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March 15, 2013 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-03-15

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Friday, March 15, 2013



GEO leaves
table with

Freshman Irene Suh, a member of Students for Choice, gives away condoms for St. Patrick's Day in Mason Hall on Thursday.
city prepare forSt. Patty's

Bargaining breaks
down in shadow of
right-to-work law
Daily StaffReporter
With right-to-work legislation
that severely limits the ability of
unions in Michigan to organize
within workplaces coming into
effect on March 28, members of
the Graduate Employees' Orga-
nization decided to walk away
from negotiations with the Uni-
versity after claiming the Univer-
sity's bargaining team wouldn't
budge on its proposed salary
cuts. Instead, the union will take
its chances bargaining next year
when members have the option
not to pay dues under the law.
GEO, which represents gradu-
ate student instructors and grad-
uate student staff assistants at
the three University campuses,
and the University had been
negotiating every day this week
in the hopes of agreeing upon a
three-year contract to circum-
vent the effects of right-to-work
until 2016. GEO's current con-
tract expires in March 2014.
Rackham student Liz
Rodrigues, GEO spokesperson,
said the deal being offered by
the University didn't meet its

"GEO members have - from
the beginning of this pro-
cess - been making decisions
about what our bottom line is,"
Rodrigues said. "We had set
bottom lines in terms of salary,
in terms of our childcare agree-
ment, and we have always said
if these bottom lines are crossed
we will walk away."
University spokesman Rick
Fitzgerald the University made no
"My understanding is it was
GEO's decision," Fitzgerald said.
"They have a current contract in
GEO president Katie Frank
said in a statement that GEO's
bargaining team was willing to
make compromises.
team, we made a 'herculean effort'
to move toward their proposals,"
Frank said. "We were willing to
make huge sacrifices to protect our
contract in a state attacking collec-
tive bargaining rights."
Rodrigues said the Univer-
sity's proposal to add another
"fraction" to the designations of
GSIs and GSSAs' pay was irrec-
oncilable. Because GSIs and
GSSAs don't necessarily work
full time, their salaries are deter-
mined by a range of "fractions" of
full time they work.
See GEO, Page 3

working to educate
students on
staying safe
Daily News Editor
This weekend, fans of maize
and blue will be seeing a lot of
green - and alcohol.
University and city officials
are promoting a "Stay in the
Blue" campaign, advocating
responsible drinking for the hol-
iday weekend.

The University will be host-
ing several events over the
weekend, including the Honors
Convocation, cheering on the
Michigan Basketball team in
the Big Ten Conference Tourna-
ment and St. Patrick's Day fes-
Sarah Daniels, assistant dean
of students, said the Division of
Student Affairs is partnering
with student groups to make
sure there would be no con-
flicts for visitors during the busy
"In anticipating there will
be a lot of external guests on
campus, we want to make sure
we have a robust weekend with

positive messages out there
for how students can celebrate
appropriately with events that
are alternatives to what people
may consider as things to do this
weekend - alternative events on
campus this weekend that are
safe and fun," Daniels said.
Joy Pehlke, a Alcohol and
Other Drug health educator
with the University Health Ser-
vice, said the student-driven
safety campaign was launched
for the first night football game
against Notre Dame last year. A
similar program for the St. Pat-
rick's Day weekend aims to pro-
duce the same result.
"Part of the efforts we did

then to really reduce harm were
not only the events that were
going on but some of the out-
reach - outreach with the bars
and restaurants, specifically on
State Street and closer to cam-
pus, and educate them on how to
'Stay in the Blue'," Pehlke said.
Pehlke said the groups passed
out 10,000 "Stay in the Blue"
coasters to bars and restaurants
along with a letter signed by a
nuinber of University officials'
supporting the effort to monitor
alcohol practices this weekend.
The letter asks the participating
sites to include non-alcoholic
specials, focus on serving food
See PATTY'S, Page 6

Faculty run for
spots on senate
advisory board

Eight candidates
competing for three
S open spots on SACUA
Daily StaffReporter
On Monday, the Senate
Assembly will elect three Uni-
versity faculty members to fill
vacant positions on the Senate
Advisory Committee on Univer-
sity Affairs for three-year terms.
The committee consists of nine
Senate Assembly members and
holds weekly meetings to discuss
University policy and affairs.
Eight faculty members nomi-
nated by the Senate Assem-
bly are running for three
openings. Improved communi-
cation between faculty and stu-
dents, tuition affordability and
freedom of academic expression
were common topics the candi-
dates said they would be inter-
ested in pursuing if elected.
Joseph Custer, a professor in
pediatric diseases and communi-
cable diseases, was an alternate
member of the Senate Assembly
from 2008 to 2011 and became
an active member during 2012.
He was also on the Institutional
Review Board of the Massachu-
setts General Hospital and the
House Officer Selection Commit-
tee at Harvard Medical School in

the 1980s.
"I'm from the Medical School,
soit's a particularly unique point
of view," Custer said. "But I also
believe that, from a personal
standpoint, Iowe this University
something. I came here 25 years
ago from Harvard and this place
has been very kind to me, and
I've been injected and infected
with the Michigan vibrance, so
part of it is giving back."
Custer said he would like to
see faculty participate more in
handling University issues. He
also said transparency amongthe
administration, faculty and stu-
dents has been an ongoing issue
that needs to be addressed.
"When there are issues about
professional conduct or behav-
ior, the way faculty and students
are dealt with by the university
should be absolutely transpar-
ent," he said.
Avery Demond, an associ-
ate professor of civil and envi-
ronmental engineering, serves
on the Academic Affairs Advi-
sory Committee of the Senate
Assembly and is the director of
the Environmental and Water
Resources Engineering Program.
Demond said her position as
a female science faculty mem-
ber will carry on the legacies of
retiring SACUA members Kate
Barald, professor of biomedi-
cal engineering, and Kimberlee
See BOARD, Page 3

Art and Design Senior Alana Hoey speaks to LSA Senior Lauren Brandt to raise awareness about sex trafficking,
Hoey will be spending 27 hours on the Diag to raise awareness.
Students lead 27-hr. sit-in
to raise slavery awareness

Snyder picks
Orr to be
lawyer says he can
complete job
in 18 months
Daily StaffReporter
On Thursday, Michigan's
emergency loan board approved
Republican Gov. Rick Snyder's
top pick for Detroit's emergency
financial manager in a unani-
mous 3-0 vote.
Snyder announced his choice,
bankruptcy Kevyn Orr, at a press
conference Thursday at Cadil-
lac Place in Detroit. The gov-
ernor said Orr, a partner at the
Jones Day law firm in Washing-
ton, D.C., fulfills the qualities
he looked for in an emergency
financial manager: strong inter-
personal skills, technical skills
and decision-making experience.
The state will pay Orr $275,000
to overhaul Detroit's deeplytrou-
bled finances.
Orr, a Michigan alum who
earned degrees from the college
of Literature, Science and the
Arts and the Law School, said he
will resign from his position at
See MANAGER, Page 3


tice M
on Th

test represents Stand For Freedom is an impor-
tant part in raising the campus
million people conversation about international
human trafficking and slavery.
n slave trade "Every single person that's
come by has been shocked by
By STEPHANIE that statistic, but it's an accurate
SHENOUDA statistic," Hoey said. "I don't
Daily StaffReporter think that people realize slavery
exists today, especially in the
e stone benches of the Diag really broad terms such as land
ne a temporary home for seizure, which is essentially
ers of thelInternational Jus- commonplace in Africa."
fission as they prepared to Hoey said she was unaware of
out for 27 consecutive hours these issue until she joined IJM
ursday to raise awareness and began focusing on learn-
the 27million people world- ing about slavery and unlawful
nvolvedinmodernslavery. imprisonment. She said the key-
t & Design senior Alana stone of IJM's efforts involve
chapter president of the "not just fixing the problem",
ational Justice Mission,said but empowering individuals to

make changes in their ownlives
while preservingtheir culture.
"The lawyers working with
people in Uganda are from Ugan-
da and that's what I really like
about IJM," Hoey said. "It's not
about tryingto fix things, it's giv-
to make their ownchanges."
The goal of Stand For Free-
dom was to educate and inform
the general public about mod-
ern slaveryswhile raising money
for IJM and getting petitions
signed to send to President
Barack Obama. At 8:30 p.m.,
the petition - which asks the
president to consider changing
the guidelines for what actions
are considered "slavery" - had
See SLAVERY, Page 3

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