2 -Tuesday, November 27, 2012.1 ;ThMchgn.aiy..mcigndif.cr 0 At DAMdiin U3 420 Maynard Sc. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 www.michigandaily.com JOSEPH LICHTERMAN RACHEL GREINETZ Editor in Chief Business Manager 734-41e-4115 ext. 1252 734-418-4115 eat. 1241 lichterman@michigandailycom rnmgreingtmichiganndailycom JUST GOOGLE IT State policy bans speech against gov't 75 years ago this. week (November 28, 1937): The Michigan Union Execu- tive Council announced the first lecture of the fall series of Union forums, The Michigan Daily reported. The fall series centered dis- cussion on "political problems of the day," according to the Daily. The first address was scheduled to be given by then-Political Sci- ence Prof. Lawrence Preuss, who planned to discuss German affairs and socialism. The forums, which were open to the public, consisted of a half- hour lecture, followed by a half- hour discussion on the topic. CRIME NOTES Really, dude? C WHERE: Duderstadt re Building WHEN: Saturday at about WE 6:20 p.m. WE WHAT: A student reported 1SC a wallet and iPhone miss- WE ing from computing area on thei the third floor, University finr Police reported. There are thei no suspects. ver; No more Cd wheelies WI Ret WHERE: William Revelli WI Rehearsal Hall 7:41 WHEN: Saturday at about WE 3:20 p.m. pet WHAT: Three skateboard- fin: ers were verbally warned pac] for their skateboard vio- ron3 lation, University Police rep( reported. susl $0 years ago this week (November 28, 1962):. A uniform speaker policy was "unanimously adopted" by the Michigan Coordinating Council for Public Higher Education, the Daily reported. The policy, fashioned after the University speaker bylaw adopt- ed by the University's Board of Regents, forbade speeches that urged violence or "modification of the government of the United States or state of Michigan, by violence or sabotage," according to the Daily. 25 years ago this week (November 30,1987): Thirty students protested out- side the Student Activities Build- ing with the intention of delaying recruitment interviews with the Central Intelligence Agency, the Daily reported. The. intensity of the event escalated after then-graduate student, Harold Marc use was allegedly kicked by a University public safety officer, and planned on pressing assault charges against the unidentified officer, according to the Daily. Deborah May, then-career planning and placement direc- tor, said that though the protest delayed the interviews, ultimate- ly none of they were cancelled. - STEPHANIE SHENO UDA Newsroom 73441t8-415 spt.3 Correctians corections@,eichigandaily~oon Arts Sectian arts@michigandaily.come Sports Sectian sports@emiolieandaily.oon Display Sales display@mio5 igandait yeas Online Sales onlineads@michigandaily.om Ness Tips news@m~ichigandaily.com, leestonthe Edlt toth edaily@emio5igandaily:coo Editnrial Page opinion@michigandaily.com PhotographylSectin photo@etichiaaedaily.coo tlassified Sales classified@michigandaily.comt finance finance@michigandaily.com MCKtNZIt BtRtZIN/Daily Josh tstelle, a lead developer of Gosogle Translates, speaks in North Quad o Monday. CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES 'eli phone ,covered HERE: Shapiro Library HEN: Monday at about 0 a.m. HAT: A sublect reported si cell phone was stolen vs the second floor but o found the phone, Uni- rsity police reported. -ash stolen HEEE: Central Campus creation Building HEN: Priday at about i0P.M. HAT: An unknown sus- creportedly took cash to an unattended back- kin the men's locker m, University Police orted. There are no spects. Campus cookin' WHAT: Watch a profes- sional chef demo. Then, put the tips in action and cook with provided ingredients. Reservation required, admission is free. WHO: Center for Campus Involvement WHEN: Tonight from 8 p.Mn. to 10 p.m. WHERE: Michigan Union, University Club Piano performance WHAT: Married couple and international piano duo Lamazov/Rackers will per- form at the University. Both performers are University of South Carolina School of Music faculty. Admission is free. WHO: School of Music, Theatre & Dance WHEN: Tonight at 8 p.m. WHERE: Britton Tips on job offers WHAT: Learn the appro- priate guidelines to nego- tiatinga job offer from an employer's. Registration required. WHO: Career Center WHEN: Today from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. WHERE: Rackham Gradu- ate School CAPS session WHAT: Discuss the char- acteristics of depression and tips to improve your mood. WHO: Counseling and Psy- chological Services WHEN: Today from 4:15 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. WHERE: Michigan Union, room 3905 CORRECTIONS 0 Please report any error in the Daily to corrections@michi- 1 A 56-year-old, 425- pound woman died nine days after being denied permission to fly home from Hungary to New York, the New York Post reported. Delta and ELM airlines said they could not provide her with seatbelt accomodations. 2Critical thinking skills that are honed in col- lege may be less benefi- cial to career readiness than creative problem solving, argues columnist Adrienne Roberts. >> FOR MORE, SEE OPINION, PAGE 4 MedCottage is a small, 3 technology equipped structure designed to help the elderly with daily routines, the Wash- ington Post reported. The "granny pods" can speak, brew coffee and assist with medical needs. EDITORIAL STAFF Andrew Welner Managing Editor anweiner@mioligandaly.on Behany Biron ManagingNewstEditotr iron@mioliadaily.ooe aaoSENOR N DTRSaley GlastthrHlyGdbgRzaodsih ASSINTNSn TOtRSKtetBurk, 5A nn oebera,Peer Shhi, Taylort Timnthy Rabb and opinioneditor@michigandaily.com Adrienne Rnberts Editerilrag Edintr Stephen Nesbitt ManaiegoSportstEditortnesbitt@michigaedaily.com sStoENOR SOS EIORS:EverttCook, Ben ste,ah Helfan, Lke Pash, ColenTahoasLiz Vukelih, DnilWasserma Leah Bungin Managinrs E itor burgin@michigandaily.com SENIOTS DTORS:on ElniotuAlern,nDaid ao, KylaUadyya ASITN RSEIOS ao xlaLrnCsra atEsoKlyEz Anna Sadovkaya, Chloe Sacownia trn Kikland and photo@miohigandaily.eom Alden Reiss ManagingrPhototEditots SENIOnR PHOO EDIORSerra Molegf,oddasNedl uSSISoTANrPOOsTO RS:oo Adam5n tnzmn,Auen Huffo,,AllintKruske MarleneLacasse,Adam nt~er Alicia Koacheck and design@michigandaily.com Amy Mackens Maaging esnEitors Dylan tinti and statement~michigandaily.omn Jennitentu azeoisnditors DtEr UTYMGAIE EDItTO:Z e rsont,teKitli n m Hannah PoindexteenCopyrthiefl copydesk@emichigeandaily.omn SENIOR COPYEDITORS: oephineuAams, Beholowtz BUSINESS STAFF Ashley Kaadsheh AssociateBusiessn Manager SeanlJacksan Sales Manager Sophie Greenbaumnroduction Manager ConnnorByrdFinance Manager Meryl Hulteng NationalAcunat Manager iT Michign Dily l(IN 0715-9671 is pubithed ttondaythrough Fiday duringathelfalland wttnttets ystudents tthe Uiversity olMichign. 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