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Ann Arbor, Michigan
Thursday, March 14, 2013
recycle in
competition runs
through end of March
Daily Staff Reporter
When LSA freshman Julian Tabron
came back to Ann Arbor after spring
break, he brought back a lot more than
he took home. Along with his luggage,
he returned with multiple bags full of
recyclable materials in tow, collected
during the week at his home in Detroit.
He brought cardboard materials, plas-
tic bottles, scraps of aluminum foil and
more to compete in the University's
RecycleMania competition.
RecycleMania is a 10-week compe-
tition among more than 600 colleges
and universities across the country to
see which school can collect the largest
amount of recyclables, the least amount
of trash per capita, and have the high-
est recycling rate over the course of the
competition. The competition began on
Jan. 20 and will run until March 30.
"There are not that many places
where you can recycle in Detroit, so I
thought that I should go to the extreme
limits and keep track of things that
could be recycled in my home," said
'U' alum
could be
D.C. attorney
speculated as Snyder's
choice for post
Daily StaffReporter
Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder has not
appointed the emergency financial
manager for the city of Detroit, but
there has been speculation about a
University alum Kevyn Orr, a part-
ner in the Jones Day law firm in Wash-
ington D.C., is, according to a report
from the Detroit Free Press, Snyder's
leading candidate for the position.
Snyder spokesperson Caleb Buhs
said it is too premature to identify
the candidates for the appointment,
since the decision to implement an
emergency manager is still under-
way. Snyder is set to announce
whether he will appoint an emer-
gency manager in a press conference
Thursday at 2 p.m.
Buhs said a qualified emergency
manager would have significant finan-
cial experiences and would be capable
of communicating and collaborating
See DETROIT, Page 5A
Psychology Prof. Shelly Schreier was surprised with the Golden Apple Award during her Psychology 353 lecture on Wednesday.
'Apple' of their eyes.
Lecturer Shelly their way to the lectern carrying flow- p.m. in Rackham Auditorium.
ers and balloons. These students were "One of the best predictors of hap-
Schreier tearfully there to honor Schreier with the Gold- piness is work satisfaction," Schreier
en Apple, an award for outstanding said. "I (have) said to students that I
accepts student- faculty teaching. would hope for them that they had the
. dThe Golden Apple is awarded to opportunity to be able to find some-
nominated award a student-nominated teacher each thing with work that they loved to do
year who is paricularly inspiring and as much as I love to do this, so thank
By AARON GUGGENHEIM engaging. you for acknowledging and recogniz-
Daily StaffReporter Schreier, in tears as she received the ing that."
award in front of her family and mem- Public Policy senior Gabriel
Psychology lecturer Shelly Schreier bers of Students Honoring Outstand- Pachter serves on the executive board
was speaking in front of an auditorium ing University Teaching, said she was of SHOUT, the student organization
crowded with students in her social incredibly thankful for the award. that gives the award. He said Schreier
development course when a parade of Recipients are invited to give their was chosen because of the quantity
dancing students interrupted her. ideal "last lecture," a lecture they and quality of student nominations
Dancing to the Blues Brothers' would give if they had only one left. submitted.
"Can't Turn You Loose," they made Schreier will present hers April 4 at 7 See AWARD, Page 5A
Students use several
University resources
to look for internships
Colleges, Career Center
and Alumni Assoc. offer
advice, services
Daily StaffReporter
The internship search process for stu-
dents has become an inescapable battle
to find the best summer opportunities.
Though each person is looking for a
unique experience, many students are
taking advantage of University resourc-
es to make their search easier and more
The avenues to learn more about
internship opportunities are no longer
limited to corporate website links. The
professional networking site LinkedIn
allows prospective employees to cre-
ate professional profiles highlighting
work experience, education and skills,
while also connecting users with indus-
try management directly. Another site,
InternSushi.com, gives those trying to
break into an industry the ability to craft
an interactive digital profile through a
self-made promotions video tailored to
The University also provides students
with resources like the Career Center
and the Alumni Association to work
toward professional goals.
Hail It Forward, a networking pro-
gram run by the Alumni Association,
allows for students to connect with
Michigan graduates in their respective
industry. This resource was used widely
by students until it was recently discon-
tinued. Ayanna McConnell, the manag-
er of Student and Diversity Initiatives
of the Alumni Association, explained
that other popular resources such as
30-Minute Mentor and the Alumni
Association's LinkedIn accounts are
still available.
"Last year over 170 students partici-
pated in the three 30-Minute Mentor
programs we hosted at the Alumni Cen-
ter, and 2,250 students placed business
card orders," McConnell said. "This year
we were excited that over 200 students
participated in the LinkedIn event we
held on Feb. 11."
Though McConnell could not com-
ment directly on the discontinuation of
the Hail It Forward program, alumni
embrace the LinkedIn group and she
hopes that it will play the same role that
the Hail It Forward program once did.
"We want to help students figure out
what their brand is either online or in
person," McConnell said.
For LSA freshman Grace Hargrave-
Thomas, that brand has not yet been
developed, though she said that her lack
of professional experience has not dis-
State Rep. John Olumba (1-Detriot); Margaret Dewar, an urban planning and architecture professor; and Meagan Elliott, urban planning and
architecture graduate student, discuss the gentrification of Detroit at Weill Hall Wednesday.
Panel discusses Detroit's housing issues
State rep., Taubman
faculty offer views
on gentrification
Daily Staff Reporter
In the last 20 years, the population
of Detroit has shrunk dramatically,
causing concern among many cities
about gentrification, which is the pro-
cess by which higher income individu-
als occupy low-income urban areas,
raising prices forcing residents to leave
their homes and relocate.
Wednesdaynight at Weill Hall, a panel
of urban planning experts and a city offi-
cial discussed the definition of gentrifica-
tion and the effects it has on Detroit.
About 60 students and faculty
attended the event, sponsored by the
Detroit Partnership, a student organi-
zation advocating education and ser-
vice in the city.
State Rep. John Olumba spoke at the
panel and discussed his experiences
representing Detroit.
Olumba said the traditional definition
of gentrification sometimes overlooks the
social factors involved in suchmovements.
"It's OK to have a hard and fast defi-
nition of(gentrification)," Olumba said.
"You should all understand that those
definitions don't always work."
At various points during the panel,
Olumba referred to gentrification as
"disenfranchisement," "injustice" and
"starvation" - demonstrating the com-
plex social, economic and political issues
involved in such a discussion. Olumba
blamed the city's government for many of
the current issues facing the metropolis.
"People arebeingstarvedofresourc-
es and there are clearly resources out
there to improve people's livelihood,"
Olumba said. "That's what I would call
gentrification - intentional moves by
the government to starve out certain
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INDEX NEWS .........................2A SUDDKU.....................3A
Vol. CXXIII, No.82 OPINION .....................4A CLASSIFIEDS...............6A
@2013TheMichiganDaily SPORTS.. . ..........7A B-SIDE....................1B