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Ann Arbor, Michigan
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
University goes south by southwest
School of Information
well represented at
SXSW festival in Austin
Daily StaffReporter
Ann Arbor resident and Rackham
alum Hung Truong didn't think he had
done anything wrong when he created
Mapskrieg, an apartment finder app
that used data from both Craigslist and
Google Maps. But in May 2011, Truong
received a cease-and-desist request
from Craigslist that threatened legal
action for copyright infringement.
Mashups - digital services that use
data from multiple sources, like Tru-
ong's - are one of many hot-button
issues that members of the Univer-
sity community and tech lovers from
around the world discussed at the South
by Southwest Interactive Festival. The
conference began March 8 and closed
March 12.
Truong is set to participate ina panel
discussion Tuesday on mashups.
"(Another question is) whether you
should base a business on someone
else's data that has more control over
your company than you do," Truong
said. "If I developed on Facebook and
today they say, 'Oh yeah, it's totally fine
to do your app' and the next day they
say, 'Oh, that's not allowed anymore,'
how do you plan for that?"
Held in Austin, Texas, SXSW is a
10-day trio of festivals, each of which
focuses individually on film, music
and interactive. University commu-
nity members are most involved in the
interactive component, which includes
a trade show, technology presentations
and networking events.
Heather Newman, the School of
Information's director of marketing and
communications and the coordinator of
the University's SXSW representation
said the University's presence at the fes-
tival is bigger than any other college.
"The innovators, entrepreneurs and
heavy hitters in tech and creative indus-
tries all come here to share ideas," New-
man wrote in an e-mail interview. "It's
an ideal opportunity to show the cre-
ativity, innovation and agility that sets
Michigan and the School of Informa-
Burke named Mich.'s first Big
Ten Player of the Year since '89
Coaches, media select
sophomore as conference's
top player over Oladipo
Daily Sports Editor
For the first time in 24 years, the Big
Ten Player of the Year is a Michigan
Wolverine. On Monday,. sophomore
guard Trey Burke was awarded the
honor by both the Big Ten coaches and
media, becom-
ing the first BY TH E h
Michigan con- Sophomore gI
ference Player
of the Year since
Glen Rice in
Burke aver- Burke'sassist-t
aged 19.2 points the best in
and 6.8 assists
a game in the
regular season
and beat out X
competitors like Points scored in ez
Indiana's Vic-
tor Oladipo and
Cody Zeller for
the award.
"We can't say
enough about Points scored in e2
Trey and what Big Te
he has meant
for this pro-
gram, what he 25
has meant to Percentage of M
the Big Ten and scored b
really what he
has meant to the
national profile
of the Big Ten," 47.
said Michigan Percentage of M
coach John generates
Beilein. "He's
a terrific com-
petitor and a great teammate, and it is a
great pleasure to coach him every day."
The distinction caps one of the best
seasons by a Michigan point guard in
recent memory. Burke powered Michi-
0 gan's offense, sometimes singlehand-
edly, with a startling consistency. He
leads the nation Jn assist-to-turnover
ratio (3.5), averaging just two turnovers
n" t'
a game in Big Ten play, and he scored 15
points or more in every single confer-
ence game.
At the biggest moments, Burke was
there for Michigan. In losses, like the
two against Indiana, Burke was the only
reason the Wolverines hung close.
In close wins, Burke supplied the
crucial stops and the deciding baskets.
Against Ohio State on Feb. 5, Burke's
block of Aaron Craft sealed the game
at the buzzer. Last week, Burke's steal
and layup won the game over Michi-
gan State in the waning seconds of the
UMBERS It was a sea-
ard Trey Burke son that almost
never hap-
pened. After a
breakout fresh-
man season,
-turnoverratio, Burke nearly
the nation. declared for the
NBA draft. At
times, he said
he would leave.
ch game this year. But after going
back and forth,
Burke decided
to return.
Now, the
decision has
ich regular-season been validated
game. by the Player
of the Year dis-
4 / "I'm excited
ichigan's points about the honor
y Burke. and will contin-
ue to get better
and be a leader
on this team to
-Otake it as far as
ichigan'sassists it can go,"Burke
by Burke. said.
Five other
have garnered the award, a list compris-
ing Rice, Cazzie Russell, Gary Grant,
Campy Russell and Roy Tarpley.
"Honestly, I don't really know what
to say because it is a big accomplishment
to be able to say that I am a part of that
group," Burke said. "I'm just thankful. I
thank God for allowing me to be in this
Rules for
CSG race
at meeting
Defend Affirmative
Action Party joins
presidential ticket
Daily StaffReporter
This Central Student Government
election season may prove to be the
most contentious in years.
About 100 people crowded into the
CSG chambers in the Michigan Union
yesterday to attend the candidates'
meeting for the end-of-March elections
to explain the rules of election to the
potential student leaders. The Defend
Affirmative Action Party announced it
will be running a presidential ticket,
bringing the total number of presiden-
tial tickets to five.
"It's a really huge turnout," Public
Policy junior Caroline Holdren, the
CSG election director said. "It looks
like everybody's excited."
Rules concerning campaign spend-
ing are new this year. Following last
year's election when a supporter of the
current CSG administration sent a mes-
sage of support through a large campus
e-mail list he didn't own - nearly cost-
ing Business senior Manish Parikh the
presidency and delaying the certifica-
tion of the results by weeks - the entire
election code was struck.
Campaign posters have already been
posted around campus, and Hold-
ren said campaign materials bought
and used before the election, such as
domain names and posters, do not to
have to be disclosed. However, if post-
ers were posted after the meeting -
which stands as the official time when
election rules go into effect - they must
be disclosed.
With last year's election in mind,
CSG Program Director Anika Awai-
Williams asked candidates follow the
See CSG, Page 3
Sophomore guard Trey Burke in the game against Ohio State on February 5.
SACUA talks tuition and dispute
resolution with Faculty Ombuds
Events aim to educate on
medical amnesty policy
Assembly chair questions
the necessity of each
college's ombuds unit
Daily Staff Reporter
During Monday's meeting of the Uni-
versity's Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs, SACUA members dis-
cussed tuition affordability and heard
from University Faculty Ombudsman
Michael Welsh.
The conversation on cost of tuition
began with the topic of how to assess the
relative value of certain classes and edu-
cation as a whole before turning to more
tangible aspects of educational costs;
members came to the consensus that an
important aspect of lowering the cost of
attendance is determining what the Uni-
versity's financial aid packages and aid
opportunities lack.
Engineering Prof. Kimberlee Kearfott,
chair of SACUA, said the University needs
a better way to assess where its financial
aid programs fall short and then find ways
to remedy the situation.
"What are the missed opportunities for
making the University of Michigan more
affordable?" Kearfott opined.
Members also questioned Welsh on the
technicalities of the Office of Ombuds and
issues the unit currently faces. The Faculty
Ombudsman provides guidance and solu-
tions in internal conflictresolutionfog ca-
demic and University officials.
Welsh said confidentiality in dispute
resolution proceedings may be hindering
the ability of the Office of Ombuds to help
find settlements and resolution. He also
cautioned against using e-mails for confi-
dential communication - although there
are some exemptions, e-mails sent by Uni-
versity officials are generally subject to the
Freedom of Information Act, which pro-
vides for the release of public information.
He added that he prefers to talk to visitors
over the phone or in person.
See SACUA, Page 3
Students unaware of
protection from MIP
under new law
Daily StaffReporter
As St. Patrick's Day approaches,
a group of students has organized a
series of events to promote aware-
ness of a new state law aimed at
encouraging underage people to seek
medical attention when they're in
danger of alcohol poisoning.
The policy outlined in the law,
known as medical amnesty, ensures
that people under the age of 21 will
not receive a Minor in Possession
citation if they seek medical atten-
tion for themselves or a friend who
has had too much to drink.
"The message of medical amnes-
ty has to be delivered lots of times
in lots of different ways, some for-
mal and some informal," Mary Jo
Desprez, who works on alcohol and
drug prevention for the University
Health Service, said.
The policy has been on the books
since summer 2012, but Business
senior Todd Siegal, one of the orga-
nizers for the week of events, said
not enough students are aware of the
"The goal ... is not about encourag-
See AMNESTY, Page 3
Call 734-418-4115 or e-mail
news@michigandaily.com and let us know.
Campus Corner: Strapped for cash
INDEX NEW S ......................... 2 SPORTS.........................6
Vol. CXXIIII, No. 80 OPINION,......................4 SUDOKU........ ................ 2
@2013TheMichiganlDaily ARTS ......... . ..........5 CLASSIFIEDS ................6