8A - Thursday, November 1, 2012 '
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
8A - Thursday, November 1, 2012 INXX The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom
Shirvell to start receiving
unemployment benefits
After initial denial 17 decision by Ingham County rather than misconduct.
Judge Paula Manderfield. Shirvell said he is unclear
former assistant In August, Armstrong won to how the state will react to th
$4.5 million in a defamation Oct.17 ruling, but there is a po
attorney general to suit against Shirvell, who had sibility the Attorney General
allegedly harassed Armstrong office will appeal it.
receive funds for being openly gay on his "I'm going to say the decisit
blog "Chris Armstrong Watch," speaks for itself." Shirvell sai
By TUI RADEMAKER claiming he had a ,"radical "It's the correct decision, it
DailyStaffReporter homosexual agenda." Shirvell's right on point. You can't den
original request for unemploy- someone unemployment ber
Despite being fired for mis- ment benefits was denied due to efits because it violates the
conduct in March of this year for the fact that he was dismissed constitutional rights and in th
allegedly stalking and harass- for misconduct. case the state's denial of unen
ing former student body presi- According to Michigan ployment benefits clearly vi
dent Chris Armstrong, former Radio, Lansing Judge Paula lates my constitutional rightst
Michigan assistant attorney Manderfield granted Shirvell freedom expression."
general Andrew Shirvell will unemployment benefits, claim- The Attorney General's offic
begin receiving unemployment ing that he "was fired for con- did not return requests for cot
benefits as the result of an Oct. stitutionally protected speech" ment.
'U' begins construction of
North Campus solar panels
MERGER their markets.
He said insurance negotiations
From Page lA are driven by the number of "cov-
ered lives" a health system has,
Beaumont had been discuss- meaning that the more people
ing a merger or affiliation with a hospital serves the greater its
several different health systems, bargaining power with insurance
including UMHS, Crain's Detroit companies. This allows health
Business reported Wednesday. systems to lower their service
According to the partnership's costs.
website, employees will no lon- Because the two hospitals were
ger be considered employees of spending a significant amount
Henry Ford or Beaumont Hospi- of money in the other's markets,
tal, but will become the staff of the merger allows them to com-
the newly combined health care bine their forces and collaborate
system, though the name is not instead of compete, DeGraff said.
yet determined. "There is a political and moral
Business Prof. Jeff DeGraff reasoning behind it," DeGraff
said a merger between the two said. "I can't imagine five years
hospitals was inevitable, and the out that this cross penetration of
entities developed the collabora- markets would go anywhere."
tion to improve their ability to . Henry Ford and Beaumont
negotiate with insurance compa- executiveshave promised to avoid
nies, reduce redundant costs and big layoffs or closures due to the
eliminate the growing overlap in merging process, according to the
PORT HURON movement, the divisions between
FroPORT eURmen and women were distinct:
From Page 1A banks denied married women
credit, women began a continued
- a history professor emeritus tren of receiving subtancically
at the University of California- less pay than men and between
Davis, author and a veteran activ- 1950 and 1970 all hurricanes were
ist - gave a keynote address on named after women. She said this
Wednesday evening focused on was due to the fact that women
the Women's Liberation Move- were looked at as "chaotic" and
ment of the 1960s in commemora- undeservingofequality.
tion of the anniversary of the Port Through the movement and
Huron Statement. peaceful protests, such as sit ins
Rosen said the late 20th-centu- at libraries and coffee houses,
ry women's movement stemmed women began to enact a change
largely from the statement's ideas, in policy.
and began with men's sexual "Rape, once the subject of great
freedom and women's desire for shame, became redefined as phys-
equality. Rosen said women felt ical assault, which has very little
it was unfair that men could leave to do with lust," Rosen said. "Date
their traditional family role for a rape, for which there was plenty
life of "rotating lovers" and the of evidence but no name, opened
"pleasures of sex without the bur- up a brand new national conversa-
den," but women were required to tion."
take care of the children. She added that as the move-
"(Women) were really, really ment progressed, white women
hungry for a new world," Rosen joined forces with gay men, lesbi-
said. "Hugh Hefner began pub- ans and women of other ethnici-
lishing Playboy, which encour- ties to fight not only sexism, but
aged bachelors to enjoy a sybaritic, other civil rights issues as well.
sexual life." "Once they saw inequality, they
According to Rosen, before the saw it everywhere," Rosen said.
7(iGarden S I
Detroit Free Press. Patient access
to clinicians and their insurance
coverage plans are also expected
to remain untouched bythe merg-
However, DeGraff said it is
likely employment will be altered.
"Usually when there is a merg-
er, they always say there won't be
a loss in employment," DeGraff
said. "But there always is."
The partnership's website
states that the Beaumont-Henry
Ford entity will keep medical
education as a remaining prior-
ity and mission for the system by
continuing their independent
residency and fellowship pro-
grams. The new organization is
also expected to better coordi-
nate patient care, increase acces-
sibility, attract medical talent
and keep electronic records that
will allow for readily accessible
patient information.
In a question-and-answer
session after the event, Rosen
addressed the provocative fash-
ion choices of today's women. She
referred to the annual SlutWalk
in Ann Arbor, where women dem-
onstrate how risque clothing is
not designed to encourage uncon-
sented sexual relations.
"Although it does sometimes
bother me to see young women
going on SlutWalks, at the same
time, they are organizing and say-
ing, 'We'll do whatever we want,"'
Rosen said. "It's not what I would
want, but they are organizing and
they are saying 'We will take our
sexuality into our own hands."'
Robert Ross, a sociology pro-
fessor at Clark University, a
private liberal arts college in
Massachusetts, and a panelist for
Thursday's speech, was one of
the original drafters of the Port
Huron Statement. He agreed with
Rosen's sentiments that the state-
ment helped encourage the wom-
en's movement.
"I agree that the values and
spirit of the Port Huron Statement
set a background and a direction
from which the women's move-
ment grew," Ross said. "I think
that she's got that part of the
argument right."
LSA senior Karlie Gulley came
to the speech for an essay she's
writing for her AMCULT 301
course on politics and culture in
the United States since 1945.
"We've been reading out of a
textbook, but it's interesting,"
Gulley said. "Especially looking
around, seeing all these people
who were probably here when it
was going on."
After year of
planning, project is
Daily StaffReporter
Students soaking up the sun
this spring will be joined by new
solar panels on the grassy hills
by the North Campus Research
On Sept. 27, 2011, the Univer-
sity announced its plans to work
with DTE energy in construct-
ing solar panels outside the
NCRC. After about a year of dis-
cussions, the project has started
to become a reality when ground
was broken last week at the com-
plex near Plymouth Road.
Terrance Alexander, the
executive director of the Office
of Campus Sustainability, said
the time between the announce-
ment and construction of the
solar panels was necessary to
finalize contract negotiations
and find a suitable spot for the
According to Alexander, in
addition to ensuring a spot in
which the panels would receive
ample sun exposure, contac-
tors had to make certain that no
From Page 1A
porter of the healthcare
reforms, said with So million
uninsured Americans and ever-
increasing healthcare costs, the
preventative and wellness sys-
tems outlined in the law are
critical for why the Affordable
Care Act is necessary.
"The Affordable Care Act
seeks to address many of those
problems and is a historic first
step in reforming the health
care system," Lazarus said,
adding that 75 percent of all
healthcare costs are used to
treat chronic conditions.
Lazarus's lecture primarily
focused on the AMA's efforts to
increase the quality of health
care, lower costs to patients
and physicians and provide
better physician satisfaction.
The American Medical Associ-
ation is the largest professional
association for physicians and
medical students in the United
He also referenced the need
for medical education reform
that will train the next genera-
tion of doctors willing to meet
the complex challenges of the
current system, emphasizing
the changing ethical challeng-
es that doctors face.
"In the past, the majority
of ethical questions in medi-
cine have revolved around the
bedside," Lazarus said. "While
many of these challenges still
persist today, we are also faced
with a new set of ethical chal-
He specifically called for
greater collaborative care
and teamwork, representing
a major shift in the methods
current physicians use to treat
patients compared with previ-
ous techniques.
"In those days, it really did
make sense for physicians to
existing infrastructure would
be disturbed when the panel
supports were implanted into
the soil. He also said the Univer-
sity wanted to be sure that these
solar panels would not conflict
with any future building plans.
DTE spokesman Scott Simons
said the selected location need-
ed to be capable of supporting
installation of the panels while
also being "highly visible to the
public." He said he expects the
whole project to be completed
in about three or four months,
and reported the total amount
invested in the project as $2.2
University President Mary
Sue Coleman presented the
undertaking in 2011 as part of
the University's sustainability
goals. Coleman also announced
a $14 million University invest-
ment in sustainability projects,
which included new hybrid Uni-
versity buses.
The panels are part of DTE's
SolarCurrents project, in which
DTE purchases land from vari-
ous owners to assemble solar
panels. The contract details
that DTE has full ownership of
the equipment and the energy it
produces, and will pay the Uni-
versity a certain amount to use
land, depending on the size of
value things like autonomy,
independence and self-suffi-
ciency, but today those values
really don't suffice," Lazarus
said. "Whether it's in medi-
cal homes, accountable care
organizations, or systems like
we have here at the Univer-
sity of Michigan, collaborative
care models are the way of the
However, Lazarus recog-
nized the numerous roadblocks
in implementing this collabora-
tive system.
"In order for team-based
models to work, there needs to
be a shift in some of the fun-
damental values we have," he
said. "No one person can pro-
vide all the answers or all the
care a patient needs."
Lazarus was in Ann Arbor
to speak at the 17th annual
Waggoner Lecture, which is
named after the late Raymond
W. Waggoner, a former chair
of the University's psychiatry
Philip M. Margolis, a pro-
fessor emeritus in the Depart-
ment of Psychiatry, said the
annual lecture is intended
to highlight current ethical
issues in the medical commu-
nity and emerged as a way to
honor Waggoner, who person-
ally attended two of the lec-
tures before passing away at
the age of 98.
"(Waggoner was) very inter-
ested in ethics and values. He
was a real M.D. in the sense
that it was all of medicine he
was interested in," Margolis
Margolis, who sits on the
committee that organizes
the lecture, said Lazarus was
considered a good fit given
his background in psychia-
try, Waggoner's primary area
of focus. Margolis went on to
say that the lecture coincided
nicely with next week's elec
the solar panel array.
Alexander said the University
will benefit from DTE's solar
panels, explaining the power
purchased from DTE by the
University will now have more
alternative energy "in the mix."
DTE began SolarCurrents in
response to Michigan's Renew-
able Portfolio Standard, which
requires 10 percent of the ener-
gy conducted by any individual
energy company to be generated
from renewable sources by 2015,
according to DTE. Upon com-
pletion, these panels will have
the capacity to conduct 430 kilo-
watts of energy, Simons said.
Alexander said he hopes hav-
ing a working renewable energy
source on campus will be ben-
eficial to students working in
related fields.
University alum Justin
Moyer, a member of the Sustain-
able and Alternative Energy Stu-
dent Council, said he supports
the solar panels, adding that
renewable energy is something
the entire country should strive
to utilize.
"It seems like a good sustain-
ability effort from the Univer-
sity," Moyer said. ".. The U.S.
should be making efforts to
source electricity from renew-
"The AMA was very posi-
tive about Obamacare, so we
thought it would be kind of
fun, especially right before the
election," Margolis said.
Lazarus recognized that
in comparison to other large
health systems, the University
of Michigan Health System
has made recognizable efforts
to implement collaborative
care systems. He added that
the AMA is working on major
reforms of their health care
delivery system and its struc-
ture to allow for cooperation
between physicians, insurance
companies and patients.
"In both the public and pri-
vate sectors, there is a .con-
sensus," Lazarus said. "The
current (delivery) system no
longer meets the needs of phy-
sicians and patients in this
In regards to medical edu-
cation, Lazarus said the AMA
is working to implement more
competency-based systems,
replacing the current calen-
dar-based systems. With these
changes, students would prog-
ress through medical school
at a rate proportional to how
quickly they master certain
skills, rather than a set time
Lazarus said students could
potentially combine the fourth
year of medical school with
their first year of residency,
thus reducing the need for stu-
dent loans and extra time in
Lazarus added that the
magnitude of these goals make
them inherently long term, but
promising as a revolutionary
alteration to medical educa-
"It took us a long time to get
to the moon, and it's going to
take us a while to get to these
big goals also," Lazarus said.
"The quest to engineer a better
health care system has begun."
From Page 1A
When universities throughout
he East Coast were threatened
by Superstorm Sandy earlier this
week, many universities used
similar systems to alert their
campus communities.
The University of Pennsylva-
nia used the UPennAlert Emer-
gency Notification System to
send university-wide text mes-
sages and e-mails warning stu-
dents of the impending storm.
Similarly, Princeton Univer-
sity utilized its Princeton Tele-
phone and E-mail Notification
System to warn students of the
storm, according to the Daily
"Once severe weather begins,
travel may be extremely haz-
ardous, ill-advised or impos-
sible," an alert sent to Princeton
students stated. "High winds,
power outages, fallen trees,
downed power lines and flooding
are very possible."
Other institutions, such as
American University, used social
media websites such as Facebook
and Twitter to inform their stu-
dents of necessary precautions in
preparation for Sandy.
AU also created a resource
page for students with updates
on building closings and other
Though a hurricane will like-
ly never impact Ann Arbor, the
Emergency Alert System has
been used to prepare individu-
als for a potential tornado. In
the event of a tornado warning,
the Emergency Alert System
alerts students, faculty and staff
of the approximate time and
proximity of the tornado, and
encourages users when to find
In March, the University acti-
vated the system to warn stu-
dents of a tornado that ravaged
Dexter, Mich. Ann Arbor was
near the tornado's path. The
system sent four different mes-
sages detailing developments
regarding the storm.
Brown emphasized that the
Emergency Alert System is only
used in dire situations, which
does not include tornado watch-
es, thunderstorms, blizzards or
other forms of severe weather.
, Engineering junior Lucas
Liuzzo said he has signed up
for the alerts and appreciates
the speed at which he receives
important information for his
"In case anything happens
I would like to know quickly,"
Liuzzo said.