t,_ #
2A - Monday, January 28, 2013
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
2A - Monday, January 28, 2013 .L ( S The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom
Huron Riverfront made public
(1ie Adiipan Bagmy
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75 years ago this week
(January 26th, 1938)
Henry S. Curtis, executive
secretary of the Huron-Clinton
Parkway committee, announced
public ownership of waterfronts
in towns bordering the Huron
"River front is natural park
area," Curtis said in a radio
statement. "Throughout the
nation cities are takin& it over and
using it for recreational purposes
... the land is much more beautiful
when it is used as a recreation
Curtis believed that all
stakeholders - including federal
and state governments, the six
counties and thirteen cities
affected, and industry, should
cooperate in puttingthe plan into
50 years ago this week
(February 1st, 1963)
The Shapiro Undergraduate
Library celebrated its fifth
anniversary. Over the five-year
period, 7,849,636 people used the
library's facilities.
The UGLi was designed
by Albert Kahn Associates of
Detroit, and offered access to
about 90,000 volumes.
"Use of the books has been
spectacular," Chief Librarian
Roberta Keniston said. "In the
five-year period, book use rose
from 414,756 the first year to
763,896 volumes this year."
Reniston also noted that book
use in other libraries throughout
the University increased after
construction of the UGLi.
25 years ago this week
(January 29th, 1988)
University staff astronomer
Jim Louden died at age 44 in his
home. Louden presented more
than 175 events, free monthly
astronomy lectures called Astro-
Yvonne Sears, a longtime
friend of Louden, said "(Loud-.
en) was everybody's friend. He
helped everyone."
Louden also complied amonth-
ly space calendar that described
astronomical phenomena and sig-
nificant anniversaries in science
and space exploration.
734-418-4115 opt.3
Arts Section
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Letters to the Editor
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Classified Sales
Students from the "Handmade History in Cusco,
Peru" GlEU Peru 2013 participate in a workshop to
learn the historical significance of the Anishinaabe
tobacco medicine pouch.
The Dailyis unable to provide crime
notes today because the UMPD crime
loghas not been updated since last
Wednesday. We apologize for any
Educational Architecture
,equity speech lecture
Read online, instead.
Check out blogs, multimedia and other
online-only content.
WHAT: Education Prof.
Michael Nettles will discuss
the progress and challenges
of educational equity 50
years after MLK's infamous
"I have a Dream" speech.
WHO: The University
WHEN: Today at 3 p.m.
WHERE: School of
Education, Tribute Room
Book lecture
and signing
WHAT: Margaret Dewar
and June Manning Thomas
will discuss their book The
City After Abandonment,
which looks into the
alternatives to the modern
American city.
WHO: Center for Local,
State, and Urban Policy
WHEN: Today at 4 p.m.
WHERE: Weill Hall
WHAT: Sarah Whiting,
Dean of the Rice School of
architecture, will discuss
her craft's relation to
politics, economics and
WHO: A. Alfred Taubman
College of Architecture +
Urban Planning
WHEN: Today at 6 p.m.
WHERE:Art and
Architecture Building
Film discussion
WHAT: This class will
examine how the lives of
presidents are represented
in films and documentaries
as well as how the passage
of time affects the public's
persepctive of these men.
WHO: Osher Lifelong
Learning Institute
WHEN: Today from 7 p.m.
to 10 p.m.
WHERE: Osher Lifelong
Learning Institute
Gay rights supporters
in Russia staged a "kiss-
in" after the Russian
parliament backed aban onthe
promotion of homosexuality,
BBC News reported. If passed,
the law would ban events
promoting gay rights and
would fine eventorganizers.
The Michgan hockey
team was swept by No.
9 Western Michigan in
Kalamazoo for the first
time since1986.
Police are searching
for a man who had
been missing from
a Detroit jail for five days
before officials knew he was
missing, ABC News reported.
The man allegedly switched
wristbands with another
inmate and walked out.
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Tho, Liz u~kelich, Dail Wasserma
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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Fridayduring the fall and
winter terms by students at the University of Michigan. Onec opy isaailable free of charge
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fal term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are $110. Winter term (January through April) is
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subscriptionrate.On-ampassubscriptionsfor fallItermare$3.Subscriptionsmust be prepaid.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press.
Morsi declares state
of emergency in Egypt
Brazil nightclub fire
leaves over 230 dead
ekend attacks than 50 dead, using tactics of the
ousted regime to get a grip on dis-
ive more than content over his Islamist policies
and the slow pace of change.
dead in three Angry and almost screaming,
Mohammed Morsi'vowed in a
provinces televised address on Sundaynight
that he would not hesitate to take
tO (AP) - Egypt's presi- even more action to stem the lat-
clared a state of emergen- est eruption of violence across
urfew in three Suez Canal much of the country. But at the
es hit hardest by a week- same time, he sought to reassure
ve of unrest that left more Egyptians that his latest moves
dent dec
cy and c
end wav
would not plunge the country
back into authoritarianism.
"There is no going back on
freedom, democracy and the
supremacy ofthe law," he said.
The worst violence this week-
end was in the Mediterranean
coastal city of Port Said, where
seven people were killed on
Sunday, pushing the toll for two
days of clashes to at least 44.
The unrest was sparked on Sat-
urday by a court conviction and
death sentence for 21 defendants
involved in a mass soccer riot in
the city's main stadium on Feb. 1,
2012 that left 74 dead.
Most of those sentenced to
death were local soccer fans from
Port Said, deepening a sense of
persecution that Port Said's resi-
dents have felt since the stadium
disaster, the worst soccer vio-
lence ever in Egypt.
At least another 11 died on
Friday elsewhere in the country
during rallies marking the second
anniversary of the anti-Mubarak
uprising. Protesters used the
occasion to renounce Morsi
and his Islamic fundamentalist
group, the Muslim Brotherhood,
which emerged as the country's
most dominant political force
after Mubarak's ouster.
The curfew and state of emer-
gency, both in force for 30 days,
affect the provinces of Port Said,
Ismailiya and Suez. The curfew
takes effect Monday from 9 p.m.
to 6 a.m. every day.
Morsi, in office since June, also
invited the nation's political forc-
es to a dialogue starting Monday
to resolve the country's latest cri-
sis. A statement issued later by his
office said thatamong those invit-
ed were the country's top reform
leader, Nobel peace Laureate
Mohammed ElBaradei, former
Arab League chief Amr Moussa
and Hamdeen Sabahi, a leftist
politician who finished third in
last year's presidential race.
The three are leaders of the
National Salvation Front, an
umbrella for the main opposition
parties.aggression on innocent
230 people die in
crowded nightclub
with only one exit
(AP) - Flames raced through
a crowded nightclub in south-
ern Brazil early Sunday, kill-
ing more than 230 people as
panicked partygoers gasped
for breath in the smoke-filled
air, stampeding toward a single
exit partially blocked by those
already dead. It appeared to be
the world's deadliest nightclub
fire in more than a decade.
Witnesses said a flare or fire-
work lit by band members start-
ed the blaze in Santa Maria, a
university city of about 225,000
people, though officials said the
cause was still under investiga-
Television images showed
smoke pouring out of the Kiss
nightclub as shirtless young
men who had attended a uni-
versity party joined firefighters
using axes and sledgehammers
to pound at windows and walls
to free those trapped inside.
Guido Pedroso Melo, com-
mander of the city's fire
department, told the O Globo
newspaper that firefighters
had a hard time getting inside
the club because "there was a
barrier of bodies blocking the
Teenagers sprinted from the
scene desperately seeking help.
Others carried injured and
burned friends away in their
"There was so much smoke
and fire, it was complete panic,
and it took a long time for peo-
ple to get out, there were so
many dead," survivor Luana
Santos Silva told the Globo TV
The fire spread so fast inside
the packed club that firefighters
and ambulances could do little
to stop it, Silva said.
Another survivor, Michele
Pereira, told the Folha de S.
Paulo newspaper that she was
near the stage when members
of the band lit flares that started
the conflagration.
"The band that was onstage
began to use flares and, sudden-
ly, they stopped the show and
pointed them upward," she said.
"At that point, the ceiling caught
fire. It was really weak, but in a
matter of seconds it spread."
Guitarist Rodrigo Martins
told Radio Gaucha that the
band, Gurizada Fandangueira,
started playing at 2:15 a.m. "and
we had played around five songs
when I looked up and noticed
the roof was burning"
"It might have happened
because of the Sputnik, the
machine we use to create a
luminous effect with sparks.
It's harmless, we never had any
trouble with it.
"When the fire started, a
guard passed us a fire extin-
guisher, the singer tried to use it
but it wasn't working"
He confirmed that accordion
player Danilo Jacques, 28, died,
while the five other members
made it out safely.
Police Maj. Cleberson Braida
Bastianello said by telephone
that the toll had risen to 233
with the death of a hospitalized
victim - he said earlier that the
death toll was likely made worse
because the nightclub appeared
to have just one exit through
which patrons could exit.
Officials counted 232 bodies.
that had been brought for iden-
tification to a gymnasium in
Santa Maria, which is located at
the southern tip of Brazil, near
the borders with Argentina and
Federal Health Minister
Alexandre Padhilha told a news
conference that most of the 117
people treated in hospitals had
been poisoned by gases they
breathed during the fire. Only
a few suffered serious burns, he
Brazil President Dilma Rous-
seff arrived to visit the injured
after cutting short her trip to a
Latin American-European sum-
mit in Chile.
"It is a tragedy for all of us,"
Rousseff said.
Most of the dead apparently
were asphyxiated, according to
Dr. Paulo Afonso Beltrame, a
professor at the medical school
of the Federal University of
Santa Maria who went to the
city's Caridade Hospital to help
Beltrame said he was told the
club had been filled far beyond
its capacity during a party for
students at the university's
agronomy department.
Survivors, police and fire-
fighters gave the same account
of a band member setting the
ceiling's soundproofing ablaze,
he said.
"Large amounts of toxic
smoke quickly filled the room,
and I would say that at least 90
percent of the victims died of
asphyxiation," Beltrame told
The Associated Press by tele-
"The toxic smoke made peo-
ple lose their sense of direc-
tion so they were unable to find
their way to the exit. At least
SO bodies were found inside
a bathroom. Apparently they
confused the bathroom door
with the exit door."
In the hospital, the doctor
"saw desperate friends and rela-
tives walking and running down
the corridors looking for infor-
mation," he said, calling it "one
of the saddest scenes I have ever
Rodrigo Moura, identi-
fied by the newspaper Diario
de Santa Maria as a security
guard at the club, said it was
at its maximum capacity of
between 1,000 and 2,000, and
partygoers were pushing and
shoving to escape.
Santa Maria Mayor Cezar
Schirmer declared a 30-day
mourning period, and Tarso
Genro, the governor of the
southern state of Rio Grande do
Sul, said officials were investi-
gating the cause of the disaster.