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March 13, 2013 - Image 1

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Wednesday, March 13, 2013



Former NPR host Michele Norris discusses her Race Card Project with students on Tuesday on the Diag. The project asks for a six-word statement about
thoughts on race and ethnicity.
Grad schools ranked hig

Ben Folds
to perform
for charity
Singer-songwriter Hospital. This year earnings
will be used to set up a need-
to headline based scholarship endow-
ment fund.
MUSIC Matters "The members of MUSIC
Matter felt strongly that this
concert at Hill was an opportunity for current
students to help ensure that the
By AMRUTHA SIVAKUMAR next generation of college stu-
Daily StaffReporter dent could (attain a degree),"
Schermer said. "We wanted to
On April 11, Ben Folds won't continue to keep college afford-
be "Rocking the Suburbs." able and have cost not be a rea-
Instead, Ann Arbor will rock as son not to attend"
the singer-songwriter performs In February, Central Student
at Hill Auditorium. Government passed a resolu-
MUSIC Matters, the group tion that allocated $10,000 of
bringing Folds to campus, its winter budget to MUSIC
formed in 2011 to bring popu- Matters; also agreeing that the
lar artists to campus and raise concert would be treated as a
money for charitiable services CSG-sponsored event.
in Ann Arbor. As a result, a committee of
LSA junior Philip Scherm- seven to 10 CSG representa-
er, president of the MUSIC tives was brought together
Matters, said they decided to help choose the artist that
Folds would be the best can- would perform at the venue
didate to perform at the Uni- and aid in the planning of
versity because of the folk SpringFest, a gathering of stu-
artist's philanthropy and dent organizations before the
popularity among the student concert.
body. LSA Junior Arielle Zupmore,
In 2011, MUSIC Matters a CSG representative and orga-
invited J. Cole to perform, nizer for MUSIC Matters, said
donating concert proceeds one goal when selecting the art-
to the C.S. Mott Children's See FOLDS, Page 3A

List names School
of Social Work
as best in nation
The University's various
graduate programs have once
again received high marks in
the 2014 U.S. News & World
Report Best Graduate Schools
Rankings, a widely-read pub-

The University's Medical, Law
and Education Schools all moved
up one spot in overall rankings
from last year and improved in
several specialty areas. The Engi-
neering and Business Schools
both moved down a rank, but
stayed in the top 15 in their
respective categories.
The Ross School of Busi-
ness graduate programs moved
down from 13th to 14th, shar-
ing the position with the
University of California, Los

Angeles. Harvard University
and Stanford University tied
for first place in the business
school category.
The University ranked first in
higher-education administra-
tion and second in secondary-
teacher education. The School
of Social Work was also ranked
number one in the nation, tying
for first with Washington Uni-
versity in St. Louis.
The School of Information
achieved strong rankings with
the information systems and

archives and preservation pro-
grams rating number one in
their divisions.
Within engineering special-
ties, the University ranked sec-
ond in both nuclear engineering
and industrial manufacturing
and systems engineering.
University spokesman Rick
Fitzgerald said the University
is pleased with the rankings,
but cautioned that students
should rely on other factors as
well when choosing the univer-
See RANKED, Page 3A

* 'U' to launch
fourth capital
* campaign

Follows successful
2004 to 2008
fundraising effort
Daily News Editor
As state support for the Uni-
versity continues to decline as
an overall portion of the Uni-
versity's budget, campus lead-
ers are gearing up for the next
major fundraising push.
In an interview with The
Michigan Daily last month,
University President Mary Sue
Coleman said the to-be-named
fundraising campaign would
launch in November of this
year with no definite end date
decided yet. The University has
not yet released a target goal or
some of the exact projects that
they hope to finance through
the multi-billion dollar effort.
However, the general theme
of the campaign will shift
significantly from the brick-
and-mortar focus of previous
"This particular campaign
will be focused more than the

last campaign was on people
and programs and less focused
on buildings, though there will
be some buildings, I'm sure,
because some of our donors are
interested in helping us solve
some of our problems with
buildings and facilities. It will
be a combination," Coleman
said. "From our standpoint, we
really do want this financial
aid piece to be dominant in the
The University has had three
capital campaigns since 1981.
The capital campaign of the
last decade, the Michigan Dif-
ference, ran from 2004 to 2008
and raised $3.2 billion for the
University. Funds were used in
large part to renovate or add to
the University's physical foot-
print through the construction
of 22 new campus buildings,
including the Ross School of
Business, the Ford School of
Public Policy's Weill Hall, C.S.
Mott Children's Hospital and
Von Voigtlander Women's Hos-
The Michigan Difference
also supported the creation of
185 new professorships and

Blue Buses
involved in
crashes on
says abundance of
accidents 'unusual'
Daily StaffReporter
The wheels on the Blue
Buses went round and round
Monday - straight into trou-
Three University buses
were involved in accidents
Monday, a figure that Keith
Johnson, associate director
of transportation operations,
said is very unusual. Two
of the accidents reportedly
resulted in victim injuries.
While Johnson didn't have
specific statistics, he said
even one incident a week
would be considered too fre-
Johnson added that per
University protocol, all three
accidents are still under inves-
tigation separately.
See BUSES, Page 3A

Engineering freshman Reuben Wong teaches elementary students how to break dance as part of K-day on Tuesday.
Elementary students join
pen pals on ca-mpus tour

K-Day lets children
see what it's like to
be a Wolverine
Daily StaffReporter
For a University student,
the phrase, "I want to live here
for ever and ever" isn't typi-

cally the first to come to mind
when dining in South Quad
Residence Hall. However, on
Tuesday afternoon, those were
the exact words that came out
of a very excited fifth grader's
K-grams, also known as
Kids Programs, is a student-
led organization that helps
build relationships between
college students and elemen-

tary-school students. Tuesday,
the University's chapter held
its second K-day of the year,
bringing about 60 fifth graders
from Willow Run Elementary
School in Ypsilanti to the Uni-
versity campus. The first K-day
of the academic year was held
during the fall semester.
K-day is intended to give
elementary school students an
See PALS, Page 3A

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LGBTQ Spring Pride Week

Vol. CXXIII, No.81
02013 The Michigan Dally

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