The Michigan Daily -
Thursday November 29, 2012 -'5A
Ten new members elected Egypt crisis raises fears
to 2013 LSA- SG positions of 'second revolution'
Three ballot
questions also
Daily StaffReporter
S Though only 6.4 percent of
LSA students voted in the col-
lege's student government elec-
tion, those who participated
elected 10 new members and
approved three ballot questions.
The candidates who won the
10 open seats as LSA-SG repre-
sentatives are Ibrahim Hamati,
Will Canning, Ilana Lieberman,
Sook Peng How, Tyler Mesman,
Kelli Bartelotti, Allie Ham-
moud, Justin Hart, Kendall
Johnson, and William O'Brien
- in order of decreasing vote
All candidates are new to the
position of LSA-SG represen-
tative, with the exception of
Johnson, who was re-elected
to her seat. The platforms of
the candidates included initia-
tives to increase transparency
between LSA-SG and the stu-
dent body, improve transpor-
tation between campus and
off-campus housing, increase
printing pages allotted for stu-
dents and coordinate to bring
more concerts to campus.
From Page 1A
$79,000 from the Elan Corpora-
tion for being the Safety Moni
toring Chair for the trials of the
drug in question, bapineuzumab,
according to the SEC.
Elan Corporation's stock price
fell from more than $30 in July
2008 to less than $10 in the
days following the July 29, 2008
announcement. Wyeth dropped
less significantly, from an aver-
age of more than $46 in days
before the announcement, to
about $39 for the next three days.
At the time, it was reportedby
the Dow Jones Newswire that
the 240-patient study found the
drug had serious side effects,
including fluid buildup in the
brains of 12 'trial participants.
Safety issues with the drug wor-
ried investors, causing the value
of the stocks to drop.
Martoma and Gilman were
paired legally through an expert
network firm. These firms are
commonly used to connect
those in the business world with
experts in various fields, such as
medicine. In recent years, the
SEC has pursued a number of
high profile insider trading cases
in which such firms have played
a role.
The firm used by Martoma
and Gilman has not been offi-
From Page 1A
with the University's Graham
Sustainability Institute to ensure
the process is carried out in the
safest and most effective way.
Snyder noted that he plans to
connect the energy resources of
Michigan's peninsulas to help
lower the excess transmission
reported in the Upper Peninsula.
"None of us is an island, we're
two peninsulas, and we need to
do it together," Snyder said. "Let's
turn this dialogue into action."
In an interview following the
address, Snyder said he expects
integration of the Upper Penin-
sula to take up to a decade.
He added that the failure of
Proposal 3 - a ballot initiative
that asked for energy companies
to utilize renewable sources for
25 percent of their functional-
ity by 2025, while maintaining
upticks of consumer costs to less
than 1 percent - to pass in the
Nov. 6 election will allow for the
state government to pass more
Besides holding elections for
10 open representative posi-
tions, LSA-SG allowed students
to vote on three ballot questions
that allow the University to .
'gauge students's perceptions on
University issues.
Athletes are allowed to reg-
ister for courses at an earlier
time than the rest of the student
body in order to compensate for
their practice schedules. The
first question on the LSA-SG
ballot asked students whether
they were in favor of granting
a similar opportunity to the
University's Reserve Officer
Training Corp. The ballot ques-
tion passed with 55 percent of
participating students voting in
favor of allowing ROTC mem-
bers to register early, 25 percent
were opposed and 20 percent
had no preference.
The second LSA-SG ballot
proposal addressed the limited
capacityofthe LSA courseguide
and asked students if they were
in favor of adding an option that
allows them to search for cours-
es available at select times.
The course guide now
requires that students search
through classes classified only
through subject and course
level, and the new option would
allow users to search classes
that fit gaps in their schedule.
On the question of whether to
cially identified, but Gilman's
resume notes that he has held a
consulting position with Ger-
son Lehrman, among several
other firms, since 2002. The
Wall Street Journal reported
that individuals familiar with
the case have confirmed that the
expert network firm used in the
scheme was Gerson Lerhman.
Bret Coons - a spokesman
for the Joint Commission, a
hospital accreditation organiza-
tion - said external decisions
of individual employees would
not generally affect a hospital's
accreditation unless patient safe-
ty or care quality was impacted.
"The Joint Commission's
accreditation looks at issues of
patient safety and quality of care
and would not be applicable to
the personal financial practices
of employees of an accredited
health care organization," Coons
Coons could not confirm
whether or not Gilman was being
Gilman has signed a non-pros-
ecution agreement with the SEC,
meaning he will not be criminal-
ly charged because he has agreed
to testify and cooperate with fur-
ther investigations. He will pay
$234,000 in settling the suit.
Ora Pescovitz, the executive
vice president for medical affairs,
Douglas Strong, CEO of the Uni-
versity of Michigan Hospitals
add the extension to the course
guide, 92 percent of students
voted in favor of adding the
extension to the course guide,
3 percent of students preferred
that the LSA course guide not
include this search option and
5 percent voted for the option
indicating no preference on the
The third ballot question on
the LSA-SG poll questioned
whether or not students were
aware the Medical Amnesty
Act - a recently established
state policy that allows students
to seek medical assistance for
intoxication without receiving a
citation for Minor in Possession
of Alcohol - and preferred that
it be included in the Statement
of Student Rights and Responsi-
The amendment passed with
65 percent of students voting
that they were aware of the law
and in favor of amending the
statement. Students unaware of
the law, but in favor of chang-
ing the statement totaled 17
percent. Only 2 percent of stu-
dents were aware of the law
but opposed the changes, and
4 percent of students were not
aware of the law and opposed
the amendments.
Twelves percent of students
who voted had no preference on
amending the statement.
and Health Centers and Medical
School Dean James Woolliscroft
sent an e-mail to UMHS faculty
and staff Thursday regarding
the incident, reminding them to
respect confidential information
and maintain the integrity of the
hospital and health system.
The SEC's final target appears
to be the parent company of CR
Intrinsic, SAC Capital Advisors.
Though he is not explicitly men-
tioned in the suit, it is suspected
that Steven Cohen, the compa-
ny's founder and owner, is impli-
cated in the scheme.
The SEC alleged that Marto-
ma collaborated with CR Intrin-
sic's portfolio manager, known
as "Portfolio Manager A," who
is identified as the founder and
owner of "Investment Adviser A"
- a firm which is also alleged to
have benefited from the scheme
- and CR Intrinsic. The Wall
Street Journal reported that
people close to the investigation
have identified Cohen as "Portfo-
lio Manager A."
Officials at SAC Capital Advi-
sors told investors in a con-
ference call Wednesday the
company may face civil charges
for its alleged role in the scheme,
though the company denies
the charges. The SEC report-
edly sent the company a Wells
notice, a document which impli-
cates that the SEC is preparing a
potential suit. ,
Deadline for launch
of new constitution
CAIRO (AP) - Faced with
an unprecedented strike by the
courts and massive opposition
protests, Egypt's Islamist presi-
dent is not backing down in the
showdown over decrees granting
him near-absolute powers.
Activists warn that his actions
threaten a "second revolution,"
but Mohammed Morsi faces a dif-
ferent situation than his ousted
predecessor, Hosni Mubarak: He
was democratically elected and
enjoys the support of the nation's
most powerful political move-
Already, Morsi is rushing the
work of an Islamist-dominated
constitutional assembly at the
heart of the power struggle, with
a draft of the charter expected
as early as Thursday, despite a
walkout by liberal and Christian
members that has raised ques-
tions about the panel's legiti-
From Page 1A
they have not proven true. He
added that he feels the national
organization is using the claim of
a dangerous living atmosphere as
a means of revoking the chapter
becausethey cannotact on previ-
ous unproven hazing allegations.
ZBT has not been a member of
the University's Interfraternity
Council since 2006, when the
chapter was expelled for violat-
ing restrictions on recruiting
new members. IFC placed the
chapter on probation the previ-
ous year for allegations of hazing
that involved forcing pledging to
engage in excessive exercise, eat-
ing and drinking.
The ZBT member said while
there is a feeling of disappoint-
ment within the fraternity, they
also feel frustrated that their
nationals did not seek alternative
solutions before officially dis-
banding the chapter. He added
the 92 members of the frater-
nity will possibly appeal to their
national council regarding the
official closing of the chapter.
ZBT's national organiza-
tion did not respond to repeated
requests for comment.
The next step would be for
Morsi to call a nationwide ref-
erendum on the document. If
adopted, parliamentary elec-
tions would be held by the spring.
Wednesday brought a last-
minute scramble to seize the
momentum over Egypt's politi-
cal transition. Morsi's camp
announced that his Muslim
Brotherhood and other Islamists
will stage amassive rally in Cairo's
Tahrir Square, the plaza where
more than 200,000 opposition
supporters gathered a dayearlier.
The Islamists' choice of the
square for Saturday's rally raises
the possibility of clashes. Several
hundred Morsi opponents are
camped out there, and another
group is fighting the police on a
nearby street.
"It is tantamount to a dec-
laration of war," said liberal
politician Mustafa al-Naggar,
speaking on the private Al-Tah-
rir TV station.
Morsi remains adamant that
his decrees, which place him
above oversight of any kind,
including by the courts, are in
the interest of the nation's tran-
When the ZBT chapter was
removed from IFC in 2006,
then-IFC spokesman Brian Mill-
man and then-IFC president Jon
Krasnov said in a joint written
statement that the chapter defied
the IFC standards and principles.
"ZBT's continued indifference
toward the values embraced by
the Greek community has dem-
onstrated its inability to func-
tion as a contributing member
of the Interfraternity Council at
the University of Michigan," the
statement said.
Neither Ryan Gross, the media
relations spokesperson for IFC,
nor the Office of Greek Life were
able to comment on the closure
due to the fact that ZBT is not
currently an official member of
the University's Greek system.
Additionally, ZBT's national
body has stationed a security
guard outside the chapter's
Oxford Road house. Accordingto
an internal e-mail sent to mem-
bers of a University Panhellenic
Association sorority obtained
by the Daily- which contained
a report of Tuesday's meeting of
the Panhellenic Executive Board
- the precaution was taken to
ensure that no damage is done to
the property and no parties are
sition to democratic rule.
Backing down may not be an
option for the 60-year-old U.S.-
educated engineer.
Doing so would significantly
weaken him and the Brother-
hood at a time when their image
has been battered by widespread
charges that they are too preoc-
cupied with tightening their grip
on power to effectivelytackle the
country's many pressing prob-
Morsi's pride is also a key
factor in a country where most
people look to their leader as an
invincible figure.
He may not be ready to stom-
ach another public humilia-
tion after backing down twice
since taking office in June. His
attempt to reinstate parliament's
Islamist-dominated lower cham-
ber after it was disbanded in July
by the Supreme Constitutional
Court was overturned by that
same court. Last month, Morsi
was forced to reinstate the coun-
try's top prosecutor just days
after firing him when the judi-
ciary ruled it was not within his
powers to do so.
The ZBT member said the
chapter is examining their legal
rights to privacy in regards to the
permanently stationed officer.
If the national body, which
owns the ZBT chapter house,
decides to sell the home on
Oxford, University Housing
spokesman Peter Logan said
University Housing would most
likely be unable to accommodate
the many ZBT members who will
be without a place to live.
University spokesman. Rick
Fitzgerald said University orga-
nizations are unable to com-
ment on the closure of the
chapter because the fraternity's
national headquarters made the
decision, without any influence
by administering bodies of the
University. /
"There's really no action from
the University - the action is
from the fraternity's national
organization," Fitzgerald said.
Other fraternity chapters on
campus have also been booted
from the IFC. In March 2011,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity
was expelled from University
Greek Life after allegations of
hazingsurfaced. However, SAE's
national organization only sus-
pended the chapter and it still
has a house near campus.
comprehensive legislation.
"That's the balancing act, it's
not time for me to pick some num-
ber or some percentage, it's time
to say that is a factor that we've
learned from, that we should be
gathering data to say when you
put all these variables together,
what's a good outcome," Snyder
Public Policy Prof. Barry Rabe
said Snyder's address lacked nota-
ble changes from the state's cur-
rent energy policy.
"(Snyder) covered a wide range
of areas, but I'm not sure that we
really heard any major new addi-
tions or dramatic departures,"
Rabe said.
Rabe said Snyder's policy on
fracking was vague and likely to
spark some disapproval among
"There really wasn't a lot of
specifics to (the fracking poli-
cy)," Rabe said. "So that would
suggest he's not necessarily look-
ing at new legislation or themes
or directions, though fracking
has become increasingly contro-
versial in the state."
He added he felt Snyder did
not put enough emphasis on the
state's reliance on coal and the
question of renewable energy for
the future.
LSA junior Chris Takahashi,
the founder and president of Stu-
dents for Clean Energy, said Sny-
der's position on Proposal 3 and
renewable wind energy was a big
"Proposal 3 would have been
a huge boost for our economy
and is well within reach for us to
achieve," Takahashi said.
Takashi said much of the pol-
icy Snyder outlined was "safe"
and was not nuanced enough in
establishing policy to innovate
the state's energy methods mov-
ing forward, adding that coal is a
critical issues that the governor
should put more focus on.
"Coal is imported into the
state of Michigan, it's costly, it's
terrible for public health and
that's something that, as a group,
we're advocating that we need to
stop relying on coal at the Uni-
versity level and in the state of
Michigan," Takahashi said.
From Page 1A
Election Commission hearing
on the final day of voting that
lasted until 7 a.m. the next day,
ultimately delaying results.
Despite a much tamer elec-
tion featuring none of the
aforementioned complexities,
the November election will
also have a delay in election
results, CSG election director
Jeremy Garson said.
"We are working with ITS
to confirm all of the election
results," Garson wrote. "We
will be releasing the results
at noon tomorrow as per the
Election Code."
It is unknown why results
are being held, though there
did appear to be an error with
the ballot for Rackham assem-
bly representatives.
Of the 18 seats voted on,
eight were for Rackham rep-
resentative positions though
there were no formally regis-
tered candidates for the posi-
tion. The ballot for Rackham
assembly representative only
allowed voters to write-in one
candidate rather than eight.
Rackham has the second
highest amount of seats on the
Assembly at 10, but only two
seats are currently occupied.
The ballot is supposed to allow
constituents to vote for as
many candidates as there are
open seats, but seven-eighths
of Rackham CSG's ballot was
The election code section of
the CSG Compiled Code states
that the election director has
12 hours from the end of the
election to release the results
to candidates and The Michi-
gan Daily, but traditionally the
results are released sooner.
Last year's November elec-
tion released results shortly
after polls closed at midnight.
Though the CSG results were not
released, the elected candidates
for LSA Student Government
and the University of Michigan
Engineering Council were both
released shortly after mid-
Garson did not respond to
requests for an interview spe-
cifically regarding the decision
to release the results at noon.