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January 29, 2013 - Image 1

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Tuesday, January 29,2013


Hanlon: 'U'
still focused
on cost of

Toppers franchise owner Mahmoud Baydoun serves up a fresh pizza of the newly-opened shop on East William Streef.
Pizza chain opens up in A2


ropperS faces The restaurant is located
next to New York Pizza Depot,
rowded pizza which has been in Ann Arbor
for 16 years, but Toppers fran-
market on chise owner Mahmoud Bay-
doun said he isn't worried about
East William the competition. Toppers offers
made-to-order pizza, quesa-
By DANIELLE dillas, wings, sandwiches and
STOPPELMANN "topperstix," which Baydoun
Daily StaffReporter said is their specialty item.
"It's a completely differ-
lier this month, East Wil- ent concept, different food,"
Street welcomed its third Baydoun said, referring to the
restaurant within a two- breadsticks that come in flavors
radius. such as taco, cheese and bacon.
ppers Pizza, a nation- The grand opening for the
fast-food pizza franchise, new restaurant will be Feb. 14.
: its 50th store - the first Baydoun said employees will
state - on607 E. William begin guerilla marketing in
. ' the area surrounding the res-

taurant, handing out flyers and
free samples.
"As of now, just being here
and people walking by, we're
doing pretty decent," Baydoun
He anticipates a lot of busi-
ness to come from take-out and
delivery because of heavy foot
traffic and fast delivery times.
If orders are not delivered
within 30 minutes, customers
will receive a "sorry card" for
15 percent off their next order,'
Baydoun said.
"Our delivery times are head
and shoulders above everybody
else's," Baydoun said. "I don't
think anybody can beat our
delivery time."
Toppers is a popular res-

taurant in Wisconsin, with 29
stores in the state. Baydoun
said he wants to spread the
brand in Michigan.
"We want to just fill Michi-
gan up with Toppers, if pos-
sible," Baydoun said. "I hope
the kids understand the culture
of Toppers; it's more than just
food ... It's the 'go-to' place in
Wisconsin, so hopefully we
can build that culture here and
have people excited about the
brand and the food."
Co-owner of NYPD Domeni-
co Telemaco said his restaurant
has an advantage over Toppers
because NYPD sells pizza by
the slice..
Telemaco said "thin crust
See PIZZA, Page 3

Provost tackles
questions on
tuition, economic
Daily StaffReporter
University Provost Philip
Hanlon spoke about financial aid
and University affordability to a
large crowd of faculty members
gathered at Monday's meeting
of the Senate Assembly, the larg-
est faculty governing body at the
In his presentation, Hanlon
stressed that the University has
made and will continue to make
an effort to provide enough
financial aid to make tuition
affordable for its students.
Hanlon said 70 percent of
Michigan residents and 50 per-
cent of out-of-state students
receive some form of financial
assistance. Despite the continu-
ing increase in operating costs,
$188 million in grants, $138 mil-
lion of centrally awarded finan-
cial aid and $50 million dollars in
federal loans were distributed to
students this past year, according
to Hanlon.
While the University's finan-
cial aid meets the gap between

expected family contributions
and the cost of attendance for
Michigan residents, the same
cannot be said for out-of-state
students, Hanlon said.
"We would love to meet the
needs of non-residents, but we
just don't have the resources,"
Hanlon said.
Hanlon 'said the University
understood the importance of
reducing the burden on in-state
students in need of aid and aims
to keep the school socio-econom-
ically diverse.
"We are not where we want
to be, but we are working on
it," Hanlon said. "Low-income
students are much less likely to
apply than higher-income stu-
dents, even among (those low-
er-income) students who have
strong academic preparation."
Hanlon noted that many low-
er-income igh-school students
don't believe they can afford a
degree despite the fact that the
University meets all financial aid
needs of in-state students.
"We are not getting the mes-
sage across," Hanlon said.
To remedy this frequent mis-
conception, Hanlon - said the
University has hired a mar-
keting coordinator to educate
high-school students on college
"(College affordability) is a
See HANLON, Page 3

in the

University history to be
chronicled on website


For bicentennial,
site sheds light on
personal stories
Daily StaffReporter
In 1870, Madelon Stockwell
became the first woman to enroll
at the University. She was fol-
lowed by 33 women the next fall

and together they laid the path to
2013, where about 50 percent of
University students are women.
Stockwell's story and oth-
ers can now be found at a new
website, University of Michigan
Heritage, which celebrates the
history and tradition of the Uni-
versity community.
The website was created to cel-
ebrate the University's upcoming
bicentennial in 2017. Kim Clarke,
the University's director of exec-
utive communications and the

project manager for the website,
said she views the website as the
research team's gift to the Uni-
versity for its 200th birthday.
Clarke; James Tobin, an asso-
ciate professor at the University
of Miami in Ohio and graduate
of the University; and LSA senior
Kaitlyn DelBene researched and
wrote stories featured on the site.
Clarke said the project began as
a way to display the University's
legacy, "so our role atthis point is
See WEBSITE, Page 3

Int'l Studies program growth
prompts expansion, new name

School of Music freshman Juia Knowles practices cello in a practice room at the Moore bukldingon Monday.
What will tech look like in 2030?

Four-year-old LSA
unit to hire three
new faculty
After starting the Interna-
tional Studies Program at New
York University, William Clark
was recruited by the University
to run its flourishing Program
in International and Compara-
tive Studies.
Clark, the director of PICS,
said the program recently

dropped the name "Center in
International and Comparative
Studies" to bring the title in line
with the purpose of PICS - to
deliver a rigorous curriculum in
international studies to a large
number of undergraduates.
The four-year-old program,
with five different tracks of
study, has been experiencing
exponential growth and now
has 700 concentrators and 70
students pursuing minors. Clark
said the program was developed
in response to student interest.
"I think students are interest-
ed in things that are internation-
al," he said. "It is a reasonable

response to an increasing inter-
dependent world."
PICS draws upon professors
from the University to deliver
a flexible and varied curricu-
lum to its students, Clark said.
They're in the process of hiring
three professors who will hold
dual appointments in PICS and
other parts of the University.
"I want to give students the
freedom to pursue their inter-
ests (but also give them) a rig-
orous curriculum that will
prepare them for after they
graduate," Clark said.
Clark said there were trade-

15 universities
collaborate on
Daily StaffReporter
Helping the blind get around
could involve less help from
canines and more help from

computers in the future.
That's just one of the many
technological advances that
investigators at the University's
Center for Future Architectures
Research could make possible.
The $28-million University-led
research center, which opened
Jan. 17, involves researchers
from 15 different universities.
"One medical application we
are developing is a device that
can perceive images for a blind
person," said Associate Engi-

neering Prof. Valeria Bertacco, a
lead researcher at C-FAR.
Bertacco described a glasses-
like device with cameras that
identify objects in a person's
"Each identified item is then
coded in a sound sequence and
the sound ... (is) played for the
user through the earpieces," she
said. "The result is that a blind
person can identify the objects
in the surrounding space based
See TECH, Page 3


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It's the NRA that's crazy, not gun owners

INDEX N EW S ..... ....................2 SPO RTS...........,.............7
Vol. CXXMNo.59 OPINION .......................4 CLASSIFIEDS .................6
2 TheMichia aily ATS.............................5 SUDOKU....................,.3




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