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November 20, 2012 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-11-20

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2 - Tuesday, November 20, 2012 T

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

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Nightly check-ins by house council

75 years ago this week
(November 20,1937):
Alice C. Lloyd, then-University
dean of women, and Martha Ray,
then-social director of Mosher
Jordan Residence Hall, defended
a monitoring system in the all-
female Mosher Hall, The Michi-
gan Daily reported.
In this system, four female stu-
dents were hired to "visit each
room between 10:30 p.m. and 11:45
p.m., and see that the residents are
in their rooms and quiet." After
the Mosher house council passed
the resolution on the recommen-
dation from Lloyd's office, certain
residents protested it as "regimen-
tation" and "spying," according to
the Daily.

50 years ago this week
(November 18,1962):
At a lecture sponsored by the
Center for Research on Conflict
Resolution, Arthur Waskow, then-
member of the Peace Research
Institute in Washington, told Uni-
versity students that accidental
nuclear war was a distinct possi-
bility, the Daily reported.
25 years ago this week
(November 25,1987):
Students planned a protest of
the Central Intelligence Agency
during a campus visit by the orga-
nizatign to recruit graduating
seniors into its ranks, the Daily
Previous attempts to recruit

at the University also brought
controversy. In 1984, protest-
ers disrupted a CIA presentation
and chased its recruiters from
the Modern Language Building,
according to the Daily.
Then-Graduate student Phillis
Engelbert said-he was upset with
the work of the CIA in toppling
other democratic governments
and did not want them on campus.
"I don't have a lot of sympathy
for students who want interviews
(with the CIA)," Engelbert said.
"It's like asking, 'Don't you feel
Nazis have the right to recruit?'
These people have no regard for
human rights and lives."

734=418-4s opt.3
Arts Section
Sports Section
Display Sales
Online Sales

News Tips
Letterstothe Editor
Editorial Page
Photography Section
Classified Sales


LSA senior Emily Rheaume attends"Gobble for
GlobeMed,"a fundraiser sponsored by GlobeMed.

Swiper, no
WHERE: Hatcher
Graduate Library
WHEN: Sunday at about
10:02 p.m.
WHAT: An unattended
laptop was reportedly stolen
from the fourth floor. It is
believed to have been taken
between 9:50 and 10:00 p.m.
There are no suspects.
WHERE: South Side of
Hutchins Hall
WHEN: Monday at about
2 p.m. .
WHAT: Two subjects were
suspected to be searching
through a dumster,
University Police reported.
One was found by an officer,
escorted away and given a

Line dance
WHERE: Michigan
WHEN: Saturday at about
5:30 p.m.
WHAT: A cell phone was
reportedly stolen near
section 35 between 3 p.m.
and 3:40 p.m., University
Police reported. The cell
phone was later recovered

Fall concert Military game H
WHAT: Arts Chorale WHAT: The third annual A tattoo of two small
performs "Loss, Love, UM Army vs. Navy wheel- birds on model Kate
and Renewel," a program chair basketball game. Uni- Moss's back are valued
attempting to capture versity veterans hit the court at $1.6 million, Yahoo News
human emotion through in support of local veterans reported. The tattoo was the
musical pieces by Barber, and disabled persons, work of German-born British
Copland and Verdi, among WHO: University Health painter Lucian Freud.
others. This event is free. System
WHO: School of Music, WHEN: Tonight at 7:30'p.m.
Theater & Dance WHERE: Crisler Center
WHEN: Tonipht t n m

Andrew Weiner ManagingEditor anweiner@michigandaily.com
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Colleen Thomas,LizVukelich, DanielWasserman
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SEsNOoARSoEIORS: lot:,Apern,oDavidTa, KaylaUpadhyaya'
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Alden Reiss ManagingrPholt ditors
SENIO coorIs o nIOR STrraoMEgraffTodd Needle
ASSISTANTPHOTOEDITORS:AdamGlanzman,AustenHufford, AllisonKruske
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DEPUTY MAGAZINE EDITOR:Zach Bergson,Kaidin Williams
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Sophie Greenbaum Production Manager
Connor Byrd Finance Manager
Meryl Hulteng National Account Manager
The Michigan Daily (IssN 0745-967)is published Monday through Friday during the fall and
winter terms by students at the University of Michigan. One copy is available free of charge
to al readers. Additional copies may be picked up at the Daily's office for $2 subscriptions for
fall term, starting in september, viaU.S.mal are $110. Winter term (January through April)is
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subscriptionrate.On-ampussubscriptionsforfaltermares$3.Subscriptions mustbeprepaid.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press.

at local residence. WHERE: Walgreen Drama The flaming anti-
Center consumerist James
Brennan takes on the
Rock the world Trombone Diabetes talk annualmadhouse known as
t Wo Trmboe Di ete ta Black Friday.
rectal5>FOR MORE, SEE PAGE4 .
WHERE: Oxford Residence rec} WHAT: A presentation by


WHEN: Saturday at about
4:18 pm
WHAT: An unknown
person threw a rock at an
open window, University
Police Reported. A hole was
made in the screen but the
window was not damaged.

Dr. Mary Ann Sevick on
WHAT: Students of Associ- Type 2 Diabetes.
ate Professor of Trombone, WHO: School of Nursing
David Jackson, perform. WHEN: Today at noon
They will play musical WHERE: School of Nursing,
selections from composors Room 1330
Gregson, Larsson, Telemon,
and others. CORRECTIONS
WHO: School of Music,
Theatre & Dance ! Please report any error
WHEN: Tonight at 8p.m. in the Dailyto correc-
WHERE: Moore Building, tions@michigandaily.com.
Britton Recital Hall

A father, daughter
and son were arrested
in Texas for alleged
bank robberies, ABC News
reported. Last week the
threesome was arrested by
the Fort Bend County police.
The police say they could
have committed robberies in
Texas and Oregon.

Israel, Hamas trade fire
despite cease-fire talks

Rocket firings,
airstrikes continue
as truce talks fail
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP)
- Israel and Gaza's Hamas rul-
ers traded fire and tough cease-
fire proposals Monday, and
threatened to escalate their bor-
der conflict if diplomacy fails. No
deal appeared near.
An Israeli airstrike targeting a
Gaza media center killed a senior
militant and engulfed the build-
ing in flames. The Israeli mili-
tary said the Islamic Jihad were
using space there as a command
Gaza fighters fired 95 rockets
at southern Israeli cities, nearly
one-third of them intercepted by
an Israeli missile shield.
A total of 38 Palestinians were
killed Monday. Two more Pales-
tinians were killed in airstrikes
past midnight, bringing the

death toll since the start of Isra-
el's offensive to 111, including 56
civilians. Some 840 people have
been wounded, including 225
children, Gaza heath officials
said. Three Israeli civilians have
been killed and dozens have been
Over the weekend, civilian
casualties in Gaza rose sharply
after Israel began targeting the
homes of what it said were sus-
pected militants.
Two such strikes late Mon-
day killed five people - a father
and his 4-year-old twin sons in
northern Gazaand two people in
the south, medics said.
Jamal Daloo, who lost his
wife, a son, four grandchildren
and five other members of his
family in an attack Sunday, sat
in quiet mourning Monday next
to the ruins of his home, his face
streaked with tears.
"The international public
opinion witnessed the facts," he
said, speaking as his 16-year-old


daughter, Yara, was still missing
under the rubble being cleared
away by bulldozers. "This does
not require my words."
The Israeli military says Gaza
militants fire rockets from resi-
dential areas. Late Monday it
released footage it said showed
was a miliant weapons depot
hidden in a Gaza neighborhood.
Egypt, the traditional media-
tor between Israel and the Arab
world, was at the center of a flur-
ry of diplomatic activity Monday.
Egyptian intelligence officials
met separately in Cairo with an
Israeli envoy and with Khaled
Mashaal, the top Hamas leader
in exile.
Hamas wants Israel to halt
all attacks on Gaza and lift tight
restrictions on trade and move-
ment in and out of the territory
that have been in place since
Hamas seized Gaza by force in
2007. Israel demands an end to
rocket fire from Gaza and a halt
to weapons smuggling into Gaza
through tunnels under the bor-
der with Egypt.
With positions far apart on a
comprehensive deal, some close
to the negotiations suggested
Egypt is first seeking a halt to
fighting before other conditions
are discussed. They spoke on
condition of anonymity because
the talks are in a sensitive stage.
Mashaal told reporters that
Hamas would only agree to a
cease-fire if its demands are
met. "We don't accept Israeli
conditions because it is the
aggressor," he said. "We want
a cease-fire along with meeting
our demands."
Mashaal also suggested that
Israel's threat of invading Gaza
was simply a ploy. He said Israeli
Prime Minister Benjamin Netan-
yahu "is waving the threat of a
ground offensive and asking the
world to pressure Egypt, Tur-
key and Qatar, so they pressure
"He wants to negotiate with
us under fire to impose his con-
ditions, pretending he is acting
from a position of strength,"
Mashaal said.

U.S. President Barack Obama waves to the crowd as he leaves the stage after speaking at Yangon University in Yangon,
Myanmar on Monday. This is the first visit to Myanmar by a sitting U.S. president.
Obama makes histry with
Visits to Myanmar, Cambodia,

Tours mark first-
ever visits by sitting
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia
(AP) - On a history-making
trip, President Barack Obama
on Monday paid the first visit
by an American leader to Myan-
mar and Cambodia, two Asian
countries with troubled histo-
ries, one on the mend and the
other still a cause of concern.
Obama's fast-paced, pre-
Thanksgiving trip vividly illus-
trated the different paths the
regional neighbors are taking to
overcome legacies of violence,
poverty and repression.
Cheered by massive flat-
waving crowds, Obama offered
long-isolated Myanmar a "hand
of friendship" as it rapidly
embraces democratic reforms.
Hours later, he arrived in Cam-
bodia to little fanfare, then
pointedly criticized the coun-
try's strongman leader on the
issue of human rights during a
tense meeting.
Obama was an early cham-
pion of Myanmar's sudden
transformation to civilian rule
following a half-century of mil-
itary dictatorship. He's reward-

ed the country, also known as
Burma, with eased economic
penalties, increased U.S. invest-
ment and now a presidential
visit, in part to show other
nations the benefits of pursuing
similar reforms.
"You're taking a journey that
has the potential to inspire so
many people," Obama sdid dur-
ing a speech at Myanmar's Uni-
versity of Yangon.
The Cambodians are among
those Obama is hoping will be
motivated. White House offi-
cials said he held up Myan-
mar, a once-pariah state, as a
benchmark during his private
meeting Monday evening with
.Prime Minister Hun Sen, the
autocratic Cambodian leader
who has held power for nearly
30 years. Hun Sen's rivals have
sometimes ended up in jail or in
Unlike the arrangement after
Obama's meetings with Myan-
mar's President Thein Sein and
democracy leader. Aung Sun
Suu Kyi, the U.S. and Cambodi-
an leaders did not speak to the
press following their one-on-
one talks. They did step before
cameras briefly before their
meeting to greet each other
with a brisk handshake and lit-
tle warmth.

In private, U.S. officials said,
Obama pressed Hun Sen to
release political prisoners, stop
land seizures and hold free and
fair elections. Aides acknowl-
edged the meeting was tense,
with the Cambodian leader
defending his practices, even
as he professed to seek a deeper
relationship with the U.S.
Ben Rhodes, Obama's deputy
national security adviser, said
the president told Hun Sen that
without reforms, Cambodia's
human rights woes would con-
tinue to be "an impediment" to
that effort.
White House officials
emphasized that Obama would
not have visited Cambodia had
it not been hosting two region-
al summit meetings the U.S.
attends, a rare admonishment
of a country on its own soil.
The Cambodian people
appeared to answer Obama's
cold shoulder in kind. Just a few
small clusters of curious Cam-
bodians gathered on the streets
to watch his motorcade speed
though the streets of Phnom
A welcome sign did greet
Obama upon his arrival - but it
heralded Chinese Premier Wen
Jiabao, not the American presi-



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