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December 05, 2012 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-12-05

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ROCK OF AGES: NBC's hit sitcom '30 Rock' continues to cash in on winning formula for comedy success in its seventh season. PAGE 6A

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Search for
provost is
set to begin

Members of the Tappan Middle School Orchestra perform at C.S. Mott Children's and Von Voightlander Womdns Hospital on Tuesday, as the hospital cel-
ebrates its one year anniversary in its new facilities with a christmas tree lighting ceremony.
Mo celebrates one-year
anniversary in new hospital

President wants to
find replacement
with "due speed"
Daily Staff Reporter
With University Provost Philip
Hanlon set to leave the University
to become the president of Dart-
mouth College, University Presi-
dent Mary Sue Coleman said the
search for an interim provost is in
its beginning phase.
Despite his appointment, Han-
lon is scheduled to continue his
position as provost until mid-2013,
but said last week that he may take
some time offbefore beginninghis
new job at Dartmouth.
"It's a terrific opportunity and
it's a great place for me," Hanlon
said last week. "But you know
it's a bittersweet move because
Michigan is also a great place and
I'll miss our campus for sure."
In the past 50 years, only one
provost - Teresa Sullivan, Han-

Ion's predecessor and current
University of Virginia president
- was appointed as provost from
outside the University. When
Sullivan was selected as the
president of the University of Vir-
ginia, Coleman, without an offi-
cial search committee, selected
Hanlon as the University's next
provost within two weeks of Sul-
livan's announcement.
At the time, Hanlon was the
vice provost for academic and
budgetary affairs and also a can-
didate to become vice chancellor
and provost at the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Hanlon's candidacy at UNC cre-
ated the impetus for Coleman's
rapid decision.
Though Coleman wouldn't
say definitively whether she
would take such decisive action
in replacing Hanlon, she said in
an interview with the Michigan
Daily on Monday no search com-
mittee for his replacement has
been formed.
"I obviously haven't known
(about) Phil's candidacy for a
See PROVOST, Page 5A

UMHS: Patient
care has improved
in new facility
Daily Staff Reporter
Families and University of
Michigan Health System staff
topped a large evergreen in the

hospital lobby with a gold star at
the Christmas tree lighting festi-
val on Tuesday, held to celebrate
the anniversary of the C.S. Mott
Children's and Von Voigtlander
Women's Hospital's first year of
operation in its new building.
This milestone commemo-
rates the completion of the
$754-million space for UMHS
faculty, patients and families.
Chris Dickinson, the hospital's

interim executive director, said
he has watched the expansion
of the hospital systems over the
past two decades.
"Personally, I've been work-
ing here as a pediatrician since
1984, and it's just nice to see the
building, the programs asso-
ciated with the building, the
people and more importantly
the patients and families really
be happy with a first class job,"

Dickinson said.
Since the hospital moved to
the new building, 32 physicians
in nine pediatric specialties
were hired and the nursing staff
increased by 23 percent, accord-
ing to a UMHS press release.
Additionally, the new building is
unique in that it houses the chil-
dren's and women's care facilities
under the same roof, Dickinson

Athletic Dept. cancels
Big House Big Heart 5K

Annual race forApril 14. 'a
Champions for Charity, the
deemed not part of company that organizes the
event, sent an e-mail to volun-
charitable mission teers and supporters on Tuesday
announcing the event's cancella-
ByZACH HELFAND tion. On Friday, representatives
Daily Sports Editor from the Athletic Department
met with Andrea Highfield -
The University's Athletic who owns Champions for Char-
Department has cancelled the ity with her husband, Michael
annual Big House Big Heart - where they informed her that
charity event at Michigan Stadi- the race no longer fit into the
um that was originally scheduled department's charitable mission.

"Driving back, I was just
stunned and sort of baffled by it,"
Highfield said.
The Athletic Department said
the decision comes after months
of evaluating its initiatives with
external charities. Associate
Athletic Director Dave Ablauf
said there were multiple reasons
the department severed its ties
with Champions for Charity. He
noted that the department looks
for certain principles in a charity.

Take UM Abroad program to
help finance student travel

Roey Gilad, Israel's counsel general to the Midwest, discusses Middle Eastern policy as it relates to Israel at the Uni-
versity's Hillel on Tuesday
Palestinian conflict, Arab Spring
focus of sraeli diplomat's visit

Five students
will win $1,000
scholarships paid
for by CSG
Daily Staff Reporter
In an effort to increase the
global impact of University stu-
dents, Central Student Govern-
ment has created "Take UM

Abroad," a new program that will
award five $1,000 scholarships
to students studying abroad next
LSA freshman Nicole Mott,
the program's director, called the
program a method of "stamping
your 'M' on the globe."
"A lot of times students go
abroad and they think, 'Oh, what
am I goingto bring back from my
trip?"' Mott said. "And this kind
of does the opposite, which is,
'What can I bring to my experi-
ence? ... How can I literally bring

the spirit and passion of being a
Michigan Wolverine abroad?"'
Take UM Abroad will cost
slightly more than $5,000 when
the costs of marketing are
accounted for and the funds will
be provided through the execu-
tive discretionary fund, accord-
ing to CSG President Manish
Parikh, a Business senior. He
added that money from the
executive discretionary fund is
"focused on innovative projects
which create impact and innova-
See UM ABROAD, Page 5A

Gilad: Jewish
state needs a
strong Palestinian
partner for peace
Daily StaffReporter'
Potential peace negotiations
and the ongoing conflicts in
the Middle East were the main
topics of discourse when Roey
Gilad, the consulate general of

Israel to the Midwest, visited
the University and delivered a
special address to about 25 stu-
dents at the University's Hillel
on Tuesday.
The majority of Gilad's
address focused on the effects
of the'Arab Spring on the state
of Israel and the possibility
of peace agreements between
the Palestinians and Israel, in
which he emphasized the need
for a two-state solution.
Gilad said the conflicts in
the Middle East over the past
two years highlight that mak-

log peace with the Palestinians
is not the only issue that Israel
must deal with at this time.
"If we thought that the Mid-
dle East was an unstable place
before, I think now we know
the real meaning of instability,"
Gilad said of the recent con-
After the recent engagement
between Israel and Hamas,
Gilad noted that the future of
a ceasefire between Israel and
the militant organization that
is classified as a terrorist group


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'Revenge' recap

INDEX NEWS ............. 2A SPORTS...........6A
Vol.CXXIII,No.56 AP NEW S....................3A CLASSIFIEDS...............6A
2he chiganlaily OPINION.. ............4A SPORTS...........8A


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