2 Tuesday, October 23, 2012
The Michigan. Daily - michigandaily.com
2 - Tuesday, October 23, 2012 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom *
In Other IvoryTo s i e . Profe Profiles C pus Clubs Photos of the Week
Female hygiene classes
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75 years ago this week
(October 29, 1937): Dr. Mar-
garet Bell, then-director of
physical education for women
and women's medical adviser
at University Health Services,
announced the revision of the
University's required women's
hygiene lectures, The Michigan
Daily reported.
According to Bell, the oppor-
tunity to take an exemption
examination in order to receive
credit for the requirement
would be given to all freshmen
women, transfers and upper-
classmen who still had yet to
attend the lectures.
line six-lecture series, a
part of the physical education
requirement for all women,
would also be moved to fresh-
men women's second semester
schedules after they had better
adjusted to the University, the
Daily reported.
50 years ago this week
(October 27, 1962): An unfor-
tunate mixture of a snowstorm
and a truck accident prevented
the intercollegiate homecom-
ing elephant race againstAdams
State College, the University of
Illinois, the University of Wash-
ington and Orange State Col-
lege, the Daily reported.
After arriving five hours late
from their journey from Indi-
ana due to eight inches of snow
on the road, the elephants ran
two races at the University for
the intracollegiate race. The
kitchen crew of the Sigma Delta
Tau sorority was named the vic-
tor amongsix housing groups on
campus when their entry ele-
phant, Stew, won the first race
and the run-off between the
winners of the second race.
The Daily reported the inter-
collegiate race was canceled
"due to cold and darkness," and
subsequently could not be held
the following day as there was
no place for the elephants to
spend the night on campus, the
Daily reported.
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Art and Design/LSA senior Alana Hoey Studies in the
hallway of the Penny W. Stamps Art and Design building.
I didn't see it Fake moolah The reality of Wallenberg
WHERE: 350 Division WHERE: East Medical magic talk lecture
Street Center
WHEN: Friday at about WHEN: Monday at about WHAT: Well-known author WHAT: Environment
2:50 p.m. 6:25 p.m. and evolutionary biologist activist Maria Gunnoe
WHAT: A Department WHAT: A subject Richard Dawkins will speak receive the University
of Public Safety vehicle unknowingly attempted to about his new book in a lec- Raoul Wallenberg Me
struck a parking lot post use a counterfeit $50 bill ture entitled "The Magic of given annually to some
resulting in a det to the at the cafeteria, University Reality." - who demostrates great
front bumber of the vehicle, Police reported. She said WHO: Museum of Natural courage.
University Police reported. she got the note at a garage History Exhibit WHO: Rackham Grad
There were no injuries. sale in May. The bill was WHEN: Today at 4 p.m. School
confiscated. WHERE: Michigan The- WHEN: Tonight at 7:3
A Smurf? Girls just want aterWHERE:Rakham
to have funu
WHERE: Swhnn lof
The San Francisco Giants
beat the St. Louis Cardi-
nals, 9-0, on Monday
night to advance to the World
Series, ESPN.com reported.
The Giants will play the
Detroit Tigers starting on
Wednesday in San Francisco.
Women make up 52
percent of voters, presi-
dential canidates need
to stop approaching women's
issues as a minority problem
and more of a society prob-
A cow, presumably
headed to its death,
left its trailer while it
was in tow on Highway 3 in
Kitsap, Wash., the Kitsap Sun
reported. The cow was eating
the grass in the median when
the police arrived to round it
up. Traffic jams resulted until
the cow was caught.
AndreW Weiner ManagingEditor anweiner@michigandaity.com
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SENIOR SPORTS EDITORS:Everett Cook, Ben Estes, Zach Helfand, Luke Pasch,
Neal Rothschild,MattSlovin
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Colleen Thomas, Liz Vukelich, Daniel Wasserman
Leah Burgin Managing Arts Editor burgin@michigandaity.om
SENIOR ARTS EDITORS: ElliotAlpern, David Tao,Kayla Upadhyaya
ASSISTANT ARTS EDITORS: Jacob Axelrad, Laren Caserta, Matt Easton, Kelly Etz,
AaaSadovskaya,ChloeStachowiak -
Erin Kirklandand photo@michigandaity.com
Alden Reiss Managing Photo Editors
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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and
winter terms by students at the University of Michigan. One copy is available free of charge
to all readers. Additional copies may be picked up at the Daily's office for $2. Subscriptions for
fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are $110. Winter term (January through April) is
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subscription rate. On-campus subscriptions for fall term are$35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
The Michigan Daiy is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press.
WHEN: Monday at about
1:20 a.m.
WIHAT: A hospital security
officer found a blue powder
ott the floor near two
rooms, University Police
reported. The substance
was determined to be soap
WHERE: Martha Cook
Residence Hall
WHEN: Monday around
10:20 p.m.
WHAT: Housing Security
notice a substance,
University Police reported.
Incident will be handled
internally by staff.
Library yoga
WHAT: Make sure to bring
your own mat and enjoy
this free, all-levels class to
stretch, breathe and reduce
WHO: Shapiro Undergrad-
uate Library
WHEN: Today at noon
WHERE: Shapiro
Undergraduate Library,
room 2160
Race relations
WHAT: History Prof.
Matthew Countryman will
give a lecture discussing
race relations in the North.
It leads up to the Port
Huron Statement confernce.
WHO: Port Huron 50
WHEN: Today at 4p.m.
WHERE: Tisch Hall, room
Violence in Syria'S civil war
spills into Jordan, Lebanon
Clashes at borders military said the soldier was
killed in a shootout with a group
bring other of eight suspected militants
t . armed with pistols and machine-
Cuns. Jordanian guns. Jordanian troops detained
dispute the suspected gunmen and
authorities are questioning them,
the statement said.
BEIRUT (AP) - A Jordanian In Washington, State Depart-
soldier was killed in clashes with ment spokesman Mark Toner
armed militants trying to cross blamed Syria, saying "the onus for
the border into Syria on Monday this kind of violence rests square-
and sectarian clashes overnight ly on the Assad regime."
in Lebanon left four dead as Syr- A number of foreign Islamists
ia's civil war spilled into neigh- have been fighting in Syria along-
boring countries. side the rebels, Jordan's banned
Jordanian Information Min- Salafi movement - which pro-
ister Sameeh Maaytah said the motes an ultraconservative brand
soldier was the first member of of Islam - has sent several fight-
the country's military to be killed ers to Syria in past months and
in violence related to Syria's civil Jordanian border patrols have
war. He died in clashes with mili- caught some of them recently.
tants tr yingto illegally enter Syria In Lebanon, troops launched
to join rebels fighting President a major security operation to
Bashar Assad's regime. Maaytah open all roads and force gunmen
did not say whether the militants off the streets, trying to contain
were Jordanians or foreign fight- an outburst of violence set off by
ers trying to jump into the fray in the assassination of a top intelli-
the neighboring country. gence official who was a power-
A statement by the Jordanian ful opponent of Syria. Sectarian
clashes overnight killed at least
two people.
Sporadic cracks of gunfire
could be heard in the Lebanese
capital as troops began the opera-
tion a day after the funeral for the
slain official, Brig. Gen. Wissam
Opponents of Syria have
blamed the regime in Damas-
cus for the al-Hassan's killing
in a Beirut car bomb on Friday.
With Lebanon already tense and
deeply divided over the civil war
next door, the assassination has
threatened to drag the country
back into the kind of sectarian
strife that plagued it for decades
- much of it linked to Syria.
In the Lebanese capital, sol-
diers backed by armored personal
carriers with heavy machine
guns took up position on major
thoroughfares and dismantled
roadblocks. At times, troops
exchanged gunfire with Sunni
Al-Hassan was a Sunni who
challenged Syria and its pow-
erful Lebanese ally, the Shiite
militant group Hezbollah. The
uprising in Syria is dominated
by the Sunni majority fighting
Syrian President Bashar Assad,
who like many in his regime is a
member of the Alawite sect - an
offshoot of Shiite Islam. Lebanon
and Syria share similar sectarian
divides that have fed tensions in
both countries.
Most of Lebanon's Sunnis have
backed Syria's mainly Sunni reb-
els, while Lebanese Shiites tend
to back Assad.
The assassination has imper-
iled Lebanon's fragile political
balance. Many politicians blamed
Damascus for the killing and
angry protesters tried to storm
the government palace after
al-Hassan's funeral on Sunday,
venting their rage at leaders they
consider puppets of a murderous
Syrian regime. But were pushed
back by troops who opened fire in
the air and lobbed volleys of tear
Meanwhile, cease-fire efforts
by U.N. and Arab League envoy to
Syria Lakhdar Brahimi appeared
to be faltering.
Robert Champion, Sr, left, Pam Champion, center, and attorney Chris Chestnut, speak aftera sentencing hearing fon
Brian Jones, the first ofa dozen defendants to be sentenced in last year's hazing death of Florida A&M drum major Rob-
ert Champion, Jr.
First of 12 defendants sentenced in
FAMU drum major hazing lawsuit
First defendant
played minimal role
in incident
ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) - The
first of a dozen defendants to be
sentenced in last year's hazing
.death of a Florida A&M drum
major avoided jail time when he
received his punishment Mon-
day, but he will spend more than
two years under close supervi-
Brian Jones was given six
months of community control,
which strictly limits his free-
dom with measures including
frequent check-ins with proba-
tion officials. Following that, the
23-year-old from Parrish, Fla.,
will serve another two years of
probation. He's also required to
perform 200 hours of commu-
nity service.
Judge Marc Lubet said Jones's
role in the hazing death of Robert
Champion was relatively mini-
mal and that Jones did not beat
or hit Champion. Champion died
last November after being beaten
by fellow band members dur-
ing a hazing ritual aboard a bus
parked outside an Orlando hotel
after a football game.
"This young man's part in
this horrible act ... as compared
with many others from what I've
seen is minimal," Lubet said. "It
was an isolated incident in this
man's life for which he's shown
Defense attorney Alisia
Adamson noted that only two
of the 90 witnesses even said he
was on the bus.
Eleven other band members
are awaiting trial on felony haz-
ing charges, while another band
member faces a misdemeanor
hazing count.
Jones had entered ano-contest
plea Oct. 9 to the third-degree
felony hazing charge after ini-
tially pleading not guilty. The
maximum penalty for the charge
was five years in prison.
Champion's parents 'and
friends say the drum major was
a vocal opponent of hazing, but
finally relented last November
and got aboard "Bus C," which
was known for hazing.
Pam and Robert Champion Sr.
both attended Monday's sentenc-
Speaking directly to Jones,
Pam Champion challenged the
idea that his role had been minor,
saying: "You and I know that's
not true. You played a critical
She carried a picture of Cham-
pion with her to the podium
before she spoke.
"You won't be able to put it out
if your mind...It will haunt you,"
she told Jones.
Jones said in a recorded
audio statement with investiga-
tors that he was on the bus when
another hazing victim - Lis-
sette Sanchez - went through
the ritual. But Jones told police
that he only retrieved his light-
er and left to smoke, getting off
the bus before Champion got
The defendant's mother, Jac-
queline Jones, told the court
that her son was an honest per-
son and that "he shared with me
he had nothing to do with it"
Brian Jones tearfully apolo-
gized to the Champion family
in court.
"No family should have to
go through what you've gone
through," he said.
After the sentencing, Pam
Champion said she gave Jones
credit for "taking responsibil-
ity" in the case.
"Initially my reaction was
disappointment, but I do under-
stand," she said. "The mere fact
that Brian stepped up and took
the initiative, which should be
what everyone does ... is basi-
cally what we're looking for.
The whole thing is people being
accountable for what they have