
that, regardless of who the mayor
or city council members are,
Detroit's citizens deserve help.
"Because of the financial pres-
sures that we've been under,
we've not been able to give citi-
zens who pay the taxes the ser-
vices thatthey require," Bing said.
Between 2000 and 2012,
the city lost 200,000 residents.
Between 1970 and 2012, the
population decreased from 1.5
million to fewer than 700,000
people. The decline in popula-
tion has left Detroit with exten-
sive infrastructure, pension and
maintenance liabilities, but an
insufficient tax base to support
its obligations.
State Rep. Jeff Irwin (D-Ann
Arbor) was unavailable to speak
Thursday due to illness, but said
earlier this month that he believes
an emergency financial manager
is "a bad thing" for Detroit. He
added that most emergency man-
agers drive their respective cities
into further debt.
LSA senior Lauren Coffman,
the communications director
for the University's chapter of
the College Democrats, said the
appointment takes power out
of the hands of democratically
elected local officials.
"I think it's really important
for (Detroit citizens) to have that
autonomy to decide what's best
for them," Coffman said. "This
is a really important time for the
citizens of Detroit to mobilize
and make their voices heard in
whatever way they can."
LSA senior Rachel Jankowski,
chair of the University's chap-
ter of College Republicans, said
Wednesday an emergency finan-
cial manager would help Detroit
recover from its financial decline.
"We need someone who is
definitely serious about it, is
"Social justice means working
to achieve the basic rights that
each human innately deserves,
like shelter, food, water, and to
not be exploited, which are often
not available to all humans,"
Santalucia said. "I also think it
has a lot to do with policy, which
is what we're doing today, it's
not just something you know,
it's something you do, and in this
case work to achieve."
Santalucia echoed Hoey's
sentiment that an advocate
should act as a "mediator of
change" for the people they help
instead of acting directly.
"It's not about barging in and
changingtheir culture and telling
them what to do with their lives,
which is what a lot of aid does,"
she said. "Ultimately, that won't
really help anyone."
IJMhasseveral eventsplanned
for the future including a dance
competition in collaboration with I

From Page 1
Rodrigues said that the Uni-
versity wanted to make a new
fraction in between two exist-
ing groups, which would have
severely reduced the wages of
many GSIs and GSSAs.
"(It) would have resulted in a
20-percent pay cut for many of
our members," she said.
Negotiations came to a
standstill when the Univer-
sity came back to the bargain-
ing table on Thursday refusing
to consider GEO's proposal,
Rodrigues said.
"We were in bargaining with
them for 16 hours (on Wednes-
day)," she said. "The University's
team had given (GEO) proposals
and said, 'OK, we'll look at your
proposals, we'll see what move-
ment there can be.' And today
they said, 'There is no move-
ment. We will not move on any-
Thursday night, GEO held a
general membership meeting in
which members decided not to
go back to the negotiation table,
Rodrigues said.
"I think GEO made the deci-
sion that people power is greater
than financial power," she said.
"That financial power is impor-
tant, we took that into consid-
eration at every stop of this
While right to work could
mean a significant financial
loss for GEO when its contract
expires, Rodrigues noted the

story of a particular member
who couldn't afford to take a pay
"(With the) salary he was
making now, his family was
looking into food stamps," she
said. "They're on the line. We
thought that we cannot sacrifice
that much."
Rodrigues continued, saying
the possibility of members opt-
ing not to pay dues did not intim-
idate GEO.
"Ultimately in a right-to-work
state, if you are well organized,
right to work does not matter,"
she said, adding that accepting
the deal the University was pro-
posing "would simply degrade
our membership."
Rodrigues even recalled when
GEO fought to be recognized as
employees from 1976-81 by the
University, existing five years
without a contract.
In an interview on Wednes-
day, Rodrigues said GEO hoped
to reach a deal by Friday as GEO
members must wait at least two
weeks before they can vote on a
proposed contract. This was a
tight deadline, as the right-to-
work legislation takes effect two
weeks from Friday.
The legislation passed by the
state of Michigan in a marathon
final session at the end of 2012
allows employees represented by
unions to opt out of payingunion
dues. All GSIs and GSSAs pay
1.48 percent of their semesterly
salary to receive the benefits
derived from GEO's bargaining,
according to GEO's website. To
be a full member of the union,

they must pay 1.68 percent of
their salary.
On Wednesday, Rodrigues
had said bargaining has been
going "pretty well," with eight of
the current contract's 27 articles
opened up for negotiation.
Still, Rodrigues said she was
not certain how many non-full
members of GEO knew that bar-
gaining was taking place. She
did, however, say that GEO is
aware of the subset of GSIs and
GSSAs who don't support the
"We always take them into
consideration," Rodrigues said.
"I can speak for myself and a
lot of the other GEO member-
ship when I say that we really
do respect our Republican mem-
bers, our conservative members.
The thing about it is that we
actually haven't heard anything
from anybody."
Rodrigues also noted that the
bargaining is open to general
members, not just full members.
Rackham student Mike Palaz-
zolo, a GSI and general member
of GEO, said union leadership
didn't seem concerned with non-
full members of the union.
"I doubt (non-full members
knew)," Palazzo said. "I e-mailed
some of my friends - they had no
In an interview earlier on
Thursday, Fitzgerald acknowl-
edged that the University's
Board of Regents had met in an
informal meetinglast Friday, but
declined to comment on whether
the discussion was about labor

Judge sides with A2 pizza
chain in healthcare case

Feds blocked from
requiring Domino's
Pizza to provide
DETROIT (AP) - A judge on
Thursday blocked the federal
government from requiring the
founder of Domino's Pizza to
provide mandatory contracep-
tion coverage to his employees
under the health care law.
U.S. District Judge Lawrence
Zatkoff granted a preliminary
injunction against enforcement
of the contraception provision of
the law against Tom Monaghan
and Domino's Farms Corp., a
management company located
near Ann Arbor, Mich.
The company, which is not
connected to Domino's Pizza,
has 45 full-time and 44 part-
time employees, according to its
court filing. Monaghan sold his
controlling stake in Domino's
Pizza in 1998 to private equity

company Bain Capital and sold
his remaining Domino's stock
in 2004, according to Domino's
Pizza spokesman Chris Bran-
"It is in the best interest of
the public that Monaghan not be
compelled to act in conflict with
his religious beliefs," Zatkoff
Monaghan is a Roman Cath-
olic and said in his suit that
he considers contraception a:
"gravely immoral" practice. He
offers employees health insur-
ance that excludes coverage for
contraception and abortion.
The new federal law requires
employers to offer insurance
that includes contraception cov-
erage or risk fines. According to
Zatkoff's order, Domino's Farms
faced $200,000 in yearly pay-
ments under the law. Employers
have until Aug.1 to comply with
the law.
U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services spokes-
woman Erin Shields said Thurs-
day night that she couldn't

comment on the matter because
the litigation is still pending.
In its response to the suit
filed in December, the depart-
ment denied the health care
law had a substantial effect
on Monaghan's exercise of his
rights to religious freedom or
freedom of speech.
The provisions of the health
care law "are narrowly tailored
to serve two compellinggovern-
ment interests: improving the
health of women and children,
and equalizing the provision of
preventive care for women and
men so that women who choose
to can be a part of the workforce
on an equal playing field with
men," the government said.
Erin Mersino, a lawyer for
the Thomas More Law Center,
a conservative Christian legal
defense group that represented
Monaghan, noted that the law
requires employers to offer
health coverage that includes
access to the morning-after pill
and similar emergency contra-
ception pills.


Michigan Mazaa and the Aruna
5k run in April.

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