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January 30, 2013 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-01-30

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

'U' moving
green goals

English Prof. Nicholas Delbanco speaks at the Hopwood Underclassman awards ceremony.
Wr-ters aforwork

research funding.
doubled, carbon
emissions down
Daily StaffReporter
The University is on track to
become a lot greener.
According to a newly released
report, the University has
doubled its funding of sustain-
ability research since 2003 and
has made significant progress
toward its 2025 long-term goals
- known as "Planet Blue" - of
advancing education, research
and efforts to make the Univer-
sity itself more sustainable.
In a press release, University
President Mary Sue Coleman
said environmental sustainabili-
ty is very important to the school.
"We understand our legacy as
a leader in reviving Michigan's
Great Lakes and forests, integrat-
ing environment and business in

our curriculum and protecting
vital systems throughout the
world," Coleman said.
Coleman laid out the Univer-
sity's long-term sustainability
goals ina major address in 2011.
On an operations level, the
report stated that the University
has made strides in decreasing
carbon emissions from its vehicle
fleet, purchasing more sustain-
able foods and participating in
greener landscaping practices.
Nonetheless, Andrew Berki,
manager of the University's
Office of Campus Sustainability,
said keeping operations sustain-
able will be difficult considering
the fact that the University will
continue grow at a rate of1 to 2
percent per year..
"With growth and an increase
in growth of research activities,
we'll see a higher demand on
utilities and energy use," Berki
said. "I think that will provide us
a challenge going forward."
Efforts to remain sustainable
despite growth could include
projects in energy conservation,

Hopwood Awards
recognize talented
For the Daily
Following the likes of Pulit-
zer Prize winner and University
and Daily alum Arthur Miller,23
students received Hopwood and
other writing contest awards

in the Rackham Auditorium on
Tuesday afternoon.
The Hopwood Under-
classmen Awards Ceremony
announced and honored the
undergraduate winners of the
writing contests administered
by the LSA Hopwood Awards
Program in the fall term.,Hop-
wood categories include fiction,
non-fiction and poetry.
The awards are made possible
each year by Avery Hopwood, an
American dramatist who gradu-

ated from the University in 1905.
He left one-fifth of his estate to
the University with the stipula-
tion that it be used to encourage
creative writing by students.
This year, $11,900 was award-
ed, with prizes ranging from
$100 to $3,000. Another con-
test administered by the Hop-
wood Program in April awards
$16,100 in prizes.
Other awards included four
poetry prizes, as well as the
Roy and Helen Meador Writing

Award and the Roy W. Cowden
Memorial Fellowship, given
each year to undergraduate stu-
dents based on financial need
and writing talent.
The first Hopwood awards
were presented in 1931. Since
then, more than 32,000 student
writers have received a cumula-
tive total of more than $3.4 mil-
lion in prizes. The awards were
presented by the director of the
Hopwood Awards Program,
See HOPWOOD, Page 5A

. New sites help-
students find
* subject tutors


Companies offer
support to students,
marketing to tutors
Daily StaffReporter
Wouldn't it be nice to get
a tricky homework question
answered in the middle of the
night or find a tutor who your
friends have already used and
recommend? Two new compa-
nies targeting students - one
started by a University student -
are working to do just that.
LSA sophomore Ryan Gott-
fried is ;helping students find
tutors with his new website,
TutorScoop. TutorScoop is an
academic social networking site
that connects students at the
University with tutors who are
trained in a range of subjects.
Gottfried launched the web-
site in beta form on Jan. 17, but
developed it for about a year
prior to its release.
TutorScoop aims to simplify
the process for students to find
tutors. There are currently more
than 75 tutors and 300 students

signed up, and these numbers
continue to rise, Gottfried said.
"Thousands of UM students
seek out tutors each year, and
TutorScoop is here to finally
make that process easier," Gott-
fried said.
The site not only enables
tutors to find students online,
but it also gives them the ability
to build up their businesses and
brand themselves. Bookings and
payments are both done online.
TutorScoop empowers its stu-
dent base by allowing customers
to review their tutors and give
recommendations to their peers.
A student who finds a tutor with
good reviews and a schedule
that suits his or hers can book an
appointment instantly.
"We are quite literally a ser-
vice for students, by students,"
Gottfried said.'
Gottfried hopes to expand his
program to other colleges in the
fall and eventually add a video
chat feature. A rewards program
is also in the works. The hope is
that students who are very active
on TutorScoop can also earn
benefits from local businesses.
InstaEDU, another paid tutor
See TUTOR, Page 5A

fund new
New position
will aid in efforts
to conserve and
Daily StaffReporter
The University Library has
received a $1.25 million grant
from the Andrew W. Mellon
Foundation - a grant foundation
that invests in higher education.
It's one of the largest donations
the library has ever received.
The Mellon endowment will
be used to create a conservation
librarian position and cover the
cost of the station for the first
three years. The new librar-
ian will join the conservation
program's efforts to provide
book and binding maintenance
in addition to digitizing the
library's large print collection,
including more than eight mil-
lion books.
Shannon Zachary, head of
the University's Department of
Preservation and Conservation,
See GRANT, Page SA

CSG aproves new budget

Resolution get for the winter semester.
Last Tuesday, CSG Trea-
allocates over surer Chris Osborn proposed
a resolution budgeting CSG
$340K for winter expenses for the winter term.
Though the total budgeted
By AMRUTHA expense remained the same
SIVAKUMAR from the previous week, spe-
Daily StaffReporter cific allocations to organiza-
tions were amended. These
It took less than an hour on included budgets for CSG-
Tuesday night for the Central sponsored and funded- events.
Student Government to unan- Compared to a student
imously pass a $340,704 bud- organization receiving funds

from the Student organiza-
tion Funding Commission
to organize and plan their
endeavors internally, a CSG-
sponsored event requires the
direct involvement of the CSG
in the activity's execution.
This semester, CSG-spon-
sored events will include the
annual St. Patrick's Day Tail-
gate and a concert organized
by MUSJC Matters, a student
organization responsible for
See BUDGET, Page 5A


Call 734-418-4115 or e-mail Police report tampered drinks at off-campus parties Vol. CXXIII, No. 60w
news@michigandaily.com and let us know. MICHIGANDAILY.COM/BLOGS @2013 The Michigan Daily

NEWS .................2A SPORTS .....................8A
OPINION ..A...............4A SUDOKU................... 3A
ARTS .......................6A 4

Sl vh7',. ' IMAM


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