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December 07, 2012 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-12-07

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Friday, December 7,2012


State House,
Senate pass
ri ght-to-work

Republican Gov.
Rick Snyder
says he'll- sign
controversial bills
Daily News Editor
Both the Michigan House
of Representatives and Senate
passed right-to-work bills on
Thursday, taking the state one
step closer to becoming the 24th
right-to-work state in the nation.
At a press conference Thurs-
day, Republican Gov. Rick Snyder
announced that he was prepared
to sign right-to-work legislation
into law should it reach his desk.
Later in the day, three separate
right-to-work bills were intro-
duced in the state House and
Senate that will eventually be
consolidated into two bills.
House Bill 4054 passed in the
House at about 4:45 p.m. with
a 58-52 vote. At around 7:45
p.m., the Senate passed its own
right-to-work bills. The first,
which deals with public employ-
ees, passed with a vote of 22-16,
with all Senate Democrats and
four Senate Republicans voting
against it. The second, which
addresses private-sector employ-

ees, passed 22-4. Senate Demo-
crats walked out of the chamber
before the vote was taken.
The House version failed to
make its way to the Senate on
Thursday due to a move by the
Democrats to reconsider the
vote. The Senate will have to wait
until the next session day, which
could be Friday, to deliberate on
the House version of the bill.
Snyder has been admittedly
unwilling to address right-to-
work legislation since before he
was elected governor in 2010,
according to Kurt Weiss, a
spokesman for Snyder.
"The governor has been pretty
clear that this hasn't been some-
thing that's been on his agenda,"
Weiss said. "It is on the table now
because, you know, Proposal 2
was on the ballot, and it's become
an issue."
Snyder has been reluctant to
address collective bargaining in
the state, even though Repub-
lican governors elected in 2010
in Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana and
elsewhere moved to pass right-
to-work laws soon after their
respective elections.
Weiss added that the governor
is making the issue about grant-
ing workers the choice of wheth-
er or not to join of union instead
of about being against unions as

Kinesiology junior Jeffrey Kosdfsky eats at Blimpy Burger on South Division Street. Kosdfosky says he has eaten at the restaurant at once a month over the last
three years. When asked his thoughts on the re-location, he said, "As long as they re-open, it's not that sad; Still, there is a lot of tradition in this spot."
'U to buy Buimpy property
After nearly 60 soonbe forced to relocate. owner. He said he hopes to relocate
The University reached a deal Magner said though he knew to an area close to campus,
years, A2 landmark with the owner of the property that his lease was coming to an either downtown or on. South
where Blimpy Burger is located, end in August, he hadn't given, State Street, which will take
to close doors in meaning the restaurant will much thought to renewing time to figure out.
-have to find a new location in- before-the University de a - "It's nota- fuathing for. any-
August the summer of 2013, according bid. Magner confirmed that the one when you have an icon in
to owner Rich Magner. restaurant will remain open one location for so long," he
By ALICIA ADAMCZYK Magner told employees that and operating until August. said. "ButI (need) to look at the
Daily StaffReporter the famous burger business "It is what it is," Magner positive side of it and hope that
will move out of the space when said. "If it had been a different we can do it in a different spot."
Though Krazy Jim's Blimpy its lease is up in August. The person purchasing it, it might Magner, who has worked at
Burger has been a fixture of property is owned by Patricia have been where I could have Blimpy for more than 20 years,
South Division Street for nearly Shafer, the widow of Jim Sha- renegotiated the lease with said his employees usually work
60 years, the restaurant will fer, the restaurant's original them or that kind of thing." See BLIMPY, Page 5

State Rep. Jeff Irwin
skeptical of Regional
Transit Authority
Daily StaffReporter
Amid the controversy over right-
to-work legislation during Thurs-
day's state House of Representatives
session, the proposal to create a
regional transit authority passed
through the House despite mainly
Democratic efforts to stall the bill.
The proposal, which passed the
state Senate last week, will create
an organization for the integration
of public transportation systems in
metro Detroit. The bill passed by a
57-54 margin, with only two Demo-
cratsvotingin favor of the plan.
The bill - which was formerly
part of a package of bills that would
have provided a means for generat-
ing revenue and purchasing prop-
erty - allows for the creation of the
transit agency. Though the package
See TRANSIT, Page 5


CollegeHumor duo
talk comedy, A2 in
advance of live show

Students parade around campus in giant handmade puppets as part of their final class project.
Students strut their Stuff for
charity, Mr. Engineer title

Jake and Amir
to perform skits,
special material
in 'U' show
DailyArts Writer
A recent "Jake and Amir"
skit, "Interrogator," begins
as Amir talks with his
about CollegeHumor
his LivePresented
disas- by Neebo
volun- Friday at
teer 10:30 p.m.
work, Union Ballroom
until the
duo are Free
ly interrupted by Ben
Schwartz (TV's "Parks and
Recreation"), who interro-
gates the two in an attempt.
to find out who defecated
inside the CollegeHumor
copier. The episode ends
with a twist; it was actu-
ally Ben Schwartz's char-
acter that pooped inside the
What the hell?!

Short skits like this are
familiar to fans of Colleg-
eHumor.com's "Jake and
Amir." The comedy dou-
ble-act is characterized by
their hilarious back-and-
forth rapport, often veer-
ing off-topic into a comedic
firefight revolving around
Jake's disbelief at Amir's
ignorance of his own stu-
And now the CollegeHu-
mor troupe is headed to Ann
Arbor for a free live show
compliments of Neebo, the
textbook retailer that owns
Ulrich's, because Univer-
sity students won an online
competition. The show will
be hosted by Jake and Amir
with stand-up performed
by CollegeHumor editor in
chief Streeter Seidell and
writer and comedian Dan
While students may be
used to seeing the show
online, Jake Hurwitz and
Amir Blumenfeld said in an
interview with the Michi-
gan Daily that the offline
yersion of the show will be
similar to any. other Col-
legeHumor production, but
with a few surprises.
"We have a lot of call-

Competition raises
funds for outreach
Daily Staff Reporter
Two nights after the Victoria's
Secret Fashion show, a different
group of models competed for

the title of Mr. Engineering 2013.
Nearly 440 students gath-
ered at STAMPS Auditorium to
watch 13 Engineering students
compete at the 13th annual Mr.
Engineer competition, hosted
by the Society of Women Engi-
neers. The event raised money
for the Detroit Area Pre-College
Engineering Program, a charity
that helps elementary and high-
school students from lower-

income areas develop an interest
in engineering.
The competition's theme
was based on the 2012 Olym-
pic Games and featured a tal-
ent competition, a brainteaser
round and an ethics question.
The 13 contestants performed in
the talent portion, six semifinal-
ists completed brainteasers and
three finalists took part in the


Call 734-418-4115 ore-mail 'Nashville' recap
news@michigandaily.com and let us know. MICHIGANDAILY

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