The Michigan Daily -
Wednesday, March 13, 2013 - 3A
From Page 1A
nearly 2,000 new scholarships.
Although donations have
peaked during campaign times,
there has been a general rise
in annual contributions during
years following the campaigns
compared to pre-campaign levels.
The record for a single year was in
2008 - the last year of the Michi-
gan Difference campaign - with
$342 million raised.
Coleman said the normal cycle
for fundraising campaigns is usu-
ally five to six years.
"If you look over time at uni-
versities, what you'll find is a
rhythm," Coleman said. "It's not
that you're not raising money.
You're always raising money.
We're on the right rhythm."
One of the main organiza-
tions involved with planning and
coordinating events and pushes
for the campaign will be the Uni-
versity's Office of Development,
which oversees the creation and
sustaining of relationships with
donors and alumni. The upcom-
ing effort will be spearheaded
by Jerry May, University vice
president for development. May
also led the successful Michigan
Difference campaign of the last
May said last week that the
office of Development has been
working closely with faculty from
across the University to target
priority areas for advancing edu-
cational opportunities.
"The deans of the University
have worked for the last two years
on a strategic planning process
for where they want the Univer-
sity to go over the next five to 10
years," May said. "What are the
academic innovations? What are
the academic priorities that will
make us a stronger, better and
particularly a more relevant edu-
cational institution?"
He added that 38 different sec-
tors of the University are involved
in the planning process - each
with their own priorities and
goals for the upcoming campaign.
However, each of these units is
working with the Office of Devel-
opment to find the most effective
from donors while maintaining
long-term relationships.
Judy Malcolm, the Office of
Development's senior director of
executive communications, added
that matching donors' interests
with complementary areas within
the University would continue to
be apriorityduringthe campaign.
"The endowment always
increases in campaigns - raising
money for the endowment is an
important part of all campaigns,"
Malcolm said. "When you put
money in the endowment, you
are guaranteeing the future long-
term health of the University."
In the last campaign, donors
contributed $923 million toward
the endowment out of $3.2 billion
raised overall. Malcolm said the
endowment contributions were
earmarked primarily for profes-
sorships and scholarships. It is
unclear whether the endowment
contribution as a portion of over-
all funds raised will increase in
the campaign launching this year
giventhe increased focus onthese
5 The University is also planning
a kick-off event for the campaign
to motivate donors and students,
but Malcolm said plans have not
yet been finalized.
"We need to fashion this in a
way donors can get excited about
the difference they can make in
people's lives so a lot of this will
be storytelling about what stu-
dents have done and what the
impact of having various schol-
arships has been," Coleman said.
"We need to describe for people
what the need is. They don't nec-
essarily understand our unmet
need, particularly for out-of-
state students, we can't be need-
In an interview last week, Uni-
versity Provost Philip Hanlon
said endowment funds are almost
entirely "designated" and not eas-
ily used to cover general expenses
for the University. Most proceeds
from endowment contributions
are narrowly limited to the use
designated by the original con-
Hanlon echoed Coleman by
saying the University would split
its funds among scholarships,
programs and buildings like the
previous campaign, but it would
refocus on the former for the
upcoming fundraising cycle.
-Daily Staff Reporter Sam
Gringlas contributed reporting
From Page1A
ist was to ensure that diverse
personalities were brought to
perform on campus.
"Last year everyone really
seemed to like J. Cole," Zup-
more said. "(We felt that)
this year students would
want to see something dif-
Though the commit-
tee initially hoped to send
out a survey to the student
body as a way to gauge stu-
dent preferences, Zupmore
said time constraints made
this difficult. However, she
believed that the diversity
of representatives on the
decision-making commit-
tee ensured that they would
adequately reflect student
The University's chapter of
Hillel will be a major spon-
sor of the MUSIC Matters
concert. Dalia Adler, chair of
Hillel, wrote in an email that
collaboration with MUSIC
Matters was in line with the
group's goal to increase their
involvement with the arts on
Adler emphasized that
bringing together University
students for the collabora-
tive event would be "both an
honor and at the crux of Hil-
lel's values."
"MUSIC Matters united
Michigan in such a unique
and inspiring way," Adler
Tickets for the event go
on sale at 11 a.m. Friday at
the Michigan Union Ticket
Office. Prices start at $20.
Pierpont Barnes & Noble
renovated after new lease
renovations to be
completed by end of
winter semester
Daily StaffReporter
What is now broken walls
and chipped tiles will soon be a
newly renovated North Campus
By the end of the semester,
the Barnes & Noble store housed
in Pierpont Commons will have
undergone aesthetic renova-
tions, including new tiling and
carpets. The layout of the store
will also be altered with text-
book materials moved to the
back wall of the store and school
supplies will move to the front.
The bookstore started pub-
licizing the changes to its on-
campus location through its
Facebook page last Monday.
Pictures of renovations includ-
ed outstripped wallpaper and
shelves and the addition of new
flooring and an information
When Barnes & Noble's leas-
ing contract expired this year at
Pierpont Commons, a renewed
five-year lease included nego-
tiations to renew the look of the
bookstore. Michael Swanigan,
director of Pierpont Commons,
said the renewed contract came
to fruition when Barnes & Noble
and University Unions exam-
ined their relationship and real-
ized it was mutually beneficial
to renew the lease.
Swanigan believes the cur-
rent construction has not dimin-
ished the store's supply, and
students will not be affected by
the renovations. He added that
the store operations will con-
tinue uninterrupted during the
Last March, Michigan Book
& Supply announced they would
close down their location on
the intersection of South State
Street and North University
Avenue. Its owner, Nebraska
Book Company, cited reasons
that included its inability to
compete with on-campus book-
store Barnes & Noble. The store
was one of the only area stores
that sells art supplies.
"With the closing of Michi-
gan Book & Supply, we knew
there was a request for more
art supplies," Swanigan said.
"(Barnes & Noble) has certainly
been working with the School
of Art & Design to bringin more
of the supplies that they need-
Despite the changes that will
take place, Swanigan said that
the renovations will be orga-
nizational and won't affect the
bookstore's display or storage
"This renovation is only to
relocate some things and change
the layout," Swanigan said. "We
hope it will better serve the
From Page 1A
sity they want to attend.
"(U.S. News) is perhaps
the most widely recognized
ranking of U.S. universities,"
Fitzgerald said. "We know
that there are lots of people
who pay attention to the rank-
ings, but I would just under-
score that it's one piece of
information. It takes much
more than just looking at the
rankings to decide what's the
best place for you."
The University's Medical
School retained its position in
eighth place for primary care
and moved up two spots - from
10th to eighth - in research
medicine. University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill ranked
first in primary care, while
Harvard University topped the
list for research medicine.
Medical School Dean
James Woolliscroft said he
rarely pays much attention to
the rankings, instead prefer-
ring to focus on how students
of the Medical School perform
after graduation.
"In general, the U.S. News
rankings are rankings that
I don't pay much attention
to with one exception ... the
assessment score by residency
directors of our medical stu-
dent graduates," Woolliscroft
said. "I look at ... how we've
done, how our students are
viewed by the program direc-
tors they will be going to in the
next step of their training."
Woolliscroft said alumni of
the Medical School tend to fare
very well in their various posi-
"As residency positions
have become ever more com-
petitive, we pay a great deal of
attention to how our students
are doing nationally," Wool-
liscroft said. "I'm very pleased
that we continued to be in a
tie for second place as to how
our students who graduate are
viewed by program directors."
Woolliscroft also encour-
aged students to look beyond
rankings when choosing the
best medical school, citing a
school's environment, faculty
and current students as other
important factors.
"Obviously they've already
looked at things like academic
stature," Woolliscroft said. "It
really comes down to how they
see themselves really meeting
their aspirations at that par-
ticular school."
From Page 1A
idea of what a "day in the life of
a Wolverine" is like. Organizers
employ University students as
tour guides and role models for
younger students in hopes that
the kids leave inspired and see-
ing a pursuit in a higher educa-
tion as an achievable goal.
Tuesday's activities included
a chemistry demonstration, a
visit to the Planetarium, a meet-
and-greet session with student
athletes, lunch at South Quad,
a museum tour and a variety
Education senior Amanda
Webster, started working with
K-grams during her freshman
year and is now the executive
"I had always wanted to be
a teacher," Webster said. She
taught dance in high school and
signed up to be a pen pal early
her freshman year.
The pen pal program matches
more than 1,000 University stu-
dents with students from nine
elementary schools in South-
eastern Michigan to exchange
letters on a monthly basis.
Webster continued her
involvement with K-grams
through the BookMARK pro-
gram during her sophomore
year because it allowed her to
stay active with the program
even though she was not liv-
ing in University housing. Most
K-grams programs require par-
ticipants to live in the residence
BookMARK arranges for
University students to visit an
elementary school once a week,
either for one-on-one or group
mentoring and reading activi-
Education senior Natalie Voss
worked as a student leader for
K-day. She said her favorite part
about the program is seeing the
kids, who wouldn't have much
interest in writing otherwise,
put so much effort into letters
for their pen pals.
"They really put time into
making (the letters) their best
work," Voss said.
Jasmine, a Willow Run stu-
dent, said her encounter with
a member of the track team on
K-day got her thinking about
running track if she ends up at
the University. Another student,
Zeke, said his favorite part about
the tour was the planetarium.
LSA sophomore Katherine
Wolf has been Zeke's pen pal
since she joined K-grams in Sep-
tember. They met at Tuesday's
K-day and said it was fun to
bond over South Quad's grilled
cheese sandwiches.
"All my pen pals want to be
doctors," Zeke said.
In fact, Wolf wants to be a
pediatrician. "This is a good
experience in communicating
with someone younger than
me," she said.
LSA senior Sydney Behrmann
said she has always enjoyed
working with kids and finds
being a pen pal a fun break
from regular campus life. She
got involved during her fresh-
man year, and although she was
unable to be a pen pal last year
while living off-campus, she's
happy that being a residential
adviser this year has allowed
her to resume her work with
"Getting the letters is so
much fun," she said. "It's great
to see someone really look up to
From Page 1A
"Each accident is evalu-
ated on an individual basis
to assess what the situa-
tion and the severity was,"
he said. "We also examine
whether or not it was a pre-
ventable or a non-prevent-
able situation and respond
Johnson explained that
an action review commit-
tee, consisting of a for-
mally appointed supervisor
and a representative from
Risk Management Services,
exists in order to debrief
with the drivers after
they've been involved in an
accident. He said the penal-
ties faced, if any, depend on
the severity of the situation
and if any damage or injuries
One of Monday's acci-
dents, which was reported
to police and logged as a "hit
and run," is being reconsid-
ered after an investigation
gave University authorities
reason to believe that this
was not the case.
"After what we've investi-
gated so far, we have reason
to believe it was not a hit and
run, but a miscommunication
between the two drivers,"
Johnson said. "Because of the
location of the accident, the
(bus) driver couldn't stop and
was going to a more appropri-
ate location."
Johnson also said he
couldn't think of a good rea-
son why a University bus driv-
er would commit a hit and run
as opposed to dealing with the
Although University bus-
driving positions are posted
publicly, applicants undergo
a thorough hiring process to
ensure they know the rules of
the road. Johnson said drivers
are formally trained and edu-
cated as commercial drivers
before they're hired to drive
the big Blue Buses.
University Police spokes-
woman Diane Brown said
the incidents were unrelat-
ed. While witnesses allege
that one accident resulted
in a woman having a seizure
and being taken away by
ambulance, Brown could not
comment on victim medical
LSA sophomore Catherine
Culkin, who was hit by a
blue bus Monday while rid-
ing her bike on Hill Street,
said in an e-mail interview
that the bus hit her as it was
turning onto Greene Street
from Hill Street. Culkin
said the police found the bus
driver at fault.
"It looked like the driver
was stopping; much to my dis-
may, I guess he just didn't see
me," Culkin said.
Though she initially told
police she was uninjured as
a result of the incident, her
body was very sore when
she woke up the next morn-
ing. Culkin has contacted
Risk Management Services
to request reimbursement
for damage sustained by her
LSA junior James Kehoe
has been a University bus
driver since May 2011.
"I've always liked driving
so this is basically the perfect
job for me," Kehoe said. "It
pays well and it's getting me
through school, even if it is a
little crazy sometimes."
Two months into his
career as a Blue Bus driver,
he got into an accident driv-
ing a bus, which he said "hap-
pens to everyone at some
"I was pulling out of a
(bus) stop and hit another
car," Kehoe said. "I followed
all of the procedures and
because the damages weren't
over $1,000 I didn't get a
Kehoe added that his
meeting with the Action
Review Committee was
helpful, as the committee
members were encouraging
but explained that it was a
"preventable, accident." The
committee also explained
how to avoid accidents in the
While Kehoe didn't know
the specifics of any of the
events from this week, he
said, in his experience, winter
weather often contributes to
an increase in the number and
severity of accidents.