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November 08, 2012 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-11-08

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8A - Thursday, November 8, 2012


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Murphy, Grinwis carry
Michigan past Badgers
Daily Sports Writer

Fifth-year senior wide receiver Roy Roundtree made a spectacular catch inside the Minnesota red zone last Saturday.

Receivers come through
By BEN'ESTES "They came up really big," Drew Dileo, fifth-year senior Roy
Daily Sports Editor Gardner said. "They've made . Roundtree and redshirt junior
plays all season. It's been in Jeremy Gallon - had more than
It rarely comes easy when spurts, but they've made plays. 60 receiving yards, marking the
you make your first career start They just had more opportuni- first time this season that the
at quarterback, as junior Devin ties this week. I just felt like they Wolverines have had a'trio with
Gardner did last Saturday against came up big and did what they're even 40 yards apiece in a game.
Minnesota. supposed to do." Most importantly, perhaps, the
But it's certainly easier when Gardner didn't have an unusu- performance was markedly bet-
your receivers help you out. That ally high number of pass attempts ter than the week before against
was the case for Gardner - his - his 18 were less than the num- Nebraska, when the receiving
234 passing yards were the most ber that normal starter Denard corps welcomed redshirt fresh-
the Michigan football team has Robinson has had in five of his man Russell Bellomy into his
put up all season long, meaning it eight games - but the receiv- most significant game action by
was also obviously the most yards ers had more chances in that the droppingseveral passes.
the Wolverine pass-catchers have Wolverines seemingly threw the Hoke and Borges said that his
tallied all year. ball downfield more with Gard- time moonlighting as a receiver
;'he receiver unit lacks the ner under center. The offense has made him a better quarter-
kind of star power that Michigan Michigan deployed in Minneapo- back, and Gardner agreed, at least
has enjoyed in the past. It also lis was markedly different than in one regard.
doesn't have the type of down- what the team has run with Rob- "Receivers, believe it or not,
field threat that can bail out the inson - there was less shotgun, they like when balls are in cer-
quarterback on a desperation less read option plays and more tain places," Gardner said. "Some
heave, like Junior Hemingway traditional pass sets. catches are tougher than oth-
did on many occasions last sea- Though Michigan coach Brady ers and you have to make those
son. Hoke insisted that the system catches, but if there's any way
But against the Gophers, the doesn't change much with one or you can stop from them having
receivers came through with sev- the other at quarterback, the play to make those tough catches and
eral tough catches, extending key calling, at least, seemed to differ. make routine plays, that's the
drives and helping Gardner play The change in play calling is also best thing for them and they real-
as good of a game as he realisti- partly due to the current lack of ly like that. That's one thing I've
cally could have had, considering depth at quarterback, with offen- learned."
he hadn't taken significant reps sive coordinator AlBorges calling Should Gardner continue to
at quarterback in several weeks fewer quarterback runs to make progress as a passer, the tougher
before last week. sure Gardner doesn't join his balls may be fewer and farther
The signal-caller-turned- position-mates on the injury list. in between. But if not, he also
receiver-turned-signal-caller For the receivers, that change learned his receivers - though
was certainly appreciative of his meant opportunities for down- perhaps not the most talented
former position group-mates. field plays. Three of them-junior bunch - will be there for him.

Finally, the Michigan men's
soccer team can take a deep
breath and relax.
Well, at least for about 48
Despite a
missed pen- WISCONSIN 0
alty kick, the MICHIGAN 1
edged out Wisconsin, 1-0, in the
first round of the Big Ten Tourna-
ment on Wednesday in Evanston,
Ill. Michigan (3-2-1 Big Ten, 9-8-1
overall) advances into the semi-
final with the victory, but more
importantly, ensures the pivotal
.500 winning percentage on the -.
season needed to earn for NCAA
Tournament eligibility.
"It's good," said Michigan
coach Chaka Daley. "I think you
obviously want to be in control
of your own destiny. I think if we
can play in the final, we'll definite-
lybe inthe (NCAA) Tournament."
Though the Wolverines outshot
the Badgers 15-8, they couldn't Redshirtsophomoregoalkeeper Adam
convert on any of their first-half season.
chances. Luckily for Michigan, off the post and into the hands of
neither could Wisconsin (1-3-2, Wisconsin's freshman goalkeep-
6-8-5). Two lackluster offenses er Chase Rau. Even with their
going up against solid, proven season at stake, the Wolverines
back lines produced a halftime couldn't capitalize on that crucial
stalemate that surprised no one. opportunity.
"I think we were maybe a little "It was very unlucky," Daley
bit nervous," Daley said. "It was a said. "I think the guys were alittle
big game and Wisconsin is great rattled. They didn't react great
defensively." but they weathered the storm and
It was evident that it would got the job done."
take a defensive breakdown of James Murphy, a freshman
some sort for either team to break forward from Witney, England,
through. In the 50th minute, the hashad a successful first season
Wolverines thought they found in Ann Arbor, leading the team in
that opportunity when a Badger shots on goal. In the 68th minute,
brought down junior forward T.J. Murphy slid one past Wisconsin
Roehn in the 18-yard box for a freshman goalkeeper Chase Rau
Michigan penalty kick. for his third goal - and third
The Wolverines' leading scor- game-winning goal - of the
er, sophomore midfielder Tyler season. At last, the Wolverines
Arnone, stepped in for the penalty snagged the lead with 20-minutes
and the chance to put Michigan left.
up 1-0. "It's always great to score in
He missed. The shot rattled any game," Murphy said. "But the


first game of the Big Ten Tourna-
ment, with our season on the line,
that made it a little bit more spe-
Redshirt sophomore goalkeep-
er Adam Grinwis held fast late to
preserve his third shutout in the
last four games and his fifth of the
season. As the scoreboard ticked
down to zero toard the end of the
match, Michigan's sideline and
fans stopped biting their finger-
nails and took that long-awaited
sigh of relief. They could breathe
The Wolverines will live
another day (or two), and with an
NCAA Tournament berth closer
than ever, the team can begin to
unwind and prepare for Friday
afternoon's semifinal matchup
against two-seed Northwestern,
who beat seven-seed Ohio State,
2-0, in their quarterfinal game on






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