4A-Monday, November 26, 2012 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 4A-Monday, November 26, 2012 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom TJb MidiianGailgj Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 tothedaily@michigandaily.com TIMOTHY RABB JOSEPH LICHTERMAN and ADRIENNE ROBERTS ANDREW WEINER EDITOR IN CHIEF EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views of their authors. Too big to succeed Big Ten is only benefitting financial interests During a week that usually evokes bitter hatred between Ohio and Michigan, many Big Ten students were found united in their distaste for the announcement that two new universi- ties will be joining the Big Ten Conference. On Nov.19 and 20, the Uni- versity of Maryland and Rutgers University, respectively, announced they would be joining the Big Ten, an expansion that will undoubtedly shake up one of the nation's most respected and traditional sports con- ferences. This move was inspired by purely financial interests and will serve little benefit to either University students or student athletes. The University of Maryland has announced This decision was made out of financial it will be joining the Big Ten effective as of interests as opposed to the interests of the stu- July 1, 2014 and will begin competition in the dent body. The Big Ten currently has the most conference in the 2014-2015 academic year. lucrative television contract of any conference, Though Rutgers hasn't clearly stated when it with each member receiving about $24 mil- will be joining the conference due to possible lion in television revenue last year. According complications regarding its exit from the Big to ESPN, the total amount of Big Ten Network East, many anticipate a similar entry date to revenue may increase as much as $200 million Maryland's. With the addition of two teams - with the introduction of new Maryland and bringing the total number of teams in the Big New York City television markets. Although Ten to 14 - the structure of the conference this money will positively affect the Athletic schedule will undoubtedly require adjustment. Department, the average student will likely see Insiders belive these adjustments will result little of the increased revenue. in an extended conference schedule, thus cre- The decision to add Rutgers and Maryland ating a more physically straining season for was done far too swiftly and lacked any trans- all student athletes. The location of these two parency. Most Big Ten fans were stunned to schools is also a source of concern consider- hear the news on Monday, considering that ing that student athletes will have to travel nearly no one had heard any news of possible out of the historically Midwest territory to the talks with the two schools. To many, this sud- East Coast. According to Time Magazine, the den announcement seemed inappropriate and average travel time for Maryland to a Big Ten lacked the approval of students, alumni, stu- opponent now jumps to 664 miles - a 42-per- dent athletes and even coaches. cent increase from when theywre a part of the The Big Ten is the oldest Division 1 confer- Atlantic Coast Conference. With teams as far ence in the United States. The tradition and as Nebraska and New Jersey, student athletes history that made the Big Ten so storied is now will now have to travel for longer periods of under attack from financial interests. Without the semester, impeding their ability to be func- limiting greedy expansions such as these, the tional students. Big Ten will continue to be degraded. EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS Kaan Avdan, Sharik Bashir, Barry Belmont, Eli Cahan, Nirbhay Jain, Jesse Klein, Melanie Kruvelis, Patrick Maillet, Jasmine McNenny, Harsha Nahata, Timothy Rabb, Adrienne Roberts, Vanessa Rychlinski, Paul Sherman, Sarah Skaluba, Michael Spaeth, Gus Turner, Derek Wolfe JASMINE MCNENNY I _ Paint it black For years, Black Friday has been a holiday tion takes over because we want those items. tradition. Just hours after the Thanksgiving The door buster deals end by early afternoon, leftovers are put away, the streets and park- and retailers use this ploy to play on our ing lots of malls and electronic stores begin to sense of urgency and our fear of missing out. fill with adrenaline-filled shoppers, anxiously These two factors, combined with Christmas clutchingnewspaper advertisements featuring phopping guilt trips and a healthy dose of photos of $179 flat-screen TVs and 60-percent adrenaline, draw us out to stores earlier and discounts on winter coats. Each year, people earlier every year. flood the stores with the hope of finding the The flip side of this is that these factors "deal of the century." But while some wonder if also blind us to logic, practicality and social the sales are worth the madness, others ques- graces. Five minutes into their feeding frenzy tion the necessity of Black Friday altogether. over the newest tablet, the nicest people sud- With the convenience of online shopping, denly turn into wild animals and care very many stores are waiting until "Cyber Monday" little about whose feetcthey step on or if the old to unleash the huge sales on their merchan- woman beside them had her hands on the box dise. Other stores extend their in-store sales first. People spend money on things they don't for several days after Black Friday and/or start need just because it sounds like a good deal or their sales as early as 7 p.m. on Thanksgiving because everyone else thinks it's a good deal. Day. Many shoppers affirm that these deals For example, all eyes are drawn to the are actually just as good, if not better, than the half-destroyed sweatshirt display wheth- door busters on Friday morning. er we intended to buy a sweatshirt or not. Yet, at exactly midnight on Friday morning, We're tempted only by the knowledge that hundreds of people herded into the Westfield a high number of people must have consid- Mall in Canton, Ohio and began ripping mer- ered it a bargain. Similarly, the sales that chandise from the racks of specialty shops stores put up are not always as savings-filled and department stores. Every Black Friday is as they first appear. With all the balloons, the same - the shoppingworld is thrown into fire-engine red signs and coupon passes, pandemonium as people revert to their animal we're lulled into believing that these sales instincts in orderto get $100 off an iPad. are a one-time deal when, in actuality, they But are the deals really that good? Usually, could easily reappear two weeks later as the these same discounts can be found on Ama- Christmas season draws near. zon or eBay regardless of what day it is. What Black Friday is neither logical nor practi- makes people go out is the lure of "hopeium."' cal. It's dangerous, exhausting and barbaric. We are obsessed with instant gratification It's like an amusement park. It feeds our need and the need to feel like we earned the deal for excitement, our child-like optimism and that we got by waking up early, clawing our our inbred materialism. Though many articles way through the crowd and standing in a line call for the extinction of Black Friday, it will be that wraps allethe way around the store. Black the mental thrill of the whole experience - if Friday is more about the psychology and less nothing else - that keeps it alive. Week-long about the actual sales. sales aren't as tantalizing, and online shopping The psychology of Black Friday's chaos lacks the emotional satisfaction. Black Friday stems from our fear of scarcity. On Black Fri- isn't leaving us any time soon. It's like a drug, day, there are only a limited number of high- and we're all hooked. quality items available at the bargain prices and, therefore, our natural sense of competi- Jasmine McNenny is an LSA sophomore. CONTRIBUTE TO THE COVERSATION Readers are encouraged to submit letters to the editor and viewpoints. Letters should be fewer than 300 words while viewpoints should be 550-850 words. Send the writer's full name and University affiliation to tothedaily@michigandaily.com. What better time than now? They say you don't really understand a catastrophe until it strikes you person- ally. They say that watching the wreckage of a natural disas- ter on a televi- sion screen just isn't the same as knowing the people, the places or the things that PATRICK were destroyed MAILLET by a storm. I never thought that I would have to learn what this advice actually meant, thinking that somehow my home in New Jersey would always be exempt from this rule of thumb. I was wrong. Luckily, my family and our home avoided the path of Hurricane Sandy. Aside from heavy rain and extended power outages, my family was extremely lucky. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for many of my friends, their homes or the majority of New Jersey and New York. In the span of a few days, plac- es that I've known my entire life were wiped away. From Jenkin- son's Boardwalk to friends' beach houses, places that I've gone to my entire life vanished into the sea. One of my best friends, Grace, had a small two-bedroom beach house on Long Beach Island. My friends and I always would go there in the- summer, where her family would host us. Some of my most cherished moments from high school occurred at Grace's beach house. When I called Grace right after Sandy hit, she told me that her par- ents had to take a boat to where their house used to be, and when they arrived at the house, three of the four walls had collapsed, and the house was filled with mud and broken glass. They were considered one of the lucky ones. Her neighbor wasn't so fortunate - a pontoon boat that escaped from a nearby dock ended up on top of what used to be his house. Almost every house on her block will have to be demolished before they can even begin to think about rebuilding. I always thought storms like these were for the South and that something like a hurricane, much less a superstorm, could. never hit the Northeast. Unfortunately, I'm afraid that we're going to have to get used to it. After Sandy ravaged New York City, reports began to come out that New York's Mayor Bloomberg and Governor Cuomo were discussing the possible construction of a levee system around Manhattan. This system would be similar to the one surrounding New Orleans. When I heard this news, I couldn't help but feel astounded that the Northeast would now have to get used to hur- ricanes and other natural disasters. How could this happen? How have our weather patterns changed, like this? As Governor Cuomo put it, it seems like "we have a100-year flood every two years now." Experts have long stated that no one storm can be directly due to climate change. However, carbon emissions can strongly affect the likelihood of storms and their rela- tive strength. As water tempera- tures continue to rise, hurricanes may occur more often and with growing force. Even if you disagree with climate change, you cannot possibly deny the fact that weather in recent years has become ever more extreme. As The New York Times reported, "three of the 10 worst floods in Lower Man- hattan's history since 1906 have happened in the last three years." According to the National Climate Data Center, "of the 10 warmestsum- mers in U.S. history, seven of them have been since 2000." Although the data is there, the scientific world stands behind it and the firsthand evidence is undeniable, countless people still deny that cli- mate change is happening and that our planet is getting warmer. I love when conservatives rant about their duty to protect their children's and grandchildren's futures by focusing on slashing America's debt. These same "future-defenders" are the ones who deny climate change, spit in the face of science and hamper any realistic options that America can take to reduce its carbon emissions. Defending the future means combating climate change. Our debt is undeniably a massive threat to the future of this country but it must be dealt with gradually, through bipartisan efforts. However, if you're going to grab the micro- phone and rant about how you and your political colleagues are fighting to defend future generations, then use that same principle when con- fronted with the future of our planet. The damage done by Sandy has resulted in more than $100 billion in property damage, more than 100 casualties and immeasurable emo- tional damage. We have the ability and the obligation to work togeth- er as a country to counter climate change. We have to wake up from this disaster once and for all and fight to make sure it doesn't happen again. . We need to act now. Patrick Maillet can be reached at maillet@umich.edu. 0 0 Bring insiders to justice As part of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's investigation into what may become the largest insider- trading scheme ever, University neurology Prof. Sidney Gilman1 signed a non- prosecution agreement on Wednesday after TIMOTHY being sued by BURROUGHS federal authori- ties. The agree- ment eliminates the possibility of any criminal charges being filed against Gilman and requires him to pay $234,000 in damages. Gilman appears to be another stepping stone in a much larger investigation of Matthew Martoma, a portfolio manager at CR Intrinsic Investors, a hedge fund management firm based in Connecticut. The SEC has already gone after Martoma, but their main target appears to be Wall Street mogul Steve Cohen, the founder and owner of SAC Capital Advisors, the parentcompany of CR Intrinsic Investors. Gilman was accused of leaking information regarding trials for an Alzheimer drug. With this non-pub- lic information, Martoma allegedly withdrew his company's $700-mil- lion investment in two pharmaceuti- cal companies. Martoma's company then went on to place a significant short gale against the two compa- nies. This resulted in $83 million in profits for SAC and the avoidance of a $194-million loss. SAC retained Gil- man as a consultant for $108,000. The University has released a statement claiming it is taking "this situation very seriously and is care- fully reviewing all of Dr. Gilman's activities while a faculty member at our University." The statement adds Big Ten shouldn't sell off is integrity TO THE DAILY: For me, the participation of schools exclusively from the Mid- west was what made the Big Ten charming and appealing. I could live with our struggles in national championships and bowl games because the Big Ten comprised my entire football world. I felt all warm inside when Wisconsin played that the University will follow the. guidelines in place regarding con- sulting work and clinical trials. Gilman's future at the Univer- sity of Michigan Health System is still unclear. Though he seems to have escaped the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission with- out any criminal charges, the Uni- versity would still be able to take disciplinary action. Gilman's law- yer attests to his client's continued cooperation with authorities in a statement Wednesday. An article in The New York Times explains how Gilman's testimony could be critical in the SEC's case against Martoma. This additional testi- mony could force Martoma to sign an agreement with prosecutors and testify against Cohen. As one of the top institutes for higher education, the University must hold its faculty to the highest level of academic integrity, which Gilman's actions clearly violated. As one of the University's highest- paid professors, Gilman should be a role model for his students and other members of faculty. The University must understand the importance of the precedent their reaction to these allegations will set for the entire school. It's still too early to predict what type of punishment the Uni- versity should implement against Gilman. As its statement suggests, the judicial process will result in further information being released, and based upon that knowledge, the University can act. Some have speculated that Gilman passed on the results of the clinical trials not knowing thatthey would be used as insider information by Martoma. Furthermore, there are examples of traders taking advantage of med- ical professionals who sometimes lack complete understanding of SEC rules and regulations. They try to gain some bit of non-public infor- mation, which to a medical profes- sional might be inconsequential and harmless, but in the hands of a trader could be extremely impor- tant. If this is the case, Gilman has been presented with an opportu- nity to redeem himself by helping the authorities crack down on Mar- toma. This would give a University faculty member the opportunity to admit he made a mistake and con- currently show his true character by testifying and bringing these individuals to justice. The 'U' should hold its faculty to the highest standards. However, if it's discovered that Gilman acted knowingly out of personal interest, he should no lon- ger have any connection with the University. If this is the case, he contributed to the greedy, manipu- lative culture that caused our econ- omy's recent struggles. That type of person has no place at our beloved University or its hospital. Once additional details sur- rounding Gilman's motives come forward, I can only hope that Uni- versity will act with fairness. I want to believe that Gilman acted unknowingly and has found him- self caught up in an extremely unfortunate situation. If, so, he should act like a true Wolverine and demonstrate his sound character by assisting the SEC in their pursuit of the real criminals in this case. - Timothy Burroughs can be reached at timburr@umich.edu. 40 SEND LETTERS To: TOTHEDAILY@MICHIGANDAILY.COM Iowa, or Purdue played Illinois. Even being a Michigan graduate, I'd follow all the Big Ten games in the paper and watch them when available on television. Midwestern imagery came to my mind. I cared about the conference rivalries and the Big Ten championship. I didn't welcome the addition of Penn State, but I lived with it since Pennsyl-' vania borders Ohio and Lake Erie, and since the state's Western side is Midwest-like, culturally. And it was only one outsider anyway. But now, Big Ten commissioner Jim Delaney is inviting New York City and Washington D.C. onto the farm. This, along with Dave Brandon's references to the Mich- igan "brand," is just too much for me. I hope that advertisements in Michigan Stadium aren't next, but I can't say I'd be shocked by anything in a world where money trumps everything. Scott Kashkin 1984 University alum