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March 01, 2013 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-03-01

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Friday, March 1, 2013 - 3

Snyder will decide
on EFM on Friday
Gov. Rick Snyder plans to
announce Friday whether he
will appoint an emergency man-
ager for Detroit but likely won't
immediately name the person if
he does, Mayor Dave Bing said.
Bing, who spoke with Snyder
by phone earlier in the day, sig-
naled the Republican governor
had decided to take the extraor-
dinary step of choosing an inde-
pendent overseer to confront the
city's $327 million budget deficit
and $14 billion in long-term debt.
He stopped short of confirm-
ing the decision, saying the
announcement was Snyder's to
"Everybody's got a pretty
good idea of what the announce-
ment will be," Bing said.
RENO, Nevada
Truck carrying
Heinz ketchup
spills on highway
They didn't need any ambu-
lances, but they could've used
some fries.
What looked like a potential-
ly grim mess Thursday on U.S.
Interstate 80 in Reno, Nev., was
just the aftermath of a wreck
involving a semi-trailer truck
hauling thousands of bottles of
Heinz ketchup.
* The Reno Gazette-Journal
reports no one was hurt when
the truck driver swerved to avoid
another vehicle and hit a bridge
in the median on the west edge
of town. The crash ripped open
the trailer, dumping the load and
snarling traffic more than an
Nevada Patrol Sgt. Janay
Sherven said there was "red
everywhere." She told the news-
paper, "No bodies, no people, just
First Lady weighs
in on gun debate
Michelle Obama says people
worried about youth gun vio-
lence have to do more than simply
tell children they care about the
* problem and then wind up "going
to these funerals and mourning
with these kids when there's still
work to do."
"They're looking to us to make
the hard choices for them," the
first lady said Tursday. She sug-
gested there are better ways for
herto helpthan becoming publicly
involved in Congress' debate over
gun laws thatbthe president seeks.
Providing more creative out-
lets for children can help, she said
in an interview with reporters
who accompanied her on a three-
city tour for the third anniversary
of "Let's Move," the anti-obesity

China to send
three more men to
new space station
China will send three astro-
nauts to its orbiting space station
this summer in a mission that's
part of preparations to establish
an even larger permanent pres-
ence above Earth.
The Shenzhou 10 spacecraft
willtake flight sometime between
June and August, the country's
manned space program said in
its statement Thursday. The craft
will deliver its crew to the Tian-
gong 1, where the trio will spend
twoweeks conductingtests of the
station's docking system and its
systems for supporting life and
carrying out scientific work.
Two Chinese spacecraft, one
of them manned, have docked
already with Tiangong 1 since
it was launched in September
2011. China has been extremely
cautious and methodical in its
manned missions, while hop-
ing to avoid accidents and loss
of life that could tarnish one of
the nation's most successful and
prestigious scientific and engi-
neering undertakings.
-Compiled from
Daily wire reports

From Page 1
similar syllabi archive can be
implemented for other colleges.
"Whether CSG makes it happen
or LSA-SG makes it happen doesn't
matter so much," Parikh said. "The
ultimate victors in this are the stu-
dents and this is something that
they've wanted for a long time and
LSA-SG has truly done a phenom-
enal job in making ithappen."
Parikh said he and other mem-
bers of his administration have
been meeting with administra-
tors within the provost's office
for months now about the pos-
sibility of providing syllabi to
students. While he's nearing the
end of his term, he said a syllabi
archive is well on its way to all
"We just need to figure out the
details now."

From Page 1
alotofunsuspectingcollege kids
that come into our community
and probably aren't aware of
what's going on."
The suspect from the
alleged rape reported on Feb.
10 was identified because
Blue Cab is one of the compa-
nies licensed and regulated by
the city. The Blue Cab driver
did undergo background
checks as a part of the licens-
ing process.
Kunselman said the ability to
identify cab companies and their
driver is a merit of the city's sys-
"The other two alleged
assaults - we have no idea if
they were limos or taxis because
there's no record of limousines
that operate within the city,"

Kunselman said.
John Heed, the former chief
operating officer of Select Ride,
the parent company of Arbor
Limousine and Yellow Car,
wrote in a letter to Daily that he
doesn't understand how Kunsel-
man can come to the conclusion
that companies licensed and
regulated by the city can be con-
sidered safer than those licensed
by the state.
Heed said he believes the
city is out of bounds on this
issue, calling Kunselman's com-
ments "grossly irresponsible and
inflammatory" and going so far
as to say this may qualify as a
"defamation of business."
Tim Tobias, president of
Michigan Green Cab, said
he believes the city has no
authority to regulate the com-
pany because they are already
licensed by the state. He added
that Kunselman's use of the

term "rogue limos" is irrespon-
"(The city is) trying to leg-
islate the state-chartered lim-
ousines, which they don't have
the authority to do, but they're
certainlytrying to do so," Tobias
Tobias said when his brother
started Green Cab, he chose to be
chartered by the state because it
better suited city-to-city travel.
Not only does Michigan Green
Cab operate within the laws of
the state, but they took further
measures - Tobias called them
"voluntary concessions" - to
ensure clarity for their custom-
ers. In early 2011, they removed
decals on their cars that have the
word "taxi" and replaced them
with "licensed limos" decals,
before the ordinance required
them to do so. The signs on the
top of their vehicles also read

Tobias said he sees the city
as using the recent crimes as a
means to gain an advantage and
try to regulate these companies
that are already monitored by
the state.
"Interesting that the only
driver charged was a Blue Cab
driver - (a) driver and company
licensed under the city taxicab
ordinances," Tobias said.
He added that the city offi-
cials and the taxicab board may
be heeding pressure from taxi-
cab companies to enforce regu-
lations on companies like Green
Cab because they find it hard to
"If these local taxicab compa-
nies want to compete with our
service then they need to turn in
their used police cruisers ... and
get some polite, uniformed driv-
ers," Tobias said. "We've raised
the bar in Ann Arbor ... and
nobody's happy about it."

From Page 1
to real people and that it will
most certainly have an impact
on them and their families."
Weiss added that Gov. Rick
Snyder and the legislature
would have preferred a more
comprehensive, itemized
approach, as opposed to the
"whack" that the budget will
get as a result of the sequester.
University spokeswoman
Kelly Cunningham said if
sequestration was totake effect,
students currently enrolled in
work-study would be covered
for this semester, though those
looking to apply for next term

would face greater difficulty.
"Our current work-study
participants would not be
affected," Cunningham said.
"However, if this was to hap-
pen, there would be less money
delegated to work-study, and
that means less jobs will be
available for students."
Cindy Bank, assistant direc-
tor of the University's Washing-
ton office - which is responsible
for lobbying for the University
at the federal level - said while
decreased funds would are an
issue, whatever funds were
allotted for the work-study pro-
gram would also be used at the
Dearborn and Flint campuses.
"It won't affect every stu-
dent, but the ones it does affect

will be hit hard," Bank said.
Other issues that could
potentially affect the Uni-
versity include decreases in
the Department of Education
budget, increased origination
fees and decreasing funds for
the supplemental opportunity
grant - money delegated to the
"poorest of the poor."
State Rep. Jeff Irwin of Ann
Arbor said sequestration could
make college unaffordable for
some students.
"One of the problems with
colleges - specifically U of M
because it's.so expensive - is
that we see a declining level
of socioeconomic diversity,"
Irwin said. "People either can't
afford to go, or are graduating

college with crippling amounts
of debt."
Irwin added that it is impor-
tant to make college attainable
for those who qualify for admis-
sion to a college or university.
"We need to find a way
for capable, motivated young
people to be able to get
through college and still be
able to put food on the table,"
Irwin said. "It will undoubt-
edly be a huge strain on these
individuals as they attempt to
pay their way."
Though multiple sources said
they're "unsure" as to the spe-
cific effect that sequestration
will have on the University's
funding towards work study,
predictions are not optimistic.

From Page 1
investigating the connection
between the three cases. The Ann
Arbor Police Department is cur-
rently investigating the report of
the Feb. 15 case.
The two students who were
assaulted in September 2012 told a
University employee of their attack
but did not file police reports.
Ann Arbor Police have already
questioned the suspect, but he has
not been arrested at this point in
the investigation.
-Daily News Editor Taylor
Wizner contributed reporting.

From Page 1
onstrates to employers that
students possess skill sets neces-
sary for any job. She added that
the fact that students pursue a
degree at a top University shows
that they are motivated.
"From an employer's stand-
point, they are not as concerned
with what the person's degree is
in, or what their major is, they're
more concerned about the skill
sets they've developed in the
classroom, as well as outside
the classroom, and how those fit
with the nature of the position,"
Sebille-White said.
Sebille-White said LSA stu-
dents make up the majority of
visitors at the Career Center.
She said the variety of educa-
tion options offered in a liberal
arts degree hone critical think-
ing skills for students, which
appeals to companies hiring
While access to different sub-
jects is important to develop-
ing the different sets of skills,
Sebille-White noted that what a
student focuses their studies on
is crucial to the path.
"The job that pays the
most money is not always
the best," Sebille-White said.
"Investing time into finding
your calling is more reward-
ing than a paycheck from a
job you disdain."
While many entering the job
market complain of the increas-

ing demand for higher educa-
tion, a trend dubbed "degree
inflation" by economists, some
students at the University see
the undergraduate degree as
providing the opportunity to
find one's dream career.
Business senior Laurel Cham-
berlain said one of the benefits
of studying the University is the
opportunity to explore unfamil-
iar interests through classes and
student organizations.
"(College) gives you the
chance to do things you wouldn't
normally do if you were at a job
doing the same thing every day,"
Chamberlain said.
Chamberlain said her educa-
tion also helped her attain com-
petitive internships in fields she
was potentially interested in
Last summer, Chamberlain
interned at L'Ordal, the cos-
metics company. She said she
enjoyed working at L'Oreal
but was glad she started at the
internship level because she
decided the career path was not
something in which she was
Chamberlain said the experi-
ence led her to realize her true
passion for human resources.
She will be working for Capital
One after graduation.
Chamberain said she is glad
that she pursued an undergrad-
uate degree because it led her to
an exciting career path.
"I feel, more than anything, it
(makes you) the type of person
you become."

Hussein Malla/AP
Free Syrian Army fighters, take their positions as they observe the Syrian army forces base of Wadi al-Deif, at the front
line of Maarat al-Nuaman town, in Idlib province, Syria on Tuesday.
Fighting and explosion rock
ancient city of Aleppo, Syria


U.S. pledges new
aid package to
Syrian rebels
BEIRUT (AP) - Syrian reb-
els clashed with regime troops
in the narrow stone alleyways
around a historic 12th century
mosque in the Old City of Alep-
po on Thursday, while a gov-
ernment airstrike north of the
city killed at least seven people,
activists said.
The rebels, who have been
slowly chipping away at the
regime's hold on Aleppo,
received a boost from the U.S.
in their fight to oust Syrian
President Bashar Assad.
Washington pledged an addi-
tional $60 million in assistance
to the opposition and - in a
significant policy shift - said
that for the first time it will
provide non-lethal aid like food
and medical supplies directly to
rebel forces on the ground.
U.S. Secretary of State
John Kerry announced the
decision Thursday on the
sidelines of an international
conference on Syria in Rome.
European nations also were
expected to signal their
intention to provide fresh
assistance to the opposition,
possibly including defensive
military hardware.
The rebels have made a num-
berofstrategic gains innorthern
Syria in recent weeks, including
the capture of a hydroelectric
dam and some military bases.
They also have been regularly
hitting the heart of Damascus
with mortar rounds, puncturing
the aura of normalcy that the

regime has tried to cultivate in
the capital.
In Aleppo, a key battleground
in the civil war, clashes raged
around the landmark Umayyad
Mosque in the walled Old City,
the Britain-based Syrian Obser-
vatory for Human Rights said.
The rebels control one part of the
mosque, and government troops
hold the other.
Rebels launched an offensive
on Aleppo, Syria's largest urban
center and its commercial capi-
tal, in July 2012. Since then, the
city has been carved into rebel-
and government-controlled
zones in brutal street fighting
that has destroyed entire neigh-
borhoods and damaged some of
the ancient city's rich archaeo-
logical and cultural heritage.
The Umayyad Mosque, also
known as the Great Mosque
of Aleppo, sits near a medieval
covered market in the Old City,
which is a UNESCO World Heri-
tage site. The mosque was heav-
ily damaged in October 2012 just
weeks after a fire gutted th old
city's famed market.
North of Aleppo, a government
airstrike on the village of Deir
Jamalkilled atleast seven people,
including five children, accord-
ing to the Observatory. It was not
immediately clear what the target
was, but regime warplanes fre-
quently carry out bombing runs
on rebel-held towns.
Farther south, in the central
city of Homs, the state news
agency said a car bomb caused
casualties and extensive material
damage, but it did not elaborate.
An official in the Homs gov-
ernor's office told The Associ-
ated Press that there were two
blasts and that four people were

killed and at least six wounded.
The official spoke on condition
of anonymity in line with regu-
With the bloodshed showing
no sign of abating, the Syrian
opposition has grown increas-
ingly frustrated with what it
sees as the international com-
munity's apathy toward the
suffering on the ground.
On Thursday, the Syrian
National Coalition, an opposi-
tion umbrella group, posted a
statement on its Facebook page
saying 72 bodies had been dis-
covered in the village of Maa-
likiyah, south of Aleppo. It
blamed the purported killings,
which the SNC said took place
on Feb. 25, on Assad's forces,
and demanded that countries
at the Rome conference "take
a serious and firm position on
the regime's crimes, which
continue to cast a dark shadow
of failure and weakness on any
international efforts sought to
provide support to the Syrian
Observatory director Rami
Abdul-Rahman said he had
heard rumors of a mass killing
in the area, but could not con-
firm the reports.
No videos have been posted
online yet showing the after-
math of the alleged killings,
although word and videos in
past cases has often taken days
to trickle out because of the
remote locations and difficul-
ties in gaining access to the
affected areas.
The opposition has also
bemoaned the West's unwill-
ingness to provide rebels with
the arms they need to counter
the regime's superior firepower.


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