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October 25, 2012 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-10-25

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2A -'Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

9hcft idhipan Oddu
420 Maynard St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327
Editor in Chief usiness Manager
734-41e-4115 eat. 1252 734-41e-4115 eat. 1241
lichterman@michigandaily.com rmgrein@michigandailyecom



West Coast meets Midwest

What topics do you teach? WI
War, Violence and Human
Rights for International Stud-
ies. I real
the pe
Where did you get your coming
doctoral degree? compar
a vibrar
UC Berkeley. ties goi:
How long have you been grounds
I just came to Michigan in dents,
August. I taught a couple of
years before as a graduate stu- I tea
dent instructor and an add-on student
faculty at the University of San might s
Francisco. then ha
After hours Miss
hijinx infori
Arboretum Medical C
WHEN: Wednesday at WHEN:
about 12:35 a.m. 5:25 p.m.
WHAT: Police found and WHAT:F
warned two subjects for tant's rec
being in the park after its was foun
closing time and were told Universit
to leave. Some of t
MIP time Love
WHERE: Oxford Housing WHERE:
WHEN: Tuesday at about tommons
10:15 p.m. WHEN:1
WHAT: Two underage 1:40 p.m.
students were reported by WHAT: A
another student and found were foun
in possession of alcohol, women's 1
University Police reported. receiveda
The students were arrested Universit3
then released. They then

hy did you choose to
a position at the Uni-
lly liked Ann Arbor and
ople were really wel-
. The student size was
able to Berkeley and it's
nt campus with activi-
ng even in the midst of
And the different back-
s of the people.
do you keep your stu-
engaged in learning?
ch a class that has 30
s, so it's a tricky size. I
tart off with lecturing,
ve them do group work

and discussion. I have them
talk not only in large groups as
a class, but also in small groups.
Sometimes I have them do
debates for variety. I also incor-
porate different media - film,
music, art, visual arts are good.
What do you do outside of
the classroom for fun?
Well, I'm just getting
acquainted with Ann Arbor
and sort of enjoyingthe cultur-
al events, like the theater, going
for walks and sort of exploring
the neighborhood.

734-418-41S5 opt.3
Arts Section
Sports Section
Display Sales
Online Sales

News Tips
Letters to the Editor
Editorial Page
Photography Section
Classitied Sales

Students and children pet University employee Justin Tesmer's
4-year-old, 9.5-foot Columbia Red Tail Boa on the Diag

Assault policy Peace Corps
conference seminar

1500 East
Tuesday at about
A research assis-
ord of a lab's drug
d to be fabricated,
y Police reported.
he drugs are
in the loo
Tuesday at about
A female and male
id indecent in a
bathroom and
a verbal warning,
y Police reported.
n left.

WHAT: A two-day sym-
posium on the University's
official stance on sexual
misconduct featuring Uni-
versity and law enforcement
WHO: Center for the Edu-
cation of Women
WHEN: Today from 8:00
a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
WHERE: North Campus
Research Complex, Build-
ing 18

WHAT: Workshop in which
veteran Peace Corps volun-
teers will speak to students
on the opportunities for
future careers and benefits,
of participating in the inter-
nationally recognized orga-
WHO: International Career
Pathways Committee
WHEN: Today 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: International
Center, Room 9.

Psy, a SouthKorean pop
artist made famous by
his single, "Gangnam
Style" visited the UN
headquarters in New
York Tuesday, BBC reported.
The singer taught UN secre-
tary-general Ban Ki-moon his
signature dance moves.
Local metallurgy shop
METAL prides itself on
eco-friendly artwork
in addition to hosting
performances by poets One
Pause Poetry.> FOR MORE, SEE
3 A new species of fern
has been named after
pop star Lady Gaga, The
Rolling Stone reported. Duke
botanists classified the plants
Gaga germanotta and Gaga
monstraparva Wednesday for
their individual and unique
sexual characteristics.

Andrew Weiner Managing Editor anweiner@michigandaiy.com
Bethany Biron Managing News Editor biron@michigandailycom
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Stephe" Nesbitt MaeagingSyorts" dior nrsbitt@mhhigandaily.cor
SENIOR SP 5O I ORvrtt Cook,OBenOEstesOZahOHelfandLukePasch,
Neal Rothschild, Matt Slovin
ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITORS: Steven Braid, MichaelLaurila, Matt Spelich,
ColleenThomas,,Liz Vukelich,DanielWasserman
Leah Burgin ManagingArts Editor Burgin@michigandaily.com
SENIOR ARTS EDITORS: Elliot Alpern,David Tao, Kayla Upadhyaya
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Anna Sadovskaya, Chloe Stachowiak
Erin tirkland ard photo@m~ichigandaily.com,
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DEPUTY MAGAZINE ErITORZach Bergson, Kaidin Williams
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Ashley Karadsheh Associate Business Manager
SeanJackson sales Manager
Sophie Greenbaum Production Manager
Connor Ryrd Financee Manager
Meryl Hultenr ationlAccount Manager
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is publshed Monday through Friday during the fall and
winter terms by students at the University of Michigan. One copy is available free of charge
fail term, starting in September, via U.s.Omal are $110. inter term (January through Aprilis
$115, yearlong (September through Aprillis $195. University affiliates aresubject to a reduced
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press.


r rAn article in the
WHAT: Forum for students Oct.24 edition of the
with an interest in a career Michigan Daily ("The
or internship in the field of Michigan Daily's Ann
Psychology. Arbor Housing Guide")
WHO: The Career Center misstated Washington
WHEN: Today from 11:00 Dairy's location. It is in
a.m. to 1 p.m. the Main Street area, not
WHERE: East Hall, Psych the Kerrytrwetarea
Atriumthe Kerrtown area.

Kennedy cousin denied
parole in 1975 Conn. slaying parle0

Pleaded innocent at
appeal hearing on
golf club attack
SUFFIELD, Conn. (AP) -
Imprisoned Kennedy cousin
Michael Skakel lost a bid for free-
dom on Wednesday, turned down
at his first parole hearing since
he was convicted a decade ago
of beating his teenage neighbor
to death with a golf club and told
he would not be eligible again to
be considered for release for five
DO ,

Skakel, who proclaimed his
innocence at the hearing, nod-
ded, grimaced and patted his
attorney on the back as he was
led away after the three-person
state parole board announced the
unanimous decision.
Skakel, a nephew of Ethel Ken-
nedy, the widow of Robert F. Ken-
nedy, was convicted in 2002 of
fatally beating Martha Moxley
in Greenwich in 1975, when they
were 15. He is serving 20 years to
life in prison.
The decision was the latest


setback for Skakel, who has lost
appeals challenging his convic-
tion. Skakel, whose case has long
drawn national attention, has
another appeal challenging the
work and competency of his trial
attorney coming up for trial in
the spring. Skakel claims the trial
attorney had financial problems
and didn't devote enough money
to prepare the case, but the attor-
ney insists he did everything he
could to keep Skakel from being
The denial of parole came after
Skakel's supporters, including
his cousin Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,
sent letters to the parole board
describinghim as a model inmate
who has touched many lives in a
positive way with his artwork and
by helping recovering alcoholics
and teaching English as a second
language to prisoners. The sup-
purters also say hers been devuted
tu his sun despite being in prisun.
At the hearing at McDougall-
Walker Correctional Institution
in Suffield, Skakel spoke slowly
and softly, saying: "I did not com-
mit this crime."
In attendance was the victim's
mother, Dorthy Moxley, who said
losing a child is the worst thing in
the world and Skakel should serve
at least 20 years.
"Martha, my baby, will never
have a life," she said, her voice
Skakel told the parole board
he prays every day that whoever
committed the crime is brought
to justice but he is the wrong man.
He said his best chance to win
parole was to admit guilt.
"If I could ease Mrs. Moxley's
pain in any way, manner, shape or
form I would take responsibility
all daylongforthis crime,"Skakel
But, he added, "I cannot bear
false witness against myself."
The 52-year-old Skakel, with
gray, thinning hair, wore a tan
prison jumpsuit to the hearing. To
support his claims of innocence,
he told ofhowhe became sober.
"I pose to you: How can a guilty
man stay sober for 30 years with
that kind of guilton his mind?" he

BBC Director General George Entwistle, center, leaves Portcullis House in London aftergiving evidence to the Parliament Select Committeeon
theJimmy Savile case,Tuesday,Oct. 23, 2012.
NYT defends incoming
chief amid sexual assault


Former CEO under
suspicion of having
prior knowledge of
employee's abuses
LONDON (AP) - The New
York Times stood by its incom-
ing chief Wednesday, even as
questions about a BBC child
sex abuse scandal followed
him from one of Britain's most
respected news organizations
to one of America's..
But as new CEO Mark
Thompson was getting support
from his new bosses, the Times
ombudsman questioned his fit-
ness for the job.
And in Britain, a lawmaker
said he had more questions for
As Thompson prepares to
take over as president of The
New York Times next month,
he has been put on the defensive
about his final days as head of
the BBC and the broadcaster's
decision to kill what would have
been a bombshell investigative
story alleging the late Jimmy
Savile, one of its biggest stars,

had sexually abused up to 200
In a letter to a lawmaker and
an interview with the Times,
Thompson said he never knew
of the Savile story before it was
spiked and had never met the
network's popular star.
New York Times Co. spokes-
man Bob Christie said Wednes-
day that the BBC scandal had
"obviously been a topic that
we've discussed" internally, but
the Times was satisfied with
Thompson's answers.
"Mark has done an excellent
job of explaining the matter,"
Christie said. Thompson said
he played no role in spiking the
BBC investigation and "we're
satisfied with that."
Thompson will start as the
organization's CEO on Nov. 12,
Christie said.
The BBC scandal has hor-
rified Britain with revelations
that Savile, a popular children's
television presenter, cajoled and
coerced vulnerable teens into
having sex with him in his car,
in his camper van, and even in
dingy dressing rooms on BBC
premises. He is also accused
of sexually assaulting disabled

children at hospitals that he
helped by raising charity funds.
Police say there couldbe more
than 200 victims, leading one
child protection charity to say
that Savile could rank among
Britain's most prolific child sex
The BBC said Tuesday it was
looking into claims of sexual
abuse and harassment against
nine other current and former
employees and contributors.
As increasing numbers of
BBC executives come under
the microscope over what they
knew about Savile - and why
the posthuious expose about
his sexual crimes was shelved
- Thompson, 55, the BBC direc-
tor-general from 2004 until last
month, is being quizzed about
his role as well.
In a letter to Conservative
lawmaker Rob Wilson, Thomp-
son said he never met Savile or
worked on any of the entertain-
er's programs, and had never
heard any rumored stories
about Savile's interest in young 4
"If I had, I would have raised
them with senior colleagues and
contacted the police," he said.

4 n

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