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November 01, 2012 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-11-01

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BURKE SUSPENDED: Michigan's point guard was suspended for Michigan's exhibition game against Northern Michigan tonight " PAGE 5A

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Diggs differ
over how to
lower tuition

Local attorney,
are Democrats
running for regent
Daily Staff Reporter
With Regents Olivia May-
nard (D-Goodrich) and S.
Martin Taylor (D-Grosse
Pointe Farms) not seeking re-
election to the University's
Board of Regents, Democrats
are hoping to retain their seats
and maintain a decisive major-
ity on the board.
Attorney Mark Bernstein
and dermatologist Shauna
Ryder Diggs are the Demo-
cratic nominees for regent.
Though they're both cam-
paigning to lower tuition
rates to lower student debt,
each candidate has different
approaches for keeping costs
Bernstein estimated that
if the cost of attendance con-
tinues to grow at the rate of
recent years, a baby born today
will have to pay more than
$300,000 for a University
degree. Still, he said the Uni-
versity must figure out how to

lower costs without relying on
state funding.
In the past decade, the
University's state appropria-
tion has fallen $108 million, a
26-percent decrease.
"Although the state should
be giving more money to
the University of Michigan
because it's a great investment
in the future of Michigan, we
can't assume that," Bernstein
said. "So all the ideas that I
propose are sovereign to the
University - we don't rely on
the state to give the University
more money."
A University alum, Bern-
stein is a partner at the Sam
Bernstein Law Firm, of which
his father is the principal. Ber-
nstein previously worked in
the Clinton White House and
he now sits on the Michigan
Civil Rights Commission.
Bernstein suggested that
the University utilize its AAA
credit rating and its borrow-
ing rate of 2.3 percent to create
"Go Blue Bonds" that would
allow students to borrow
money at a lower interest rate.
He said the average student
would save $5,000 in tuition
costs over the course of their
college careers.,
While most of the Univer-
See REGENT, Page 3A

A student carves a pumpkin in the Ambatana Lounge in South Quad Residence Hall in celebration of Halloween on Wednesday.
UMH :ollaora ion
conti-nue despit e merger,


aumont, Henry on the University of Michigan
Health System, experts say.
ord to combine Beaumont and Henry Ford
Health Systems signed a letter
operations of intent on Wednesday to com-
bine their operations into a single
By KASEY COX $6.4-billion non-profit organi-
Daily StaffReporter zation to prepare for the antici-
pated economic stress of fully
announced merger of two implementing the Affordable
utheast Michigan's largest Care Act in 2014.
icare systems Wednesday The new entity will unify
iected to have little effect executive leadership as well as

all assets, liabilities and opera-
tions by combining 10 hospitals
and 200 other patient care sites.-
According to the new partner-
ship's website, the merge is a
response to the dramatic change
and shift in the way health care
is measured, financed and sought
after as it moves toward outpa-
tient services.
The University of Michigan
Health System said in a state-
ment that it expects collabora-

tion between UMHS, Beaumont
and Henry Ford to continue
despite the merger.
The statement acknowledged
the strength of Beaumont and
Henry Ford's reputations and
added that in the past the three
hospitals have worked together
on "clinical quality improvement
projects, research studies, disas-
ter preparedness and some spe-
cialized clinical services."
See MERGER, Page 8A

of Sot
is exp

" makes
case for
Lazarus says the
ACA is the start
of big changes in
health care
Daily StaffReporter
With the public still bitterly
divided over President Barack
Obama's health care reforms, a
small audience in the Univer-
sity's Ford Auditorium gath-
ered to hear Jeremy Lazarus,
the president of the American
Medical Association discuss the
future of the Affordable Care
Lazarus, an emphatic sup-
See REFORM. Page 8A

University Police
urge participation in
advance of emergency
alert system test

Ruth Rosen, who helped draft The Port Huron Statement, discusses women's rights on Wednesday,
Port Huron conference
starts with focus on women

Only 33 percent of
campus signed up
for notifications
For theDaily
University Police want your
phone number, but don't worry
- you're not in trouble.
On Friday, the University
will conduct a test of the Uni-
versity's Emergency Alert sys-
tem, which is designed to notify
students, faculty and staff of
emergencies on campus via text
message, phone call or e-mail.
Before Friday's test, public
safety officials are encouraging
individuals to register for the
The system warns of sig-
nificant emergencies, including
tornado warnings, hazardous
material spills, bomb threats
and active shooters on campus.
The University automati-
cally registers all fatulty, staff
and student University e-mail

addresses for e-mail alerts.
Individuals are encouraged to
sign up for voice and text mes-
sage notifications so they are
immediately informed of emer-
gencies even without e-mail
Despite the importance of
the EAS, only 33 percent of the
student body, or 17,000 stu-
dents, are registered for alerts
beyond e-mail, DPS spokes-
woman Diane Brown said.
Additionally, only 37 percent
of faculty and staff, or 26,000
people, are registered for text
and voice alerts.
To receive the alerts, stu-
dents, faculty and staff should
visit the Wolverine Access
website and click on "U-M
Emergency Alerts." In order
to be included in Friday's test,
individuals must be registered
in the system by no later than 7
p.m. Thursdayevening.
Brown particularly pushed
text and voice alert registration
as they are the most immedi-
ate response methods in case of

Rosen discusses
activism in the
women's movement
Daily StaffReporter
While some students donned
1960s garb for Halloween cos-
tumes Wednesday night, the

acvitism of the decade was
brought to life by key individu-
als in social movements that
shaped American policy in com-
meration of the 50th anniversa-
ry of the Port Huron Statement.
The Port Huron Statement,
published by Students for a
Democratic Society, a 1960s
student activist group, in 1962
in Port Huron, Mich., was a
70-page statement designed to
encourage student participation

in social reform and distributed
to aboutb60,000individuals dur-
ing the Vietnam War. The group
was led by Tom Hayden, a Uni-
versity alum and former editor
in chief of The Michigan Daily,
and spurred activism around
the country.
As part of the three-day
event, titled "A New Insurgen-
cy: The Port Huron Statement in
its Time and Ours," Ruth Rosen


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INDEX NEWS............. .........2A SPORTS...................A
Vol. CXXIII, No. 37 AP NEWS ...................3 A CLASSIFIEDS.A..............6A
©20t2TheMichiganDaily OPINION.....................4A THE B-SIDE..................18

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