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November 14, 2012 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-11-14

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2A - Wednesday, November 14, 2012

2A - Wednesday. November14, 2012 The Michigan Daily - michigandailv.com


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Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327
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lichterinan@michigandaily.com rmgrein@michigandaily.com

It takes a village

If the conventional sum- director of the]
mer internship and research ect, said the g
project doesn't appeal to you, last year through
the Kenya Project is here to Entrepreneurshi
help. sity initiatived
Each year, the Kenya Proj- encourage devel
ect allows a group of stu- implementation
dents to create and develop business proposa
business solutions to the Zhao said the
social and economic prob- community w:
lems faced by the citizens of options focusedc
Kithoka, Kenya. As Univer- with the causec
sity undergraduate students social impact."I
travel to Kithoka for three for internationa
weeks during the summer, drive to improv
Kenyan locals and students conditions of pe
work together in developing third world help
sustainable entrepreneurial a platform wher
solutions to their problems. ness majors cou
Lucy Zhao, founder and skills to bringa
Missing meds
WHERE: Briarwood Family
WHEN: Monday at 1:30 p.m.
WHAT: Several medical
items have been discovered
missingfrom the Briarwood Forced e
Family Pratice, University
Police reported. There are no burglary
suspects as of now, and the
investigation is pending.

Kenya Proj-
coup began
h MPowered
p, a Univer-
designed to
opment -and
of student
as lacking
on "business
of making a
Her passion
i issues and
e the living
eople in the
ed to create
re non-busi-
ld use their
about social

"A lot of times people
think that entrepreneurs
are business people, but this
is not necessary," Zhao said.
"Some of the greatest entre-
preneurs I know are involved
with medical and tech start-
The Kenya Project allows
students to design their own
experiences. It also allows
for the opportunity to trans-
late their various concen-
trations and passions into.
a solution -model, applying
their knowledge to a bigger
Members of the L
-AMRUTHA SIVKUMAR complete with he
success panel

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University MRun team take a night run on campus,
adlamps and reflective vests.


,-,--A TT7

Once was lost
but now found
WHERE: Palmer Drive
Parking Structure
WHEN: Monday at about
6:40 p.m.
WHAT: A GPS device was
taken from a parked vehicle,
University Police reported.
The owner later found the

WH ERE: Northwood IV
WHEN: Monday at about
9 p.m.
WHAT: A resident
reported that she found her
security chain broken off
her door frame, University
Police reported. There was
no evidence of entry.

WHAT: Faculty panelists
will share their personal
experiences and offering
suggestions for success.
WHO: Center for the Edu-
cation of Women
WHEN: Today at noon
WHERE: Rackham
Graduate School, 4th Floor
Assembly Hall
WHAT: James Galloway,
acting regional director
of the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Service,
will discuss Million Hearts
- a public and private-sec-
tor partnership dedicated to
heart disease prevention.
WHO: College of Pharmacy
WHEN: Today at noon
WHERE: Rackham
Graduate School, Ampithe-

" A Nov.13 article in The
Michigan Daily ("SACUA.
inquires into increase in
grievances filedby fac-
ulty') misstated which
meetings were poorly
attended. Subcommittee
meetings, rather than
SACUA meetings proper
have low attendence.
" A Nov. 12 article in
The Michigan Daily
("Universityhelps mili-
taryfamilies") incor-
rectly stated that there
is a $160 cost to par-
ticipants forthe Home-
Front Strong program.
The program is free.

A former high school
valedictorian and
University of Michigan
student was accused of
stabbing his mother to
death in the family's home,
ABC News reporteid. Koch
Pyne was found dead in the
family's garage by her now
ti-year-old daughter.
2 Twenty-somethings
spend a disproportion-
ate amount of money
on food and alcohol.
How do your spending
habits stack up?
A man was arrested
after police found his
18-month-old daughter
locked in a dog cage
while he was asleep and
intoxicated, ABC News
reported. A neighbor called
police after finding the oldest
child outside the family
home and the residents

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The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press


Florida socialite started
Petraeus investigation r

Threats from Paula
Broadwell triggered
concerns from FBI
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - If you
were to diagram the increasingly
tangled sex scandal surround-
ing former CIA Director David
Petraeus, nearly all lines would
lead back to one person: Jill Kel-
ley, a 37-year-old Tampa social-
ite who hosted parties for the
nation's top military brass.
The raven-haired woman's
complaint about anonymous,
threatening email triggered the
investigation that led to Petrae-
us' downfall. And now she is at
the center of an investigation
of the top U.S. commander in
Afghanistan over alleged "inap-
propriate communications"
between the two.
Kelley is a close friend'of the
Petraeus family, and photo-
graphs circulating the Internet
show her posing for pictures

at parties, sometimes in short
dresses with Petreaus, his wife,
and sometimes her husband, a
cancer surgeon. Kelley served as
a sort of unofficial social ambas-
sador for U.S. Central Command
in Tampa, hosting parties for the
general when he was command-
er there from 2008-10.
She met Gen. John Allen while
he was at Central Command, and
now investigators are looking at
some of the 20,000-plus pages of
documents and emails between
Allen and Kelley that have
been described as "flirtatious,"
according to a senior defense
official who spoke on condition
of anonymity because he wasn't
authorized to discuss the case
Allen denies that he has
engaged in any wrongdoing.
For her part, Kelley has kept
a low profile since Petraeus'
affair with his biographer, Paula
Broadwell, became public after
Kelley told an FBI agent that
she had received a threatening

S U n-O K U

email, which later
turned out tobe from Broadwell.
Investigators are still look-
ing into whether any classified
documents were ever leaked or
in the wrong hands.
Outside Kelley's stately,
two-story brick home in South
Tampa, a horde of media gath-
ered. A woman believed to be
Kelley was seen inside the large
windows of the house, which
has a half-dozen white columns,
black shutters and a neatly mani-
cured lawn. A silver Mercedes
5500 in the driveway has a
license plate marked "Honorary
Counsel," perhaps belonging to
Kelley's twin sister, Natalie Kha-
wam, who is an attorney also
lives at the home.
Ken Walters, aneighbor, called
the Kelleys good friends, but said
he doesn't see them all that often.
Walters said he went to a party
the couple had to celebrate their
first son's baptism. The Kelleys
have two other children.
"Natalie and her sister, they're
certainly not shrinking violets,"
he said.
Jill Kelley's brother David
Khawam told WPVI-TV in Phila-
delphia on Monday night that
details of the allegations surged
"It's happened extremely
quickly, we're talking 12, 24
hours, maximum, since we've
found out about this. It's a shock.
We're trying to figure out where
the pieces are falling right now,"
Khawam said in the interview
done at his offices in Westmont,
He said that his family left
Lebanon for Huntingdon Valley
in Montgomery County in Penn-
sylvania in the 1970s to escape
turmoil and fighting. His par-
ents opened a Middle Eastern
food restaurant in Vorhees, N.J.,
called Sahara.
"My family is very patriotic;
we came from Lebanon at a
young age," he said.
At some point, the Jill Kelley
married and moved to Florida
with her husband, who works at
a cancer clinic in the area.

Leaders plan to cede
national sovereignty
to fix euro banking
and fiscal crises
pean finance ministers inched
toward strengthening their
banking sectors and the man-
agement of their economies at
a meeting in Brussels on Tues-
day, but put off decisions on
comprehensive solutions to the
region's financial crisis.
Weakness, in the banking
sector and inadequate moni-
toring of national budgets
were among the prime causes
of Europe's three-year crisis,
which has seen several coun-
tries struggle with too much
debt. Fixing those areas is cru-
cial not only to ending the cur-
rent crisis but also preventing a
European leaders have
agreed, in theory, to cede sig-
nificant amounts of sovereignty
to fix those problems. As part
of this plan, the European Cen-
tral Bank will be put in charge
of all of the banks in the 17
countries that use the euro by

as early as next year. And they
have proposed giving the Euro-
pean Commission, the Euro-
pean Union's executive arm,
the power to review and even
reject their national budgets to
prevent against overspending.
But actually implementing
those ideas has proved difficult.
Germany, for instance, is wary
of ceding control over its banks
while Britain is nervous that a
coordinated eurozone banking
sector will have a greater say
in discussions over regulations
that apply to all 27 nations of
the EU. And several countries
are concerned about the voter
backlash that would be sparked
by handing too much power to
the Commission.
After months of heightened
activity over banking and eco-
nomic oversight - a move that
markets and investors have
largely welcomed' - it seems
the EU has now put on the
brakes while it hamniers out
the details.
Austrian Finance Minister
Maria Fekter said, for instance,
that creatinga single supervisor
for all the banks may require a
time-consuming treaty change.
That would knock the EU way
off its timeline of getting a

supervisor at least partially in
place next year.
"I don't want to speed up
without having discussed the
best solution," she said. "Speed
kills when we don't have the
best solution."
It's unclear how long mar-
kets will wait, though. official
figures due later this week are
expected to show the eurozone
fell into recession - technical-
ly defined as two consecutive
quarters of economic contrac-
tion - inthethird quarter. Even
Germany, the continent's larg-
est economy, is slowing, as was
evident in an unexpected drop
in the ZEW survey of investor
confidence on Tuesday.
"There is still the same
lack of urgency that has sent
the markets into a frenzy on
numerous occasions in the past
few years," said James Hughes,
chief market analyst, for Alpari.
Meanwhile, Spain's banks
desperately need an infusion
of cash and are hoping to get
it from the European bailout
fund. But they won't be allowed
to until they are under the
watchful eye of the ECB. So any
delay in setting up the supervi-
sor system would delay a Span-
ish rescue.

Hundreds of protesters were convergingon the Greek capital's main square outside Parliament on Sunday evening, as lawmakers debated the
2013 budget, which includes cuts demanded by international creditors in order for them to approve the next vital batch of rescue loans.
EU conference on bankingto
expose national policy dvideS

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