2A - Wednesday, March 13, 2013 The Michigan Daily -- michigandaily.com 2A - Wednesday, March 13, 2013 N cw s The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom artA IWWin a4 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 www.michigandaily.com ANDREW WEINER RACHEL GREINETZ Editor in Chief Business Manae 734-418-4110 ext. 1252 734-418-4115 ext. 1241 anweiner@michigandaily.com remgein@michigandailycom HAZING GONE WRONG Florida A&M alums charged FHOW TO BE GAY Twelve former Florida A&M students were charged with nec- onod-degree manslaughter in the murder of Robert Champion, The Famuan reported March 6. Ten of the Florida A&M alum- ni were previously charged with third-degree felony hazing for the drum major's 2011ldeath, until fhe Ninth Circuit State Attorney's Office decided to increase the charges earlier in the week. W. Craig Lawson, an attorney for one of the defendants, said the increased charges might be the result of two other defendants' guilty pleas and the bargains they struck with the State Attorney's Office. The two defendants have been charged but have not yet been arrested. "We were tryingto work some- thing out on the hazing charge," Lawson said. "Now that my cli- ent charges went from facing five years to 15 years, I'm not happy with the situation, but it's within the state attorney's office to do that." University of Colorado takes measuresato avoid campus 4/20 celebration Despite Colorado's 2012 deci- sion to legalize marijuana, the University of Colorado, Boulder, is taking measures to prevent on-campus celebrations of the counterculture holiday on April 20, the CU Independent reported Monday. Last year, potent fertilizer waa spread on the campus's Norlin Quad to prevent students from celebrating the so-called pot holiday, but this year the area will instead be off limits. Students will not be allowed access to the Quad, and police officers will be present to ensure "unauthorized non-affiliates" are not on campus. The University of Colorado Student Government said in a statement they agree with the administration that 4/20 should not be celebrated on campus because it's disruptive and causes safety concerns, but disagreed with the tactics used last year. Newsrnnm 730-418-4tis opt.3 Corrections corecutios@michigandaily.com Arts Section arts@michigandaity.com Spnrts Section sports@michigandaily.com Display Sales dispay@michigandaily.com Onine Sales olineads@michigandaily.com News Tips news@michigandaily.com letters to the Editnr tothedaily@mirthigandaity.com Editorial Page opinion@michiadaity.com Photography Section photo@michigandaily.com Classif ied Sales classified@michigandaily.com Finance finance@michigandaily.com David Halperin, author of "Fow To Be Gay"discusses his book with students Taesday in the Graduate Library. CRIME NOTES Dine and dash Ain't no graffiti WHERE: 1500 East anymore CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES WHEN: Monday around 7:50 a.m. WHAT: A subject was seen stealing food from the cafeteria, University Police reported. The subject left the area, hut was identified by hospital securityhbefore she left. WHERE: Thayer Carport WHEN: Monday around 1:25 p.m. WHAT: Graffiti was found, in the carport and promptly painted over, University Police reported. The exact time of the incident is unknown. Story slam WHAT: Students are invit- ed to s Word of Mouth event in whichparticipants share five-minute personal stories about their lives. The theme of the ev'ent is "Before and After" and there will also be live music. WHO: Ginsberg Center WHEN: Today at 7:00 p.m. WHERE: 21S South Fourth Street One direction, .Purse pilfered Itouto no dirction WHERE: Cancer Center, to mediation WHERE: Catherine Street 1400 Medical Drive Nursing panel WHAT: Students from the School of Nursing will form a panel to discuss recent international work experience. Those interested in international opportunities will be able to gain information on future projects. WHO: School of Nursing WHEN: Today at 6:00 p.m. WHERE: School of Nursing, CORRECTIONS " Due to an editing error, an article in the March 12 edition of the Daily ('University goesasouth by sour/swear") misidentified JJ Pionke and Hung Tru- ong aa Rackham students. * Please report any error in the Daily to corrections@michi- gandaily.com. THREE THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOWTODAY 1Republican Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsisn put forward his 2014 budget plan that would cut spend- ing by $4.6 trillion by 2023 through "rolling back many of (President) Obama's signa- ture accomplishes," The New York Times reported. 2Many students on cam- pus don't associate taking unprescribed stimulants with ille- gal activity or detrimental health side effects. Both, however, are very real. FOR MORE, SEE INSIDE 3NASA scientists report- ed that the Curios- ity Mars rover had analyzed samples and dis- covered "traces of the chemi- cals and compounds" that could have supported life on Mars roughly 3-billion years ago. CBS News reported. EDITORIAL STAFF Matthe~lnoin ManaingEditor mjstloin@michigandaily.com Adam Rubetire Mas Sges Editor arub@mkh gatdaitycuan K.C. Wamna, Taylr Wizner ASSISTANT NEWS EDIO ons ly BloEck,JenniferCafts, ArnGugaenheim.,5Sam Grinla, DaniellSoppelann.,,SteveZoki Melanie Kuelis and opinioneditor@michigandaily.com AdrienneRoberts EditorialtPage Editors SERE DITsn ORIAn L PAG EDIORtSJsseKli,Sarh Skalb, Derk Wolte ASSSTANT EDITORIALrPAGE EDTtsOR:Sakashi, DaieltWang Everett Cook and Zach Helfand ManagingSportstditorspoteditors@ihigadatyot SENI0R SPORTS EDIO t even 5ai,0,Michael Ls,,its, Stepe esbaaitt,Colleen Thomas, LizVuklich, DanielWasermn uSSISTssNTSOT DTOR:n i set retdma,Gre ar, ,ajat Khar, ,Liz Nagle, Kayla lpadhyaya Munais ArtstEditor iaytau@mtichigandaiy.coem SENORTSu EDTORS: Elio lpr, BrOiann Jsona,,hn Lynh,Ana Sadovkaa ASITATARTS EDITORS:Sean Czarnki, CaiaDa,ax adi,khay Set, Katie Stee, Steven Tweedie Adam Glanzman and Tena Mlengratt ManaigePhototEditors photo@nmiigandaity.com SENIOR PHO5T ITRS TresaMatew,,Todd Needle ASSTsAsNPHOODTRSKtonheinePkalaral Shean, Adam Schitzer Kisten Cleghorn and NickCruzManugingeDesienstditors deign@eichigatdaity.com HaleyiGoldberg MsgazinetEditort sateent@michigandaiy.con DEPUTY MAAZNEsEDITOR:Paige Pearcy Josephine Adams and Tom Mclnien CopyrChiehs copydek@m~ichigandaiy.come. SENIO OY EDITORS: Jennie Colman,,selly Mauglis BUSINESS STAFF Ashley Kanadsheh Associate Business Manager SeanlJackson Ssanagser Sophie Gneenbaum ProuctioManager Meryl lHulteng Nationat Account Manuger Connor ByrdrFinanceMaaer QUy VOCirulationMuaae Th, Michigan Daily(IlStS4-967) is published MondaysthrughFriday dtringthe fall and winter termsby sudents atthe Univesityssf Michigan.Oteropy is aailable treuofvcage tonal radest. Additional copiesmay bepiked upat the aily's offietfor $. Sbsciptiosfor tall tem, startinginSetembe, ia U.S.nmaiarettt1.itrtetrm(January thrtoh April)lis $115, ealnglSepteer,,thouApril) is 9. Uiersityafiliates aretsubetto a rducd subscriptionsrate.On,-campussutbsct:insfurtall tem are $35. Subscriptins must he prepaid. The Michigan taily ia member nf The Associated Pess and The Assoiatd CollegiaStePess. 0 WHEN: Monday around 1:20 p.m. WHAT: In the process of a traffic stop for driving on a one-way street, the driver was found to be driving with a suspended liscense and was arrested. WHEN: Monday around 12:4S p.m. WHAT: A neglected purse was taken and later found close by but was missing "cash, debit card and phone," University Police reported. There are no suspects. WHAT: Jewel Meart leads a session on guided mediation techniques like healing visualization. No prior experience with Buddhism or mediation is required for the session. WHO: University of Michi- gan Museum of Art WHEN: 5:30 p.m. WHERE: 1129 Oak Valley Drive ' I 0 1.51,. C cC C_ ' C. 9 -c CC uulllllll lllllllllluii """" 0l ERNST& YOUNG Quality In Everything We Do -_. i i!! l!! l i l! l! l!! i l