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February 13, 2013 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-02-13

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Wednesday, February 13, 2013 - 5A

The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Wednesday, February 13, 2013 - 5A

From Page 1A
in order to build the economy.
"The American people don't
expect government to solve every
problem. They don't expect those
of us in this chamber to agree
on every issue," Obama said.
"But they do expect us to put the
nation's interests before party."
In an interview after the
address, Congressman John
Dingell (D-Mich.) agreed that in
order for the country to develop,
there needs to be more biparti-
sanship in congress.
"It's time for us to put aside
this absolutely asinine and vicious
partisanship that we've got and to
buckle down and to start working
together in the better interest of
our country," Dingell said. "And
I think that's something that
Americans desperately want."
Obama also emphasized that
the United States needs to lessen
its dependence on foreign energy.
He proposed items such as the
Energy Security Trust to invest in
research into alternative forms of
"Now is not the time to gut
these job-creating investments
in science and innovation. Now
is the time to reach a level of
research and development not
seen since the height of the Space
Race," Obama said. "Today, no
area holds more promise than our
investments in American energy."
Obama added that investment
in education will be an important
factor in the economic stability of
the country and proposed univer-
sal preschool.
"Every dollar we invest in
high-quality early education can
save more than seven dollars later
on - by boosting graduation rates,
reducing teen pregnancy, even
reducing violent crime," Obama
Obama also said he wants to
redesign high schools to better
prepare graduates for the high-
tech job market, in addition to
continually working to make col-
lege more affordable.
Craig Ruff, a lecturer in the
Public Policy school, said he was
surprised that the president dis-
cussed investment in higher edu-
cation considering there haven't
been significant federal strides in
that area in the past.
"The president staked out a
new purpose for the federal gov-
ernment, one we've never seen
before - that was to provide an
affordable and valuable higher
education experience," Ruff said.
However, Ruff said he feels
that any attempts to make col-
lege more affordable won't have a
purpose if the job market doesn't
improve first.
"We are producing, every year,
extraordinary talent among high-
school graduates, community
college graduates, college gradu-
ates, bachelor's graduates, MBAs
- and that's all well and good, but
what jobs will they fill?" Ruff said.
While it remains to be seen
how much of Obama's agenda will
result in policy, Dingell said he is
proud of the president's speech.
"He is judged by his suc-
cess, but he's also judged by his
leadership." Dingell said. "The
people heard, and I'm satisfied

they approved what he said. And
I intend to do anything I can to
assist him to accomplish his pur-

From Page 1A
junior guard Tim Hardaway
Jr. when asked why the game
turned out so lopsided. "We've
got to play for the guys next to
Like previous starts in
Columbus and Bloomington,
Michigan (8-4, 21-4) struggled
to find its footing in a hostile
environment, but unlike its
three previous road losses, the
Wolverines never put together
a run to get back within strik-
ing range. They trailed Michi-
gan State for the entirety of the
game, and the Spartans led by as
many as 31 points.
The Spartans used a 17-4
run to take a 16-point first-half
lead and entered the locker
room with a 38-24 advantage.
Not even halftime could slow
down the home team, which
didn't skip a beat. Sophomore
point guard Trey Burke's and-1
pulled Michigan to within 12
points just minutes into the
second half, but Michigan State

responded with a 21-7 run to
take a 62-36 lead just moments
after the second official timeout
of the half.
Michigan had no answer for
the bigger Spartan frontcourt.
Michigan State grabbed nearly
as many first-half offensive
rebounds (seven) as Michi-
gan had total boards (11). The
Spartans' frontcourt combined
to shoot 11-for-14 in the open-
ing stanza, good for 24 points.
Guard Gary Harris led Michi-
gan State with 17 points thanks
to five 3-pointers.
Forward Derrick Nix scored
14 points on 6-for-9 shooting, as
the Spartans shot 48.4 percent
from the field, even after sev-
eral walk-ons missed late-game
shots. Even freshman forward
Matt Costello, who averaged
just 1.3 points and 1.1 rebounds,
got in the mix, scoring eight
points without missing a shot
while grabbing six boards.
"They just beat us up on the
offensive glass," Burke said.
"They went on a lot of runs,
scored off our turnovers. It was
just tough for us to get back in

Burke had an efficient first
half on the offensive end, scoring
10 points on 4-of-5 shooting, but
two fouls caused him to sit, and
with freshman pointguard Spike
Albrecht quarterbacking, the
Michiganoffense had no rotation
or rhythm. Burke finished with a
game-high 18 points.
Freshman forward Glenn
Robinson III again looked trans-
parenton the offensive end. Rob-
inson made just one of his four
shots. Burke had no answers
when he was asked how Michi-
gan can get the freshman back
into the offensive mix.
"I don't know," Burke said. "I
just try to continue to give him con-
fidence and encourage him to have
a presence out there on the court.
He's young and he'll get better."
Hardaway Jr. missed all six
of his shots in the first half and
finished 1-for-11, scoring just
two points. Michigan turned the
ball over 16 times, more than six
above its season average.
"Don't think that's the real
Michigan team, because it's not,"
Izzo said.

From Page1A
seniority was not a decision-
making factor.
"(Swider's) ambition, drive
and enthusiasm really spoke
a lot to me," Clancy said. "We
just sat down and talked about
how we really are invested in
CSG and with that, here we are
CSG program director Anika
Awai-Williams said since she
took her job in 2005, there have
been no freshman or sophomore
student body presidents. In fact,
she said she was unsure if a
freshman has ever run for presi-
Swider, however, doesn't see
his class standing as an impedi-
ment to his campaign and even
thinks it could be advanta-
"Seeing how the first year on
campus affects the next three
years,it'scritical thatIwork with
my fellow freshman and other
underclassman," Swider said. "A
lack of experience within other
political experience can be to my
true advantage because I do not
have anyone else to answer to but

"I believe that 'freshman'
is just a label," Swider
They will not run as indepen-
dent candidates, like CSG Presi-
dent Manish Parikh and CSG
Vice President Omar Hashwi
did last year. Instead, they are in
the process of forming a politi-
cal party to back their initiatives.
The structure and executive
board of the party are yet to be
On Sunday night, newly-
formed party forUM revealed
their election candidates and
platform for the election.
Clancy said forUM's
announcement would not rush
their current campaign timeline.
She said she and Swider want to
ensure that their campaign is
"We really want to focus and
we really want to strategize and
come up with the best team pos-
sible," Clancysaid. "If this means
coming out a little after forUM,
then that is okay."
Though the duo's platform
is yet to be finalized, Swider
said campaign promises would
include increasing CSG aware-
ness on campus through social
media initiatives and undertak-
ing efforts to ensure students are

able to interact with CSG execu-
tives on a personal level.
Competition is not a matter of
concern for the duo. Clancy said
seeing so many students com-
ing forward to run for office is
"refreshing" and shows a passion
for change on campus.
"We really want to focus on
the fact that other administra-
tions that have come into this
have made some unfortunate tall
and empty promises," Swider
said. "We are not looking to do
Though CSG Vice President
Omar Hashwi is currently unde-
cided about whether or not he
will run for presidency nextyear,
he outlined the specific qualities
that he believed every CSG can-
didate should possess.
"(The candidate needs to)
have ambition, put the students'
needs first and be a good leader,"
Hashwi said. "Someone who has
the experience with implement-
ing things, delivering on their
platform ideas and whose plat-
form is actually the platform of
the students and not some gener-
ic platform."
-Daily Staff Reporters
Giacomo Bologna and Stephen
Yaros contributed to this report.

From Page 1A
didn't officially announce the
change until Tuesday, when
Parikh sent an e-mail to the
student body.
"(Students) needed a place
where they could grab a late
night coffee or late night
snack ... especially dur-
ing finals," Parikh said "We
believe that when students
are well-hydrated and well-
nourished - especially late
at night - it provides for the
better well-being and better
University Unions facilitat-
ed the change by temporarily
increasing funding to cover the
added labor costs.
"Our absolute goal is to make
sure this is a self-sustaining
operation, but the University
Unions have been very kind
to front the initial (funding),"
Parikh said.
After the announcement
Tuesday, some students have
asked whether or not a similar
24-hour cafe would be opened
at the Duderstadt Center to
serve students living on North
Campus. However, Parikh said
there are no plans to imple-
ment a cafe at the Dude at this
"It's definitely something
that we'll be looking to in the
future, especially if this pro-
gram is successful," Parikh
Safety was another con-
cern regarding the 24-hour
schedule at Bert's. Because of
the later hours of operation
at least two employees will be
present during all late-night
"This was our number-one
priority," Parikh said. "We had
to check out the safety ... before
we could move ahead with any-
thing. There have been no inci-
dents whatsoever so far and we
don't expect any incidents in
the future."
In addition to these chang-
es, Tuesday's e-mail notified
students that office hours
led by CSG leaders will now
be "Coffee Chats" at Bert's,
an effort to make the student
government more transpar-
"Our focus this year is
restoring Central Student
Government back to the stu-

dents and, in order to do
that, we must be 100-percent
approachable by any member
of our student body," Parikh
CSG Vice President Omar
Hashwi said the traditional
office hours' location in the
group's chambers resulted
in inconsistent involve-
"We think if we can have
more of a presence on campus
- for people to be able to walk
by, see our name and ask us
questions - it would be better
for the student body," Hashwi
Though the new format
involves meeting in a pub-
lic place, Hashwi said lead-
ers don't expect that their
meetings will inconvenience
The process of transi-
tioning Bert's to a 24-hour
schedule required extensive
background work by staff at
University Unions. Food Ser-
vice Director Keith Soster said
the UGLi had to first success-
fully transition into a 24-hour
library before Bert's could
become an around-the-clock
"We're going to pilot it
for winter semester to see
if it's going to be sustain-
able ... and then we're going
to take it from there," Sos-
ter said.
Logistically, Soster said Uni-
versity Unions found it chal-
lenging to staff the cafe during
the early morning hours, par-
ticularly between 2 a.m. and 7
"It's difficult finding stu-
dents who would want to work
those hours, so that's one of the
cost factois," Soster said.
Soster cited the uncer-
tainty of staff availability
as the reason the 24-hour
cafe underwent a "quiet"
opening in mid-January.
Since then, he added, Uni-
versity Unions has begun to
advertise the new hours, a
move he said has increased
If CSG and University
Unions deem the project sus-
tainable, Bert's Cafe will likely
adopt the 24-hour schedule on
a permanent basis.
-Daily Staff Reporter
Amrutha Sivakumar
contributed to this report.

From Page 1A
seeds or plants.
Former Compassionate Apoth-
ecary owners Brandon McQueen
and Matthew Taylor posted a
message on the business's website
commenting onthe ways in which
the medical marijuana business
helps Michigan's economy.
"Dispensing legal amounts of
medication to legally registered
patients registered with the state
of Michigan, and ID checked
every time, was just a small frac-
tion of what California did," the
couple wrote.

State Representative Jeff
Irwin (D-Ann Arbor) said he's
upset with limits that have been
placed on the law, which he said
has turned out to be a failure.
"It costs hundreds of millions
of dollars just here in Michi-
gan to control marijuana laws,
and in the process negatively
impacts our productive capabil-
ity," Irwin said.
He noted that the court missed
the gravity of the definitions
clause - which that defines legal
terms used in the act - when first
draftingthe MMMA, and predicts
that dispensaries will begin to
change their business models to
avoid being deemed a public nui-

sance by local law enforcement.
Irwin said he has worked to
decriminalize the use and sale
of medical marijuana in order
to keep the product away from
potentially dangerous black-mar-
ket traders.
"Everything the government
does to drive the trade into the
shadows empowers violent
criminals," Irwin said. "I want to
bring the light of legitimacy into
these transactions so that we can
protect consumers."
LSA senior Nicholas Zettell, a
leader of Students for a Sensible
Drug Policy, said the recent deci-
sion will affect safe access for reg-
istered patients and caregivers.

Zettell also commented on
what he said was an increase in
dispensaries shut down by law
enforcement. In 2011, after the
original ruling on the Compas-
sionate Apothecary case, two
Ann Arbor dispensaries were
raided by the Michigan State
Police Livingston and Washt-
enaw Narcotics Enforcement
Team after investigation into
their activities.
One dispensary, MedMAR, had
picked up their official city appli-
cation to become a licensed dis-
pensary just four days before the
"I don't know if I can really
explain in words how tragic it

was to witness," Zettell said.
"Some people were held at gun-
point and taken to jail."
Public Policy Prof Melvyn
Levitsky has different thoughts
on the matter.
"In my opinion, it would be
better if they'd just declared the
whole thing illegal," Levitsky said.
Levitsky pointed out that fed-
eral law and the World Health
Organization consider marijuana
an intoxicating substance, not a
"The fact is that federal law
is supreme over state law ... it's
not wise to declare something a
medicine without any scientific

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