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January 23, 2013 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-01-23

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Wednesday, January 23, 2013 - 3A

State gov. to launch
The Michigan Department of
Community Health plans to lay
out a new educational campaign
to combat obesity in the nation's
fifth heaviest state.
Officials including health
department Director James
Haverman will unveil the cam-
paign Wednesday at the Capitol.
Gov. Rick Snyder asked the
department to examine the
problem of obesity and in June
it released the Michigan Health
and Wellness 4 x 4 Plan. The
campaign is the result of that
resumed in NYC
A federal judge let the New
York Police Department on
Tuesday temporarily resume
stop-and-frisk stops she believes
are unconstitutional while she
decides what permanent rem-
edies are necessary to prevent
illegal stops in thousands of pri-
vately owned buildings.
U.S. District Judge Shira
Scheindlin in Manhattan lifted
immediate implementation of
the order she issued earlier this
month concerning a program
aimed at decreasing city crime.
The judge earlier this month
found that the city acted uncon-
stitutionally in making trespass
stops without reasonable suspi-
cion at more than 3,000 Bronx
buildings participating in the
program, a finding that the city is
challenging in a federal appeals
court. Scheindlin said the need
for the appeal will be mooted by
her order lifting the ban.
Netanyahu wins
election although
Likuud loses big
In a stunning setback, Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's
hard-line bloc fared worse than
expected in a parliamentary elec-
tion Tuesday, exit polls showed,
possibly forcing the incumbent
Israeli leader to invite surpris-
ingly strong moderate rivals into
his government and soften his
line toward the Palestinians.
TV exit polls showed the
hard-liners with about 61 seats
in the 120-seat parliament, a
bare majority, -and the counts
could change as actual votes are
The unofficial + TV results
had Netanyahu winning only 31
seats, though he combined his
Likud Party with the far-right
Yisrael Beitenu for the voting.
Running separately four years
ago, the two won 42 seats. He
expected to increase that total by

running together, but the com-
bined list's poll results dipped
steadily throughout the three-
month campaign.
Battle over South
China Sea goes to
U.N. court
The Philippines took a des-
perate legal step against China's
claims to virtually the entire
South China Sea, formally noti-
fying the Asian superpower that
Manila is seeking international
arbitration to declare Beijing's
moves in the potentially oil-rich
waters "unlawful."
Foreign Secretary Albert
del Rosario said Tuesday his
department summoned Chi-
nese Ambassador Ma Keqing
and handed her a note notifying
the Chinese government that
the Philippines is bringing the
countries' conflicting claims
to a tribunal operating under
the 1982 U.N. Convention on
the Law of the Sea. It wants the
panel to declare Beijing's moves
in the potentially oil-rich waters
- Complied from
Daily wire reports

From Page 1A
creating a "Month of Entre-
preneurship," which would be
uniquetothe University. Itwould
create a system for funding stu-
dent organizations that will be
completely student-driven and
integrate all the entrepreneur-
ship resources on campus into an
easily accessible online platform.
Out of the 22 commissions
mentioned in the resolution, 11
were given less than $1,000.
CSG Treasurer Chris
Osbourne noted that these num-
bers did not correlate with the
importance but instead were a
result of the nature of the com-
missions. These executive bodies
were responsible for aiding and
communicating with Univer-
sity administrators rather than
conducting events and therefore
required less funding from CSG.
From Page 1A
sectors, working as an associate
consultant and co-director of
marketing with the CFI Group
and serving as president of the
Junior League of Ann Arbor.
From 2005 to 2007, she was
hired as vice president of mar-
keting for HealthMedia, a local
startup created by a University
Petersen said she believes
her business expertise will be
invaluable in her new role on city
"Having a general manage-
ment background helps opera-
tionally in the functioning of
the city and (locating) where
efficiencies in operation can hap-
pen," Petersen said.
Petersen is interested in
implementing an opline system
to measure resident satisfaction,
fostering a more collaborative
relationship between the city
and the University and amend-
ing the city ordinance to hold
non-partisan Ann Arbor city

STUDENT ORG. The main recipient of the CSG
FUNDING budget is the Student Organiza-
tion Funding Commission, which
Representatives present at is receiving about $140,000. The
Tuesday's meeting also dis- SOFC is the central body respon-
cussed the distribution of funds sible for providing financial
to the student organization resources to the many student
Music Matters, which coordi- organizations on campus.
nates an annual charity concert Osborn said after the meeting
at the University. that he did not want to "deval-
Music Matters introduced its ue" the worth of the SOFC by
plan to promote and organize a incorrectly allocating funds to
"Springfest" that would bring a organizations such as Music
popular artist to campus in April Matters that did not show "tan-
and donate concert profits to gible evidence of people collab-
charity. Last year, the group was orating." He stressed that SOFC
responsible for organizing a J. funds would directly influence
Cole concert at Hill Auditorium. student life and the general stu-
. LSA representative Arielle dent body.
Zupmore said CSG should have "I'm really excited for the
a stake in major events like the upcoming semester and all the
J.Cole concert that took place projects that the commissions
last year. are working on," Osborn said.
"Student government should "However, I really would like to
really aspire to be responsible for see more money put towards the
putting on such a phenomenal, Student Organization Funding
fun event," Zupmore said. Commission."
"There's no Republican or ronmental protection.
Democratic way to make sure Warpehoski explained that
your garbage gets picked up," one of his most passionate con-
Petersen said. "The kinds of cerns is improving mass transit
issues we deal with aren't parti- options for residents. In partic-
san in nature." ular, he intends to expand and
Chuck Warpehoski (D-Ward improve upon the system's late-
5), a graduate of Grinnel College, night and weekend services.
is originally from Crandon, Wisc. Margie Teall, returning
He has lived in Ann Arbor for 10 council member from Ward 4,
years. noted the varying independent
Warpehoski serves as the interests of the new members.
director of the Interfaith Coun- She remarked that, though the
cil for Peace and Justice, a small new council has only met a few
non-profit working to bring times, communication has been
people together from different smooth.
backgrounds to promote social Similarly, Stephen Kunsel-
justice. He said this experience man (D-Ward 3) who has
is vital to his approach to public worked in local government for
policy. more than 10 years, proclaimed
"I think the skill set that his support for the new direc-
I've gained from the Interfaith tion the council is headed.
Council for Peace and Justice "With the new council mem-
is a really good fit for the needs bers, there is much greater inde-
of city council, that experience pendence," Kunselman said.
of bringing people together "No one is beholden to any par-
from across differences (and) ticular special interest or party
respecting the differences," clique, or things of that nature,
Warpehoski said. and so I think that makes for
Warpehoski wants to find a greater dynamic on council.
common ground and move for- The public is certainly getting
ward on issues including the greater deliberation of the top-
budget, social services and envi- ics than they had in the past."

From Page 1A-
said he hopes the new business-
es will help the other local shops
more than Borders helped in its
final years.
"Borders was great in its hey-
day, but of course over the last
few years - even before their
demise - they had steadily gone
downhill," Bellas said. "We're
just glad to have that space
Sean Havera, senior project
manager at Hughes Properties,
said the initial construction is
going well so far, and they hope
to start phase two of the demoli-
tion in the coming weeks.
"Everything is going smooth-
ly," he said.
Havera, who last worked on
the Landmark apartment build-
ing with Hughes Properties, said
they are keeping the original
fagade but added windows, mul-
tiple entryways and updated fix-
tures in order to change the look
of the building.
Susan Pollay, executive direc-
tor of the Ann Arbor Downtown
Development Authority, wrote
in an e-mail interview that she
thinks the breaking up of the

building into smaller business
spaces is a wise decision in the
present economic climate.
"The continuing evolution of
downtown appears to indicate
that the marketplace right now
can support smaller store-front
sizes than we had previously,"
Pollay wrote.
Bellas said the construction
workers downtown have been
supporting current businesses
already, and he hopes the trend
will continue once the new ten-
ants move in.
"Having workers here every
day is very important to the
neighborhood," Bellas said.
"Having people shop and eat
where they live and where they
work - to have that number of
people here on a daily basis, just
benefits everybody."
Pollay is glad such an impor-
tant downtown building will be
filled again.
"It is a terrific thing to see
the former Borders building
filled with tenants, as it has
been an anchor location for the
neighborhood for more than 40
years," Pollay wrote. "Down-
town is at its heart a commer-
cial district, and it's great to see
new businesses moving into the

From Page 1A
LSA junior Heather Fend-
ell linked her blog, "Smile and
Sprinkles," to the site. The
blog was inspired by a summer
internship at A+E Networks -
which owns channels like Life-
time - but her posts are on a
wide range of subjects, including
baking and crafts.
"Lifetime did a lot of joint
project(s) and events with vari-
ous bloggers, which got me
started on looking into vari-
ous blogs," Fendell wrote in an
e-mail interview. "I liked the
concept and thought it would be
fun to have an interactive online
Fendell's blog includes a myr-
iad of recipes, book suggestions
and, most recently, accounts of
her study abroad experiences in
Business junior Alex Gold-
farb started his blog "East U &
Down" this summer while on a
trip to Israel with the Univer-
sity's TAMID.Israel Investment
Group, a program that exposes
U.S. business students to Israel's
Goldfarb said he used his blog
not only as an outlet to describe
his experiences in Israel, but
also as a place to write about
his viewpoint on the intersec-
tion of business and morality, an
idea that occurred to him while
working at a non-profit organi-
zation that involved food system
His blogging reflects global

awareness he said he has gained
during his Business School edu-
cation and work experiences.
His most recent post, for exam-
ple, deals with the growing nat-
ural commodity deficit and the
way in which China is guarding
itself against this adversity.
Another University blogger,
LSA junior Yasha Chernyak,
uses his blog as an artistic realm
displaying his own photographs
and those taken by others. He
said the blogging community on
Michiblogs inspired him to con-
tinue his posts.
"I would have quit ages ago,
but the Ann Arbor community
on Tumbr kept me around,"
Chernyak said.
While Chernyak has been
interested in photograph since
childhood, he has been blogging
for about a year and just recently
made an account on Michiblogs
this fall.
University alum Pat Stansik,
famous for Pre-Gaming with
Pat, a video blog that is popular
with the Greek community, is
also featured on Michiblogs. In
Pre-Gaming with Pat, Stansik is
seen interviewing not-so-sober
undergrads as they prepare for
games at the Big House. His
blog, "Pat Stansik Original Vid-
eos," includes several of his
other YouTube projects.
Michiblogs has received
25,000 hits to date, Green said.
He added that he hopes he can
expand the site in the future.
"(I'm) eager to welcome more
musicians, photographers, art-
ists, etc., in addition to bloggers
in the coming years."

From Page 1A
For the 2013 session of Camp
Kesem, there were more than
100 student applications for
counselor positions and more.
than 80 campers signed up less
than a month after applica-
tions were released. There are
expected to be between 50 and
60 student volunteer counselors.
Because of the increased number
of camper applications, the club
plans to add a second week to the
LSA senior Michael Ho, fun-
draising coordinator for Camp
Kesem, said the strong support
system the camp creates for the
children is invaluable in helping
them cope with the stresses of
home life.
"Camp Kesem is important
because kids whose parents have
cancer are part of an under-

served population with few
resources available," Ho said.
"Camp Kesem provides a safe,
loving environment for kids to
share feelings and experiences
with others who know what they
have gone through."
Recent LSA . graduate Anna
Shatsman, co-chair of the pro-
gram, said the camp creates a
strong bonds between counsel-
ors and campers.
"I love how Camp Kesem is
not only creating a network, but
more importantly a family of
people you can always rely on
and stay in touch with for your
entire life," said Shatsman.
Along with giving back to the
community, college students cul-
tivate qualities of leadership that
are vital for creating a long-term
social impact according to LSA
senior Joanna Gross, co-chair of
Camp Kesem.
"Our counselors develop
impeccable communication

skills and learn how to market
our 'Kesem' brand in order to
fundraise and make community
contacts," she said. "It is so much
more than being acamp counsel-
or for the week."
The club holds fundrais-
ing events throughout the
year. Before winter break, they
launched a campaign in which
student volunteers sent letters
to friends and family members
asking for donations - raising
$10,000. The club's Creepy Cat-
erpillar Crawl 5K, held last fall,
was also a success, members
Ho said he aspires for the mis-
sion of the organization to reach
every child with affected par-
Upcoming club events include
a benefit dinner on Feb. 12th at 7
p.m. in the East Hall Psych Atri-
um and a silent auction and lun-
cheon event "Make the Magic"
in mid-March.

In spite of U.N. condemnation
N. Korea to add nuclear defenses


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ocket launch technology. It said North Korea
" . "should counter the U.S. hostile
ors increase in policy with strength, not with
weaponry words."
The statement ominously
warned that North Korea will
UL, South Korea (AP) "bolster the military capabili-
th Korea swiftly lashed ties for self-defense including
ainst the U.N. Security the nuclear deterrence."
il's condemnation of its The wording "considerably
ber launch of a long- and strongly hints at the possi-
rocket, saying Wednes- bility of a nuclear test," analyst
at it will strengthen its Hong Hyun-ik at the private
y defenses - includ- Sejong Institute think tank near
nuclear weaponry - in Seoul said Wednesday.
se. North Korea conducted
defiant statement from nuclear weapons tests weeks
Korea's Foreign Minis- after rocket launches in 2006
s issued hours after the and 2009, and the region is
ty Council unanimously bracing for the possibility that
d a resolution condemn- it may now test a third atomic
ongyang's Dec. 12 rocket device.
as a violation of a ban Satellite photos taken at
t nuclear and missile North Korea's nuclear test site
y. The resolution, which in Punggye-ri last month indi-
ed approval from Pyong- cated continued acti'vity, evenin
ally China, also added to winter, according to analysis by
ns against the North. 38 North, a North Korea web-
Foreign Ministry called site affiliated with the Johns
unch a peaceful bid to Hopkins School for Advanced
satellite into space rather International Studies.
test of long-range missile The Security Council on

Tuesday reiterated a demand
that North Korea abandon its
nuclear-weapons program in a
"complete, verifiable and irre-
versible manner," and ordered
the regime to cease rocket,
"Today's resolution also
makes clear that if North Korea
chooses again to defy the inter-
national community, such asby
conducting another launch or a
nuclear test, then the (Security)
Council will take significant
action," U.S. Ambassador Susan
Rice said.
The binding resolution is the
first in four years to expand
sanctions against Pyongyang.
It ordered the freeze of more
North Korean assets, including
the space agency, and imposed
a travel ban on four more offi-
cials - limited sanctions that
target individuals and specific
"We believe that action
taken by the Council should
be prudent, measured, propor-
tionate and conducive to stabil-
ity," Chinese Ambassador Li
Baodong said after the vote.

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