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January 28, 2013 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-01-28

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Monday, January 28, 2013 - 5A

The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Monday, January 28, 2013 - 5A

From Page 1A
seeing more influenza illness,"
Winfield said. "I know several
staff have been out with influ-
enzaeven though they were vac-
UHS has also set up hygienic
stations throughout the clinic.
"As we do every year, we have
posts with a hand cleanser dis-
penser and a stack of masks
throughout UHS," Winfield said.
"If we have someone coughing in
the sitting room, we'll ask them to
put on a mask."
In addition to the antibacterial
dispensers, Winfield said some
nurses have been diverted from
their normal duties to vaccinate
Due to UHS's new appoint-
ment-only system, Winfield said
his staff have been able to triage
patients in order to differenti-
ate those with flu-like symptoms
from those that actually have the
"We're trying to handle a lot of
the influenza-like illness on the
phone, unless someone is very ill
and needs to be seen," Winfield
said. "So we really don't know at
this point if we had the old walk-
in system whether we would be
UHS has adapted to the early
outbreak of this season's influen-
za illness, but UMHS has been hit
the hardest, Winfield said.
"I know that U of M Emer-
gency Department has seen an
increase in the number of influen-
za-like illness in adults and chil-
dren above what is normally seen
at this time of year."
From Page 1A
people - think about but have
essentially no outlet to find an
answer and then have educated
peers to receive the opinions
Molnar said it's important that
the group is comfortable with
each other. Anything said at the
meetings does not leave the room.
"The idea is to get the atmo-
sphere comfortable because every-
one isvery exposed at the moment."
With less-somber topics, it's
common to keep the environment
light - cue decorative condoms.
Last semester, the group made pins
out of condoms decorated with
magazine pictures for backpack
"There are manyinnuendosthat
come up," Molnar said of discus-
LSA freshman Katherine Irani
joined the forum this semes-
ter, but is looking forward to the
learning opportunity.
"I'm interested in sexual-
ity as a whole and am think-
ing about studying it so I kind
of wanted to learn as much as I
can through as many resources
as possible."
Molnar said a discussion-based
sexual-health student group is
rare on campus, describing other
sexual health groups as "more
"It's a safe place to learn and ask
about sexuality that you normally
wouldn't be able to," Molnar said.
"(Members) gain a sort of security

within themselves in the fact that
they know about sex more. I've
learned things that I've always
wondered about that had Inot been
given that opportunity to learn
* those things that I would still be
confused about."

From Page 1A
reproductive health. She hopes
the event would help enlighten
more people on the abortion
laws throughout the country.
"We have so many young peo-
ple and so much support for the
pro-life cause," Criswell said.
"It's just a great way to show
what we're all about and what
we're working towards, which is
ending abortion."
On Saturday, Criswell and
other members of the club
attended the Students for Life of
America conference, the largest
student anti-abortion confer-
ence in the world. Criswell said
over 2,000 students attended
the conference, which aimed to
unify the "pro-life generation"
and to work toward abolishing
The University's delegation
was named the 2013 Group of
the Year by Students for Life of
America for the work they did
with the Pregnant on Campus
initiative. As part of the initia-

tive, they created an e-mail
address, pregnantinfo@umich.
edu, where pregnant women
on campus can confidentially
receive free resources as well as
other support. The services pro-
vided include free ultrasounds,
adoption referrals, help with stu-
dent housing arrangements and
financial aid.
Through the Pregnant on Cam-
pus initiative and other efforts,
Students for Life continues to
advocate for anti-abortion causes.
"Even though the life issue
didn't win in this (past) election,
we're still pushing forward,"
Criswell said.
Criswell said the significance
of the 40th anniversary of the
Roe v. Wade decision has ener-
gized the anti-abortion base to
continue to ramp up its advo-
cacy in the future. She pointed
out that many people at the
rally have never known a time
before abortion was legal.
"We can't rely on politicians,
we have to do it ourselves,"
Criswell said about revisit-
ing the debate about abortion.
"Forty years is way too long."

From Page 1A
Two Huron Valley ambulanc-
es were also on scene, and Ann
Arbor police vehicles blocked
off Division Street at Jefferson,
and also blocked Williams Street
between Thompson and Division
streets. The house is on the same
block as the University's Insti-
tute for Social Research.
Menard said on scene the
department believes the fire was
started when frozen pipes were
being thawed by a torch.
There were no reported inju-
ries, but AAFD personnel did
rescue two dogs from the house.
Menard said the dogs were fine
and reunited with their owners.
Firefighters brought two
ladder trucks and set up two
additional ladders to reach the
second floor of the house. Fire-
fighters with flashlights were
seen breaking windows - from
inside the house.
There appeared to be little
exterior damage to the building,
and neighboring houses were not

Firefighters deemed the house
uninhabitable Friday night. A
Red Cross vehicle was on scene
later Friday evening to assist and
provide shelter to victims of tie
fire. University Housing officials
were also reportedly on scene to
place affected students in tempo-
rary housing.
Both streets were reopened
to traffic at about 8:45 p.m. as
cleanup and utility crews arrived
on scene.
According to city of Ann Arbor
records, the building permit
granted to property manager Old
Town Realty expired in June of
Additionally, a 2010 city
inspection cited the building's
landlords for failing to replace
broken smoke alarms in two
of the units. Old Town Realty
manages 25 properties and has
been in operation since 1972.
Company representatives were
unavailable for comment over
the weekend.
Although managed by Old
Town Realty, the property
is owned by Ouimet LLC, an

enterprise registered to for-
mer state representative Mark
Ouimet. Ouimet said he is
unsure when residents will
be able to come back to their
"As of yet, we do not know a
move-in date," Oimet said. "It's
been boarded up to secure every-
thing in the meantime."
Oimet said he does not yet
know the extent of the damages.
He said the insurance company
will arrive on the scene Monday
to assess the house.
AnnArbor.con reporter Ryan
Stanton lives in the house and his
dog, Stan, was one of those saved
by the firefighters.
"Well, my house might have
caught fire. today, but at least
the firefighters saved Stan," he
Friday night's fire was the
second major fire to catch in an
off-campus apartment complex
in the past month. On Jan. 14,
flames tore through a Packard St.
apartment complex, sending six
residents to the University Hos-
pital and leaving units uninhab-
itable until further notice.

From Page 1A
campaign promises.
' Parikh broke the mold for
CSG when he and LSA junior
Omar Hashwi ran and won as
independents for the presi-
dency and vice presidency. One
of their main promises was to
reach out and turn their former
opponents' platforms into CSG
Public Policy senior Kevin
Mersol-Barg, who was the presi-
dential nominee of OurMichigan
and is founder of the Coalition for
Tuition Equality, said Parikh has
been supportive of CTE - which
advocates in-state tuition rates
for Michigan's undocumented
residents. Specifically, Mersol-
Barg noted that Parikh has
spoken at meetings of the Univer-
sity's Board of Regents to support
tuition equality.
"I didn't really know what
to expect - certainly when he
campaigned he said that he
would embrace the many cam-
paign goals of his competitors,"
Mersol-Barg said. "I think for
the most part he's made a good
faith effort to reach out with me
at least and see how we can work
No longer a competitor, Mer-
sol-Barg said he's pleased to see
Parikh visibly in favor CTE's
LSA senior Aditya Sathi, the
presidential candidate from
MForward, said Parikh has
been involved in two issues that
he ran on - medical amnesty
and the Student Association of
Medical amnesty - a pol-
icy of not issuing citations to
minors seeking medical atten-
tion for alcohol-related con-
ditions in many cases - was
signed into law over the sum-
mer, so there was little Parikh
could do for the issue, Sathi
noted. He said, however, that
he was pleased to see Parikh
support a resolution in the fall
to include the medical amnesty
policy in the University's state-
ment of rights. He'll be meeting
with Parikh in the near future
to continue discussion on the
Sathi, who is also the trea-
surer of SAM, said Parikh has
been supportive of the state-

wide coalition of public uni-
versities - pointing out that
he has sent representatives
to SAM meetings, which past
presidents have not always
been done.
Another campaign promise,
Parikh and Hashwi created The
International Student Affairs
Commission, an organization for
issues affecting international stu-
Parikh, a dual citizen of the
United States and India, also said
that promoting entrepreneurship
would be a main goal - evidenced
by the new Entrepreneurship
Commission. .
According to the proposed
winter 2013 semester bud-
get, the International Student
Affairs Commission and Entre-
preneurship Commission will
be allocated $8,100 and $6,670,
respectively, for the winter 2013
semester - makingthem the two
most well-funded CSG commis-
"Every single entrepreneur-
ship organization on campus is
represented on the (entrepre-
neurship) commission," Parikh
said, adding that this March will
be a campus-wide entrepreneur-
ship month with about 15 entre-
preneurship related events to be
held then.
As candidates, Parikh and
Hashwi also promised to bring
more prominent musical acts to
Ann Arbor.
CSG Treasurer Chris Osborn
said the proposed winter 2013
CSG budget allocates $10,000 to
Music Matters - a group dedi-
cated to putting on large concerts
at the University - making CSG
its largest contributor. It did not
receive CSG fundinglastyear.
Furthermore, this semester
marks the inception of a 24-hour
cafe at the Undergraduate Library,
another promise of the duo. Bert's
Cafe is now open 24 hours on Sun-
days through Wednesdays.
While it was not a campaign
promise, a major project under-
taken by Parikh's administration
has been the CSG interns pro-
gram where students work with
CSG members in teams on dif-
ferent projects like the Take U-M
Abroad program.
"Most of these (interns), I'd
say, are way smarter than I am or
other people inCSGare rightnow,
and if we empower them to effect
change when they're freshman

right now, the change that they
will unleash on this University
two years, three years, four years
down the road will be absolutely
historic," Parikh said.
Lastly, Parikh has made good
on another promise - albeit an
aesthetic one. He has largely
refrained from wearing formal
wear while conducting CSG busi-
ness, fulfilling his promise to not
wear a suit or tie, which he said
was to achieve a better connec-
tion with students.
Parikh and Hashwi promised
that professors would have to
make syllabi for classes publicly
available during enrollment. He
said in a recent interview that
this will "definitely happen."
The University did not immedi-
ately respond to comment on the
Parikh said CSG has been
advocating more equitable spend-
ing by the University - another
campaign promise - and pointed
to the Peace and Justice Commis-
sion and its action against Adidas
last semester as results of that
campaign. Parikh acknowledged
that his administration was not
directly responsible for this activ-
ity - the commission has been
fighting Adidas since before he
was president.
Lastly, Parikh and Hashwi
also promised that students
would be able to choose their
own commencement speak-
er. While Parikh said he has
spoken with administrators
regarding this idea, he said he
didn't expect to begin work-
ing on it until this semester
because commencement is not
until May.
While workingtokeephis cam-
paign promises, Parikh has also
been dealing with other events
that have come up in his term -
most notably, possible graduate
student secession from CSG.
Despite having charges
brought against it in the Cen-
tral Student Judiciary twice, the
Rackham Student Government's
November elections - dur-
ing which 69 percent of the 9.5
percent of voting Rackham stu-
dents voted in favor of secession

- were upheld. Furthermore,
64 percent of the 48 percent of
Law School students who voted
on the issue supported secession
as well.
Watson, who does not sup-
port graduate secession, said
the responsibility of prevent-
ing graduate student seces-
sion will fall solely on Parikh's
"I think that the student body
president serving at that time
owes it to the organization and its
legacy and its historical signifi-
cance and also to the student body
to make sure (secession) doesn't
happen," Watson said. "Because
there's nothing good that can
come of (secession). It will only
divide the student voice."
Watson said the greatest
power of the CSG presidency is
the ability to represent the stu-
dents to the University adminis-
"I think everybody who has
an opportunity to sit in that seat
understands that there isn't really
support and the follow-through
of the University administration,"
Watson said. "Being able to sit in
a room with them and discuss the
issues with students concerns'
and serve in an official capacity
as (students') representative is an
extremely powerful and benefi-
cial tool to have."
Parikh also stressed the need
for a single representative for the
entire studentbody.
RSG President Michael Ben-
son, said that while he and his
administration support seces-
sion, it's not because Parikh is
doing an inordinately bad job. He
said he and Parikh even had a sit-
down meeting at the beginning
of the school year, an uncommon
occurrence for RSG and CSG
"As far as reaching out to grad
students, I'd say he's doing about
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the same as the last few (CSG
presidents)," Benson said.
Benson said he doesn't know
if Parikh has reached out to the
professional student community,
but he said he heard that Parikh
had been in contact with the
Graduate Employees' Organiza-
Benson did question, none-
theless, whether Parikh's action
have only been in response to the
secession movement.
"It's certainly on his radar, and
that is a step forward," Benson
This is the third major push for
graduate student secession in the
last 50 years. The previous two
attempts failed, but the possibil-
ity of losing about two-fifths of its
constituents is an issue for CSG
and Parikh was clear in his dis-
sent with secession.
"I firmly do believe 100 percent
that being united is the best for
the entire student body," he said.
Nonetheless, Parikh said the
only action he would be tak-
ing against secession would be
reaching out to students, admin-
istrators and the regents about
the historical and future impor-
tance of maintaining the current
structure of student govern-
"At the end of the day, I'm not
going to impose my will in any
sense,"he said.
Parikl didn't say whether
secession would occur during
his time as president, but only
stressed the importance that CSG
remain intact.
"I sincerely do hope that Cen-
tral Student Government will
for today and for 10 years down
the road and for 100 years down
the road will continue to repre-
sent 42,000 Wolverines on cam-
pus and we'll make every effort
to make sure that it does remain

Boeing 787 probe shifts to monitoring system
Ongoing U.S. around the world are grounded the Dreamliner were three years domestic flights through Feb. 12,
after one of the jets operated by behind schedule because of man- affecting 69,000 passengers, and
investigation of fire All Nippon Airways made an ufacturing delays. Much of the 195 international flights through
emergency landing in Japan ear- aircraft is made by outside man- Feb. 18, affecting 13,620 passen-
grounds 50 planes lier this month when its main ufacturers,.many of them major gers.

TOKYO (AP) - The joint U.S.
and Japanese investigation into
the Boeing 787's battery prob-
lems has shifted from the bat-
tery-maker to the manufacturer
of a monitoring system.
Japan transport ministry offi-
cial Shigeru Takano said Monday
the probe into battery-maker GS
Yuasa was over for now as no
evidence was found it was the
source of the problems.
Ministry officials said they
will inspect Kanto Aircraft
Instrument Co. on Monday as
part of the ongoing investigation.
It makes a system that monitors
voltage, charging and tempera-
ture of the lithium-ion batteries.
All 50 of the Boeing 787s in use

battery overheated. Earlier in
January, a battery in a Japan
Airlines 787 caught fire while
parked at Boston's Logan Inter-
national Airport.
GS Yuasa shares jumped on
the news it is no longer being
investigated, gaining nearly 5
percent in Tokyo trading. The
issue had plunged 12 percent
after the battery problems sur-
faced in Japan.
Ministry officials stopped
short of saying that Kanto's mon-
itoring system was under any
special scrutiny, saying it was
part of an ongoing investigation.
"We are looking into affiliated
parts makers," Takano said. "We
are looking into possibilities."
Deliveries of the jet dubbed

Japanese companies who make
about 35 percent of the plane.
It is the first jet to make wide
use of lithium-ion batteries, the
kind usually found in laptops and
other gadgets. They are prone to
overheating and require addi-
tional systems to avoid fires.
Investigators have been look-
ing at the remnants of the ANA
flight's charred battery, but it is
unclear whether the battery or a
related part was behind its over-
heating. Investigators have said
the ANA battery and the JAL
battery did not receive excess
Japanese carrier All Nippon
Airways was the "launch cus-
tomer" for the 787, and has been
forced to cancel services - 643

Japan Airlines, which has
fewer 787s than ANA, has
deployed other aircraft in its
fleet, minimizing its flight can-
Boeing, which competes
against Airbus of France, has
halted 787 deliveries. Boeing has
orders for more than 800 of the
Dreamliner planes.
The 787 is the first airliner
made mostly from lightweight
composite materials that boost
fuel efficiency. It also relies on
electronic systems rather than
hydraulic or mechanical sys-
tems to a greater degree than any
other airliner.
Analysts say customers won't
come back to the 787 unless its
safety is solidly assured.

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