2A - Wednesday, January 23, 2013 The Michigan Daily - michiganclaily.cam i 2A - Wednesday, January 23, 2013 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom 0 AtMihigan Dal 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 www.michigandaily.com ANDREW WEINER RACHEL GREINETZ Editor in Chien y m iness Manager 734-418-4118 ext. 1252 734-400-4100 eat. 1240 anweiter@michigandailycom rmgrein@michigandailycom UC applicants mostly Latino SIGNATURE EVENT For the first time, Chicano and Latino applicants have made up the largest group of new applicants for the University of California system, The Daily Cal- ifornian reported Monday. Despite the system-wide increase in applicants, the larg-' est minority demographic group at four of the universities is still Asian-American. Overall, Cali- fornia public universities saw a high number of out-of-state and international applicants dur- ing the recent application cycle, although in-state students still account for about 64 percent of the applicants. The University of California, Los Angeles saw the highest number of applicants amon nine UC schools, with 8 applicants seeking admitt A spokesperson for the ut sity system expressed ple at the high number of appli: especially in light of the cu financial concerns hanging the system. MSU renovates dorn Michigan State Univ administration has investe( eral hundred million dollar renovation and reconstruct on-campus housing facilities State News reported Mo Administrators hope their e will persuade more studer ig the remain living in university hous- 0,472 inginsteadofmovingoff-campus. ance. In particular, the administra- niver- tion appears to be addressing the asure decline in the number of upper- cants, classmen livingin university hous- irrent ing, The State News reported. over While there were more than 1,100 seniors livingin the dorms in 2009, 922 stayed on campus in 2012. as An MSU housing official told the State News that on-campus ersity housing provides a better learn- d sev- ing environment and higher stu- s into dent academic performance. In ion of addition, MSU housing residents s, The become more involved in student nday. groups and other campus activi- fforts ties, she said. nts to -IANDILLINGHAM Au CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES Newsroom 734-010-4115 opt.3 Corrections corrections@michigandaily.com Arts Section arts@michigandaily.com Sports Section sports@ichigandaily.com Display Sales display@michigandaily.com Online Sales onlineads@michigandaily.com News Tips news@michigandaily.com letterstothe Editor tothedaily@michigandaily.com Editorial Page opinion@michigandaily.com Photography Section photo@nichigandaily.com tlassif ied Sales classified@michigandaily.com Finance finance@michigandaily.com 6 CRIME NOTES Apple of my eye Northwood 1R T HINGS YOU SlllIK NOW TODAY WHERE: Cancer Center WHEN: Monday around 3:10 p.m. WHAT: An iPhone charger was reported stolen from the fourth floor of the medi- cal center, University Police reported. The item was likely stolen between Jan19 and Jan 21. Police currently have no suspects. Backpack bandit WHERE: Michigan Union WHEN: Monday around 6:20 p.m. WHAT: A bookbag was reported stolen sometime between 6:00 p.m. and 6:15 p.m., University Police reported. The bag had been last seen in the lower level buglary WHERE: Northwood III, 1500 Block Murfin WHEN: Monday around 7:45 p.m. WHAT: Multiple items were stolen from a Northwood III apartment while the residents were out of the building, University Police reported. There are currently no suspects. Too cool for school WHERE: East Hall WHEN: Monday around 12:50 p.m. WHAT: A jacket was reported stolen from a classroom, University Police reported. The item had been let unaen-A Sexpertise Poetry reading The National Asso- WHAT: Multiple Univer- WHAT: Distinguised poet ciation of Realtors sity groups invite the public Heather McHugh, a pro- claims that 2012 was to this educational, 3-day fessor at the University of the best year for home event on sexuality and rela- Washington, will read some sales in the U.S. since 2007, tionships. The theme of this of her works as part of the CNN reported. The report year's seminar is "Out of the English department's Zell states that housing puchases Dark" Visiting Writers Series, increased 9 percent from WHO: Sexperteam, WHO: The English Depart- 2011. Univ i tvTH lth CriP m~t EDITORIAL STAFF MatthewSlovin ManagingEditor mjolovin@michiandar7y.com Adam Rubenfire ManagingNewsEditor arube@michigandaily.com SENIOR NEWS EDITORS: Alicia Adamczyk, Katie Burke, Austen Hufford, Peter Shahin, K.C.Wassman, Tylor Wioner ASSISTAN 0N W0RS: Molly Block, Jennifer Callas, Aaron Guggenheim, Sam Gringlas,DanielleStoppelmann,SteveZoski Melanie Kruvelis and opinioneditors@michigandaily.com AdrieoetRoberts EditorialPae Editors SENIOREDTORIALPAGEEDITORS:es elin,SarahSkaluba,DerekWolfe ASSISTANT EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS:Shark Bashir, Daniel Wang Everett Cook and Zach Helfand Managingsports Editors sportseditors@michigandaily.com SENIOR SPORTS EDITORS: Steven Braid, Michael Laurila, Stephen Nesbitt, Colleen' Thomas,LizVukelich,DanielWasserman ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITORS: Daniel Feldman, Greg Garno, Rajat Khare, Liz Nagle, JeremySnmmitt, Aleandrotiga Kayla Upadhyaya Managing Arts Editor kaylau@michigandaily.com SENIOR ARTS EDITORS: ElliotAlpern,Brianne Johnson, John Lynch, Anna Sadovskaya ASSISTANT ARTS EDITORS: Sean Czarnecki, Carlina Duan, Max Radin,AkshaySeth, KtieSten, StevnnTweedie Adam Glanzman and Terra Molengraff ManagingPhoto Editors . photo@michigandaily.com SENIOR PHOTOEDITORS: TeresaMathew,Todd Needle ASSISTANTPHOTOEDITORS:KatherinePekala, PaulSherman,AdamSchnitzer Kristenleghorn and Nick Crtz Managing Design Editors design@michigandaily.com HaleyGoldberg Magoine gditor y statement@michigandaily.com DEPUTY MAGAZIE IOR100Paigoe Peary Josephine Adams and Tom McBrien copyChiefs c - opydesk@michigandaily.com SENIOR COPY EDITORS: Jennie Coleman, Kelly McLauglin BUSINESS STAFF Ashley Karadsheh Associate Business Manager SearlJacksor Sales Manager SophieGreenbaum roducton Manager Meryl Hulteng National Account Manager Connor Byrd Finance Manager Quy Vo Circulation Manage The Michigan Daily ossN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the University of Michigan. One copy is available free oftcharge to ali readers. Additional copiesnmay be picked up at the Daiy's office for $2.Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are $11Q.Wint term( January through Aprl) is $115, yearlong (September through April) is $195. University affliates are subject to a reduced subscriptionrate. On-campussubscriptionsforf tall termare $35. Subscriptionsmustis prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press. a 0 univeristy ean service WHEN: Today at 7:00 p.m. WHERE: Michigan League Documentary screening WHAT: The Ford School of Public Policy will be screen- ing a new documentary that chronicles the story of Ger- ald Ford, Willis Ward, and the 1934 Michigan football season. WHO: The Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy and the Center for Public Policy inDiverse Socities WHEN: Today at 4:00 p.m. WHERE: Weill Hall meet WHEN: Today at 6:10 p.m. WHERE: Museum of Art, Apse Room CORRECTIONS " A headline in the Jan. 22 edition of the Daily ("BIG REALITY CHECK") mistated the score to the womens basketball game. It is 59-49, not 59-59. * Please report any error in the Daily to corrections@ michigandaily.com. The door is always open at Avalon housing. For those in need of a warm place to live, Avalon offers housing, support and a second chance. s> FOR MORE, SEE INSIDE A new study from the University of California, Berkley has found obe- sity increases the likely- hood of being killed in a car crash by 21 to 51 percent, CBS News reported. The cause for this trend likely involves the seating position of the driver. 0 U.S. transports French troops Looking back 40 years later: 6 to Mali in ongoing conflict The passage of Roe v. Wade French continue military operations in Africa with help of U.S. SEGOU, Mali (AP) - Ameri- can planes transported French troops and equipment to Mali, a U.S. military spokesman said Tuesday, as Malian and French forces pushed into the Islamist- held north. The town of Douentya had been held by Islamist rebels for four months, located 195 kilo- meters (120 miles) northeast of Mopti, the previous line- of-control held by the Malian military in Mali's narrow cen- tral belt. The Islamist fighters have controlled the vast desert stretches of northern Mali, with the weak government clinging to the south, since a military coup in the capital in March last year unleashed chaos. French and Malian troops arrived in Douentza on Monday to find that the Islamists had retreated from it, said a resi- dent, Sali Maiga. "The Malian military and the French army spent their first night and the people are very happy," Maiga said Tuesday. A curfew went into effect at 8 p.m., and no gunfire or other incidents were reported over- night, he said. In September, a convoy of pickup trucks carrying beard- ed men entered Douentza, and in the months that followed the Islamist extremists forced women to wear veils and enlisted children as young as 12 as soldiers in training. French and Malian forces also took the town of Diabaly, which lies 195 kilometers (120 miles) west of Mopti, on Mon- day after Islamist fighters who 0 0 had seized it a week earlier fled amid French air strikes. The presence of Malian sol- diers in the two towns marks tangible accomplishments for the French-led mission, which began on Jan. 11 after the reb- els pushed south and threat- ened the capital, Bamako. But there are grave doubts that the Malian army will be able to hold newly recovered terri- tory without foreign support. The coup disrupted the chain of command, and Malian sol- diers last year repeatedly gave up towns to the insurgents while putting up little, or no, fight. While fighting raged on the ground in Mali, officials in Brussels discussed plans for the future. The newly appoint- ed head of the planned Euro- pean Union military training mission, French Gen. Francois Lecointre, is already in Bama- ko assessing the situation. 'WE WANT YOU TO JOIN THE DAILY! COME TO OUR MASS MEETING: Thursday, 7:30 P.M. 420 Maynard St. 40 years after U.S. Supreme Court ruling, abortion still hot topic TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) - Abor- tion opponents marked the 40th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision Tuesday with work- shops, prayers and calls for more limits on the rights estab- lished by the Supreme Court in the landmark ruling that still defines one of the nation's most intractable debates. Many in the anti-abortion movement looked to Kansas, where Republican Gov. Sam Brownback signed a series of tough anti-abortion measures during his first two years in office. Other states with GOP governors and Republican-con- trolled legislatures have taken similar steps. "There's joy in what you're doing and keep it up," Brown- back urged hundreds of fellow abortion opponents at a rally outside the Kansas Statehouse. "Keep marching. Keep moving." Abortion-rights groups observed a quieter anniver- sary - a possible reflection of the reality that it's far rarer for lawmakers to expand access to abortion. The National Orga- nization for Women planned a candlelight vigil at the Supreme Court to commemorate the 1973 decision, which created a con- stitutional right to abortions in some circumstances and pre- vented states from banning the practice. President Barack Obama issued a statement reaffirm- ing the decision's commitment to "reproductive freedom" and the principle that "government should not intrude on our most private family matters, and women should be able to make their own choices about their bodies and their health care." The ruling "should be hon- ored," said Rep. Emily Perry, a lawyer and Democrat from the Kansas City suburb of Mission who supports abortion rights. "I wish the amount of energy put into narrowing Roe v. Wade would be put into school fund- ing or our budget." In Topeka, at least 1,000 people rallied with Brownback and anti-abortion legislators. The Kansas governor has called on state lawmakers to create "a culture of life." He is expected to support whatever further restrictions they approve. Kansans for Life, the most influential of the state's anti- abortion groups, plans to ask lawmakers to enact legislation ensuring that the state doesn't finance abortions even indirect- ly, such as through tax breaks or by allowing doctors-in-training at the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City, Kan., to perform them on the center's time. The group also wants to strengthen a state law dictat- ing what information must be provided to abortion patients, banning abortions because of the fetus' gender and allowing wrongful-death lawsuits when a fetus dies because of an acci- dent. Comparable proposals are gaining ground elsewhere, too. Republican lawmakers in North Dakota are pursuing a measure to ban "sex selection" abor- tions. Alabama's GOP legislative majorities are looking to impose, new health and safety regula- tions for abortion providers. And Republicans in Arkansas want to ban abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy. "I think more of America is becoming more pro-life," said Dr. Melissa Colbern, who start- ed a crisis pregnancy center in Topeka near the state Capitol last year. "I think maybe the cul- ture is changing." - In Mississippi, where Repub- lican Gov. Phil Bryant has said repeatedly that he wants the state to be abortion-free, advo- cates on both sides of the issue protested outside the state's only abortion clinic in the capital of Jackson. A large sign attached to the building declared: "This clinic stays open." Nancy Keenan, president of NARAL Pro Choice Amer- ica, said most citizens are not demanding their elected offi- cials push for new abortion restrictions. "A lot of these anti-choice politicians don't run on the issue," Keenan said in an inter- view Tuesday with The Associ- ated Press. "They run on jobs, or they run on the economy. And then they show up in these state legislatures, and they begin to advance very anti-choice legis- lation." In the four decades since Roe v. Wade, a series of court deci- sions have narrowed its scope, With each decision, lawmakers in multiple states have followed up by making abortions more difficult to obtain or imposing restrictions on providers. According to the New York- based Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive-rights think tank, 135 laws aimed in some way at restricting access to abortion were enacted in 30 states - most of them with Republican- controlled legislatures - in 2011 and 2012. More such measures already have been proposed in several states this year. In Wyoming, for example, a pending bill would prohibit abortions after a fetal heartbeat is audible. A similar "heartbeat" bill is pending in Mississippi, and one was debated but later sidetracked in Ohio last year. In Texas, Republican Gov. Rick Perry has told lawmakers that he expects to make progress during the 2013 session toward his goal of making abortion "at any stage a thing of the past." Anti-abortion activists have pledged to use every legal means possible to make obtaining abor- tions difficult, if not impossible. 1 A lp